Muhammad Tanvir Afzal
Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media, Graz University of Technology
Infelldgasse 16c, 8010 Graz, Austria
Keywords: Personalized search, Links into the future, Information supply, Digital journals.
Abstract: Current search engines require the explicit specification of queries in retrieving related materials. Based on
personalized information acquired over time, such retrieval systems aggregate or approximate the intent of
users. In this case, an aggregated user profile is often constructed, with minimal application of context-
specific information. This paper describes the design and realization of the idea of ‘Links into the Future’
for discovering related documents from the Web, within the context of an electronic journal. The
information captured based on an individual’s current activity is applied for discovering relevant
information along a temporal domain. This information is further pushed directly to the users’ local
contexts. This paper as such presents a framework for the characterization and discovery of highly relevant
As the number of electronic publications expands,
acquiring relevant information to suit particular user
needs becomes a major challenge. The searching for
related or relevant material has to duly consider the
task at hand. This research then focuses on the
identification of relevant documents within a
scholarly publishing environment. As opposed to the
retrieval of a million hits as provided by generic
search engines, we explore the direct provision of
relevant information only.
A related document could mean different things
to different people; e.g. it could be a paper written in
the same area, one written by the same author, or
merely taking about the same research problem. We
use the term ‘Links into the Future’ in this paper to
describe the discovery of related papers based on the
information compiled from a user context while
reading a paper within an electronic journal.
For a reader of an electronic journal, ‘Links into
the Future’ refers to potentially useful papers to the
one that he or she is reading. This idea was
originally proposed by Hermann Maurer in a
presentation entitled “Beyond Digital Libraries” at
the “Global Digital Library Development in the New
Millennium” in Beijing, China (Maurer, 2001) and
was subsequently partially realized (Krottmaier,
2003). In this paper, we consider a paper written by
the same author or team of authors at a later time
(then the current paper) to be related and useful,
particularly if it was also in the same area of
expertise. At the same time, any paper that cited this
paper is also considered related and relevant.
A person reading a paper published in 1995 may
not directly know if the same author has published a
newer paper in year 2000 in the same area or if
anyone has cited this paper. Well, this reader can of
course, search the Web to look for similar papers. In
this case, the reader may then loose the original
context, and also get distracted by the millions of
hits from global search engines. There are also times
when particular related items may not be found as
the formulation of exact query terms can in itself be
a challenge.
Alternatively, the reader has an option to explore
citation indices such as CiteSeer
to search for related papers. This will also
require a deliberate effort on the part of the reader.
Additionally, results from multiple sources of
information will then need to be compiled and
The implementation of such a feature within the
context of the Journal of Universal Computer
Afzal M.
DOI: 10.5220/0001821701230129
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Science (J.UCS)
was described in (Afzal,
Kulathuramaiyer & Maurer, 2007). This paper then
explores the extension of ‘links into the future’ for
papers published beyond the closed database of
J.UCS. The discovery of related links within a
closed database has only partially addressed user
concerns, in providing starting points for further
exploration. By extending the notion of links into the
future to also cover relevant papers from the Web, a
more comprehensive solution can be obtained. The
links discovered as such will also be more reflective
of the state-of-the-art in this field.
J.UCS, an electronic journal covering all areas of
Computer Science with more than 1,200 peer
reviewed research contributions, serves as an
excellent platform for the discovery of related papers
on the Web. Papers within J.UCS are categorized
and tagged according to the ACM categories
. A
number of additional categories have been recently
added to J.UCS to reflect the development in
Computer Science discipline. These extended
categories would be referred to as topics in the rest
of the paper.
A future link from paper “a” to paper “b”
(Future_Link (a,b)) exists, if a semantic relationship
can be established between them. For example: if
paper “b” is written by the same team of authors of
paper “a” and the topics of both papers are similar,
then paper ‘b’ is considered to be related to paper
‘a’. Alternatively if there exists a citation from paper
b to a, there is a highly likely relationship. Current
systems tend to perform similarity matches without
considering semantic similarity, based on the task
characteristics. The equation 1 describes the
definition of “Links into the Future”.
(Authors (b) € Authors (a)
Topics (b) € Topics
Citation (b, a) Future_Link (a, b) (1)
Most related work explores the servicing of users
within a present-context, making use of limited
information, captured in-vivo. Our work, on the
other hand, describes the augmentation and
annotation of documents created in the past with
information that became available later. In this way,
a research paper is not seen as a static document, but
rather one that is constantly updated and kept up-to-
date with relevant links.
A number of past studies make use of user’s
context and activity to provide them the most
relevant information. For example, typical search
engines return relevant results based on the small
amount of information from user queries and a
measure of web site popularity, rather than
considering individual user interest and context
(Speretta & Gauch, 2005). Spretta & Gauch
employed user profiles based on user queries, search
activities and the snippets of each examined result to
refine search result rankings. With this context
specific ranking of search results, an improvement
of 34% in the rank order has been obtained
Rhodes and Maes (Rhodes & Maes, 2000)
described a new class of software agents called Just-
in-Time Information Retrieval Agents (JITIRs),
which has an ability to proactively present
potentially valuable information based on a person’s
local context in a non-intrusive manner.
Another related work pushes the most relevant
Web URLs based on the user activity and context.
User context is determined by examining active
personal desktop documents (Chirita, Firan & Nejdl,
2006). Similarly by observing user activity and
context while reading a particular article, our notion
of ‘Links into the Future’ presents the most related
papers of the same team of authors within a local
context. This paper discus how this concept can be
extended to the WWW as a mechanism for
contextual information supply for academic
publications along a temporal dimension.
Existing approaches for finding related papers
uses citation analysis, text similarity, bibliographic
analysis and context based relatedness. For example,
CiteSeer has employed three methods for finding
related papers a) word vectors b) string distance c)
and citations (Giles, Bollacker & Lawrence, 1998).
PubMed (PubMed, 2008) on the other hand
computes the relatedness between two papers using
text-based similarities between paper titles,
abstracts, and assigned MeSH terms (“Medical
Subject Headings”, 2008). For the focused paper,
PubMed provides a list of related papers according
to their relatedness scores.
Ratprasartporn (Ratprasartporn & Ozsoyoglu,
2007) have made use of context (topics) of research
publications to determine the related papers. An
ontology consisting of terms were utilized as a
context of publications. A publication is assigned to
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
one or more contexts with the context represents the
publication topics.
Digital libraries are traditionally built largely by
a massive human effort. Example of these include
INSPEC for engineering, PubMed for medicine and
DBLP for Computer Science. Alternatively
automated approaches are being employed to
construct large citation indices. Examples of these
efforts include CiteSeer and Google Scholar. The
limitations of these automatic approaches are that
human effort is often required in verifying entries in
the index. Fully automated techniques have
problems in disambiguating entries while traditional
constructed digital libraries are limited in their
number of scientific publication.
Google Scholar has mistakenly identified name
of places as authors of scientific publications
(Postellon, 2008). Although Google Scholar has
improved gradually, it continues to find citations
backward in time (Jacsó, 2008). Their index covers a
large collection of peer-reviewed papers (Google
Scholar, 2008). It however also considers false
positive citations like citations to press releases,
resumes, and links to bibliographic records for
cookbooks (Price, 2004). CiteSeer claims that 80%
of the publications titles can be extracted accurately
while their word and phrase matching algorithm
further has an error margin of 7.7% (Giles,
Bollacker & Lawrence, 1998).
Our system is fully automated in extracting
papers from the Web and from citations. It also
computes a conceptually enhanced similarity score
between a source paper and candidate future papers.
The APIs for Google
, Yahoo
and MSN Live
used for the experiments
. The identification of
future links from the web includes the following
steps: query formulation, removing duplicates,
filtering papers only, similarity algorithm and
determining future links. The description of each is
shown in Figure 1.
4.1 Link Extraction
When querying a search engine, the formulation of
The SOAP based search API has been used since Dec 5, 2006
with permission.
query terms strongly affects the results. SOAP APIs
have been used by our Web search service to seek
Web documents. In performing a search it was found
that the use of all available semantic information
was able to narrow down search space significantly.
The effects of query formulation and choice of query
terms is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Query Formulation.
4.2 Removing Duplicates
As a further pre-processing step, duplicates are
filtered reducing the results by more than 50%.
Documents are then downloaded in parallel into java
threads. The importance of removing duplicates is
shown in Table 2.
4.3 Identifying Research Papers
Even by specifying document formats to be either
PDF, Doc or PS and also explicitly querying with
formulated query terms, the retrieved documents
also contains:
I. Theses supervised by the author.
II. Curriculum Vitae, Home page and Business
cards of the author.
III. Conference programmes where the author’s
name was mentioned.
IV. Documents edited by the author.
V. Presentation files
VI. The author’s publication list.
VII. The author may be listed in the reference
entries or in the acknowledgement section of
a research paper.
As we are only interested in actual research papers at
this point, a further filtering step was performed.
This process is important in potentially automating
the discovery of Web-pages and publication lists.
Query Google Hits Yahoo Hits
Live Hits
1,68,000 1,260,000 4,48,000
25,600 92,800 27,000
918 1,720 446
193 775 114
Figure 1: Rules for finding candidate future links from the Web.
Docments in PS and doc file formats are first
converted to PDF using MiKTeX
and Openoffice
respectively. Then pdfbox
, a java library is
used to convert PDF to plain text for further
A heuristic approach is applied in the actual
identification of research papers. The heuristic used
are as follows:
1. Title of the paper followed by author name and
abstract should exist in the same page. (need not be
in the first page). Authors’ full name is then
searched to disambiguate author names.
2. Word “reference” or “references” is found
followed by proper sequence starting with one of the
them “[author]”, “[1]”, “1” and ().
Documents that were classified as research papers is
shown in Table2 for selected authors.
4.4 Similarity Algorithm for Checking
that Papers are in the Same Area
When we considered links into the Future for the
articles published in Journal of Universal Computer
Science only, the former implementation was
straightforward. All articles are categorized
according to ACM topics and metadata is already
available. But when we locate papers from the Web,
documents are not categorized according to the
ACM topics and metadata cannot be expected to be
found. We then performed similarity detection to
automatically discover topics of documents.
We measured similarity by taking dot product of
vectors from the source and the candidate paper. The
results were, however, not satisfactory due to the
following reasons: 1) Author’s writing style was
usually the same in his/her set of documents. A
similar use of common terms produced impression
of there being a larger similarity between documents
2) Paper’s headers share the similar text such as
author name, affiliation etc 3) The Reference List at
the end of both documents make use of similar text.
To overcome these problems, we pre-processed
the text removing the paper’s header (section before
abstract) and the reference section of the paper to
focus only on the original text. We performed Yahoo
Term Extraction
to extract key terms. This
extraction scheme has been used in the number of
past studies for extracting facet terms (Dakka, Dayal
& Ipeirotis, 2006) (Dakka & Ipeirotis, 2008) and
building expertise profile (Aleman-Meza, Decker,
Cameron, & Arpinar, 2007). In our case, the results
from Yahoo Term Extraction was seen to be not
convincing until we removed the header and the
references sections. The similarity measured on
these terms was able to filter the most relevant
papers as can be seen in Table 2 and Figure 4. For
example, in Table 2, for the author “Vadim Bulitko”,
the relevant papers are only 3 out of 17 unique
candidate papers found by the paper classification
module. The manual inspection revealed that these
three were the only papers in the same area.
4.5 Determining Future Links
A paper published later is considered a link into the
future for a paper if it is also written by the same
team of authors and is content wise in a similar area
or cites the previously written paper.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Links into the Future results for selected authors.
Papers determined to be relevant from multiple
sources are then compiled and consolidated as
annotations to each paper residing on the J.UCS
We have extracted all citations from papers
published in J.UCS. These were 15,000 in number
and links were created in the papers that have cited
the J.UCS papers (Afzal, 2008). After extraction of
future links for the focused paper, the future link
ontology (Afzal & Abulaish, 2007) is updated (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2: Future link ontology.
Figure 3 represents an example of a source paper
and its candidate future papers. All of these
candidates are acquired from Web by using SOAP
APIs as discussed earlier. Candidates “C1, C2, C7,
C11, C18” were published in J.UCS. The remaining
18 papers were published outside J.UCS. Figure 3
has been created by using “Graphviz” toolkit. The
link distance between source “S
” and candidate
” node is inversely proportional to the term
similarity. The figure is further annotated using key
terms from the associated papers. Based on the
visual representation it is possible to manually
ascertain a threshold for candidate papers that
belong to the same area. Threshold for this example
has been represented by a dotted circle from source
paper to the candidate future papers. In this way, it
filters 17 papers out of 23. Here the source paper
belongs to the topical areas of E-Learning, digital
libraries and teaching support. It is obvious that the
papers within the closed circle also belong to the
topics of source paper. The threshold can be altered
to refine the closeness of fit of target documents
based on usage or application.
Figure 4 represents the user interface for this
feature. The user viewing the source paper entitled
“Digital Libraries as Learning and Teaching
Support” at
, clicked on “Links into Future” button
and was shown the screen as in Figure 4. In Figure
4, the future links from J.UCS database (based on
metadata similarity and citations) are consolidated
with the future links extracted and filtered from web
(as shown in figure 3). Readers are encouraged to
explore this feature in Journal of Universal
Computer Science (
This feature is currently fully implemented for
the J.UCS papers and it suggests future related
papers that are also published in J.UCS or cited in
J.UCS papers. As we are also extending Links into
the Future for documents published outside J.UCS,
this prototype is being updated.
To evaluate the research, we have compared the
citations extracted from our technique with citations
extracted from CiteSeer. The dataset used for
Author Focused paper in J.UCS
Maurer H.
Digital Libraries as Learning and
Teaching Support vol. 1 Issue 11
Google 112 75 12
23 17
Yahoo 495 86 19
Abraham A.
A Novel Scheme for Secured Data
Transfer Over Computer
Networks Vol. 11 Issue 1
Google 148 62 13
33 22
Yahoo 263 87 41
Bulitko V
On Completeness of
Pseudosimple Sets Vol.1 issue 2
Google 21 21 7
17 3
Yahoo 45 28 13
Shum S. B
Negotiating the Construction and
Reconstruction of Organisational
Memories Vol. 3 issue 8
Google 103 81 11
28 21
Yahoo 546 104 26
Abecker A.
Corporate Memories for
Knowledge Management in
Industrial Practice: Prospects and
Challenges Vol. 3 Issue 8
Google 69 59 9
17 15
Yahoo 335 65 14
evaluation comprised of citations from J.UCS to
J.UCS papers. We performed this experiment in the
month of May, 2008. There were 92 unique papers
that were cited by other J.UCS papers and numbers
of citations for these 92 papers were 151. Citeseer
indexed 67 papers (73%) out of 92 focused papers
and citations found by CiteSeer were only 38 (25%)
out of 151. It was due to citations that were in non-
compliant formats in the original papers. Our local
heuristics employed for J.UCS gave better results.
Our technique was able to disambiguate authors
by looking for author’s full name in the text of
paper. This approach also avoids the mistaken
identity of names of places as author of scientific
publications as discussed earlier.
Table 2 highlights the retrieval results for Links into
the Future that was determined from the Web for the
paper “Digital Libraries as Learning and Teaching
Support” published in J.UCS vol. 1 Issue 11.
When user performs a query on search engines,
he/she is returned with millions of hits as can be
seen in Table 1. The best formulated query for
finding PDF/PS/Doc documents was applied to
reduce the results to a few hundreds of documents.
The process of removing duplicates then reduced
the number of documents by up to 50%. Our
heuristic rules filtered 12 out of 75 as papers from
Google’s results and 19 out of 86 from Yahoo
respectively. The similarity based on key terms was
then further applied to select 17 out of 23.
Although a user has an option to explore citation
indexes to search for related papers. But there are
two issues 1) times when papers do not exist on
these citation indexes like the source paper in our
case study was not indexed by CiteSeer. While
Google Scholar indexes it but suggests hundreds of
related papers. 2) A deliberate effort is thus needed
to find related papers outside the user’s local
We have in this paper described the extension of the
idea of links into the future to cover documents on
the Web. The results are promising in providing
candidates for future links. The key term similarity
detection has further filtered the most relevant
papers. As further works, we are currently
developing a tool based on sentiment analysis of
citations to evaluate the context of citations. We are
also further exploring the discovery of future related
papers from digital libraries like DBLP and
About Google Scholar,
scholar/about.html (accessed 23, May 2008).
Afzal, M.T. (2008). Citation Mining Technique for
creating Links into the Future. submitted to
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Afzal, M. T., Abulaish, M. (2007). Ontological
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Creating Links into the Future. Journal of Universal
Computer Science, vol. 13, issue 9.
Aleman-Meza, B., Decker, S.L., Cameron, D., & Arpinar,
I.B. (2007). Association Analytics for Network
Connectivity in a Bibliographic and Expertise Dataset.
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Knowledge Society.
Chirita, Paul-A., Firan, C.S., & Nejdl, W. (2006). Pushing
Task Relevant Web Links down to the Desktop.
WIDM’06, November 10, 2006, Arlington, Virginia,
Dakka, W., Dayal, R., & Ipeirotis, P. (2006). Automatic
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Dakka, W., Ipeirotis, P. (2008). Automatic extraction of
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Giles, C.L., Bollacker, K.D., & Lawrence, S. (1998).
CiteSeer: An Automatic Citation Indexing System.
proceedings of Third ACM Conference on Digital
Libraries, pp. 89-98.
Jacsó, P. (2008). Reference Reviews. http://
gerLink.htm (accessed 23, May 2008)
Krottmaier, H. (2003). Links to the Future. Journal of
Digital Information Management, Vol. 1, No. 1.
Maurer, H. (2001). Beyond Digital Libraries, Global
Digtial Library Development in the New Millenium.
Proceedings NIT Conference, 165-173.
Postellon, D. C. (2008). Hall and Keynes join Arbor in the
citation indices. Nature, 452, 282.
Price, G. (2004). Google Scholar Documentation and
Large PDF Files, http://blog.searchenginewatch.
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Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), http://
Ratprasartporn, K., Ozsoyoglu, G. (2007). Finding Related
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International Conference on Web Intelligence.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: Similarity measure score for a source paper and its candidate future links.
Figure 4: Links into the Future interface.