Miao Song and Peter Grogono
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Interactive cinema, Computer graphics, Computer-human interaction, Softbody simulation, Topological me-
dia, Haptic-enabled environments, Augmented reality.
Interactive augmented reality via tangible media and cinema enabled with responsive environments through
haptic devices providing the physical feedback from a virtual space to the real space to the interacting audience
is becoming more common especially now that computer graphics and other visual stimuli are becoming so
photorealistic and where they fail, the brain makes up the missing details. This covers games, cinema, virtual
reality applications and education applications. It seems that so common that we will all live in a couple of
decades in an interactive virtually-enhanced world where we won’t be able some times to tell apart the virtual
and the real. How will this affect the upcoming generations and child education? Will we be out of touch with
the reality like in the Matrix (Wachowski and Wachowski, 1999)? While possibly accepting the upcoming
inevitable change, can we improve on it early on and turn it to our advantage? If so, how? We present the
initial research steps as a part of this work to start answering these questions.
Position Statement. In many technological soci-
eties today, people are constantly enhancing their
sensory input with virtual things, objects, and char-
acters through either video, gaming, virtual reality,
augmented reality, or any other graphically-enhanced
human-device interaction. Devices such at more-and-
more sophisticated gaming consoles, such as Wii, or
haptic devices along with high-definition displays,
stereoscopy, or virtual-reality glasses are becoming
increasingly cheap and accessible to medium-lower
income families and educational institution facilitat-
ing access to them by the children and a younger gen-
eration overall. Not to mention the traditional PCs,
laptops, cellphones, PDAs are fitted with cameras and
all sorts of gadgets that are now defacto standards.
In a couple of decades, we will live in a virtually-
enhanced world where it will be difficult at times to
separate reality from computer generated enhance-
ments. It is imperative that such “enhancements” will
impact the way the children are educated and what
they will have taken for granted and the norm. While
there will absolutely be the cases of various inten-
tional or not intentional abuse of technology, we be-
lieve we still can make the advances very useful in
education and perhaps even combat the negative ef-
fects of it. Thus, we present, as space permits, the
effects of such virtualization, and how it can be used
effectively, and our very first steps if the research in
that direction using 3D graphics techniques, interac-
tive cinema methodologies, and others of how they
can further improveeducation and training of children
and adults in various subject areas.
Audience. The intended audience of this work cov-
ers a wide spectrum of people who may engage in the
interactive (or even passive at the moment) activities
in front of any types of screens, displays, enhanced
glasses as well as enabled controls in PCs, TVs, gam-
ing consoles (e.g. Wii), mobile phones, and personal
digital assistants (PDAs). We cover the education, en-
tertainment, and training spectra. All involve the au-
dience interaction with the surrounding visual envi-
ronment with computer-generated imagery. We will
first discuss the general issues in a human society and
then narrow the scope down to more concrete sectors.
Song M. and Grogono P.
DOI: 10.5220/0001821803930398
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-67-8
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Related Work. There is a significant number of the
related work materials we reference here that would
require a lot of space to describe. They all mostly
relate to the techniques of interactivity, computer
graphics, dynamic physically-based real-time soft-
body simulation, haptics technology, augmented re-
ality, tangible media and so on. Some of them are re-
cited here: (Song and Grogono, 2008a), (Wikipedia,
2008), (Conti and Khatib, 2005), (Kocher, 2008),
(Clua et al., 2006), (Matusik and Pfister, 2004), (Dav-
enport et al., 1991).
Haptic devices are becoming more accessible. Fam-
ilies acquire larger and bigger television systems
including home theaters. Not to mention ever-
enhancing gaming consoles and PC games in general,
the Wii gaming console reaches out not only to game
geeks, but also to couples, to entire families, and more
interestingly to the female market with their exercise
programs and the like.
Stereoscopy plays another role of creating holo-
grams or visual stereo effects in the cinema and com-
puter programs for animation and games.
Augmented reality is a natural way to bring vir-
tual objects into the real world where we live. With
advances of the AR techniques development, AR has
been applied on medical imaging, where doctors can
access data from patients; aviation, where tools show
pilots important data about the landscape they are
viewing; training, in which technology provides stu-
dents or technicians with necessary data about spe-
cific objects they are working with; in museums,
where artifacts can be tagged with information such
as the artifact’s historical context or where it was
discovered (EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI),
2005); military and peoples everyday life. For ex-
ample, through AR handheld devices such as tablet
PC’s, PDAs, or camera mobile phones, users hold the
device up and “see through” the display to view both
the real world and the superimposed virtual objects.
With the GPS in one’s PDA or a cellphone, one can
move around and see the virtual objects, models, ani-
mations, or game from different views as the AR sys-
tem performs alignment of the real and virtual cam-
eras automatically (Cawood and Fiala, 2008). The
latter is can be useful to guide people in the unknown
area towards their desired destination they have pre-
Problems. There are a numberof inherent problems
with the virtualization of our realities.
Abuse in terms of being addicted to the machines
producing the virtual enhancements, games, and so on
resulting in psychological dependence and the corre-
sponding medical consequences and health problems,
reduction of motor functions, physical lack of exer-
cise. The same reason applies to being out of touch
with others and being antisocial preferring the virtual
people and characters and being ignorant and cold
about the real people and friends. Losing human val-
ues and acquiring virtual values with no substance as
well as social aspects and virtual characters in pref-
erence of the real, especially for introvert people can
impair the entire new generation. Lack of touch of
physical touch with another person can make it for-
eign to acquire a family.
Some virtual environments, particularly games,
can “train” violence and make it an ordinary behav-
ior that could potentially spill into the real. This was
known for long time.
Will learning to drive or to pilot with crashes
knowing that’s just a virtual crash, not real, make
safer drivers and pilots? Does it promote the learn-
ers to be more careless and reckless? Do they lessen
the value of life?
Current augmented reality products more focus
on individual users and may not lead themselves to
team activities or group learning. Furthermore, even
though it may raise the pedagogical value, the stu-
dents are also in the risk of becoming infatuated with
such technology.
Most of these problems are actually not new at
all as they were pointed out as soon as first addic-
tive computer games started coming out and children
preferred a lot more to stay home and play the games
instead of going outside and playing with others or
doing other activities.
Solutions. Technological advancement is inevitable
from the hardware and software points of view. Can
we turn it to our advantage and make it beneficial?
Interactive feel and touch should, while approach-
ing reality, never reach it, to allow conscious controls
and cues with the interaction interface to hint the vir-
tual from the real.
It’s been shown in scientific research that the chil-
dren that played computer games had better logic de-
velopment. Education can be effective just as games
if not more, more efficiently delivered.
Anger management in the virtually-enhanced en-
vironment can release the anger there to virtual char-
acters, instead of to the real people.
Participative i.e. active, rather than passive, in-
volvement of the audience with the virtual or aug-
mented realities helps teaching and learning: It is pos-
GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
sible that some humans hired as teachers do not actu-
ally have the skills to teach effectively, so they can be
(1) complemented with the virtual education as well
as (2) trained themselves to be better educators using
the same virtual and augmented reality tools. This is
in a way similar to tradition expert systems approach,
where the expert system does not entirely replace a
human expert (e.g. doctors) but rather reminds or sug-
gests alternatives or helps to train novice doctors the
expertise until they become more acquainted with the
profession. The virtual educator in this setting with
not only display knowledge in text and graphical user
interface (GUI), but actually would appear and be re-
sponsive in the complete environment with vocal and
emotional support, which are even today technolog-
ically quite possible. Such an educator can evaluate
and correct the real novice educator about gestures,
facial expressions, speech, and effective communica-
tion according to the social norms at the time by eval-
uating several sensory inputs, such as a video and au-
dio signal with some pattern recognition techniques,
e.g. for face and speech recognition followed by natu-
ral language understanding and natural language gen-
eration techniques as well as generation of the facial
expressions by the virtual educator. Responses and
expressions and voice can be compared with a good
set of stored ones or the bad ones, measuring their
distance and then making a suggestion based on that
Learning and training can take even further steps,
some may seem superfluous today and unnecessary,
as the authors agree, but may very well become a part
of our lives in the future.
The haptic devices can grow in the virtual real-
ity worlds to the sizes of training gear in a gymna-
sium. This can counter the lack of exercise effect. A
the moment such a technology or a similar exists, but
expensive and mostly found in space agencies or the
Haptic gloves and joystick-like devices can sim-
ulate some responsive feedback environments on a
smaller scale, e.g. a hand of a surgeon touching a
softbody organ. Such sense of touch can also be prop-
agated while interacting with the virtual characters in
the environment.
Learning through games can be entertaining and
effective. Hide-and-seek in the augmented reality can
develop a better sense of the environment, say when
both virtual and real people take part in hide-and-seek
with the augmented glasses, it adds an extra twist and
places to look where one would not normally look for
someone hiding, yet not loosing a touch with the re-
ality at the same time.
With our research we study and contribute the effects
of virtualization of different aspects and enhancing
them with the interactivity while trying to maintain
the balance of the virtual and real. At these very early
and preliminary stages of the research we cannot tell
how it will play out in the end but we lay out a path
towards better augmented and virtual reality interac-
tive and responsive systems for education and training
via interactive cinema (interactive documentaries can
teach the subject of history, law, politics, negotiation,
business, etc.) or games for younger generation.
Focus. The research on haptics-enabled interactive
and tangible cinema, documentaries, 3D games, and
specialist training applications, involves theoretical
and practical experience in film and video production,
extensive 3D computer graphics knowledge and the
related programming skills, and experience in digi-
tal multimedia field. The author has been very lucky
through their PhD program to be able to blend the
multiple disciplines throughout the research to expe-
rience first hand. As mentioned, the research area will
cover various fields, people who enable the research
at this present moment need to have some expertise
and qualifications in these areas to design, develop,
and experiment with such a fusion of environments.
One has to have a vast background in com-
puter science, programming and algorithms, com-
puter graphics; and some cinema. Then, bridging the
computer science and visual and digital arts, defin-
ing topology of media as well as the tangible aspect
of the media and its responsive environments as a
form of interactive digital art. A strong creativity in
interactive media is another factor that enables the
research and experiments such as we describe. Re-
search projects, such as CitySpeak (Lewis and OBX
Labs, 2008), allow putting interactive art of text into
the scale of masses in the installations in public places
such as airports and train stations, with a graphically
impeding visualized text that any person could con-
tribute to by interacting with it via SMS messaging.
One also has to have an extensive cinematography
background, which enables them to judge the efficacy
and aesthetics of moving images, and therein lies their
interest in the potential of “new visualization with
the new media. Such background and extensive expe-
rience is a great help for the research not only in the
theory aspect of cinema and documentary, but also in
the production practice techniques of the careful de-
sign on the scenarios of the movie, which will suit the
interactive cinema techniques.
It is a vast undertaking to accumulate all this
knowledge and experience in one person. To be feasi-
ble and efficient, one who is conducting the research
has to bring together people across several disciplines.
The author is grateful to have gathered a supervisory
committee of five such people to enable the present
Real-time Responsive Virtual Environments and
Tools. In this work we explore a variety of inex-
pensive techniques for human-computer interaction
in various fields as well as advanced 3D modeling
and animation in a rich spectrum of application do-
mains. Thus, we attempt to come up with a set
of tools, techniques, methodologies using haptics-
enabled and other interface devices such that the tool-
box/framework developed is affordable and applica-
ble with least number of the modifications to the do-
mains, such as classical cinema and documentaries,
specialist training applications (e.g. surgeons, divers,
and astronauts in preparation of operations and mis-
sions that involvedifficult physical activities), interac-
tive 3D games using haptics-enabled devices and their
applications for home cinema production, 3D games
development, and other application domains.
The first area of focus for the research is lean-
ing towards the real-time softbody simulation (Song
and Grogono, 2008a; Song and Grogono, 2008b)
in haptics-enabled environment for specialist-training
and interactive cinema. We begin by using a joystick-
like and a sensor glove-like haptic devices to interact
and deform a softbody in an OpenGL (OpenGL Ar-
chitecture Review Board, 2008) 3D environment that
provides feedback back to the user restricting their
movements based on the elasticity and shape of the
modeled virtual objects (e.g. the softbody tissue of an
organ) acting as inverse sensors. We then proceed to
the game and cinema scenes to enrich them with the
interactive features.
The current research approaches concentrated on
the user interaction are more concentrated on involv-
ing the users to participate in the screen play altering
the script, make the decision for the characters in the
movie scene, similarly as it is done in role-playing
games (RPGs).
Another goal of our research is to extend that
and give the users the opportunity to interact with
the computer graphics model or cinema scenes at
the more realistic level with feedback. The audience
would feel the force, temperature, and elastic defor-
mation of the objects or could experience the charac-
ters surrounding environment of the film, rather than
stay at the observing level.
Therefore, the intended research gradually and in-
crementally will focus on the mentioned aspects and
will include the following: enhanced softbody simu-
lation, specialist training, augmented reality, and in-
teractive cinema as the applications of our approach.
Interactive Cinema. Interactive cinema is the evo-
lutionary approach to traditional movie, which gives
the audience an active role in the showing movies.
Compared to traditional movie,the interactive cinema
allows viewers to interrupt the movie from time to
time, and to choose among different possibilities of
how the story goes on. Viewers may interact with the
haptic devices to feel the feedback forces and touch
the objects in the scene. This new and emerging tech-
nique will give viewers a realistic experience and en-
roll as part of the scene for the film. The film elements
in interactive cinema are controlled by real-time con-
ditions and algorithm behaviors.
Interactive cinema, evolving from the mathemat-
ical models and procedural programming, becomes
alive when some of its parameters are controlled by
a viewer. The real-time challenges of the aspect are
the most interesting to solve in a less expensive way
than traditional approaches.
The focus is on continuous story play environ-
ments, story authoring systems, and scenarios for in-
teraction. Enhanced with haptic devices and stereo-
scopic effects, the feeling of the interaction will con-
sume the audience to be an integral part of the story-
line in the movie, which is a lot much more than a
The perceptual experiences can be different each
time the movie is played. The interactive movie ap-
proach is more suited for smaller rather large audi-
ences in traditional cinema theaters as the interactiv-
ity aspect in movies does not scale very well. The
home and small audience aspect, the technologies
studies and developed in this work should be afford-
able by regular home users, small education groups in
schools, colleges, universities, etc.
During the duration of this project the knowledge
of how to adapt inexpensive haptic devices, algo-
rithms, techniques, and methodologies to interactive
cinema in order for it to be more accessible to digi-
tal media artists, augmented reality researchers, and
computer scientists alike to further research in the
area, and make it accessible to audiences at home and
school. The knowledge acquired from making the in-
stallations, setups, software development and re-use,
and the mathematics behind would be made available
as a guideline of how to make such setups in order
to solicit feedback and improve the process and select
the appropriate tools and techniques.
Such contributions are important in the age of dig-
GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
ital media not only for artists and small audiences, but
also for educational purposes of children through in-
teraction, as it is widely known the children develop
better their abilities when one interacts with them
more. Telling interactive stories, teaching decision
making in various life situations are specifically im-
portant applications of this research.
Enhanced Softbody Simulation. The research and
development of the 3D simulation of softbody de-
formation still has a lot of aspects that can be ex-
plored in the softbody deformation simulation area
because it has emerged as a new challenge in com-
puter graphics, and, therefore, was not fully exhausted
yet. Meanwhile, the application of softbody defor-
mation in computer graphics has significant value for
medical research and media arts achievement. The re-
sulting models from the simulated models, will help
to create feedback environments that will map the vir-
tual feedback to physical through an haptic interface.
In our real physical world there exist not only rigid
bodies but also soft bodies, such as human and ani-
mal’s soft parts and tissue, and other non-living soft
objects, such as cloth, gel, liquid, and gas. Soft body
simulation, which is also known as deformable object
simulation, is a vast research topic and has a long his-
tory in computer graphics. It has been used increas-
ingly nowadays to improve the quality and efficiency
in the new generation of computer graphics for char-
acter animation, computer games, and surgical train-
ing. So far, various elastically deformable models
have been developed and used for this purpose.
Specialist Training. Surgical training is one of the
most promising fields in medicine where computer
graphics and virtual reality techniques are emerg-
ing. The computer generated visual virtual environ-
ment imitates the reality of medical operations and
organ construction to fulfill the training purpose. This
new application improves surgical outcomes and de-
creases the research costs. However, the reality and
accuracy of the software always require high-end
knowledge of physics, mathematic and heavy com-
putation. It makes it difficult for users to interact with
virtual objects in real-time.
Furthermore, another medical application of elas-
tic object deformation is computer-assisted surgery,
which guides the surgeon during the real-time surgery
operation. An haptic simulator will help novice sur-
geons to practice their suturing skills. The surgical
simulation system includes the research topics of the
real-time interaction with 3D elastic objects, physics
aspects of the deformation behaviors of elastic ob-
jects, photo-realistic visualization,and haptic force-
feedback algorithm. Users interact with the digital
model through physical suturing tools that are at-
tached to an haptic device. The digital model deforms
relative to the weight, pressure, impact, such as push-
ing, pulling, cutting applied on the tissue. The goal
of this research is to give surgeons the force feedback
accurately through the haptic model. A similar ap-
proach can be used in training astronauts to manipu-
late the instruments for their space servicing missions
in environments that are generally more difficult to
operate in especially when wearing a highly-resistive
space-suit gloves under pressure. Commonly, astro-
nauts do the training for that underwater requiring
special tanks and the necessity of the availability of
the spacesuit. Having an haptic environment with the
simulated geometry will allow the astronauts a more
accessible training tool to practice their dexterity and
strength skills prior getting into the spacesuits more
Augmented Reality. In the past few years, Virtual
Reality, which has attracted a great deal of media
attention is to immerse a user inside an imaginary,
computer-generated “virtual world”. The user is cut
off from any view of the real world outside. Later,
some attention has been paid to the field of Aug-
mented Reality, in which the user can see the real
world around him, with computer graphics superim-
posed or composited with the real world. The real
and virtual objects coexisted. User wear an optical
see-through Head-Mounted Display or other digital
devices, such as PDA and mobile phones which al-
low user to see a combination of the real world and a
virtual world. Within the academy, educators are pro-
viding students with deeper and more meaningful ex-
periences by linking the educational content with real
places and objects. Moreover, PDAs or other portable
devices can use GPS data to provide users with visual,
audio, or text-based information about the place and
objects in our real world.
3D Games. Games are a natural place for the topics
of interactive cinema, education, and responsive envi-
ronments to be used. There has been a lot of focus in
the industry to make the games with fancy stereo an-
imation or augmented reality or virtual environment
spaces, and cinema re-done in to the game plots. The
games are a natural outcome of the above listed top-
ics and techniques, so we trim the discussion about
the games here.
It seems that our lives are becoming more and more
entangled with the augmented or virtual interactive
environment spaces enhanced with advanced com-
puter graphics techniques. As any technology can be
used for peaceful and educational purposes, we are
striving to identify the right technology in the haptics
world affordable by the masses for the entertainment,
creation, and education through the study of film,
computer graphics, augmented reality techniques, as
well as their application in the industry.
We would like to acknowledge Professors Jason
Lewis of Visual Arts, OBX Labs and Hexagram, Xin
Wei Sha of Topological Media Lab and Hexagram,
and Marielle Nitoslawska of School of Cinema. Also
a token of appreciation for helpful advice and com-
ments go to Alison R. Loader, Jean-Claude Bustros,
and Alice Jim. This work was sponsored in part by
the Special Individualized Program (SIP), Humani-
ties, and Faculty of Engineering, and Computer Sci-
ence (ENCS), Concordia University, Montreal, Que-
bec, Canada.
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GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications