for which standard methods are necessary. At the mo-
ment of writing this paper, it seems that a standard so-
lution is farther away than it is for updates. However,
we are confident that current work on this issue will
produce the standard solution needed.
We also found some aspects which could be im-
proved in the future. As with relational databases,
users can create their own tables with the names they
prefer without risking confusion between tables from
two different users (table names avoid ambiguity with
a schema name of the form user.table), in native XML
databases, users should be able to create collections
whose names could coincide (which would become
something of the style user.collection). However, as
we worked with eXist, we discovered that such a thing
was not possible. The management of collections by
users still has to improve to acquire the flexibility it
has in relational databases.
The ability of NXD to store schema-less XML
documents and their privileged position for imple-
menting complex XQuery queries efficiently (Boni-
fati and Cuzzocrea, 2007) are important advantages.
Standard APIs and query languages are already avail-
able. These are positive aspects of NXD, in contrast
of access control and document updates, which are
the weak aspects of NXD concerning standardization.
The situation with updates promises to be standard-
ized soon with the stabilization of the W3C XQuery
proposal as a Recommendation. Implementation will
probably appear soon after it. As for access control,
more work needs to be done. As access control is a
basic facility of databases, the effort is necessary if
NXD are to play the role they should.
This work was partially supported by the Consejera
de Educacin de la JCyL research projects VA010B06,
VA012B08, and the project TIN2006-15071-C03-02
from MCyT, Spain (second author). The work of the
second author is supported by a fellowship granted by
the JCyL and the ESF.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies