of health services, which include health promotion
and disease prevention activities.
Deeply related with these areas is another more
specific investigation and application domain known
as Public Health Surveillance. Lawson (2006)
defines this activity as the systematic and continuous
retrieval of health data for analysis and
interpretation, for planning, implementation and
evaluation of public health practices, as well as the
dissemination of these data to public health
authorities in appropriate time, so that it can
ultimately be used in prevention and control. This
activity is operated through dedicated systems,
currently known as Epidemiological Surveillance
Systems, which main task is to survey the eventual
outburst of epidemics
. There are already multiple
systems of this kind in present days, and they act in
multiple spatial and temporal scales, and with
different priority degrees. Amongst several other
examples is the Integrated System for Public Health
Monitoring of the West Nile Virus (Gosselin et al.,
2006) operating in the province of Quebec, Canada
and EpiGIScan (Reinhardt et al., 2008), dedicated to
real-time surveillance of Meningococcal Meningitis
in Germany.
The eminent threat of an influenza pandemic
potentially caused by an eventual mutation of the
H5N1 virus, making it transmissible between
humans, has triggered the development of strategies
and information systems to deal with this situation.
In this context, the development of epidemiological
surveillance systems integrating several types of
technologies such as relational database systems,
geographic information tools and web information
distribution technologies has recently known
increased interest and investment. In fact, bringing
these technologies together makes it possible to
combine the power of massive health data
processing with the ability of detecting spatial
patterns of disease distribution and also
communicate decision-making critical information
to public health officials in due time. These
capabilities are decisive in our days, since
globalization has a controversial effect on world
population health; on one hand, the fast pace of the
global movement of people and goods are the recipe
for rapid spread of diseases and vectors
, increasing
risk; on the other hand, information and
communication technologies are allowing health
authorities to improve analysis methods and tools,
transmit valuable information and, creating networks
that can signal alerts and allow health officials to
coordinate efforts on unprecedented geographic and
temporal scales.
This situation was the driving factor for the
development of an epidemiological surveillance
system and public health data management
infrastructure, physically located within the
Portuguese General Directorate for Health (DGS),
baptized Public Health Emergencies Support System
This article aims to introduce the system, in its
implementation, architecture, functionalities and
future perspectives. Thus, the second section
introduces SSESP development phases, starting with
planning and moving from conceptual and logical
modeling to physical implementation, including
present system architecture and capabilities. The
third and final section discuss system´s strengths and
limitations, projected but not yet implemented
functionalities and draws on future prospects and
The initial step in putting the system together was to
perform a state of the art analysis of the
epidemiological surveillance carried on within DGS.
During this phase, public health officials,
epidemiologists and information systems
professionals were consulted, previously existing
systems were identified and observed, and a cost-
benefit analysis was performed, in an effort to
identify the necessary functionalities to be
implemented, which, in turn, would influence the
physical architecture of the system. As the outcome
of this first phase, functional specifications were
listed, which implied essentially to build upon some
of the existing capabilities and also to prepare some
totally new ones.
In fact, prior to the development described here,
a semi-automatic epidemiological surveillance
system, Hospital and Health Centers Emergency
Information System (SIU) was already operating in
DGS. It consisted of an Oracle 9i database, into
which data regarding episodes of emergency
services demand in public hospitals (SONHO
system) and health centers (SINUS system) of the
Portuguese mainland, was automatically transferred
on a daily basis and stored. This database was, in
turn, connected via Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC) to a Microsoft Access 2003 database, were
data processing was performed, manually started on
a daily basis by a person in charge. This person was
also in charge of using Microsoft Excel 2003 to
GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION - The Public Health Emergencies Support System at the Portuguese General Directorate
for Health