Lefteris Kozanidis, Sofia Stamou and George Spiros
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, Patras University, Greece
Keywords: Location-sensitive web search, Focused crawling, Geo-referenced index.
Abstract: Retrieving relevant data for location-sensitive keyword queries is a challenging task that has so far been
addressed as a problem of automatically determining the geographical orientation of web searches. Unfortu-
nately, identifying localizable queries is not sufficient per se for performing successful location-sensitive
searches, unless there exists a geo-referenced index of data sources against which localizable queries are
searched. In this paper, we propose a novel approach towards the automatic construction of a geo-referenced
search engine index. Our approach relies on a geo-focused crawler that incorporates a structural parser and
uses GeoWordNet as a knowledge base in order to automatically deduce the geo-spatial information that is
latent in the pages’ contents. Based on location-descriptive elements in the page URLs and anchor text, the
crawler directs the pages to a location-sensitive downloader. This downloading module resolves the geo-
graphical references of the URL location elements and organizes them into indexable hierarchical struc-
tures. The location-aware URL hierarchies are linked to their respective pages, resulting into a geo-
referenced index against which location-sensitive queries can be answered.
Locality is an important parameter in web search.
According to the study of (Wang et al., 2005a) 14%
of web queries have geographical intentions, i.e.
they pursue the retrieval of information that relates
to a geographical area. Moreover, (Wang et al.,
2005b) found that 79% of the web pages in .gov
domain contain at least one geographical reference.
Although location-sensitive web searches are gain-
ing ground (Himmelstein, 2005), still search engines
are not very effective in identifying localizable que-
ries (Welch and Cho, 2008). As an example, con-
sider the query [pizza restaurant in Lisbon] over
Google and assume that the intention of the user
issuing the query is to obtain pages about pizza res-
taurants that are located in Lisbon, Portugal. How-
ever, the page that Google retrieves second (as of
October 2008) in the list of results is about a pizza
restaurant in Lisbon New Hampshire, although New
Hampshire does not appear in the query keywords.
Likewise, for the query [Athens city public schools]
the pages that Google returns (up to position 20) are
about schools in Athens City Alabama rather than
Athens (Greece), although Alabama is not specified
as a search keyword. As both examples demonstrate,
ignoring the geographic scope of web queries and
the geographic orientation of web pages, results into
favouring popular pages over location –relevant
pages in the search engine results. Thus, retrieval
effectives is harmed for a large number of queries.
Currently, there are two main strategies towards
dealing with location-sensitive web requests. The
first approach implies the annotation of the indexed
pages with geospatial information and the equipment
of search engines with geographic search options
(e.g. Northern Light GeoSearch). In this direction,
researchers explore the services of available gazet-
teers (i.e. geographical indices) in order to associate
toponyms (i.e. geographic names) to their actual
geographic coordinates in a map (Markowetz, et al.,
2004) (Hill, 2000). Then, they store the geo-tagged
pages in a spatial index against which geographic
information retrieval is performed. The main draw-
backs of this approach are: First, traditional gazet-
teers do not encode spatial relationships between
places and as such their applicability to web retrieval
tasks is limited. Most importantly, general-purpose
search engines perform retrieval simply by exploring
the matching keywords between documents and que-
ries and without discriminating between topically
and geographically relevant data sources.
The second strategy suggests processing both
queries and query matching pages in order to the
geographic orientation of web searches (Yu and Cai,
2007). Upon detecting the geographic scope of que-
Kozanidis L., Stamou S. and Spiros G.
DOI: 10.5220/0001823002440249
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ries, researchers have proposed different functions
for scoring the geographical vicinity between the
query and the search results in order to enable geo-
graphically-sensitive web rankings (Martins et al.,
2005) Again, such techniques, although useful, they
require extensive computations on large volumes of
data before deciphering the geographic intention of
queries and thus they have a limited scalability in
serving dynamic queries that come from different
users with varying geographic intentions.
In this paper, we address the problem of improv-
ing the geographically-oriented web searches from
the perspective of a conventional search engine that
performs keyword rather than spatial searches. In
particular, we propose a technique that automatically
builds a geo-referenced search engine index against
which localizable queries are searched. The novelty
of our approach lies on the fact that, instead of post-
processing the indexed documents in order to derive
their location entities (e.g. cities, landmarks), we
introduce a geo-focused web crawler that automati-
cally identifies pages of geographic orientation, be-
fore these are downloaded and processed by the en-
gine’s indexing modules.
In brief, our crawler operates as follows. Given a
seed list of URLs and a number of tools that are lev-
eraged from the NLP community the crawler looks
for location-specific entities in the page URLs and
anchor text. For the identification of location enti-
ties, the crawler explores the data encoded in Ge-
oWordNet (Buscaldi and Roso, 2008). Based on the
location-descriptive elements in the page’s structural
content, the crawler directs the pages to a location-
sensitive downloading module. This module re-
solves the geographic references of the identified
location elements and organizes them into indexable
hierarchical structures. Every structural hierarchy
maintains URLs of pages whose geographic refer-
ences pertain to the same place. Moreover, location-
aware pages are linked to each other according to the
proximity (either spatial or semantic) of their loca-
tion names. Based on the above process, we end up
with a geo-referenced search engine index against
which location-sensitive queries can be searched.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We
start with an overview of relevant works. In section
3, we introduce our geo-focused crawler and we
describe how it operates for populating a search en-
gine index with geo-referenced data. In section 4, we
discuss the advantages of our crawler and we report
some preliminary results.
Related work falls into two main categories, namely
focused crawling and Geographic Information Re-
trieval (GIR). GIR deals with indexing, searching
and retrieving geo-referenced information sources.
Most of the works in this direction identify the geo-
graphical aspects of the web either by focusing on
the physical location of web hosts (Borges et al.,
2007) or by processing the web pages’ content in
order to extract toponyms (Smith and Mann, 2003)
or other location-descriptive elements (Amitay et al.,
2004). Ding et al. (2000) adopted a gazetteer-based
approach and proposed an algorithm that analyzes
resource links and content in order to detect their
geographical scope. To obtain spatial data from the
web pages’ contents, Silva et al. (2006) and Fu et al.,
(2005) rely on geographic ontologies. One such on-
tology is GeoWordNet (Buscaldi and Roso, 2008)
that emerged after enriching WordNet (Fellbaum,
1998) toponyms with geographical coordinates. Be-
sides the identification of geographically-oriented
elements in the pages’ contents, researchers have
proposed various schemes for ranking search results
for location-aware queries according to their geo-
graphical relevance (Yu and Cai, 2007).
Our study relates also to existing works on focus-
ing web crawls to specific web content. In this re-
spect, most of the proposed approaches are con-
cerned with focusing web crawls on pages dealing
with specific topics (Chakrabarti et al., 1999)
(Chung and Clarke, 2002).
In the recent years, the exploitation of focused
crawlers has been addressed in the context of geo-
graphically-oriented data. Exposto et al (2005) stud-
ied distributed crawling by means of the geographi-
cal partition of the web and by considering the
multi-level partitioning of the reduced IP web link
graph. Later, Gao et al. (2006) proposed a method
for geographically focused collaborative crawling.
Their crawling strategy considers features like the
URL address of a page, content, anchor text of links,
etc. to determine the way and the order in which
unvisited URLs are listed in the crawler’s queue so
that geographically focused pages are retrieved.
Although, our study shares a common goal with
existing works on geographically-focused crawls,
our approach for identifying location-relevant web
content is novel in that it integrates GeoWordNet for
deriving the location entities that the crawler consid-
ers. This way, our method eliminates any prior need
for training the crawler with a set of pages that are
pre-classified in terms of their location denotations.
To build our geo-focused crawler, there are two
challenges that we need to address: how to make the
crawler identify web sources of geographic orienta-
tion, and how to organize the unvisited URLs in the
crawler’s frontier so that pages of great relatedness
to the concerned locations are retrieved first.
In the course of our study, we relied on a gen-
eral-purpose web crawler that we parameterized in
order to focus its web walkthroughs on geographi-
cally specific data. In particular, we integrated to a
generic crawler a URL and anchor text parser in
order to extract lexical elements from the pages’
structural content and we used GeoWordNet as the
crawler’s backbone resource against which to iden-
tify which of the extracted meta-terms correspond to
location entities. GeoWordNet contains a subset of
WordNet synsets that correspond to geographical
entities and which are inter-connected via the hierar-
chical semantic relations. In addition, all location
entities in GeoWordNet are annotated with their
corresponding geographical coordinates.
Given a seed list of URLs, the crawler needs to
identify which of these correspond to pages of geo-
graphic orientation and thus they should be visited.
To judge that, the crawler incorporates a structural
parser that looks for the presence of location entities
in the page URL and the anchor text of the page
links. To identify location entities in the URL, the
parser simply processes the
admin-c section of the
whois entry of a URL, since in most cases this
section corresponds exactly to the location for which
the information in the page is relevant (Markowetz
et al., 2004). In addition, to detect location entities in
the anchor text of a link in a page, the parser oper-
ates within a sliding window of 50 tokens surround-
ing the link in order to extract the lexical elements
around it. To attest which of the terms in the page
URL and anchor text represent location entities, we
rely on the data encoded in GeoWordNet. The basic
steps that the crawler follows to judge if a page is
geographically-focused are illustrated in Figure 1.
The intuition behind applying structural parsing
to the URLs in the crawler’s seed list is that pages-
containing location entities in their URLs and anchor
text links, have some geographic orientation and as
such they should be visited by the crawler. Based on
the above steps, the crawler filters its seed list and
removes URLs of non-geographic orientation. The
Input: seed list of URLs (U), parser (P), GeoWordNet (GWN)
Output: annotated URLs with geographic orientation G(U)
For each URL u in U do
Use parser P to identify meta-terms
/*detect location entiries*/
For each meta-term t in u do
Query GWN using t
If found
Add t(u) in G(u)
Figure 1: Identifying URLs of geographic orientation.
remaining URLs, denoted as G(U) are considered to
be geographically-focused and are those on which
the crawler focuses its web visits.
Having selected the seed URLs on which the
crawler’s web walkthroughs should focus, the next
step is to organize the geographically-oriented URLs
in the crawler’s frontier. URLs’ organization practi-
cally translates into ordering URLs according to
their probability of guiding the crawler to other loca-
tion-relevant pages. Next, we present our approach
towards ordering unvisited URLs in the crawler’s
queue so as to ensure crawls of maximal coverage.
3.1 Ordering URLs in the Crawler’s
A key element in all focused crawling applications is
ordering the unvisited URLs in the crawler’s frontier
in a way that reduces the probability that the crawler
will visit irrelevant sources. To account for that, we
have integrated in our geo-focused crawler a prob-
abilistic algorithm that estimates for every URL in
the seed list the probability that it will guide the
crawler to geographically-relevant pages. In addi-
tion, our algorithm operates upon the intuition that
the links contained in a page with high geographic-
relevance have increased probability of guiding the
crawler to other geographically oriented pages.
To derive such probabilities, we designed our al-
gorithm based on the following dual assumption.
The stronger the spatial correlation is between the
identified URL location entities, the increased the
probability that the URL points to geographic con-
tent. Moreover, the more location entities are identi-
fied in the anchor text of a link, the greater the prob-
ability that the link’s visitation will lead the crawler
to other geographically-oriented pages.
To estimate the degree of spatial correlation be-
tween the location entities identified for a seed URL,
we proceed as follows. We map the identified loca-
tion entities to their corresponding GeoWordNet
nodes and we compute the distance of their coordi-
nates, using the Map 24 AJAX API 1.28 (Map 24).
Considering that the shortest the distance between
two locations the increased their spatial correlation,
we compute the average distance between the URL
location entities and we apply the [1-avg. distance]
formula to derive their average spatial correlation.
We then normalize average values so that these
range between 1 (indicating high correlation) and 0
(indicating no correlation) and we rely on them for
inferring the probability that the considered URL
points to geographically-relevant content. This is
done by investigating how the average spatial corre-
lation of the URL location entities is skewed to-
wards 1. Intuitively, a highly skewed spatial correla-
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
tion suggests that the URL has a clear geographic
orientation and thus it should be retrieved.
On the other hand, to estimate the probability
that a geographically-focused URL will guide the
crawler to other geographically-oriented pages, we
rely on the distribution of location entities in the
anchor text of the links that the page URL contains.
Recall that while processing anchor text, we have
already derived the location entities that are con-
tained in it. Our computations rely on the intuition
that the more location entities the anchor text of a
link contains, the more likely it is that the given link
will guide the crawler to a geographically oriented
page. To quantify the probability that a link in a
page points to a location-relevant resource, we com-
pute the percentage of the anchor text terms that
correspond to toponyms in GeoWordNet. This way,
the increased the fraction of toponyms in the anchor
text of a link, the greater the probability that this link
points to a geographically oriented page. Based on
the average values that the combination of the above
metrics deliver, our algorithm computes an overall
ranking score for every URL in the crawler’s seed
list and prioritizes URLs in the crawler’s queue ac-
cordingly (i.e. the URL of the highest rank value
appears first in the list). Figure 2, illustrates the steps
of our algorithm for ordering geographically-specific
URLs in the crawler’s frontier.
Based on the above process, the algorithm goes
over the data in the crawler’s seed list and estimates
for every seed URL the probability that it points to a
location-relevant page. Then, the crawler starts its
web visits from the URL with the highest probability
of being geographically-focused.
Moreover, as the crawler comes across new links
in the contents of the geographically focused pages
that it retrieves, our algorithm examines the anchor
text of these links and estimates for every link the
probability that it points to a location-relevant page.
Links with some probability of pointing to location-
relevant content are added in the crawler’s frontier
so that their pages are retrieved in future crawls. The
crawling priority of the newly added links (i.e. the
ordering of the URLs in the crawler’s frontier) is
determined by their Rank(u) values.
This way, we order URLs in the crawler’s queue
so as to ensure that every web visit remains focused
on location-specific content and that the crawler’s
frontier gets updated with new URLs that point to
geographically-specific content.
3.2 Toward a Geo-Referenced Index
So far, we have presented our geo-focused crawler
and we have described the algorithm that the crawler
integrates for organizing URLs in the frontier, so as
Input: G(U), GWN, Map24 Resource
Output: ordered URLs in the crawler’s frontier
For each URL u in U do
/*Compute coordinates of location entities in u*/
Extract all location entities t from u
For each t in u do
Query GWN using t
Retrieve coordinates of t
Add coordinates to t, c(t)
/*Compute avg. spatial correlation of location entities in u*/
For all c(t) in u do
Compute paired c(t) distance using Map24
Compute avg. distance of all c(T) in u
Use 1-avg.distance as avg. spatial correlation of c (T) in u
If avg. spatial correlation (u,T) >0.5
Add u to crawler’s frontier
/*Compute location focus in the anchor text of links in u*/
Extract anchor text for all links in u L(u)
For every link l in L(u) do
Compute location focus (l) =
= |# location entities in anchor (l)| / |# terms in anchor (l)|
If location focus (l) >0
Add l to crawler’s frontier
/* Compute ranking values for URLs u in frontier*/
For each u in frontier do
Compute Rank (u) =
= avg. spatial correlation (u) + location focus (u, l) /2
Return URLs ordered by Rank (u) values
Figure 2: Ordering URLs in the focused crawler’s frontier.
to ensure successful and affordable geographically-
specific crawls. We now turn our discussion on how
we process the crawled pages in order to index them
into a geo-referenced repository of data sources.
Crawled web pages are directed to a download-
ing module that retrieves their contextual data and
employs a vector space model (Salton et al., 1975)
for representing their contents. Every page is mod-
eled as a vector of terms that constitute the indexing
keywords of the page. To build our geo-referenced
index, we start with the identification of the page
keywords that denote location entities. In this re-
spect, we look the keywords up in GeoWordNet and
those found are extracted and further processed in
order to resolve their geographic references. Geo-
graphic references’ resolution practically translates
into determining the geographical orientation of the
page that contains the identified location entities. To
derive that, we map the location keywords of a page
to their corresponding GeoWordNet nodes and we
explore their hierarchical relations. Terms that are
linked to each other under a common location node
are deemed to be geographically relevant, i.e. they
refer to the same place.
To verbalize the geographic reference of a page,
we use the name of the location node under which
the page location entities are organized. Then, we
rely on the hierarchical relations among the location
entities of common geographic references in order to
represent the geographic orientation of the entire
page contents. That is, we model the geographic
orientation of a page as a small location hierarchy,
the root of which denotes the broad geographic area
to which the page refers (e.g. country name) and the
intermediate and leaf nodes represent specific loca-
tions in that area that the page discusses (e.g. city
names, landmarks, etc.). Having modelled the geo-
graphic orientation of every retrieved page as a
structural hierarchy, we label the hierarchies’ nodes
with their corresponding geographic coordinates that
we take from GeoWordNet.
At the end of this process, we end up with a set
of location hierarchies, each one representing a dif-
ferent geographical area. Every location hierarchy
constitutes a hierarchical index under which we store
the URLs of the pages that refer to that place. This
way, we end up with a geo-referenced index that
groups pages into location hierarchies according to
the relatedness of their geographic entities. This in-
dex can then be utilized for answering location-
sensitive queries.
In this paper, we introduced a novel approach to-
wards implementing a geo-focused web crawler and
we presented a method for building a geo-referenced
search engine index. Our crawler identifies pages of
geographic orientation simply by exploring the pres-
ence of location entities in the page URLs and an-
chor text. In this direction, the crawler consults the
data encoded in GeoWordNet and employs a number
of heuristics for deducing the pages and the order in
which these should be retrieved. Moreover, we have
presented a method for automatically building a geo-
referenced web index that conventional search en-
gines could employ for answering location-sensitive
queries. The innovations of our work pertain to the
following. First, our crawler automatically identifies
the geographic focus of a page without any prior
need for processing the page’s contents. Moreover,
our focused crawler runs completely unsupervised,
diminishing thus computational overheads associ-
ated with building training examples for learning the
crawler to detect its visitations’ foci. In addition, the
crawler directs the retrieved pages to a downloading
module, which processes their contents and indexes
them into location-aware hierarchies.
To evaluate the performance of our geo-focused
crawler, we run two preliminary experiments. In the
first experiment, we validated the crawler’s accuracy
in identifying geographically-relevant data, whereas
in the second experiment, we assessed the geo-
graphic-coverage of the crawler’s visits. To begin
with our experiments, we compiled a seed list of
URLs from which the crawler would start its web
walkthroughs. In selecting the seed URLs, we relied
on the pages organized under the Dmoz categories
[Regional: North America: United States] out of
which we picked a total set of 10 random URLs and
we used them for compiling the crawler’s seed list.
Based on these 10 seed URLs, we run our crawler
for a period of one week during which the crawler
downloaded a total set of 2.5 million pages as geo-
graphically specific data sources. Based on those
pages, we measured the accuracy of our geo-focused
crawler in retrieving geographically-relevant data.
To quantify the crawler’s accuracy, we estimated the
fraction of the pages that the crawler retrieved as
geographically relevant from all the visited pages
that have some geographic orientation. Formally, we
define accuracy as:
retrieved visited
accuracy P / P =
where |P
| denotes the number of pages that the
crawler retrieved as geographically-focused and
| denotes the number of geographically-
oriented pages that the crawler visited. To assess
which of the pages (visited and retrieved) do have
geographic orientation, we processed their contents
and looked for location entities among their ele-
ments, using GeoWordNet as our reference source.
Pages containing location entities in their contents
are deemed as geographically-oriented. Results, re-
ported in Table 1, indicate that our crawler has over-
all 89.28% accuracy in identifying geographically-
relevant data in its web visits.
Table 1: Geo-focused crawling accuracy.
As a second evaluation step, we estimated the
geographic coverage of the crawler’s visits, i.e. the
number of different location names that the crawler
identifies in the web pages it comes across. To quan-
tify the crawler’s geographic coverage, we measured
the fraction of distinct geographic entities in the re-
trieved pages’ contents. Formally, we compute the
crawler’s geographic coverage as:
distinct total
Coverage E / E = where E
the number of unique location entities in the page
contents and E
denotes the total number of loca-
tion entities. Results, reported in Table 2, show that
our geo-focused crawler can successfully retrieve
sources pertaining to distinct geographical areas,
ensuring thus complete and qualitative web crawls.
Table 2: Crawler’s coverage of location entities.
Number of all location entities identified 1,265
Number of distinct location entities 1,029
Crawler’s geographic coverage 81.34%
Geographically-oriented visited pages 2.8 million
Geographically-oriented retrieved pages 2.5 million
Geo-focused crawling accuracy 89.28%
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Finally, we compared our crawler’s accuracy in
identifying geographically relevant web pages to the
accuracy of a classification-aware crawler. For this
experiment, we built a Bayesian classifier and we
used it to score every URL in the crawler’s seed list
with respect to their corresponding geographic cate-
gories in the Dmoz directory. For scoring geo-
graphically-relevant URLs, we relied on the seman-
tic relations between the Dmoz category names and
the keywords extracted form the anchor text of the
respective URLs, using WordNet. We then used the
above set of scored URLs as the classifier’s training
data. Having trained the classifier we integrated it in
a crawling module, which we run against the seed
URLs of our previous experiment for one week. At
the end of crawling, we computed the accuracy of
the classification-aware crawler and we compared it
to the accuracy of our geo-focused crawler. In Table
3, we report the comparison results.
Table 3: Comparison results.
Geo-focused crawling accuracy 89.28%
Classification-aware crawling accuracy 71.25%
Results indicate that our geo-focused crawler has
improved performance compared to the performance
of the classifier-based crawler. This, coupled with
the fact that our geo-focused crawler does not need
to undergo a training phase imply the potential of
our geo-focused crawler towards retrieving geo-
graphically-specific web data. Currently, we are
running a large-scale focused crawling experiment
in order to evaluate the effectiveness of our ranking
algorithm in ordering URLs in the crawler’s frontier.
Lefteris Kozanidis is funded by the PENED 03ED_413
research project, co-financed 25% from the Greek Minis-
try of Development-General Secretariat of Research and
Technology and 75% from E.U.-European Social Fund.
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