D. Biella and W. Luther
Institute of Informatics and Cognitive Sciences,University of Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstr. 65, Duisburg, Germany
Keywords: Metadata standards, Comparison of metadata standards, Virtual museum, Virtual 3D environments.
Abstract: This paper focuses on the question of how metadata and existing metadata standards can be used for the
administration, layout, storage, retrieval and visualization of Web-based virtual 3D museum environments.
We present enhanced metadata concepts that encompass the infrastructure of a virtual museum or laboratory
using stationary or mobile interfaces to communicate with information sources or interact with artifacts.
In recent papers, we have presented Web-based
virtual 3D museum environments featuring photo-
realistic 3D models, nondeterministic simulations
and special user interaction (Biella, 2006; Biella &
Luther, 2007, 2008). We have also addressed the
question of whether 3D or 2D virtual environments
are preferable, depending on the type of exhibits
involved. How to create virtual 2D exhibitions is
discussed in (Nesland et al., 2005). Concepts and
design aspects of virtual exhibition systems using
XML-based conceptual hypermedia document mod-
els are addressed in (Foo, 2008).
The research presented in this paper focuses on
the question how metadata and existing metadata
standards can be used for the administration, layout,
storage, retrieval and visualization of such environ-
First, we provide a definition of the virtual mu-
seum and discuss the concept of a virtual museum as
an informal learning environment. Then, we high-
light the theoretical aspect of metadata and its poten-
tial functions in an application context. Next, various
existing metadata standards are introduced and
compared with regard their capabilities for 3D vir-
tual museum environments. Finally, we focus on the
ARCO metadata standard AMS, present a case study
in which it has been used to describe a virtual mu-
seum and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of
AMS when it is used to create virtual exhibitions in
specific environments providing meaningful user
In this paper, we focus on virtual museums. We
follow the definition given by McKenzie, Sola and
Keene that defines a “virtual museum” as “an orga-
nized collection of electronic artifacts and informa-
tion resources—virtually anything which can be
digitized” (McKenzie, 1997), which “uses as the
means its collections, related information, knowled-
geable people, and the museum itself with its galle-
ries and displays of objects” (Keene, 1997).
According to Sola, the “traditional museum
piece, an item, a three-dimensional fact, is only a
datum among a complex of museum information, of
a message. We do not have museums because of the
objects they contain but because of the concepts that
these objects help to convey.“ (Sola, 1997)
In summary, we regard a virtual museum envi-
ronment as a combination of replicated or “born
digital” exhibits, ideas and concepts. Furthermore,
ideas and concepts can be conveyed through means
of interaction with objects. Although this approach
is commonly used in “hands-on” museums, there are
few virtual museums that follow this approach.
Despite the properties given above, a virtual mu-
seum is expected to support the following features:
Modification of exhibits with regard to position,
form and content, even with the aim of creating
new, enhanced instances of a cultural object,
Interaction with exhibits via adequate interfaces,
Reversibility to the original state after a user’s
interaction, and
Simulation of a kind defined by a discrete or
continuous process model.
Biella D. and Luther W.
DOI: 10.5220/0001823103990402
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We want to cite predominant forms of interaction
supported by various cultural object types (cf. Table
Table 1: Object and interaction types.
Object type Interaction type
Geometric object Moving, modifying the form, cloning
Visual object Watching from a different viewpoint,
modifying appearance
Dynamic object Launching the dynamic process via a
concept keyboard (Baloian et al.,
Room or lighting Being a part of the installation
Experiment Parameterizing and executing
Historical object Documenting the historical context,
creating extensions
It is noteworthy that reversibility is much easier to
accomplish in virtual simulations than in reality and
that it offers the opportunity to learn and understand
concepts by modifying objects regardless of their
physical accessibility or monetary or cultural value.
The concept of a museum as an informal learning
environment using metadata for the description of
room-based layout, dynamic exhibit models and
interaction design is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Concept of a virtual museum.
A metadata standard is chosen or developed based
on a list of requirements or required functions. This
standard must be able to describe the smallest in-
formation units, which are usually objects or groups.
Gilliland-Swetland introduced the notions of intrin-
sic and extrinsic metadata, which relate, respective-
ly, to the content and context of the information
object. Intrinsic data are associated with the charac-
teristics of the object, and extrinsic data with contex-
tual parameters. The following metadata categories
are mentioned (Gilliland-Swetland, 2000): Adminis-
trative Metadata (AM), Descriptive Metadata (DM),
Preservation Metadata (PM), Technical Metadata
(TM), and Use Metadata (UM).
Although the ARCO data model (cp. Section 4)
provides a metadata standard that can be applied in
general museum contexts, the visualization tools
seem to be proprietary add-on applications that
present items in augmented reality environments.
We found only partial counterparts to parameterized
exhibition rooms, presentation forms, X-VRML
templates or interaction patterns in the AMS (Patel
et al., 2005) (Walczak et al., 2006).
Even if the ARCO standard used some of the
categories introduced above, it did not distinguish
between intrinsic and extrinsic data and follows the
three-tier classification CO-AO-RO. Neither propos-
al explicitly supports sophisticated virtual museum
generation, typical room arrangements or illumina-
tion concepts, dynamically changing objects or user-
object interaction following a certain action and
interaction logic. Powerful metadata schemes should
support graphical tools to generate and modify
architectural designs that define exhibition rooms
including the ambient infrastructure, like libraries,
video viewing or information desks. Using parame-
terized room templates and predefined presentation
and interaction styles, the exhibition design process
can be accelerated by using a standardized search
engine, a repository containing the cultural object
data based on a complete metadata schema. Parame-
ters and data could be introduced using script lan-
guages or a graphical user interface (GUI) with
enhanced object search, editing and preview func-
We would like to emphasize the necessity that a
valuable metadata concept should encompass the
infrastructure of a virtual museum or laboratory with
stationary or mobile interfaces to communicate with
the information sources or to interact with the arti-
facts. This can be done via information terminals
and sensitive touch screens or silent digital compa-
nions. The goal of our ongoing research is to deter-
mine to what extent the interaction logic can be
automatically generated via template-based tools
together with the virtual learning and experimenting
environment and the human-machine interfaces.
Whereas the interaction logic is characterized
within the use metadata and serves to launch opera-
tions that change the situation of a virtual object, the
technical metadata describe the underlying action
logic. This metadata scheme could also be inspired
by certain elements of the actual learning object
metadata (LOM) standard, such as interactivity type,
intended end user role and entries to measure occu-
pation time.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In augmenting the proposed ARCO metadata stan-
dard, administrative and descriptive metadata
should encompass all the environment information
(e.g.: exhibition objects, room installation, geometry
and appearance attributes, illumination models).
Preservation metadata define constraints and consis-
tency checks to allow reversibility and preserve
authenticity and integrity when users are interacting
with virtual objects. Technical metadata should
contain the creation and dynamization of (virtual)
replicas and are related to the creation of user groups
and access rights. Use metadata circumscribe the
range of user activities, including virtual object
creation and manipulation and types of expressivity.
The enlarged metadata standard makes a clear
distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic metadata
and completes the topics artifact selection, digital
acquisition, storage/collection management, model
refinement and exhibition building and can be im-
plemented via an extension of a VRML model.
The metadata standards Dublin Core, CIDOC-CRM,
VRA Core and ARCO have been compared based
on their 3D data capability.
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) is
concerned with the development of metadata stan-
dards for the description of resources with a focus on
interoperability between heterogeneous document
management systems. Default DC metadata ele-
ments can be used in the description of artifacts and
resources in museums. However, interaction or
simulation models and extrinsic hierarchies cannot
be described.
The Comité international pour la documentation
Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC CRM) is an
ISO standard for the formal semantic description of
cultural heritage information. In addition to DC, it
can describe the temporal and spatial properties of
an object-related event. CRM is limited in terms of
multimedia content description but is well suited for
physical objects, rather than for virtual objects.
Visual Resources Association (VRA) focuses on
the metadata classification for both physical and
virtual visual information objects. VRA Core’s level
of detail in object descriptions is similar to that of
CIDOC CRM and offers many relation types for
modeling relations between exhibits and between a
museum and its rooms. It has limited capacities for
“born-digital” 3D objects.
The ARCO project sought to develop a single
standard that was also suitable for virtual 3D objects
and their workflow (modeling, modification and
visualization). It concretizes the notion of an infor-
mation object by defining the abstract class cultural
object (CO), the physical artifact, and by deriving
two nonabstract instances, the acquired object (AO)
and the refined object (RO). The digital representa-
tion of the CO (as AO or RO) is the Media Object
(MO). Examples of MOs include 3D models and
images of various MIME types.
The ARCO metadata element set (AMS) is an
extension (partly based on DC, CIDOC-CRM) that
defines six metadata types for ARCO objects: Re-
source discovery metadata, Presentation Metadata,
Curatorial and Descriptive Metadata, Technical
Metadata, Themed Metadata and Administrative
The major advantages of the ARCO standard are
the ability to manage native 3D and to store chrono-
logical information. The results of the analysis of
ARCO’s features with regard to certain metadata
types are provided in Table 2.
Table 2: Support of certain metadata types in the ARCO
metadata standard.
Type Existing or partly existing feature Missing feature
AM Acquisition, rights, location,
digitization, metadata creation
DM Creation (production date or period,
location, creator, contribution),
source, type (material), geometry
and appearance, components,
accession, actual location, field
Modification by
users, No
PM Consistency
TM Object metadata concerning virtual/
digital manifestation, MIME-type,
media object instance in database,
data type and format extent, person
effort to produce, rights, skill level
UM Type-specific metadata, size,
resolution panorama, compression,
color depth, dimension, textures,
modeler software, language,
animation, algorithm, manipulation
Only 3ds Max,
VRML & Dy-
namic modeling,
No user impact,
no interaction
model, algorithm
only for rescaling
The ARCO metadata standard—despite some
minor exceptions—meets all the demands made by
Gilliland-Swetland. Nonetheless, some functions are
mapped to different metadata types (e.g.: rights). For
this reason, we have chosen this standard to design
3D virtual museums and laboratories based on room
templates, exhibit-specific navigation and interaction
The feasibility of our concept was demonstrated by
using an existing implementation of an African
Grassland museum (Mafo, 2007) that includes an
entrance hall and a separate hall for exhibits on the
topic of daily life (cf. Figures 2 and 3). The system
architecture consists of a PHP-capable Web server, a
MySQL database server and Altova XML Spy and a
Web browser as the client-sided interfaces. The
object descriptions are stored in the database. Data is
read and written through an ODBC connection. The
Web-based metadata and object visualization front-
end lists several objects in a selection list. When an
object is clicked, it is visualized, and several meta-
data can be displayed (Figure 4).
Figure 2: Grassland museum (3D entrance hall).
Figure 3: Grassland museum (“Daily Life” hall).
Figure 4: Metadata visualization (Entrance hall).
We have presented workflow-based system architec-
ture for the administration and visualization of me-
tadata for 3D virtual museums. Several metadata
standards have been evaluated. ARCO is the pre-
ferred standard due to its high degree of complete-
ness with regard to different metadata types and its
ability to handle 3D content. A case study has prov-
en the feasibility of this concept, an empirical vali-
dation of the enhanced metadata standard is planned.
Another focus of our future work concerns the
inclusion of conversational agents in analogy to
existing solutions for real museums (Kopp et al.,
2005) and agent descriptions in metadata standards.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies