Stanley Loh
, Fabiana Lorenzi
, Roger Granada
Daniel Lichtnow
, Leandro Krug Wives
and Jos´e Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira
UCPEL Universidade Cat´olica de Pelotas, Rua Felix da Cunha 412, Pelotas, RS, Brasil
ULBRA Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Av. Farroupilha, 8001, Canoas, RS, Brasil
UFRGS Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av.Bento Gonc¸alves 9500-Bl IV,Porto Alegre-RS,Brasil
User profile, User profile similarity, Collaborative recommender systems.
This paper presents investigations on representing user’s profiles with information extracted from their sci-
entific publications. The work assumes that scientific papers written by users can be used to represent user’s
interest or expertise and that these representations can be used to find similar users. The goal is to support
similarity evaluations between users in a model-based collaborative recommender. Representing users by
their publications can help minimizing the new user problem. The idea is to avoid the necessity of asking
users to evaluate a set of items or give some information about their preferences, for example. In scientific
communities, particularly on digital libraries and systems focused on the retrieval of scientific papers, this is
an interesting feature. We have conducted some experiments to compare different techniques to represent the
papers (title, keywords, abstract and complete text) and two kinds of text indexes: terms and concepts. Further-
more, two distinct similarity functions (Jaccard and a Fuzzy function) were applied on these representations
and then compared with the goal of finding similar users.
Collaborative filtering (or social information filtering)
is one of the most used techniques in recommender
systems. There are two kinds of collaborativefiltering
techniques: item-item and user-user. Item-item based
identifies correlationsbetween items in order to define
newitems to be recommended to users; recommended
items are those similar to items already associated to
the user. User-user based technique evaluates the sim-
ilarity between users to find users with similar tastes
or needs; in this case, items to be recommended are
those associated to similar users.
In the user-user technique, two approaches may
be applied: memory-based and model-based. In the
memory-based one, similarity between users is eval-
uated by identifying items with common ratings in
historical data from two users. In the model-based
approach, items associated to users are employed to
define a model for each user; after that, the similarity
between users is evaluated by identifying the similar-
ity between their models (Wang et al., 2006).
The approach presented in this paper is based on
models of users, instead of using memory-based tech-
niques. Memory-based approach has the advantage of
being less complex(less parameters have to be tuned).
In contrast, model-based approaches generate com-
pact models and suffer less with the sparsity problem
(Wang et al., 2006)).
Collaborative filtering suffers from some prob-
lems such as the cold start or startup problem, the
sparsity problem, and the shilling problem. The
cold start or startup problem happens when there are
few ratings for an item or made by a user so the
system has no sufficient data to give recommenda-
tions; the latter case is also called the new user prob-
lem. The sparsity problem happens when there are
few common items rated by users, and the shilling
problem when someone tries to favor some particular
items (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005).
In universities and research groups it is very com-
mon to allocate new members since new members
(usually students) arrive frequently. In this case, a
recommender system will not have any register about
the preferences, ratings and interactions of these new
users. Thus, it is necessary to collect some infor-
Loh S., Lorenzi F., Granada R., Lichtnow D., Krug Wives L. and Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira J.
DOI: 10.5220/0001823405890596
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mation before producing recommendations or, alter-
natively, produce bad recommendations and improve
the results of future interactions by using users’ feed-
backs. Then, users have to expect some time for
receiving recommendations, that is, until the system
elaborates a profile (a model of his/her interest) or un-
til the user rate some items.
The focus of this paper is the new user problem in
recommender systems targeted on learning environ-
ments. Despite of the existing differences between
recommendation to consumer (related to goods) and
recommendation to learners systems, as pointed out
by (Drachsler et al., 2008), the same problem is
found. This paper minimizes this problem by analyz-
ing user’s publications, generating recommendations
for new learners and researchers.
The goal of this paper is to compare different tech-
niques to generate a user’s model analyzing his/her
publications and identifying his/her area of interest.
Similar users are then identified by comparing the
users’ models. By similar users, we mean users that
have interest in common scientific areas with similar
The techniques used here are able to compare dif-
ferent sections of the papers (e.g., title, keywords, ab-
stract and full text) and two kinds of text indexes:
terms and concepts. Furthermore, two distinct simi-
larity functions (Jaccard and a Fuzzy function) were
applied on the representations to find similar users.
The results give some hints that can be used to
improve existing collaborative filtering systems that
will be able to elaborate an initial profile or the user
model, thus minimizing the new user problem.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents some papers related to model-based collab-
orative filtering and to the representation of users’ in-
terest and expertise. Section 3 details the proposed
method for representing users’ profiles with different
techniques. Section 4 presents the experiments car-
ried out for evaluating the proposed techniques and
discusses the results. Section 5 presents a scenario to
illustrate the application of method in a recommender
system. Finally section 6 summarizes the contribu-
tions and discusses future works.
The new user problem is a relevant one, and is usu-
ally minimized by the use of techniques to iden-
tify the similarity between users. In (Adomavicius
and Tuzhilin, 2005), for example, a model-based ap-
proach is used for the analysis of users’ similarity.
In their case, techniques based on clustering and on
Bayesian networks are employedto find similar users.
Similarly, (Stoilova et al., 2005) propose evaluating
the similarity between users through their bookmarks
analysis. Other particular way to evaluate similarity
between users is to examine their social relations or
networks, as performed in (Spertus et al., 2005).
The problem is that there is a lack of information
about users, and it results in low quality recommen-
dations. Some initiatives try to solve this problem.
For instance, in the Movielens System, new users are
asked to rate some movies when they start using the
system in order to create an initial profile (Rashid
et al., 2002). The problem is that, sometimes, a new
user does not have time or willing to do this initial
An alternative way to the evaluation of the sim-
ilarity between users and to minimize the new user
problem is to analyze scientific publications of these
users. This is important in the context of recommend-
ing items from a digital library or information sources
in learning situations. In this context, publications can
be used under different approaches. In an item-item
approach, collaborative filtering systems can consider
similarity between papers in the following way: pa-
pers written by users are similar to papers cited inside
these papers, as employed by (McNee et al., 2002).
In a user-user memory-based approach, systems can
evaluate the similarity between users by analyzing
common publications or common vehicles where pa-
pers were published.
In these approaches, one important question is
how to analyze users’ publications and represent their
content. Under a user-user model-based approach,
systems can generate a model for each user from the
texts associated to him/her (written, read or cited)
and compare these models to infer the similarity be-
tween users. This approach is employed by (Middle-
ton et al., 2003). The limitation is that profiles are
generated analyzing papers browsed by users, what is
far from minimizing new user problem.
In (Dumais and Nielsen, 1992), different tech-
niques for representing the expertise or interest of
a conference reviewer are presented. In this case,
they utilize family names, keywords and abstracts ex-
tracted from papers supplied by the reviewers as the
best representatives of their knowledge. Similarly,
(Yarowsky and Florian, 1999) use a centroid (a term
vector) generated from papers representatives of the
reviewer expertise. (Basu et al., 2001) represents re-
viewers with information extracted from papers that
are written by the reviewers or referenced by them in
their home pages (titles, abstracts and keywords are
used to represent papers). These studies do not com-
pare the use of titles, keywords and abstracts among
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
them (the context of the paper is query reformulation).
Other limitation is that the cited work does not eval-
uate the use of the whole text as representative of the
user interest. Analyzing the presented related work, it
is possible to notice the need for comparing different
extracts from publications (scientific papers) in order
to represent expertise or interest areas of people. Our
goal in the current paper is to evaluate different repre-
sentations of texts as representatives of users profiles,
such as parts of the text (titles, keywords, abstracts
and full text) and different kinds of indexes (terms
versus concepts). Representations are extracted from
texts of scientific papers written by the users. The
final goal is to apply these profiles in collaborative
systems to find similar users.
The goal of this paper is to investigate techniques
for finding similar users in the context of user-user
model-based collaborative filtering systems or meth-
ods. We propose the utilization of users’ publica-
tions (scientific papers written by them) to repre-
sent their interest. We assume that publications of
the users are already collected and separated by ti-
tle, keywords, abstract and complete text. The pub-
lications may be collected by analyzing the curricu-
lum vitae of the user or in public sources such as
Scholar Google (, Citeseer
(, and the Brazilian BDB-
Comp (
This work compares parts of the papers (titles,
keywords, abstracts and complete texts) for represent-
ing profiles in order to find similar users. Further-
more, the work examines what kind of index better
represents texts in this context. We tested terms ver-
sus concepts; terms are single words extracted from
texts following the full-text indexing method (after
eliminating stopwords); concepts are extracted from
probabilistic analysis of words presented in the text
and correspond to nodes of a domain ontology.
In addition, we compare two functions for calcu-
lating similarity between texts: the Jaccard method
and a Fuzzy equation proposed by (Loh et al., 1998).
The results of this investigation must show what kind
of technique is better suited for finding similar users.
In order to achieve these goals, we have defined a
general process for analyzing texts with the following
1. Tokenization: separating single words from each
2. Stopwords elimination: terms like prepositions
and articles should be disregarded;
3. Identification of the relative frequency: for
each token (term): relative frequency is the fre-
quency of the term in the text divided by the total
number of terms in the text;
4. Creation of a weighted term vector: term and
relative frequency for representing each text.
In the next subsections, we explain the different
techniques used to extract information from user’s
publications and to represent the user model.
3.1 Text Parts: Title vs. Abstracts vs.
Keywords vs. Complete Text
One of the investigations of this paper concerns the
structure of the scientific papers used in the user pro-
file to represent the user interest. Following the work
of (Basu et al., 2001), we selected the titles, the key-
words, the abstracts and the complete texts as paper
The goal is to know if simple parts (as titles and
keywords) can achieve better results for representing
user interest and for finding similar users. If so, we
would not need to process bigger parts of the text as
abstracts or the full text of the paper.
3.2 Text Indexes: Terms vs. Concepts
Another investigation is related to the kind of text
representations (indexes). The majority of current
studies use term vectors to represent texts. However,
terms (especially single words) are prone to problems
due to the use of synonyms (different words for the
same meaning), polysemy (the same word with many
meanings) and lemmas (words with the same radi-
cal, like the verb “to marry” and the noun “marriage”)
(Chen, 1994).
One alternative approach that has been used with
success is the use of concepts instead of terms to rep-
resent texts. Concepts have been used also in Infor-
mation Retrieval in order to index and retrieve doc-
uments. As pointed by (Lin and Chen, 1996), the
concept-based retrieval capability has been consid-
ered as an effective complement to the prevailing key-
word search or user browsing. Concepts belong to
the extra-linguisticknowledgeabout the world (Sowa,
2000). They are expressed by words but in fact they
represent things in a higher level (entities and events
of the reality). Concepts are identified in texts with
the help of a domain ontology. A domain ontology
is a description of things that exist or can exist in a
domain (Sowa, 2000) and it contains the vocabulary
related to the domain (Guarino, 1998).
In the presented work, the ontology is imple-
mented as a set of concepts in a hierarchical structure
(a root node, parent-nodes and child-nodes). Each
concept has associated to it a list of terms and their
respective weights. Weights are used to state the rel-
ative importance or the probability of the term for
identifying the concept in a text and they are defined
by a traditional supervised learning process (like a
Bayesian one). The relation between concepts and
terms is many-to-many, that is, a term may be pre-
sented in more than one concept and a concept may
be described by many terms.
The ontology is used to identify themes in texts
using a probabilistic method that compares the terms
presented in the text and the terms associated to the
concept. A threshold is used to determine if the con-
cept is presented or not in the text. The procedure
is similar to the one presented in (Loh et al., 1998).
Therefore, the investigation intends to compare users
profiles composed by terms or by concepts. Terms
and concepts are extracted from textual parts of the
papers (titles, keywords, abstracts or complete pa-
3.3 Similarity Function: Jaccard vs.
There are different similarity functions for comparing
texts. Cosine and Euclidean Distance are two of the
most usual. The former evaluates the cosine of the
angle formed by two vectors representing texts in a
Cartesian plan. The latter calculates the distance be-
tween the two vectors in a Cartesian plan. One limi-
tation of these functions is that they evaluate common
attributes but fail to compute attributes that do not ap-
pear in the vectors (Willet, 1998).
Jaccard coefficient(Equation 1) is used to measure
similarity between sets. It is defined as the size of the
intersection divided by the size of the union of 2 sets.
J(A, B) =
|A B|
|A B|
. (1)
In our case, it can be used to take in account at-
tributes that do not appear in one of the vectors. Thus,
the similarity degree between two vectors is calcu-
lated by the number of common attributes divided by
the total number of attributes without counting rep-
etitions (number of attributes in the first vector plus
number of attributes in the second vector minus num-
ber of common attributes). However, the Jaccard co-
efficient fails to compute weighted vectors, that is, the
weights associated to the attributes in the vectors are
not utilized in the calculation. This can bring some
misleading especially when dealing with texts. For
example, terms that appear with different frequencies
in different vectors will lead to an equal similarity.
For this reason, we use a different similarity func-
tion that regards the weights of the common attributes
and also computes non-commonattributes. This func-
tion was presented by (Loh, 2001). As shown in equa-
tion 2, the degree of similarity between two texts (vec-
tors) is calculated by the sum of the degrees of equal-
ity of the common attributes weights divided by the
total number of attributes found in both vectors.
gs(X, Y) =
(a, b)
where: gs is the degree of similarity between texts
X and Y; h is an index for the terms that are common
to X and Y; k is the number of terms that are common
to X andY; n is the total number of terms in both doc-
uments (not counting repetitions); gi is the equality
degree between weights of the term h in each vector
(weight a in X and weight b in Y).
The equality degree between the weights is mea-
sured by equation 3 and it follows the work presented
in (Pedrycz, 1993).
gi(a, b) =
(a b) (b a) + (a b) (b a)
where: x = 1 x; a b = [c [0, 1] | a× c b];
and = min.
The equation takes into account the fact that an
attribute may have different degrees of importance in
different texts. Instead of calculating the average or
the product between two degrees, the function deter-
mines the degree of equality between them. For ex-
ample: if an attribute h (that is common to both texts
being analyzed) has a weight of 0.9 in one text and
0.3 in the other, the average would be 0.6, equal as if
the weights were 0.6 in both texts. In the same sense,
the product of weights 0.9 and 0.4 would generate a
result equal to two weights 0.6. However, weights 0.6
are more similar to each other than 0.9 to 0.3 or 0.9 to
The experiments were performed using the simi-
larity functions on vectors with different kinds of text
attributes. Attributes may be a term presented in the
text or a concept identified in the text as described
Experiments were undertaken in order to validate
the methods described in the previous section. We
selected 12 authors with scientific papers published
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
in important conferences held in Brazil. These au-
thors were grouped in pairs according to the area
where they usually publish. Six areas were defined:
Database, Software Engineering, Computers in Ed-
ucation, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks
and Neural Networks.
In the next step, for each selected author, we
collected 3 recent papers (in Portuguese) writ-
ten by the author. The papers were collected
from the Brazilian Digital Library of Computer
Science (
and from the Brazilian Academic Google
( Each author is
represented by his/her papers according to the differ-
ent techniques compared in this paper (explained in
section 3).
For the experiment, each part of the paper (titles,
keywords, abstracts or complete text) were used to
represent the user interest. After, terms and concepts,
with the respective weights, were extracted from the
above texts (representations).
For the experiments involving concepts, a domain
ontology for Computer Science was employed. The
ontology was created based on the ACM classification
for Computer Science. The high level concepts are
similar to those of the ACM in the first level but we
created more detailed levels (subdivisions of areas) to
express more specific knowledge. However, the child
concepts are quite different, resulting in a different
hierarchy of concepts (or areas).
In order to define the terms and weights associated
to each concept, a supervised learning process was
conducted. Training texts, selected by experts, were
analyzed by the TFIDF method (Salton and McGill,
1983) to generate the terms and weights. After, ex-
perts reviewed the ontology adding word variations
with the same weight as the principal. A normaliza-
tion step was applied over the weights to avoid a great
variation in the limits from one concept to other.
In each experiment, the goal was to evaluate the
similarity among authors, using the different tech-
niques for representing the authors interest. A ma-
trix of similarity between authors was then generated
and pairs of authors were formed associating to each
author the one among the 12 that was most similar to
him/her. To compare the performance of each tech-
nique, we evaluated if the correct pair for each author
was found by the techniques. That means that a total
of 12 evaluations were performed for each technique.
The percent of correct assignments were used as mea-
Table 1 shows the results got from titles and key-
words and table 2 shows the results got with abstracts
and complete texts. We have analyzed concepts and
Table 1: Results of the experiments: titles and keywords.
Titles Keywords
Function Concept Term Concept Term
Jaccard 16.6% 0% 16.6% 66.6%
Fuzzy 16.6% 0% 25% 66.6%
terms for each part of the paper (titles, keywords, ab-
stracts and complete texts). Each column represents
the percent of pairs correctly assigned by each tech-
nique or condition. We have run the experiments with
two similarity functions: Jaccard and Fuzzy Function.
The first row shows the performance results got from
Jaccard function and the second row shows the results
of the Fuzzy function.
As we can see in table 1, when using terms, key-
words achieved a better performance (66.6% of cor-
rect assignments) with both similarity functions. In
contrast, when using concepts, abstracts achieved
better performance (58.3% with the Fuzzy function).
However, with the Jaccard similarity, abstracts had
the same performance (41.6%) as complete texts. This
result is assumed as normal since the similarity func-
tion influences the performance as will be discussed
in the next sections.
Table 2: Results of the experiments: abstracts and complete
Abstracts Complete Texts
Function Concept Term Concept Term
Jaccard 41.6% 8.3% 41.6% 41.6%
Fuzzy 58.3% 0% 50% 41.6%
In the same sense, we can say that the choice of
the representative paper (title, keywords, abstract or
complete text) is influenced by the kind of index em-
ployed (terms or concepts). However, the results sug-
gest that using keywords with terms is better; this per-
formance (66.6%) is 14% better than the second best
performance (58.3% with abstracts and concepts us-
ing the Fuzzy function).
Analyzing the use of terms versus concepts, we
can see that using Jaccard function, concepts per-
formed better than terms with titles and abstracts.
Jaccard lost in performance with Keywords and it had
equal performance with Complete Texts. However,
using the best performance with Jaccard was due to
terms with keywords (66.6%).
Using the Fuzzy function, concepts performed
better than terms with titles, abstracts and Complete
Texts but lost with keywords. However, the best per-
formance with Fuzzy function was due to terms (over
keywords) with 66.6% of correct assignments. It is
also interesting to note that terms achieved, in all
experiments, the best performance (66.6% with key-
words) and the worst performance (no hit with titles
and only 8.3% with abstracts and Jaccard function).
The results confirm that concepts are more appro-
priate to be used with longer texts that represent pa-
pers (as for example, abstracts and complete texts).
When the number of words is too small (as in titles
and keywords), the performance with concepts is far
from good. Another conclusion is that terms are more
appropriated to be used with keywords and that this
combination (terms and keywords) is the best one.
Comparing Jaccard versus Fuzzy similarity func-
tion, in 3 of the 8 conditions, the Fuzzy similarity
function achieved a better performance than the Jac-
card function, losing 1 case and tied in 4. Using con-
cepts, the Fuzzy function performed better in 3 pa-
per representatives (keywords, abstracts and complete
texts) and tied in one (titles). Using terms, Jaccard
achieved a better performance with abstracts and tied
in 3 paper representatives (titles, keywords and com-
plete texts). However, this win with abstracts was
with a precision of only 8.3%.
This analysis leads us to conclude that the Fuzzy
function performs better than Jaccard and it can be
employed in whatever situation. The reason may be
that it is important to regard the weight of the at-
tributes as the Fuzzy function does and as the Jaccard
does not.
This section shows a simplified scenario of recom-
mendation. The objective of this scenario is just illus-
trating the use of the proposal approach in a recom-
mender system. The Figure 1 shows an overview of
architecture. The architecture consists of 3 modules.
s Profiles
s Ratings
Digital L
Similar Users
Figure 1: Application Scenario.
1. The Information Extraction Module receives an id
of a new user (name, email, for example) The nec-
essary id depending on repository. Using this id
the module extracts information about user’s pub-
lication from Web (e.g. Scholar Google,DBLP);
2. The Identify Similar User Module receives infor-
mation about publication (a set of terms) and re-
trieves information about old users (profiles con-
tains a set of keywords). The module calculates
the similarity among users using the similarity
functions described on section 3.3. The most sim-
ilar users are identified and this informationis sent
to Recommendation Module;
3. The Recommendation Module retrieves informa-
tion about similar users, generates and sends the
recommendation to the relevant user. The recom-
mendation is a set of items that similar users have
given good rates. Good rates means items that
users have used in the past (in this case the evalua-
tion is implicit), or items that old users have given
good rates in an explicit way.
Without identifying similar users, it will be nec-
essary to generate recommendation using only terms
related to the user (like in a search engine) or ask the
user to evaluate some items (to build an initial pro-
The paper presented investigations on different tech-
niques for representing user profiles for similarity
evaluation in user-user model-based collaborativerec-
ommenders. The work assumes that scientific papers
written by users can be used to compose the user pro-
file, representing the user interest or expertise.
Techniques were created to compare different
parts of the papers (title, keywords, abstract and com-
plete text) to be used as their representatives. Other
techniques were used to compare two kinds of text
indexes: terms and concepts. Furthermore, two dis-
tinct similarity functions (Jaccard and a Fuzzy func-
tion) were applied on the representations to find sim-
ilar users.
Our evaluations show that the best performance
is achieved with the combination of terms and key-
words (in both similarity functions). It is important to
say that the choice of the paper representative is in-
fluenced by the kind of index used. In the future, it
is necessary to use a bigger sample sets in the exper-
iments and others similarity measures can be tested
(cosine, for example). However some preliminary
conclusions rose after the experiments were:
1. If using terms instead of concepts for indexing
texts, prefer to select keywords as paper represen-
2. If using concepts, prefer to select abstracts as pa-
per representatives;
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3. The Fuzzy function is not suited to be used with
the combination abstracts + terms, but in all other
cases it outperforms the Jaccard similarity;
4. If needing to use title, abstracts or complete texts
as paper representatives, prefer to use concepts as
text indexes;
5. If using keywords, prefer to use terms; and
6. It is not necessary to use complete texts as paper
representative; complete texts do not give the best
performance and have additional burden of pro-
The final suggestion is to use the Fuzzy function
with the combination of terms to index keywords ex-
tracted from papers. One of the reasons may be that
authors select keywords that better represent the con-
tent of the papers and human decisions are still the
best choice. However, it is interesting to note that
even titles did not perform well, leading to the sup-
position that titles are not good representatives of the
content of the papers or that authors fail in choos-
ing words for titles. The result is a little surprising
since we initially expected that complete texts would
have the best performance. However, this finding is
similar to the one presented by (Brutlag and Meek,
2000) that e-mail headers perform so well as message
bodies for classifying e-mail messages, with the addi-
tional advantage of reducing the number of features to
be analyzed. One possible reason for this surprising
finding is that complete texts allow identifying many
themes while titles and keywords concentrate in less
and more specific themes.
The method for identifying themes in texts con-
sider many possibilities and this can mislead the sim-
ilarity evaluation, since many non-common themes
can appear when comparing two authors. In this
sense, (Kraft et al., 2006) found out that the number
ideal of terms used in a query, in a search engine sys-
tem, should be between 5 and 9 what show that a con-
cept can be represented by a small set of terms. An-
other supposition is that increasing the threshold for
considering themes in texts may bring less and more
specific themes.
This is a point for a future work. For now, we
can only say that complete texts have the most nor-
mal performance comparing concepts versus terms or
Jaccard versus the Fuzzy function. In all the other 3
paper representatives (titles, keywords and abstracts),
the difference between the best and the worst perfor-
mance was too great.
In the same way, we noted that the best perfor-
mance (66.6%) is still far from the desired one. This
limitation can be due to the discussed before or due to
the number of publications used for each user (only
3). Future works must evaluate the number of papers
sufficient for representing the user’s interest. How-
ever, we preview that, if the author publish papers
in many different areas, the result will not be better.
Thus, maybe to use a bigger number of documents are
not going to produce better results.
It is important to notice that is necessary to find
out areas of interest with a small number of docu-
ments. Some users do not have a lot of documents. In
this sense, documents with less co-authors and docu-
ments where user is the first author should represent
better users interest. Besides it is important to con-
sider too that a great number of terms and documents
are going to compromise the system’s performance.
In this sense, there are works related to document
clustering and document classification where the use
of a limited number of terms is proposed (Koller and
Sahami, 1997), (Chang and Hsu, 2005).
Other possible cause of the bad performance may
be the lack of advanced methods for term process-
ing as stemming or n-grams. A future investigation
must evaluate if mistakes can be corrected using one
of these methods.
In the case of concepts, we do not associate the
bad performance to the domain ontology. The ontol-
ogy used in the experiments was evaluated in other
works for classifying scientific papers and achieved
results close to 90% of accuracy.
We are conducting an experiment to analyze the
curriculum vitae of authors in order to discover
his/her interest areas along the time and infer sequen-
tial patterns on changes of interest. This is very im-
portant point, because in general, persons with similar
interests must be persons with similar interests at the
same time (or almost). There are some examples of
papers related to temporal effects on the performance
of the recommender systems (Ding and Li, 2005).
We should remember that the results of this work
can be applied to minimize the new user problem in a
model-based collaborative recommender, through the
use of a different kind of characteristic to represent
the users interest. Using the user’s scientific publi-
cations, the similarity between users can be evaluated
without the user having to rate items. Besides, the
methods can be used to identify persons with similar
profiles. A future work consists on the application of
the techniques in a real recommender system to repro-
duce the scenario of section 5.
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selho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient´ıfico e
Tecnol´ogico, Brazil and CAPES, Coordenac¸˜ao de
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