Jianqiang Li and Yu Zhao
NEC Laboratories China,14F, Bldg.A, Innovation Plaza, Tsinghua Science Park, Beijing 100084, China
Keywords: Web data extraction, Web mining, Vertical web search, Web page clustering.
Abstract: This paper proposes a method to identify the object relevant information which is distributed across multiple
web pages in a website. Many researches have been reported on page-level web data extraction. They
assume that the input web pages contain the data records of interested objects. However, in many cases for
data mining from a website, the group of web pages describing an object are sparsely distributed in the
website. It makes the page-level solutions no longer applicable. This paper exploits the hierarchy model
employed by the website builder for web page organization to solve the problem of website-level data
extraction. A new resource, the Hierarchical Navigation Path (HNP), which can be discovered from the
website structure, is introduced for object relevant web page filtering. The found web pages are clustered
based on the URL and semantic hyperlink analysis, and then the entry page and the detailed profile pages of
each object are identified. The empirical experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
The research on web data extraction has been widely
conducted (Laender et al, 2002; Kevin et al., 2004).
Basically, the existing approaches are page-level
solutions. They utilize inductive learning (Cohen et
al., 2002; Kushmerick, 2000; Muslea et al., 2001) or
deductive reasoning (Arasu and Garcia, 2003; Liu et
al., 2003; Crescenzi et al., 2001) to find the template
of target web pages for data extraction. Generally,
the identified data records correspond to
recognizable objects (or concepts) in the real world,
such as products, projects, or persons. Based on the
assumption that (1) the input web pages contain the
data records of interested objects, and (2) all the
information about one objects is contained in one
web page, most of them can achieve reasonable
accuracies in their evaluations.
However, a large amount of real-world objects
are described in the current Web by multiple web
pages (Zhu et al., 2007; Kevin et al., 2004). E.g., a
product manufacturer might utilize multiple pages
for describing each of its products. To extract the
structural data of such objects, a new research, i.e.,
web data extraction across multiple web pages, is
derived. Since the multiple pages relevant to an
object are hyperlinked each other and serve as a
constitutional part of the whole website, we call it
website-level data extraction in this paper.
Different from page-level data extraction, the
website-level data extraction assumes that (1) the
group of pages describing an object are sparsely
distributed in the website (only a small part of given
pages contain relevant information of interested
object), and (2) each relevant page contains only a
piece of descriptions of the interested object. Since a
website generally includes multi-types of objects
(e.g., products and projects), the website-level
solution needs to allow the user to specify the type
of objects he/she is interested in. Therefore, the
input of this task is also different from that of the
page-level solutions, which comprises two parts: one
is a whole collection of web pages of the website;
and the other is the possible type information of the
interested objects, e.g., the user might utilize the
keyword “product” to represent that he/she wants to
extract all the published products in a website.
These differences make the existing page-level
solutions cannot be applied for the website-level
data extraction. This paper describes our solution for
this problem, which can serve as a complement
technology to the page-level solution.
Intuitively, the solution of this problem can start
with object identification (discovering the group of
relevant pages of each object) and followed by
applying the page-level techniques on the identified
pages for structured data extraction. Due to space
limitation and the fact that many page-level
solutions have been reported, our focus is on the
Li J. and Zhao Y.
DOI: 10.5220/0001823705970604
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
object identification problem, i.e., finding the entry
page and other detailed profile pages for each object.
We examine how to utilize the hierarchical
model adopted by website builder for the web page
organization to help identify the interested objects in
a website. Correspondingly, a two-stage strategy is
adopted in the proposed approach: 1) object relevant
web page filtering and 2) object identification based
on hierarchical web page clustering. The first stage
finds all the object relevant pages. Its basic idea is
derived from following observations: Readers
generally utilize the information appearing in
multiple levels of hierarchical hyperlinks as a guide
in website navigating; The anchor texts, URLs, page
titles associated with the hyperlinks appeared in a
reader’s navigation path often give clear indication
of the nature of the destination page. Then, the
navigation paths are used to find all the object
relevant pages in the website. The second stage first
clusters the object relevant web pages into multiple
groups, and then the objects are identified from each
of the web page group. The underlying assumption
is that a hyperlink referencing to an object generally
selects the entry page of the object as the target. We
validate our approach on the product extraction from
45 company websites in the IT domain. The result
shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Many research results have been reported to exploit
the HTML DOM-trees of the web pages to discover
the templates for the page-level data extraction. The
earliest solutions (Arocena and Mendelzon, 1998;
Hammer et al., 1997) mainly utilize the manual
approach to acquire the knowledge of the template.
To construct the wrapper through a semi-automatic
way, supervise learning is adopted for wrapper
induction (Cohen et al., 2002; Kushmerick, 2000;
Muslea et al., 2001). For fully automatic web data
extraction, several methods are proposed to discover
the repeated patterns appeared inside a web page
(Liu et al., 2003; Chang and Lui, 2003) or across
multiple web pages (Wong and Lam, 2007;
Crescenzi et al., 2001). Recently, the researches
incorporating vision-based features for data
extraction are reported (Cai et al., 2003; Zhu et al.,
2006; Zhai and Liu, 2006).
Basically, the technologies discussed above can
achieve reasonably accuracies. They all assume that
target web page is generated automatically from a
template. It causes the solutions can only be applied
for the page-level data extraction.
This paper focuses on the problem of website-
level data extraction. The most related work is the
discovery of the logical domain (Li et al., 2001) or
information unit (Tajima et al., 1998; Li et al., 2001).
However, since their purposes are web search or
search result organization, the solutions cannot be
utilized directly for web data extraction. Also, the
content-based solutions make the accuracy of
resultant web page group not good enough.
For the website-level data extraction, our
proposed approach differentiates the object relevant
web page filtering as a distinct step. The time-
consuming task for learning or page layout analysis
on large scale web pages is avoided. Also the HNP
based web page filtering can guarantee the high
accuracy of the final object identification. Although
the page layout analysis is involved in the following
hierarchical web page clustering and page-level data
extraction, since the target pages are only a small
part of pages in the website, it is feasible for
accurate object identification and data extraction.
Figure 1: Procedures of object mining.
In this paper, we call the web page containing
descriptions about the interested objects as the object
relevant pages. They mainly refer to the object list
pages (i.e., a navigation page including a list of
hyperlinks pointing to multiple object entry pages)
and profile pages (including certain profile
information). For each object, its profile pages can
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
be classified into two types, i.e., the entry and
detailed-profile pages. The entry page is the home
page of the object. It contains a brief overview of the
object, where the page reader can be guided to the
detailed-profile pages. Each detailed-profile page
describes one aspect of the object. The website
builder generally uses one entry page and multiple
detailed-profile pages for one object. Sometimes,
there might be only one page includes both the
overview and detailed information of one object.
Our proposed approach mainly comprises two
stages, i.e., (1) object relevant web page filtering and
(2) object identification based on hierarchical web
page clustering. Concretely, it is embodied as four
steps shown in Figure 1. The first step is web page
filtering to obtain all the object-relevant pages from
the page collection of corresponding website. In
succession, the object-relevant web pages are
clustered into multiple groups. The web pages in
each group are linked together with certain
hierarchical relations (HRs). In the third step, the
result of above two steps is refined based on the
layout based hyperlink analysis. The final step finds
the entry and detailed-profile pages for each object.
3.1 Web Page Filtering
This step finds all the object relevant pages in a
website. The traditional content based techniques
(Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999) can be used
here. However, the accuracy is not good, since the
content of a page is generally not self-contained. We
propose a HNP based approach for this task.
Formally, a hyperlink h is defined h=<p
, at, p
where p
is the source page, at is the anchor text
displayed for h, and p
is the destination page of h.
The constitutional hyperlinks of a HNP, which we
call as Hierarchical hyperLinks (HLs), are different
from those Reference hyperLinks (RLs) which
convey the peer-to-peer recommendation, and also
different from those Pure Navigational hyperLinks
(PNLs) which provide just shortcut from a page to
another page. HLs are utilized for web page
organization and imply the HRs (e.g., whole-part or
parent-child) between pages. Then the semantic of
ancestor pages could be inherited to descendant
pages along the HLs. A HNP is composed of multi-
step HLs which constitute the assumed entry path to
guide users’ navigation from the root page to the
destination page. It can afford meaningful indication
on the content of its destination page.
3.1.1 HNP Construction
To extract HNPs from a website, first we need to
realize the HL identification, i.e., to remove the
PNLs as the noise information from the intra-site
hyperlinks. The algorithm includes two parts: 1)
syntactical URL analysis, and 2) semantic hyperlink
analysis. The first part utilizes the directory
information embedded in URLs to determine
whether there is HR between the source and
destination pages. The second part for semantic
hyperlink analysis is adopted to find the PNLs that
cannot be determined by the URL. The basic
heuristic is originated from the observation that the
destination pages of the hyperlinks from the same
link collection (A link collection is a semantic block
defined in Cai et al., 2003 that containing only a set
of hyperlinks in a web page.) are siblings each other.
Then, they should share the same parent and have
different child pages. As shown in Figure 2, since
the web pages in P
are outbound pages of a link
collection (the rectangle in red line hosted by a web
page), and their outbound hyperlinks {l
, l
, l
, l
share a same destination page in P
, then {l
, l
, l
} are identified as PNLs. Similarly, {l
, l
, l
, l
are PNLs. Although the HL identification method is
heuristic, the experiment has proved that it can
discover most of the HLs in a website.
Figure 2: Semantic hyperlink analysis.
Figure 3: An example of HNP.
After the HLs are identified, the HNPs for each
web page can then be generated by concatenating
sequential HLs without a circular path, where the
homepage serves as the root node of all these HNPs.
Since a HNP is utilized to discover the semantic
meaning of its target page, the linguistic contents
within HNP, i.e., the URLs, anchor texts, and page
titles along it, are collected. For a HNP <hp, h
, h
, p>, we represent t(h
) as the target page of link h
and then its linguistic contents as a text node list
}, i=0, 1, .., n, where tn
=<title(hp), url(hp)>, and
), title(t(h
)), url(t(l
))>, i=1, 2, …, n.
Figure 3 lists the text nodes for the example HNP.
3.1.2 HNP based Web Page Filtering
We formulate the object relevant web page filtering
as a process of web page retrieval with given queries.
More concretely, the query is modelled into two
steps, i.e., path-query and content-query. For the
path-query, HNPs serve as the intermedia between
the query and the pages, i.e., whether a web page is
relevant to the object is determined by its associated
HNPs. The content-query is based on the result of
path-query. It utilizes the page content to judge
whether a web page is relevant or not.
The path-query is to retrieve object-relevant
pages by querying the HNPs’ text nodes with the
object type names. For example, if a user wants to
extract products from a company website, he/she
might directly use the keywords such as “product”
as the input query (the white keywords). If some text
nodes of a page’s HNPs contain such keywords, the
page could be regarded as object-relevant.
Optionally, in order to improve the performance of
the path-query, a keywords blacklist including the
names of other popular object types in the websites
could be employed to filter out noise pages. That is
to say, if the HNP of a page contains the keywords
in the blacklist, the page could be regarded as a
noise page. For example, if a page’s HNPs include
the keywords such as “news” or “projects” which is
used popularly in the websites for objects other than
products, this page might not be product-relevant.
A simple algorithm for HNP based filtering
would treat each HNP as a document, therefore the
similarity between the query and the HNP texts
could be used to determine if the page is relevant.
However, we found that the term frequency itself is
not enough to determine if a web page is really
relevant: white keywords (regarding to interested
objects) and black keywords (regarding to
uninterested objects) might coexist in different
nodes of a HNP or in different HNPs of one page.
The indication of a HNP on the content of the
destination pages comes from not only its contained
texts but also the position of the texts in the HNP.
Correspondingly, we designed a weighting policy
for object-relevant page filtering by use of HNPs:
the position of the node containing the white/black-
keywords is nearer to the destination page of
corresponding HNP, more weight is given to the
destination page indicating that it is object-
relevant/irrelevant page.
Assume that HNP
is the set of HNPs pointing to
web page p. The HNP with maximum length in
contains N
nodes (the length of a HNP is n
means that it contains n text nodes). For a text node
(i=0, 1, …, n-1) in a n-length HNP hnpHNP
the distance between tn
and p along hnp is n-i-1.
Since shorter is the distance, higher the weight of the
node should be taken, we defined the weight of tn
-(n-i-1). If tn
contains any white keyword,
let w(tn
)=1, otherwise, let w(tn
)=0. Similarly, if tn
contains any black keywords, let b(tn
)=1, otherwise,
let b(tn
)=0. Then, the decision function is defined
HNP tn
tnbtnwtnspD )]()()[()(
Then, when D(p)>0, p is considered as an object-
relevant page, otherwise, it is a noise page.
Since the results of the path-query might contain
not only object profile pages but also object list
pages, the content-query is designed for filtering out
the object list pages. It utilizes the unique
ontological property names of the object type as
keywords for further filtering. E.g.,, for describing a
product, the unique property names include such as
“function”, “feature”, and “price”. The content-
query is conducted on the results of the path-query.
Since the property description appears only in the
object entry or detailed-profile pages, the object list
pages could be removed by the content-query. We
need to mention here is that since the content-query
depends on the pre-defined knowledge on the object,
it is optional for the given solution in this paper.
3.2 Web Page Clustering
Figure 4: Example of HR identification.
After the object relevant web pages P={p
, p
…, p
} is obtained, this section describes a clustering
technique to separate P into multiple groups. The
basic idea is to adopt certain hyperlink analysis to
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
find the HRs between web pages, and then, naturally,
each web page set linked together forms a cluster.
The above identified HLs can be utilized directly
to construct the hierarchy of the object relevant
pages. However, its underlying assumption depends
too much on the existence of the link collection, and
also the result’s accuracy is not good enough for
object identification. In addition to utilizing the URL
for HR identification, we adopt a more general
assumption here for discovering the HR between
web pages: when the page author utilizes a hyperlink
for reference to an object, he/she prefers to select the
entry page of corresponding object as the destination
of the hyperlink. So, for a detailed-profile page, its
in-bound hyperlinks usually come from the object
entry page or other sibling pages. Since all the
detailed-profile pages are contained in the out-bound
page set of the object entry page, the in-bound page
set of the detailed-profile pages should be the subset
of the out-bound page set of the object entry page.
Thus, a basic rule for identifying the HR between
two pages is: if there exists a hyperlink from page p
to page p
, and at the same time, p
’s outbound page
set contains p
’s inbound page set, we regard p
as an
ancestor page of p
. For simplicity, p
itself is also
included into its outbound page set virtually. Figure
4 is an example of using this rule.
Figure 5: The algorithm for finding the HRs web pages.
Let P={p
, p
, …, p
} denotes the resultant page
set of object-relevant web page filtering, where n is
the amount of object-relevant pages. H is an n×n
matrix. It represents the hyperlink relationships
among pages of P, where the value of h
is 1 if there
exists a hyperlink from p
to p
, and 0 otherwise. The
n×n matrix D represents the HRships acquired
directly from syntactic URL analysis, among pages
of P, where d
equals to 1 if p
is at a higher level
than p
in the directory structure implied in the URL,
and 0 otherwise. Thus, an iterative algorithm for
finding the HRs among the web pages in P is
proposed, as shown in Figure 5, where P, H and D
are the inputs, and the output, i.e., the resultant
HRships among pages of P, are represented by n×n
matrix R, where, r
=1 denotes that p
is an ancestor
of p
, and r
=0 denotes there is no HR between them.
The essence of the algorithm is to construct R
from H and D, where the syntactical URL analysis
result is prior to that of semantic hyperlink relation.
L is a virtual hyperlink matrix. Its initial value is set
as H. For each cycle, L is updated by eliminating the
descendant-to-ancestor hyperlink relation and
complementing the ancestor-to-descendant hyperlink
relation (i.e., virtual hyperlink). The termination
condition of the iteration is that R converges.
It can be proved that, from the second iteration,
the amount of page pairs with l
=1 decreases
monotonically, and then the iteration is convergent.
After the HRs between pages in P={p
, p
, …,
} are extracted, a graph of object-relevant pages
could be generated by considering a page as a node
and a HR between pages as an edge. Then the pages
are naturally separated into multiple groups.
3.3 Result Refinement
Considering that both the web page filtering and
clustering might raise some errors, which will be
propagated to final object identification, we design a
coordinated approach to refine the result of the two
steps. The underlying idea is that the destination
pages of the hyperlinks from the same link
collection should be siblings each other. It means
that if the destination pages of some hyperlinks in a
link collection are judged as object relevant pages,
the destination pages of other hyperlinks within the
same link collection should also be object relevant.
Figure 6 shows an example. Within the
hierarchical structure from clustering, the page p has
the children p
. p also has a link collection
including the hyperlinks directed to not only p
but also two other pages p
, p
. The link collection
could imply that p
and p
should be sibling of p
Then, we coordinate the result by adding p
and p
p’s children.
Figure 6: Coordinating R with Link Collections.
3.4 Object Identification
This section will identify each distinct object and its
profile pages from those refined clusters. Since the
entry page and the detailed-profile pages of each
object are linked together with certain HRs, we can
assume that all the profile pages of a specific object
are completely contained within one cluster. Then,
to find all the objects and their profile pages, we
only need to consider each cluster one by one.
Figure 7: A schematic diagram on the object
Depending on if the content-query is conducted,
we design two policies for the object identification
from each cluster:
Top-down policy: If the content-query has been
done for web page filtering, i.e., the object list pages
have been removed, we can consider the page
without parent in a cluster as the entry page. Then,
all its descendant pages are naturally identified as
the detailed-profile pages of corresponding object.
Bottom-up policy: The bottom-up policy is
employed for the case that the content-query is not
conducted (i.e., the pages without parent in a cluster
may refer to object list pages). The HRs between
web pages determine that the details of the object are
described in the lowest level pages of each cluster.
Since the website builders generally use only one or
two levels of pages for describing the objects, the
bottom-up policy only investigates the pages at the
two levels from the bottom of each cluster.
Considering that an object entry page is the
exclusively parent of other detailed-profile pages,
and seldom two objects share one detailed-profile
page, the bottom-up policy is embodied as two rules:
1) If a page at the lowest level has more than one
parent, this page is an object entry page, which
means its profile is described by only one page; 2)
For a page at the second level from the bottom of the
cluster, if all of its direct children have only one
parent, this page is an object entry page and its
children are the detailed-profile pages.
Figure 7 shows the application of two policies
for object identification. The left part is the bottom-
up policy applied on the clustering result of the
object relevant web pages from only the path-query.
The right part is the top-down policy conducted on
the clustering result of the object relevant pages
from both the path- and content-query. We can see
that, no matter the content-query is conducted or not
(which cause that the intermediate object relevant
web page collection and clustering result are
different), the final sets of the identified objects are
the same. Our empirical observation shows that it is
a typical scenario for website-level object
identification, specifically the small granularity
objects (e.g., products and people). However, for the
object with large granularity, the profile pages may
span more than two levels. It would make the results
from the two policies different. In this case, content-
query with the predefined knowledge of the general
way that how these objects are described is
4.1 Task and Data Set
Gathering the published product information in
company websites can produce many value-added
applications. A task to find out all the products and
their descriptions in company websites is considered.
To set up a well-controlled experiment, a group
of students are hired to help us select the dominate
companies in the IT domain. We use three languages,
i.e., English, Chinese, and Japanese, to verify if the
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Dataset and ground truth data.
Websites Total
Products ( entry
Product detailed
profile pages
en 15 0.5M 1312 2753
cn 15 0.4M 1119 1692
jp 15 0.3M 632 855
approach is language dependent. For each language,
15 websites are considered. The representative
companies include Symantec, McAfee, Cisco,
Huawei, etc. Some global companies are picked in
duplicate for different languages, e.g., the Symantec
websites in three languages are selected respectively
for English, Chinese and Japanese experiment. As
shown in Table 1, we identify all the distinct
products and their profile pages from these websites
manually as ground truth data.
4.2 Evaluation Criteria
According to the convention of information
retrieval, the Recall and Precision are adopted here.
For product-relevant web page filtering, the
precision is defined as the proportion of actual
product relevant pages among all web pages
returned by the filtering approach. The recall is the
proportion of the correctly identified product
relevant web pages by the approach among all the
product relevant web pages in the website.
For product identification, the qualities of the
identified entry page and the detailed-profile pages
are evaluated respectively. The recall/precision of
the entry page identification reflects how well the
products are discovered in the website; the
recall/precision of the detailed-profile page
identification reflects how well the detailed-profile
pages are discovered for each specific product.
4.3 Experiment Results
We apply our approach for product extraction on
these company websites. During the product-
relevant page filtering stage, we conducted two
experiments for the path-query, one by using
whitelist keywords only, and another by using both
whitelist and blacklist keywords. Then, the content-
query is adopted to refine the web page filtering
results from two kinds of path-query, respectively.
Since our target is product mining, we define a
product-specific keyword list for product-relevant
page filtering. The pre-defined values are set as
shown in Table 2. Subsequently, the steps of
hierarchical web page clustering and results
refinement are operated under two situations, with
only path-query results and with both path- and
content-queries results. Finally, the product
identification is conducted.
Table 3 is the evaluation results of average
recall/precision for the 45 test websites. Basically,
the figures verify the usability of our proposed
approach. The effective results of the product entry
page and detailed profile page identification
demonstrate indirectly that the performance of the
given web page clustering method is promising.
Table 2: Parameter setting for experiments.
Filtering Phase: Path-query Keyword Whitelist
en product
cn 产品, 商品
jp 製品, 商品
Filtering Phase: Path-query Keyword Blacklist
news, about us, bbs, forum, story, event, job, career, sitemap,
cn 新闻,关于我们,论坛,市场活动,工作机会,招聘,网站地图,
連絡, ニュース,会社情報,サイトマップ, フォーラム,伝言,
Filtering Phase: Content-query Ontological Keywords
en function, specification, feature, benefit, advantage, performance
cn 功能,特性,特点,优点,优势,特色,亮点,规格,性能
jp 機能,特徴,特長,メリット,長所,仕様,スペック, 利点
Moreover, the figures in Table 3 show that the
performance of our proposed algorithm is language
independent. And the positive effect of considering
blacklist in path-query is a bit, while considering
content-query can increase accuracy notably.
Considering the incorrect results, one main
reason is that some product entry pages are
identified as product list pages, and then the actual
product entry page is considered mistakenly as the
detailed profile pages. For 11 such websites without
product list page, the average recall/precision of
product entry pages is 78.2/81.6. However, for the
websites with product list pages, the average
recall/precision of product entry pages is 80.8/86.3.
Since the experiment of the later step is conducted
based on the result of earlier steps, the errors are
propagated from earlier steps to the later steps. So
some errors in product identification is inherited
from the errors happened in the steps of product
relevant web page filtering and web page clustering.
Additionally, the identified HL for HNP
extraction in web page filtering phase could also be
used for finding HRs between object relevant pages,
so we can use such HRs directly for clustering
(called rough clustering) and product identification.
Table 3: Experiment results.
Object relevant web page filtering
Product identification without refinement step
(entry page / detailed profile pages)
Product identification with refinement step
(entry page / detailed profile pages)
en Rec. (%) 95.2 93.7 85.2 83.9 76.5/79.3 77.3/79.7 80.2/81.1 78.3/82.5 78.2/82.7 79.9/83.1 80.5/85.7 82.5/86.3
Prec. (%)
79.4 81.2 82.5 89.9 72.6/80.9 75.2/81.3 81.1/82.7 83.1/83.2 74.2/83.2 75.9/85.7 81.9/87.0 87.3/88.5
cn Rec. (%) 91.4 90.9 83.1 79.5 74.3/78.8 72.9/80.2 75.6/80.3 73.2/84.8 76.1/80.2 76.3/81.5 76.9/83.4 77.3/85.3
Prec. (%) 75.1 78.3 80.0 88.8 71.1/77.5 75.4/77.9 79.9/81.2 81.0/81.9 75.9/78.0 75.8/79.1 80.4/81.6 82.1/83.6
jp Rec. (%) 94.6 93.7 86.3 81.5 79.4/76.7 74.2/77.3 75.0/79.2 75.5/80.6 80.1/77.2 75.3/79.5 79.7/85.0 81.1/90.5
Prec. (%) 80.2 81.5 81.3 89.2 72.9/79.1 75.8/79.7 82.5/82.3 84.8/83.5 73.2/80.3 77.0/82.1 85.7/82.8 86.8/84.0
Ave Rec. (%) 93.7 92.8 84.9 81.6 76.7/78.3 74.8/79.1 76.9/80.2 75.7/82.6 78.1/80.0 77.2/81.4 79.0/84.7 80.3/87.4
Prec. (%)
78.2 80.3 81.3 89.3 72.2/79.2 75.5/79.6 81.2/82.1 83.0/82.9 74.4/80.5 76.2/82.3 82.7/83.8 85.4/85.4
W: filtering with white wordlist of path query; B: filtering with black wordlist of path-query; O: filtering with ontological wordlist of content-query
The corresponding experiments are conducted to
verify the effects of the adopted new web page
clustering method in Section 3.2. Figure 8 is the
comparison of the final product identification results
with two web page clustering methods. We can see
that the performance from the proposed clustering
algorithm is enhanced significantly comparing with
the results from the identified HLs. The impact of
the refinement step can also be found in this figure,
i.e., averagely, it improves performance about 3-8%
with respect to both the recall and precision.
Figure 8: Comparison of product identification results.
Most existing solutions for web data extraction
assume each given page includes several data
records. It makes them not applicable for the
problem of website-level data extraction, which
assumes the relevant information of an object is
distributed sparsely in the website. This paper
proposes a novel approach to address this new
problem. It exploits HLs for web page organization
in websites as a novel resource for not only the
object relevant web page finding but also the object
centred web page clustering. The experiment results
verify the usability of the proposed approach. And
also some limitations exist in this method. The major
limitation is that the object-relevant keywords need
to be set manually. How to collect the keywords
(semi-)automatically is our future work.
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