in P(c
|t) (see Section 4.1). Hence, the information
that a term is absent from a document is not impor-
tant when selecting features with our metrics.
In this paper, we study the problem of categorizing
structured web sources by using their search inter-
faces. Our approach employs a filtering feature selec-
tion technique together with a Gaussian process clas-
sifier. In our research, we treated each search inter-
face simply as a bag-of-words. We conducted exper-
iments with our FS methods with new metrics and a
novel simple ranking scheme, as well with existing
FS methods. The experimental result indicates that:
(1) feature selection techniques improveclassification
performance significantly; (2) our classification ap-
proach and the proposed FS methods are effective.
Our research also points out that rare words are not
important to the categorization task.
For future work, in terms of the classification
method, one possible improvement to our research
is to identify and use different feature types from a
search interface. In terms of the feature selection
technique, we plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the
new methods in other text categorization problems.
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