Conceptual Methodology for Creating Educational Games
Stephanie B. Linek
Institute of Psychology, University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, 8010 Graz, Austria
Daniel Schwarz
Takomat GmbH, Neptunplatz 6b, 50823 Cologne, Germany
Matthias Bopp
Center for Advanced Imaging, Brain Research Institut, University of Bremen, Hochschulring 18, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Dietrich Albert
Institute of Psychology, University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, 8010 Graz, Austria
Keywords: Game-based learning, Methodology, Evaluation, Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory, Media
Abstract: Game-based learning builds upon the idea of using the enjoyment and the motivational potential of video
games in the educational context. Thus, the design of educational games has to address optimizing
enjoyment as well as optimizing learning. Within the EC-project ELEKTRA a methodology about the
conceptual design of digital learning games was developed. Thereby state-of-the-art psycho-pedagogical
approaches (like the Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory) were combined with insights of media-
psychology (e.g., on parasocial interaction) as well as with best-practice game design. This science-based
interdisciplinary approach was enriched by enclosed empirical research to answer open questions on
educational game-design. Additionally, several evaluation-cycles were implemented to achieve further
improvements. The psycho-pedagogical core of the methodology can be summarized by the ELEKTRA’s
4Ms: Macroadaptivity, Microadaptivity, Metacognition and Motivation. The conceptual framework of the
developed methodology is structured in eight phases which have several interconnections and feedback-
cycles that enable a close interdisciplinary collaboration between game design, pedagogy, cognitive science
and media psychology.
Game-based learning is a relatively new research
area and so far there exist no concrete systematic
recommendations for the conceptualization of an
integrated design of educational games.
In the following, a newly developed conceptual
framework for the creation of educational
(adventure-)games will be outlined and illustrated by
several concrete examples and empirical
(evaluation) studies. The proposed methodology was
developed and successfully used in the EC-project
ELEKTRA (Enhanced Learning Experience and
Knowledge Transfer). The described process can
serve as a model for other contexts of game based-
learning as well as the creation of serious games.
1.1 Game-based Learning
Game-based learning is a kind of edutainment that
rests upon the idea of using the motivational and
immersive potential of conventional video games in
the educational context. Even though there are
several publications on games, game-play (Salen &
Linek S., Schwarz D., Bopp M. and Albert D.
GAME-BASED LEARNING - Conceptual Methodology for Creating Educational Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0001824901350142
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Zimmermann, 2004) and game-based learning
(Prensky, 2005), the divers contributions are often
rather unconnected and an overall framework for the
creation of educational games is still missing.
The main problem in this context is the seldom
collaboration between psycho-pedagogical scientist
and industrial game designers. For an appropriate
serious game design, both, the creativity of game
designers as well as the expertise of psycho-
pedagogical scientists are necessary.
A first step in this direction was made within the
EC-project ELEKTRA which will be described in
the next subchapter.
1.2 EC-project ELEKTRA
ELEKTRA (Enhanced Learning Experience and
Knowledge Transfer) was an EC-project under FP6
on game-based learning. The aim of the
interdisciplinary research project was twofold: On
the one hand it aimed at the development of a state-
of-the-art educational adventure-game to make
learning as exciting as leading-edge computer
games. For this practical aim the so-called
ELEKTRA-demonstrator was developed which
comprises the first chapter of an educational
adventure-game on the learning domain
physics/optics. On the other hand a general
methodology about the conceptual design and
production of digital learning games should be
established. This second aim was accomplished by
the ELEKTRA methodology which will be
described in this article.
The core idea of producing effective and
motivating digital game-based e-learning
experiences for young children relies on an
interdisciplinary approach which combines state-of-
the-art research in cognitive science, pedagogical
theory and neuroscience with best industrial practice
in computer game design.
The developed methodology builds not only a
framework for structuring and supporting the
interdisciplinary cooperation, but also inherent
several interrelated phases and evaluation-cycles that
enable continuous improvements and enhancements
of the educational game design.
1.3 The ELEKTRA Methodology:
On a general level, the ELEKTRA methodology
does not re-invent the wheel but shares a lot of
elements with usual instructional design models that
many readers might be familiar with (e.g., Brown &
Green, 2006). In particular the proposed
methodology can be seen as an adaption of the Dick
and Carey System Approach Model (Dick, Carey &
Carey, 2005) – revised for the purpose of making a
state-of-the-art digital learning game.
The base of the developed methodology can be
summarized by the ELEKTRA’s 4Ms:
Macroadaptivity, Microadaptivity, Metacognition,
and Motivation. Within the ELEKTRA-project we
identified these 4Ms as the pivotal elements of an
(exciting) educational game (independent of the
concrete learning content and storyline/genre of the
game). In order to manage the workflow within the
interdisciplinary collaboration a framework with
eight phases was developed:
Phase 1: Identify instructional goals
Phase 2: Instructional analysis
Phase 3: Analyse learners and context of
Phase 4: Write performance objectives and
overall structure of the game
Phase 5: Learning game design
Phase 6: Production and development
Phase 7: Evaluation of learning
Phase 8: Revise instruction
Even though these phases are numbered from one
to eight, they do not follow a linear order but have
several interconnections and feedback cycles. Figure
1 illustrates the workflow within the eight phases of
the model.
The ELEKTRA’s 4Ms are mainly addressed in
phase 5 which can be suggested as the core of the
methodology: the learning game design. But also the
other phases relate to the 4Ms in an implicit way:
The phases before feed in the learning game design,
the succeeding phases rely on the learning game
design and its implementation and improvements,
In the following, first the ELEKTRA’s 4Ms will
be characterized. Second, the eight phases will be
described; thereby the focus lies on the
psychological contribution within this framework.
Several practical and empirical examples from the
ELEKTRA-project will be given. Finally, a short
resume will be provided.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
RES 422
- Create Knowledge
learners and
context of
- User requirements
-User preferences
- User‘s entry skills
Evaluation of
- User validation
- Scientific
validation design
(functional +
Revise instruction
- Analyse user validation
- Recommendations
- Revise and update:
Instructional goals, user requirements, instructional analysis, Learning Game Design, Production and Development via RAD-approach
Learning Game Design
(pedagogical rules,
adaptive elements))
Design story-
based game
- Game world and
- Background story
- Characters
- Assessment +
(e.g. Logfiles)
- Microadaptivity
(Update learner
model, Assess-
ment, adaptivity)
What to learn How to learn How to make
How to
Production and
- Technology
- Content production
- Game release
Design In-Game
on 8
on 8
- Game chapters
- Categorize learning
- Triple consistency
- Learning methods
- Performance structure
RES 422
- Create Knowledge
learners and
context of
- User requirements
-User preferences
- User‘s entry skills
Evaluation of
- User validation
- Scientific
validation design
(functional +
Revise instruction
- Analyse user validation
- Recommendations
- Revise and update:
Instructional goals, user requirements, instructional analysis, Learning Game Design, Production and Development via RAD-approach
Learning Game Design
(pedagogical rules,
adaptive elements))
Design story-
based game
- Game world and
- Background story
- Characters
Design story-
based game
- Game world and
- Background story
- Characters
- Assessment +
(e.g. Logfiles)
- Microadaptivity
(Update learner
model, Assess-
ment, adaptivity)
What to learn How to learn How to make
How to
Production and
- Technology
- Content production
- Game release
Production and
- Technology
- Content production
- Game release
Design In-Game
on 8
on 8
- Game chapters
- Categorize learning
- Triple consistency
- Learning methods
- Performance structure
Figure 1: Overview on eight phases of the model.
The ELEKTRA’s 4Ms include the pivotal features
of a successful educational game. The headwords
Macroadaptivity, Microadaptivity, Metacognition,
and Motivation are only rough catch phrases for
various elaborated concepts, models and findings.
Within the ELEKTRA project the main
psychological contributions regard to
microadaptivity and motivation. The work on
macroadaptivity and metacognition was mainly part
of the pedagogical partners.
2.1 M1 - Macroadaptivity
Macroadaptivity deals with the adaptive pedagogical
sequencing of alternative learning situations for one
learning objective. Thereby macroadaptivity refers
to the instructional design and management of the
available learning situation. It addresses the
adaptivity between different learning situations and
refers also to a diversification of learning based on
Bloom’s taxonomy (1956).
The macroadaptive process leads to the creation
of a learning path which represents a specific
combination of divers learning situations.
2.2 M2 - Microadaptivity
Microadaptivity regards to adaptive interventions
within a learning situation. It involves a detailed
understanding of the learner’s skills and a set of
pedagogical rules that determine the interventions
given to the learner. Within ELEKTRA the idea
behind the concept of microadaptivity (Albert,
Hockemeyer, Kickmeier-Rust, Pierce, & Conlan,
2007) is to develop a system that provides hints
adapted on the user’s (current) knowledge and
competence state. Whereas macroadaptivity refers to
traditional techniques of adaptation such as adaptive
presentation and adaptive navigation on the level of
different learning situations microadaptivity deals
with the adaptivity within a single learning situation.
The basis of the microadaptive skill assessment
and the non-invasive interventions is a formal model
for interpreting a learner’s (problem solving)
behavior. To realize the non-invasive skill-
assessment and the adaptive interventions,
ELEKTRA relies on the formal framework of the
Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory
(CbKST; Albert & Lukas, 1999; Doignon &
Falmagne, 1999; Korossy, 1997). Originating from
GAME-BASED LEARNING - Conceptual Methodology for Creating Educational Games
conventional adaptive and personalized tutoring, this
set-theoretic framework allows assumptions about
the structure of skills of a domain of knowledge and
to link the latent skills with the observable behavior.
Microadaptivity in this context means that the
intervention/hint was selected on the basis of
knowledge assessment via CbKST. The chosen hint
provides either the necessary information to solve
the problem (to learn a missing skill) or the affective
support (e.g., motivating or activating feedback)
fitting the current progress state of the learner
assessed by his action history.
Figure 2: Microadaptivity – integrated model.
Within the ELKTRA-demonstrator the
microadaptive interventions were presented by a
non-player character (NPC) named Galileo in order
to merge microadaptivity with the storyline and the
overall game play.
Figure 3: Using the non-player character named Galileo
for providing microadaptive interventions.
2.3 M3 - Metacognition
Regarding Flavell (1976, p. 232) “Metacognition
refers to ones knowledge concerning one‘s own
cognitive processes or anything related to them, e.g.,
the learning-relevant properties of information or
data”. Even though there exists slightly different
interpretations of this original definition,
metacognition is agreed to involve knowledge about
one’s own knowledge as well as knowledge about
one’s own cognitive processes. The ability of the
ELEKTRA-demonstrator to foster metacognitive
development was considered as a major challenge
and an important differentiator compared to
traditional educational games.
The integration of a reflective pause in the game-
based learning process seems at first sight
contradicted to storytelling and the flow of game
play. Within ELEKTRA the resolution to this
dilemma is based on two pillars: First, the
implementation of certitude degrees, i.e., while
performing a task, the learner has to indicate the
prudence and confidence he has in his performance.
Second, a firm support of this kind of metacognition
by the storytelling, i.e., the prudence and confidence
estimation were made in a close parasocial dialog
with the NPC Galileo.
The metacognitive reflections therefore are
tightly bound to the gaming process. Thereby the
ELEKTRA-demonstrator contributes to develop not
only the ability to perform, but also to understand
the conditions of success, and thus, having cognitive
and sometimes metacognitive goals in addition to
the pure performing goal.
2.4 M4 - Motivation
The fourth M named Motivation comprises several
motivational concepts and related approaches used
for enjoyment and learning. Motivation in this sense
is only a keyword for different aspects of the
storyline, the challenges and skills (flow-
experience), the intrinsic motivation of the gamer,
the parasocial interaction and empathy with the
NPCs as well as the identification with the avatar.
In general, motivation is a phrase used to refer to
the reason(s) for engaging in certain activities. In the
context of learning games, the creation of motivation
to engage in and perform learning activities is a core
element of good game design and can be suggested
as the major advantage of educational games
compared to other ways of e-learning.
There are many aspects of games which are
suggested to contribute to the gamers motivation
(Vorderer & Bryant, 2006), e.g., competition,
parasocial interaction with the NPCs fantasy,
escapism, suspense or curiosity as well as the
balance between challenges and skills (enabled by
different game-levels) which in turn fosters the so-
called flow-experience (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).
Within ELEKTRA we mainly focussed on the
storyline and the game characters as motivational
tools for learning. This includes the creation of a
story that adds “sense” to specific learning activities,
i.e., the learning activities are an integrative part of
the story itself. Thereby the story confronts the
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
player with certain game-challenges/problems (e.g.,
riddles) that he can only solve when he first learns
certain skills and the story makes it worth to do so.
Figure 4: Riddle within the ELEKTRA-demonstrator:
Solution requires knowledge on optics.
A typical example would be that the learning
activities influence the fate of the avatar or the good
and bad NPCs. The crucial thing is to merge
learning activities and storyline in a playful way.
The usage of the storyline (including game-
characters) as a motivational tool comprises several
subtasks: designing a setting, a general plot,
interesting good and bad characters with which the
players can have an immersive parasocial interaction
and an avatar with which the players can easily
In the following the eight phases will be described.
Like mentioned above it is important to note, that
these phases don’t follow a simple linear order but
rather comprise several interconnections and
feedback cycles (see also figure 1).
The psycho-pedagogical contributions within
ELEKTRA regarded mainly to the phases of
instructional analysis, the analysis of the learners
and the context of learning, the learning game design
and the evaluation phase. For these phases concrete
practical and empirical examples will be given to
illustrate the important part of cognitive science and
media psychology in the conception of educational
3.1 Phase 1: Identify Instructional
In this early stage, pedagogy clearly prevails the
overall game design by setting some fundamental
pedagogical and didactical decisions with respect to
the chosen learning goals, the basic areas of learning
content and the general pedagogical approach. The
context of the game has to be outlined as well:
Should the learning game be deployed in a class-
room situation at school or should it be played at
home as a spare-time activity? This decision is
another important cornerstone for the general
conditions of the whole design of the learning game.
After the definition of learning goals, topic,
target group, learning content, pedagogical approach
and the context, the general framework of the game
is settled. This pedagogical framework not only
constitutes the learning experience in the game, but
also has got a fundamental impact on the overall
concept of the game design. The choice of the game
genre is the first crucial design decision which is
directly dependent on the learning objectives. If you
like to create for example a strategic simulation
game, you would perhaps choose different types of
learning goals than for a racing game.
3.2 Phase 2: Instructional Analysis
In phase 2 the learning objectives and the related
learning content are transferred into a formal
knowledge structure which is called knowledge
space. The theoretical background and
mathematical-formal framework is delivered by the
already mentioned CbKST. In this context, the main
advantage of the CbKST is the clear distinction
between observable behaviour and the underlying
skills and their interrelationships. Thereby the
prerequisite relations between skills as well as
between behaviours enable the adaptation to the
actual available skills of the learner as well as the
adaptation to the ongoing learning progress.
In the established knowledge space all of the
learning objectives are represented as an ontology of
skills. Thereby the accordingly skills are structured
as a map that allows analyzing the developing
knowledge state of the learner and thus a learner
model. In addition, it allows adapting the game
environment to the individual learning needs of the
player. This can take place on different levels, e.g.,
on the level of macroadaptivity or on the level of
GAME-BASED LEARNING - Conceptual Methodology for Creating Educational Games
3.3 Phase 3: Analyse Learners and
Context of Learning
Phase 3 contributes to the detailed analysis of the
learners and the context of learning. Thereby the
characteristics of the learner group concerning entry
skills, learning problems, preferences and attitudes
are determined. In a learning game, these areas refer
to the learning process as well as to the game play
(Linek, 2007). Thereby the twofold role of the target
user has to be taken into account: he is both, a
learner and a player.
Entry skills for the learner could be known
difficulties in the chosen learning topic. Additional,
entry skills for the player could be the state of his
game literacy.
The learner analysis serves as input for a variety
of game decisions: For example the NPC design, the
visual style of the game, and the provision of
specific learning methods. It is also used to
determine the initial state of the learner model.
These decisions could be partly made by help of
existing literature and research findings. However,
with respect to the concrete game design partly
additional empirical studies might be necessary.
For example within the ELEKTRA-project a
focussed multimedia study on the NPC-design
(regarding his friendliness, the naturalism of the
graphics and the role of color) was conducted.
Figure 5: Experimental design of the so-called NPC-study.
The results of this so-called NPC-study indicate
a clear preference for a colored, naturalistic NPC-
design. For the NPC’s friendliness the pupils favor a
NPC that was similar to their own, indicating
similarity-attraction (Linek, Schwarz, Hirschberg,
Kickmeier-Rust, & Albert, 2007).
3.4 Phase 4: Write Performance
Objective and Overall Structure of
the Game
On the basis of phases 1 to 3, performance
objectives are laid out and, closely linked to this, the
overall pedagogical structure of the game is written.
This basic scenario is a kind of working paper which
will go through various changes throughout the
continuing revising process of the creation for the
In particular the overall pedagogical structure
should include a general description of the story of
the game (including the setting, the characters, and
the plot), the game-chapters as well as various
situations of the game that build up the chapters.
They are described in a rough way which mainly
includes their main functionality within the game
and their possible sequences which can include
adaptive branches.
3.5 Phase 5: Learning Game Design
Phase 5 is the very core of the ELEKTRA
methodology and the accordingly design of a
learning game. It is the central work phase where the
successful integration of learning and gaming takes
place and everything comes together. The main task
in this phase is to develop detailed descriptions of
each situation in the game: Learning situations
(LeS), gameplay situations (GpS), and storytelling
situations (StS). Every situation must be described in
terms of stage, possible actions, and events that
happen in the environment in reaction to the player’s
activities. The output is a “Game Design Document”
which gives programmers (development) and artists
(content production) precise instructions for the
development and production of the educational
The challenge of this design process is to design
those three types of situations in such a manner that
they constitute pedagogical valid learning activities
that are embedded in a meaningful and exiting
learning game experience for the player.
In an ideal learning game experience the three
essential situation types work together as ingredients
of a new experience which would arrange a superior
game situation from games, learning, and
storytelling. This ideal is not always achievable but
at least the gameplay situations, learning situations
and storytelling situations should motivate, amplify
and legitimate each other by embedding them into a
meaningful context.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Game authoring
Cognitive Science
Game Design
Design + Arts
Ideal user experience
in a digital learning game would
comprise a mutual pervasion of the
three identified situational
components (Learning situation,
Story situation, Gameplay situation)
Game play
Digital learning game
as a whole
In Game
New Learning experience
Validation of Learning
Transfer of Learning
Figure 6: The ideal learning game situation.
The conceptual tools for the design of the
situations and their sequencing are based on the
already described ELEKTRA’s 4Ms. Thereby
Macroadaptivity, Microadaptivity, and
Metacognition are mainly concepts of the
instructional strategy of the learning situations and
the appending in-game assessments, while
Motivation is rather the objective of the story-based
game world.
3.6 Phase 6: Production and
There are two main work areas in the production and
development phase: On the one hand programmers
develop the various technologies required for the
game, on the other hand, artists and producers create
all the media assets that are necessary to build the
game world. Roughly spoken, one can say, that the
development team works on the logic of the game
while the production team creates the data for it.
The necessary input for the development team
and the content production team are the pedagogical
scenarios written in phase 4 and the Game Design
Document of phase 5. During phase 6 there is a
vivid exchange between the programmers of the
development team and the artists and producers of
the content production team.
The outcome of this phase is a published release
version of the game that can be tested, played and
3.7 Phase 7: Evaluation of Learning
There are two different forms of evaluation: the
formative evaluation and the summative evaluation
of the game.
The formative evaluation is called testing and is
closely connected with the development and
production work in phase 6. Ideally, the formative
evaluation should take place in (monthly) timeboxes
when a new testable version of the game-prototype
with the latest implementations and improvements is
delivered (as output of phase 6). This iterative
timebox releases will undergo each time a functional
and psycho-pedagogical testing. The formative
evaluation can concentrate on single game-elements
like background-music or game characters or might
deal with the implementation of a new approach like
microadaptivity in ELEKTRA (Linek, Marte, &
Albert, 2008). The evaluation results of this testing
will directly feed back into early phases.
Thereby, the report on technical testing describes
functional bugs that manifest themselves in mistakes
of the game system. The programmers then have to
correct or change the according software
components. The report of the psycho-pedagogical
testing relates to gaming and learning experiences of
the target end user. The results of the psycho-
pedagogical evaluation forces sometimes even to go
back to the design phase (5).
The summative evaluation can be described as a
general evaluation of the developed game and the
whole process. It takes place when the iterative
technical testing leads to a stable running and
psycho-pedagogical meaningful version of the game.
In order to analyse the learning behavior and success
of the pupils in the game and their evaluation of the
gaming experience as a whole, a science-based
methodology is applied, using standardized
questionnaires as well as logfile-information. In this
context not only control variables and pre-
questionnaires are considered, but also long-term
effects of the learning-game experience should be
assessed (e.g., to assess the long-term knowledge
3.8 Phase 8: Revise Instructions
Subsequent to the game testing and the empirical
summative evaluation, the next essential step is to
interpret and exploit the evaluation results for
providing recommendations for improvements and
enhancements of the learning game as a whole.
These recommendations have to be feed in all
preceding phases, affecting all previous tasks and
activities and hence, might resulting in a revision
and update of the instructional goals (phase 1),
instructional analysis (phase 2), user requirements
and preferences (phase 3), learning game design
(phase 5) as well as production and development
(phase 6).
Moreover, also the implementation of the
evaluation itself might befall revision, e.g., in case
GAME-BASED LEARNING - Conceptual Methodology for Creating Educational Games
of an emerging need for improving the assessment
instruments / questionnaires. This in turn requires a
close collaboration between scientific research and
evaluation. Accordingly, research partners are
responsible for selecting scientific sound evaluation
instruments as well as for proposing an adequate
methodology and data-analysis.
The proposed methodology delivered a general
conceptual framework for the creation of a broad
spectrum of educational games. The applicability
and validity of the methodology was firstly proven
within the ELEKTRA-project. The ELEKTRA-
demonstrator was evaluated empirically and proved
its effectiveness for enjoyment as well as for
learning. Besides this first positive evidence of the
effectiveness of the proposed methodology, also the
newly developed micropadaptivity-formalism was
successfully tested in several empirical pilot-studies
(Linek, Marte, & Albert, 2008).
The proposed ELEKTRA methodology can be
suggested as a first framework for designing a broad
spectrum of educational games. The framework is
flexible and open for new technical developments
and possibilities and bears the potential to integrate
new scientific psycho-pedagogical concepts.
Accordingly, the described methodology can be
suggested as an open framework that can be adapted
to the concrete needs and aims of game-designers,
scientists and the target end users.
This paper is part of the ELEKTRA-project funded
by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European
Commission’s IST-Programme (contract no.
027986). The author is solely responsible for the
content of this paper. It does not represent the
opinion of the European Community.
Thanks to the ELEKTRA-Team for the inspiring
interdisciplinary work!!!
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies