of an emerging need for improving the assessment
instruments / questionnaires. This in turn requires a
close collaboration between scientific research and
evaluation. Accordingly, research partners are
responsible for selecting scientific sound evaluation
instruments as well as for proposing an adequate
methodology and data-analysis.
The proposed methodology delivered a general
conceptual framework for the creation of a broad
spectrum of educational games. The applicability
and validity of the methodology was firstly proven
within the ELEKTRA-project. The ELEKTRA-
demonstrator was evaluated empirically and proved
its effectiveness for enjoyment as well as for
learning. Besides this first positive evidence of the
effectiveness of the proposed methodology, also the
newly developed micropadaptivity-formalism was
successfully tested in several empirical pilot-studies
(Linek, Marte, & Albert, 2008).
The proposed ELEKTRA methodology can be
suggested as a first framework for designing a broad
spectrum of educational games. The framework is
flexible and open for new technical developments
and possibilities and bears the potential to integrate
new scientific psycho-pedagogical concepts.
Accordingly, the described methodology can be
suggested as an open framework that can be adapted
to the concrete needs and aims of game-designers,
scientists and the target end users.
This paper is part of the ELEKTRA-project funded
by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European
Commission’s IST-Programme (contract no.
027986). The author is solely responsible for the
content of this paper. It does not represent the
opinion of the European Community.
Thanks to the ELEKTRA-Team for the inspiring
interdisciplinary work!!!
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