Xabier Larrucea
European Software Institute-Tecnalia, Parque Tecnologico de Zamudio 204, Zamudio, Spain
Rubén Alonso
Visual Tools, Gijon Science & Technology Park - C/ Los Prados 166, Gijon, Spain
Keywords: Method Engineering, SOA, Security Policy.
Abstract: Web Services (WS) platform is one of the most widely accepted implementations of Service Oriented
Architectures (SOA). There is a huge amount of specifications related to the so-called WS-*. In this context
Security Policies specification and deployment support is still immature and it needs improvement. This
paper is focused on the growing importance of security, the increase of collaboration amongst organizations
and the emergent need of modelling SOA and security aspects. This paper presents a methodology and
modelling framework based on Eclipse platform for designing security aspects in SOA and a derivation
mechanism in order to automatically generate web service security elements. This approach is illustrated
with an example.
Non functional aspects (NFA) have an evident
impact in the resulting architecture and they are
specialized for a specific platform. WS-Security is
an open standard which defines means to add end-
to-end security to the Web Services. Concretely, it
includes mechanisms for enduing Web Services with
integrity (through digital signature), confidentiality
and authentication. These mechanisms are defined in
the headers of SOAP messages as series of elements
described in the standard. On the one hand, XML
Encryption and XML Signature are the elements
providing the services with confidentiality and
integrity. On the other hand, the named Security
Tokens allow authentication and authorization in
Web Services platform. These security tokens allow
the definition of the authentication and authorization
methods of messages, which can comprise from the
classic user/password authentication to X.509
certificates or only authorize users with Kerberos
The wide range of available authentications
mechanisms and, encryption and digital signature
algorithms have favoured the development of a
policy standard, specially oriented to security.
A standard known as and the WS-Policy
extension for including security related asserts.
Therefore, WS-Security Policy. (WS-security policy
1.2, 2007) is the base to be used for including in our
servers constraints and requirements to be fulfilled
by the clients to access to the services and vice
versa, since a client could demand, for example, an
encrypted response from the server.
This paper is an extension of previous work such
as (Larrucea et al., 2008) where some mechanisms
are developed for modelling security specifications.
This paper is structured as follows. The first section
describes mechanisms for modelling security
policies. The second section describes some
recommended tasks used for applying the
mechanisms. The third section represents a case
study where we have evaluated our approach. And
finally a conclusion section is provided in order to
summarise the approach.
In previous work (Larrucea et al., 2007) a Model
Driven Architecture (MDA®) is combined with
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in order to
solve interoperability issues focused on
Larrucea X. and Alonso R.
DOI: 10.5220/0001825504110414
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
functionalities. In (Benguria et al., 2006) a
metamodel is defined in order to design SOA
models. This metamodel has been recently proposed
as an OMG standard as response to the UML Profile
and Metamodel for Services (UPMS) Request For
Proposal (RFP) (UML Profile and Metamodel for
Services, 2006). This metamodel called PIM4SOA
(Platform Independent Model for Service Oriented
Architectures) represents the Platform Independent
Model (PIM) level in the Model Driven Architecture
promoted by the Object Management Group (OMG).
PIM4SOA metamodel is structured in 4 metamodels
interrelated which are described deeply in (Benguria
et al., 2006).
UML™ Profile for Modeling Quality of Service
and Fault Tolerance Characteristics and Mechanisms
specification is used for describing and specifying
security policies. In fact, the QoS metamodel
described in this specification represents the
metamodel that we are going to use as basis. QoS
metamodel can be used to model “non functional
aspects like: latency, throughput, capacity,
scalability, availability, reliability, safety,
confidentiality, integrity,[...].”.
Figure 1: QoS enhanced metamodel.
Based on (Larrucea, 2008) we have adopted a
method engineering approach for designing a
methodology supporting our approach. We have
defined a set of method fragments representing
building blocks for methodology definition. In our
work we have been focused on task definition but
they are other method fragment to consider such as
roles and guidelines.
Previous sections are focused on the mechanisms
such as metamodels for modelling security policies.
The main purpose of this section is to provide some
guidelines for modeling and deploying security
In fact we have identified some tasks and work
products as a basis for these guidelines. These
method fragments are categorized by the metamodel
aspects described on section 2:
Identify services in your software architecture:
we need to identify which part of the
architecture is accessed as a service
Identify services publicly available or consumed
by third parties. This kind of services are called
critical services
Relate services among them as consumer-
provider relationship
Identify flows between services in your
software architecture: we need to identify which
are the enacted processes that will be executed
Identify public flows: there are some flows that
are followed by consumer and users.
Identify private flows: flows controlled and not
accessed by third parties or external users
Identify Information exchanged in your
software architecture
Identify public Information: we define work
products according to this public information
Identify private Information: we define work
products according to this private information
Define QoSCategories: this element classifies
kind of characteristics
Define QoSCharacteristics: this element
represents a security element and it is associated
to a service.
Relate critical services with QoSCharacteristics
Assign values to QoSCharacteristics
Define Integrity for each critical service
Define Confidentiality for each critical service
Define Availability for each critical service
All tasks should be analysed from the following
point of view because security mechanism is based
on messages exchanged between services:
At Service level
At Endpoint level
At Operation level
At Message level
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
We have applied this approach using as a basis the
following scenario. This scenario describes a service
architecture defined for an online bookshop.
In this scenario integrity and confidentiality
aspects for the CreditCard Web Service are proved.
In this context petitions are signed and the content of
messages are encrypted.
These security elements help to validate that
credit card number is not exposed and the message
has not been modified by third parties.
Figure 2: Cases study snapshot.
Figure 2 represents a typical snapshot of an
Eclipse based plug-in. In this scenario there are three
services specifications (collaboration nodes): the
main service called Amazen and the other two
services: AccountsReceivable and CreditCard. The
purpose is to show the definition of these services,
the definition of security policy elements and the
relationship between them.
NFA Integrity represents the integrity
requirement and it is used to prevent any
modification of interchanged messages. This
element is selected and its properties as described
below are Collaborationuse2 and Name. These
properties specify the name and the relationship with
the usage of a service. This relationship is used to
attach the generated WSDL and WS-Security
This example shows a WSDL definition
(CreditCard) with an embedded policy
(SecureCreditCard) obtained from the model
defined in the scenario description and it is applied
to the messages for the operation called
This paper presents an approach providing a holistic
view of a service oriented architecture environment.
This approach allows the definition of functional and
non functional aspects in a coherent way based on
metamodel and a method engineering support. In
fact we have provided a way to define and deploy
security policies specifications in SOA. Using this
approach we can generate web service artefacts such
as WSDL, XSD, BPEL and WS-SecurityPolicy as a
This approach is implemented using the Eclipse
platform and facilities, and therefore it is a modular
and extendable approach. However and as it is
shown in the example we need to develop a
graphical environment and this is one of the current
improvements we are focused on. Moreover the
modelling side (PIM4SOA) could be extended with
parts of the WS-SecurityPolicy1.2 specification that
are out of scope of the approach presented in this
paper. Another future work is to set up the
relationships at higher levels of abstraction such as
Business Process Definition Metamodel.
In addition the approach presented in this paper
is aligned with OMG standardisation initiatives such
as (UML Profile and Metamodel for Services, 2006)
where a service metamodel and UML profile is
being developed.
This work is being supported in part by MetaMethod
project (TIN2006-15175-C05-04) funded by
Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Spain
government and by the Vulcano project (Proyecto
Singular Ministerio Industria, Turismo y Comercio-
Benguria, G. Larrucea, X., Elvesaeter, B.Neple, T.,
Beardsmore, A, Friess M. “A Platform Independent
Model for Service Oriented Architectures”. I-ESA
conference 2006, March 22-24, Bordeaux. Springer
Larrucea, X. 2008. Method Engineering Approach for
Interoperable Systems Development. Journal on
Software Process: Improvement and Practice. Vol 13
issue 2. Pages 127-133. ISSN: 1077-4866.
Larrucea, X. Alonso, R. 2008 ISOAS: Through an
independent SOA security specification. International
Seventh IEEE Conference on Commercial-off-the-
Shelf (COTS)-Based Software Systems Pages 92-100.
2008 ISBN:978-0-7695-3091
Larrucea, X. Benguria G, Schuster S. 2007. "MDSOA for
Achieving Interoperability," iccbss, p. 247. Sixth
International IEEE Conference on Commercial-off-
the-Shelf (COTS)-Based Software Systems
UML Profile and Metamodel for Services, 2006 Request
For Proposal (RFP-OMG).
UML™ Profile for Modeling Quality of Service and Fault
Tolerance Characteristics and Mechanisms. 2004,
Object Management Group. .
WS-security policy 1.2 (OASIS) 2007. http://docs.oasis-
World Wide Web consortium. Web Services Policy 1.5,
2007 Attachment
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies