The probability-product and rank-sum algo-
rithms exhibit a similar behavior and clearly out-
perform other ranking algorithms when considering
the similarity to the edge-intersection and the node-
intersection standards.
We should note that we have run experiments with
larger values of w, the number of “winners” which are
stored for each tag, but the behavior of the algorithms
was similar.
We have proposed different algorithms for merging
tag-related rankings into complete faceted-rankings
of users in collaborative tagging systems. In partic-
ular, two of our algorithms, probability-product and
rank-sum are feasible for online computation and
give results comparable to those of two reasonable,
though computationally costly, standards.
A prototypic application which uses the rank-
sum and the probability-product algorithms, is
available online (Egg-O-Matic, 2008).
A matter of future research is the possibility of re-
ducing the the complexity of the proposed algorithms
by first clustering the tags into topics of interest as
done by (Li et al., 2008).
This work also opens the path for a more complex
comparison of reputations, for example by integrating
the best positions of a user even if the tags involved
are not related (disjunctive queries) in order to sum-
marize the relevance of a user generating content on
the web. It is also possible to extend the algorithms
in Sect. 4 to merge rankings generated from different
systems (cross-system ranking).
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies