5.3 Integration of Agent and Web
Service Platforms
As we will resort to both intelligent agents and
Web services for computerizing the long-term dig-
ital preservation, the key issue is the integration of
the JADE and AXIS platforms. Actually, there have
been some studies on the integration of Web services
and agents so as to provide access to Web services
from agent platforms or vice versa (Greenwood et al.,
2007). In the integration, the main obstacles are the
description mismatch and communication mismatch
between Web services and intelligent agents. In the
JADE platform, agents communicate in ACL, while
in the AXIS platform Web services are described us-
ing WSDL and the communication between Web ser-
vices are carried out by SOAP.
In our integration schema of the JADE and AXIS
platforms, three modules are designed to overcome
the problems caused by the description and communi-
cation mismatch between FIPA compliant agents and
W3C compliant Web services. The functionality of
the modules can be described as follows:
• Communication Protocol Converter. This con-
verter is used to translate agent function invoca-
tion requests in ACL into Web service invocation
requests in SOAP, or vice versa.
• Service Description Converter. It is responsible
for translating the description of Web services
in WSDL into the description of agent functions
such that the Web services can be registered and
published in the Directory Facilitator (DF) of the
JADE agent platform.
• Search Query Converter. It is used to translate
an agent function query into that of Web services.
This converter enables Web services packed into
an agent to be discovered by other JADE agents
or Web services.
The PROTAGE project intends to integrate intelli-
gent agent and Web service technologies into long-
term digital preservation. Specifically, it aims to au-
tomate long-term digital preservation based on the au-
tonomy of multi-agent systems and the interoperabil-
ity of Web services, and consequently make digital
preservation easy enough such that organizations and
individuals can readily preserve their digital objects.
In this paper, besides a brief introduce to the PRO-
TAGE project, we have presented the intelligent agent
and Web service based architecture of the PROTAGE
system in details. Four types of intelligent software
agents, namely, monitoring agents, pre-ingest agents,
transfer agents, and ingest agents, have been designed
to deal with the long-term digital preservation task.
We have presented their key functional components
and discussed the interactions among them. We have
further provided a general framework of automated
decision making based on intelligent agents and Web
services. Finally, the key issues related to the imple-
mentation of the PROTAGE system, namely, the plat-
forms for implementing agents and Web services and
their integration were discussed.
This work is supported by the Seventh Framework
Programme of the European Union under grant (FP7-
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