PESCA: Developing an Open Source Platform to Bring
Health to Latin America and the Caribbean
David Santo Orcero
, Diego L. L´opez
, Carlos L. Sanchez
, Francisco J. Alcazar
Sergio Ruiz
, Maria Jes´us Rubia
, Miguel Romero-Cuevas
, Pedro Garc´ıa-Fortea
Gonzalo Aranda
and Julio Lorca
Departamento de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computaci´on, M´alaga University, M´alaga, Spain
eHealth Competence Center Regensburg, Germany
Consejer´ıa de Innovaci´on, Ciencia y Empresa, Andalusian Government, M´alaga, Spain
eSalud Journal, M´alaga, Spain
Fundaci´on para la eSalud-FESALUD, Spain
Abstract. Nowadays the society needs to communicate and the technologies are
revolutionizing the information systems, especially for the health; where an effec-
tive use of the technologies is used to favor the needs of the persons. These tech-
nologies can contribute to the development of the local economies. Open source
software (OSS) can be an useful strategy to bring information and communication
technologies to developing countries. However, specially in Latin America and
the Caribbean, there are some barriers in adopting OSS for health: the need for
open standards, heterogeneous OSS developed without normalization and met-
rics, English predominance as top OSS language, lack of initiatives to evaluate
existing health OSS and needs for quality control and functional validation. The
Open Source Platform for eHealth (PESCA) has been designed as a set of inter-
operable modules that can solve either: simple problems on health management
and communication in primary care or complex problems in healthcare systems,
including telehealth communications between heterogeneous institutions.
1 Introduction
The Social Network of PESCA (Open Source Platform for eHealth) aims at providing
a set of interoperable components with the capacity to provide response, both in an
independent and combined way, to small organizational problems or healthcare issues
such us the integral managementof clinical, welfare, educational or health investigation
information; including the support of cooperation between heterogeneous and remote
healthcare institutions. In order to achieve this objective, alliances between different
stakeholders are being established as demonstrated with the worldwide PESCA com-
munity already available as a web cooperative platform:
Historically the project was developed as initiative of FESALUD and the Centre
of Innovation in eHealth of the University of Toronto, who named the project PESCA.
Santo Orcero D., López D., Sanchez C., Alcazar F., Ruiz S., Rubia M., Romero-Cuevas M., García-Fortea P., Aranda G. and Lorca J. (2009).
PESCA: Developing an Open Source Platform to Bring eHealth to Latin America and the Caribbean.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, pages 38-44
DOI: 10.5220/0001827300380044
Soon after, in 2006, the network’s task force was established with the participation of
Spain and two more Latin American countries: Argentina and Colombia.
This platform is an initiative created to fill the existing gap in the implantation of
eHealth applications and methodologies in developing countries. Its purpose is to co-
ordinate the participation of all agents involved in the provision of eHealth services
(developers, companies, and administrations...) joined under the commitment to bring
health IT to the poorest. In this respect, the exploration and evaluation of good prac-
tices and open source applications for eHealth, and their future interoperability through
a common standardized platform is considered the more important issue. In addition,
the platform should facilitate the provision of IT solutions for concrete health prob-
lems and support of healthcare promotion through education in daily life habits. The
midterm objective is to foster a knowledge society for the poorest, contributing to the
socio-economic progress of citizens in developing countries.
2 PESCA Main Goals
The general goal will be complemented by the following specific objectives [4]:
Establishment of an organization supporting the collaborative work infrastructure
for the analysis and evaluation of Open Source Software (OSS), therefore provid-
ing the necessary human and technological resources. The created infrastructure
includes the development and maintenance of the web portal, and the development
of an advanced repository of OSS. It also includes the implementation of addi-
tional channels of communication, such as systems for the interactive communi-
cation between the project participants and users in general, including alternative
systems such as web forums at the portal, and trouble re-
port systems (issue tracker) or bug truckers. Other tools are also foreseen for the
improvement and maintenance of the user’s and/or developer’s documentation in
cooperative way, using special Web 2.0 tools (such as wikis).
Evaluate and validate existing open source code or eHealth applications, and to
select the most relevant ones. The categorization is important because despite sev-
eral OSS for healthcares currently exist, they don’t clearly state its functionalities,
healthcare and IT standard compliance, extensibility, etc.
Support the internationalization of PESCA. Translation of validated software to
three languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English.
Provide Workflow Management by creating agreements and regulations, develop
the Master Project Plan, risk management, etc., to coordinate technical work, bud-
get control for effective financial management, facilitate communication among
partners and quality control.
Evaluate the platform scalability for its local and regional implementation, using as
reference pilot implementations in Argentina and Colombia.
One of the first goals of the projectis to collect a repository of OSS solutions. All the
solutions included will first be evaluated and validated under working conditions, also
following generally accepted criteria for accomplishing technical requirements (rele-
vance, feasibility, interoperability. ..)
The repository will be provided by multidisciplinary groups working worldwide to
develop useful eHealth tools in Spanish that may be implemented and easily maintained
through the Internet community. For this reason, a key step is to set up the collaborative
infrastructure, not only offering technological resources but also human resources [1].
This way, a repository of solutions will be obtained in opened code that they will be
able to install separately or forming modular sets as be the specific needs of the sanitary
institutions, centers of health... In these moments there is a version of test of the forge
under the domain
The e-leadershipis importantin PESCA, following a multiplelevel,multi-dimensional
model described by Yammarino et al. [7], with special attention to vision and goal set-
ting, project management and performance appraisal, communication, trust, and the
virtual team dynamics.
3 Structure and Methodology
3.1 A Social Architecture
As a whole, the PESCA platform can be structured as a social architecture defined by
Scenarios, which constitutes its functional units.
Social Network Scenario. Social structure made of nodes that are tied by one or
more specific types of relations.
Content Management Scenario. Content imported into or generated from working
groups in the course of their operations.
GroupWare Scenario. Integration of users and working groups into the project.
E-Learning Scenario. Development of modules for continuing health professional
Documental Scenario. Facilities to edit and to share knowledge.
File Scenario. Management of files (storage, access, integrity, etc.).
Ontological and Semantic Web Scenarios: Allow the possibility of analyzing the
metadata produced by the interaction between scenarios.
After the necessary scenes were tested, the community will evaluate five Scopes of
every existing open source tool for eHealth:
Open Source Software. The objective of this scope is to guarantee the transparency
of the development process and to encourage distributed peer review.
Quality. The quality tests are essential for ensuring the proper development and
maintenance of standard software. They are also important for assuring the confor-
mity with the standards and specific data interoperability.
Pedagogical scope. Software must be able to provide a learning and content man-
agement environment.
Security and privacy. Each software solution must maintain the integrity and confi-
dentiality of electronic health data, amongst other things.
Normalization. This is not aimed to elaborate new standards and specifications, but
to define a set of those which are relevant for each module in the platform, besides
defining some interoperability requirements.
Internationalization. Internationalization of the platform is one of the main priori-
ties, since the platform will be used in different Spanish speaking countries in Latin
America and the Caribbean.
This evaluation process has to be continuous and iterative, where the members of
the PESCA platform, alongside other users, propose new instruments, methods and pro-
cedures, and also propose improvements for well-known procedures. These community
interactions will generate a best practices repository on eHealth. In addition, these in-
teractions will support the creation of a specialized platform where specific solutions
are defined. This can also improve the chances of incrementing the employment rates
of ICT in health care [6].
4 Results: PESCA Social Network
PESCA does not exclusively focus on the development of a technological platform. It
also gives importance to the exchange of ideas and information between human beings.
Therefore, PESCA pursues the formation of an eHealth Alliance. As a first step towards
the creation of this Alliance, we propose the creation of a Social Network that will not
only provide support for the project, but also create an environment where information
can be exchanged and eHealth best practices can be learned.
In social networking tools, it is possible to collect data about members and store
it inside user profiles. Such profiles can then be shared among the members of the
network. Social network platforms offer a free and easy way to create personal Web
pages and fill them with multimedia content, such a blogs, digital photographs, and
short video clips. Working groups can be formed spontaneously as members find other
users that share a common interest by searching similar profiles.After that, the members
of the same working group can collaborate closely with each other.
Fig.1. PESCA Social Network.
The human community of PESCA is then organized as a Social network, imple-
mented using web-based OSS. Inside this network, the members of PESCA can com-
bine their knowledge and technologies in order to promote the application of elec-
tronic and communication processes in their relevant health care needs: health manage-
ment and logistic, diagnosis and treatment methods, monitoring of chronic pathologies,
knowledge of scientific advances, staff training, and so on.
The initial prototype of the Social network of the PESCA project (known as “Open
Source Platform for eHealth Portal”, located in was
deployed in late 2007, in order to provide support for the developers of PESCA. The
first stable version of the PESCA Social network was implemented in January 2008,
and in February it was installed in the servers of the Andalusian Scientific Computing
Centre (CICA).
This first phase of the operation of the Social network have already provided inter-
esting results, with the creation and sharing of interrelated content and the emergence
of new ideas and projects. As of April 2008, the platform has 60 registered users from
6 different countries. Since the project is focused on the application of technology to
health care, the majority of the users have a technological (65%) and healthcare (30%)
background. There are 12 different communities: electronic medical records, standards
and normalization, tools and applications, privacy in eHealth, etc [5].
Fig.2. PESCA: Information flows between doctors and FLOSS developers.
The creation and sharing of contents is growing at a constant rate: a) more than 60
tags describing different eHealth topics, b) more than 80 blog entries published either
by the users or by the community as a whole, c) more than 15 shared documents, d)
around 7 videos describing eHealth issues, and e) more than 45 eHealth OSS solutions
that can be used by the members of the network.
In addition, there have been different activities that have been carried out using
the tools provided by the Social network platform. For example, on January 17, 2008,
10 members of the network used the chat capabilities of the platform to approve the
plan of action for the first quarter of 2008. Also, on March 18, 2008, 15 members of the
project established the dissemination calendar of the project for the year 2008 through a
virtual meeting.Moreover,the capabilities of the Social network allow all users to easily
access and download the minutes of all meetings, which are stored in the “Funding and
Logistics” community.
The potential of our project is motivating the creation of similar projects that make
use of Social networks, such as the project that our colleague Manuel Amaryones, from
the UOC (Open University of Catalonia), is starting with David Mason and his Virtual
application Clinic [2]. On the other hand,some subprojects derivedfrom PESCA, which
are focusing on the integration of OSS solutions in health infrastructures, are being
carried out in Argentina and Colombia [3].
Finally, there are other parts of the project, such as the PESCA document manage-
ment tool (, that will be integrated in the future. These
tools will be used as a base for the administration of knowledge flows throughout the
various stages of our project.
Fig.3. PESCA: actions.
The human community is being organized as a Social Network using an OSS web
tool, which will combine existing open knowledge and technologies to widespread the
practical use of information and communication technology on health management and
logistic, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, follow up of chronic pathologies, and pro-
fessional interactions for sharing scientific advances or training healthcare staff.
5 Conclusions
PESCA is an open source platform that seeks to fulfill the existing gaps in the adoption
of Health Information technologies, especially in Spanish speaking countries. PESCA
does not exclusively focus on technology; it intends to build a Social Network where
the principal actors in eHealth can collaborate. Also, PESCA foresee the creation and
integration of complementary projects, which will support a wide range of health care
As a result of the first phase of PESCA, we have established an international social
network of evaluation and validation of eHealth OSS. Such open source social network-
ing platform has demonstrated to be a powerful tool for managing projects, facilitating
personal contacts, and encouraging interactivity and sharing of resources.
This first experience will serve as a foundation for development of new eHealth ap-
plications. We envision that, in the near future, people and professionals will be able to
adapt and make use of PESCA tools to solve their small/local or regional problems. The
Social network is growing and all partners and collaborators are welcome to cooperate
and provide feedback.
The authors wish to thank Dr. Rodrigo Roman, from the University of Malaga, for his
insightful advice and his revisions.
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