Initial design decisions: aspects such as floor to
floor heights and local regulations.
Choosing a grid: this section provides
information such as what form the building
will take, the selection of building elements
and how they are constructed.
Selection of loading: this section includes
information on loading types.
Perform analysis: it introduces ideas such as
'Simple' construction.
Element design: the design of the individual
elements themselves. Figure 3 shows an
example of the JTD tool interface.
Refine design: design is an iterative process
and it is important to ensure that any changes
made during the design stages still satisfy the
original design requirements.
The main outcome in the Eur-Ing project was the
production of a innovative multi-national approach
to the design of real steel buildings. Typical worked
examples available in this field are country-specific
and do not describe how national annexes and local
applications and regulations affect the design
process in different countries, resulting usually in
different solutions.
The web site produced for this purpose has
showed to be really useful for practitioners in
industry and other target groups identified in the
project, who have been demanding more efficient
ways to learn and familiarize themselves to the
European codes of practice.
By means of a trans-national methodology of
working, it has been discovered that, not only
differences in codes and annexes but also variations
in design and construction practice, planning
procedures, procurement routes and other factors
contribute to diverse national design approaches.
The availability of such innovative reference and
learning material in seven European languages will
facilitate the mobility of designers and the ability of
organisations to operate under the regulations and
traditions of other countries by increasing
After several on-line pilot courses held to date,
feedback from attendants assures that the developed
product agrees with the project’s objectives.
The partnership is intending to get funding from
the steel industry to maintain the existing web and to
extend the project to some more European countries
producing more language versions.
The project was carried out with the financial
support of the European Commission under the
Leonardo Da Vinci programme. This help is
gratefully acknowledged. The authors would also
like to thank all the partnership for their work and
enthusiastic contributions.
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