Repositories of Reusable Auxological (Growth)
Algorithms for eHealth
Petr Lesný
, Hana Krásničanová
, Tomáš Holeček
, Kryštof Slabý
and Jan Vejvalka
Faculty hospital in Prague Motol, V Úvalu 84, 150 06, Prague 5 – Motol, Czech Republic
FMS FHS Charles University, U Kříže 10, 158 00 Praha 5 Jinonice, Czech Republic
Abstract. The auxological (growth) data are suitable for being processed algo-
rithmically by specialized software. Increasing complexity of the pediatric aux-
ology requires the development of algorithm repositories, which allow the users
to select and utilize appropriate algorithms. There are many attempts to build
such repositories, however their usage is limited. In order to create the modern
repository of algorithms (not limited to the pediatric auxology), we have post-
ulated the following key principles: strong philosophical background, explicit
description of the semantic paradigm and its binding to the current scientific
paradigm, quality management, platform independency and interoperability and
trust management. Based on these principles, we have developed and validated
the indicator ontology model with strong documentation quality management,
implemented as web services under the open source license model. The refer-
ence implementation of the algorithm repository operates on the intranet of the
Faculty hospital in Prague Motol.
1 Introduction
Auxology is the science of growth. It makes no distinction between growth and de-
velopment. In this view, growth deviations do not only mean small or tall stature but
also e.g. hypotrophy, delayed puberty, alteration of closure of anterior fontanel etc.
Good knowledge of pediatric auxology (the science of growth in children) and access
to suitable reference data describing relevant population standards allow pediatricians
to make timely and correct diagnosis of growth alterations they meet in their practices
(growth diagnosis). Monitoring of the auxological parameters is also a most important
task in monitoring effect of long-term therapies in children. Auxological (growth)
data are mostly numeric and therefore highly suitable for being processed by soft-
Many specialized software tools for the analysis of growth are developed, includ-
ing standalone software tools, web calculators or sophisticated Excel spreadsheets. In
our workplace, we have developed three generations of complex tools for analyzing
the childrens growth [1-3]; the software was distributed free of charge to all of the
pediatricians in the Czech Republic to increase the quality of the diagnosis of growth
alterations in children in early stages.
Lesný P., Krásni
canová H., Hole
cek T., Slabý K. and Vejvalka J. (2009).
Repositories of Reusable Auxological (Growth) Algorithms for eHealth.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, pages 54-58
DOI: 10.5220/0001827900540058