Ismael Pascual-Nieto, Diana Pérez-Marín and Pilar Rodríguez
Computer Science Department, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Free-text Computer Assisted Assessment, Usability Evaluation, Blended Learning, Web-Based Formative
Assessment, Open Learner Modelling, Human-Computer Interaction.
Abstract: Willow is a free-text Computer Assisted Assessment system, which can automatically assess students' short
written answers in Spanish or in English. Willow is based on the combination of techniques from Natural
Language Processing and User Modelling to generate students’ conceptual models (i.e. a set of
interconnected concepts of a certain area-of-knowledge associated with an estimated value that indicates
how well each concept has been assimilated by the student) from the students’ free-text answers. In the past,
the system was used by a group of students of an Operating Systems course within an Informatics degree.
The results of that study suggested that the system was useful for these students. Nevertheless, our
hypothesis was that the procedure implemented in Willow is also suitable for non-technical domains and,
that students without computer training are able to use Willow without any technical difficulty. Therefore,
we asked a group of voluntary students of a Pragmatics course within an English Studies program to use the
system. The results achieved support our hypothesis that Willow can successfully be applied to a non-
technical domain, and it can be used by non-technical students.
Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) is the field
that studies how computers can effectively be used
for evaluating students' work. In early work, CAA
tools were only used to score Multiple Choice
Questions (MCQs) or fill-in-the-blank exercises.
This can be explained because these types of items
are easier to automatically evaluate with computers.
However, according to the general opinion of the
field, other types of assessment are necessary to
cover higher cognitive skills (Sigel, 1999).
On the other hand, the automated assessment of
students' free-text answers has been regarded by
many as the Holy Grail of CAA. Regardless, several
factors have supported the increasing interest in this
field including i) advances in Natural Language
Processing (NLP), ii) teachers not having sufficient
time to give students appropriate feedback (despite
the general assumption of its importance), and iii)
the conviction that assessment should not be based
only on MCQs.
Currently, there are many different free-text
CAA programs, used both in academic and
commercial environments, and which are able to
process many European and Oriental languages.
Moreover, they have been applied both to technical
and non-technical domains. For instance, the
Automark system (Mitchell et al., 2002) uses
Information Extraction techniques to automatically
score Science essays in English; the Japanese Essay
Scoring System (Jess) (Ishioka and Kameda, 2004)
automatically assesses Japanese students' general
topic essays using LSA. Table 1 gathers a
representative list of free-text CAA systems together
with the technique and domain applied.
For the evaluation, the metric reported by the
author is the one used: Corr, correlation; Agr,
Agreement; EAgr, Exact Agreement; CAcc,
Classification accuracy; f-S, f-Score; and, - for not
available. When the authors have presented several
values for the evaluation, the average value has been
Pascual-Nieto I., P
ın D. and Rodr
ıguez P. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 127-132
Table 1: Domains to which the current existing CAA of free text answers systems have been applied, the technique
that they use and their evaluation (Pérez-Marín, 2007).
AEA Marketing, engineering LSA Corr:.75
Apex Assesso
Sociology of education LSA Corr:.59
ATM Factual disciplines Pattern matching ---
Automark Science Information Extraction Corr:.95
Auto-marking Biolog
Pattern matching EAgr:.85
BETSY Text classification tasks Bayesian networks CAcc:.77
CarmelTC Physic Machine learning f-S:.85
C-rater Comprehension, algebra
LP Agr:.83
EGAL Opinion and factual texts
LP ---
GMAT exa
LP Agr:.97
IEA Psychology and military LSA Agr:.85
on-mathematical texts Pattern matching Corr:.80
IntelliMetric K-12 and creative writing
LP Agr:.98
Jess General topic essays Pattern matching Corr:.71
Larkey’s syste
Social and opinion TCT EAgr:.55
MarkIT General topic essays
LP Corr:.75
MRW Semantic networks Logical inference ---
on-factual disciplines Linguistic features Corr:.87
CA or GCSE exa
LP ---
RMT Research on Psycholog
LSA ---
SEAR Histor
Pattern matching Corr:.45
As can be seen, free-text CAA systems have
been applied to many different domains, and there is
no a clear trend of using certain techniques for
certain domains. For instance, according to their
authors, the best correlation between the automatic
and the teachers' scores (95%) is achieved by
Automark, which uses Information Extraction in a
technical domain. On the other hand, the highest
Agreement value (98% measured as the percentage
of times that the automatic and the teacher scores
only differed by a certain small margin) is achieved
by Intellimetric, which uses full Natural Language
Processing techniques in a non-technical domain.
In previous work, we implemented Willow, a
free-text CAA system. Willow is based on the
synergic combination of NLP and User Modelling
techniques to automatically assess students' short
answers written both in Spanish and English.
The core idea of the system is that the student's
answer should be similar to the teachers' correct
answers (reference answers).
During the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 academic
years, students of the Informatics degree at our
university were given the possibility of using
Willow to review their Operating Systems course
(Pérez-Marín, 2007). We used this course for initial
trials of the system for two reasons. Firstly, our
algorithm for grading free-text answers depends on
comparing student answers to the reference answers
of teachers, and thus the more restricted the correct
answers are, the better the system works. In
technical domains, correct answers are reasonably
restricted. Secondly, students of Informatics can be
expected to have more ability to handle innovative
However, in the 2007-2008 course, we wanted to
test that Willow can also successfully be used in
non-technical domains (i.e. non-Informatics
domains) with students without Informatics training.
Therefore, we asked teachers of other faculties to
collaborate with us. The English Studies Faculty
took notice of our petition. In particular, the teachers
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Sample snapshot of the interface of Willow.
of the Pragmatics subject were willing to use Willow
as a complement of their lessons. 22 Pragmatics
students volunteered to use Willow during one
The results achieved support our hypothesis that
Willow not only can be successfully applied to a
non-technical domain, but also that Willow can be
used by students without Informatics training with
very little introduction to the system.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
provides a description of Willow; Section 3
describes the settings and results of the usability
study conducted; and, finally, Section 4 ends with
the main conclusions.
Willow is a web-based application able to assess
students' short answers written both in Spanish and
English in an automatic way. The goal is not to
replace the teacher but to help him or her by
providing students with an alternative mean of
reviewing the course material. Willow scores the
student's answer in terms of its similarity to a set of
correct answers provided by the teacher. The more
similar the answer is to the teachers' answers, the
higher the score assigned is.
Figure 1 shows a snapshot of the Willow’s
interface. As can be seen, the interface tries to
emulate a dialogue between two animated agents: an
owl representing the system, and a character chosen
by the student from a gallery representing the
The rationale to choose an owl as the animated
agent to represent Willow is because in most
Western cultures an owl is usually regarded as a bird
of wisdom. The reason for this can be found in the
Greek mythology. In fact, Athena, the Greek
goddess of wisdom is often depicted holding an owl.
On the other hand, the rationale to let the student
choose his or her own animated agent is to increase
the possibilities that the student feels that the
character chosen represents him or her.
Willow is intended for formative assessment
rather than summative assessment. That is, the goal
of Willow is to provide more training to the students
before their final exam. Thus, the system does not
only provide a numerical score as feedback, but also
the student's processed answer and the correct
answers as provided by the teachers.
Therefore, Willow is similar to the other free-
text CAA systems reviewed in the previous section
as its goal and core idea is the same. The goal is to
automatically assess free-text students’ answers to
provide the students with immediate feedback. The
core idea is that the more similar the student’s
answer is to the correct answers provided by the
teachers, the higher the score the student should
Willow has usually been applied to the
Informatics domain because we are teachers of this
subject. Thus, it is easier for us to do the first
experiments of the system with technical students
that are both more used to new software and, more
approachable as they attend lessons in our faculty.
The NLP techniques used by Willow are
different for Spanish and English languages. In fact,
the experiments performed highlight that there is a
different optimum combination of NLP techniques
for each language used in Willow (Pérez-Marín,
In particular, for Spanish the optimum
combination found is NLP+LSA+Genetic
Algorithms reaching up to 63% Pearson correlation
between the automatic and the teachers’ scores
(Pérez-Marín, 2007). For English, the Genetic
Algorithms could not be applied as Willow has not
been used by English students and thus, we do not
have the information needed to run the algorithms.
Hence, the optimum combination found is
NLP+LSA reaching up to 56% Pearson correlation
between the automatic and the teachers’ scores
(Pérez-Marín, 2007).
Willow has a unique feature: it is able to
automatically generate students’ conceptual models
from the students’ free-text answers. A student
conceptual model can be defined as a set of concepts
and their relationships for a certain area-of-
knowledge. Each concept is associated an Estimate
of Learner Level of Competence (ESLOC) value by
the system. The ESLOC value of a concept can be
between 0 and 1.
The procedure to automatically generate the
student model will not be described here, as it is out
the scope of this paper and, it has already been
published (Pérez-Marín, 2007).
3.1 Setting Up the Experiment
After using Willow in a technical domain during two
years, we wanted to test our hypothesis that the
system could also be applied to non-technical
domains and used by non-technical students.
Therefore, we asked the rest of faculties of our home
university to collaborate with us. The English
Studies faculty took notice of our petition and, the
Pragmatics teachers told us that they were willing to
use Willow with their students.
Hence, we asked the Pragmatics teachers to
provide us with the questions they usually ask their
students in order to check whether it was really
possible to apply Willow’s core idea to Pragmatics.
That is, to measure if it is possible to write a set of
correct answers to the Pragmatics questions and, to
automatically compare these correct answers to the
students’ answers.
We observed from the sample questions and
correct answers provided by the Pragmatics teachers,
that there is indeed more openness in what can be
answered in Pragmatics than in Operating systems.
On the other hand, we also realized that there were a
defined set of concepts that should be reviewed.
Furthermore, we decided that given that providing
definitions for concepts was more difficult in
Pragmatics, it was not necessary that all questions
were in the form of requesting a definition.
Therefore, we asked the Pragmatics teachers to
introduce non-ambiguous questions using Willow’s
authoring tool (Willed), or a text editor.
The two teachers of the subject agreed that they
would rather use the text editor. Although they knew
the application was easy to use, they already have
information in text documents and they considered it
would be easier for them to prepare the
documentation in plain text.
After one month of non-full time work, the
Pragmatics teachers came up with 49 questions, with
three different correct answers per question, and
covering the first four topics of the subject.
3.2 The Experiment
Once the domain has been established and the
information introduced in Willow, we asked the
Pragmatics teachers to allow us to go one day at
their class to present Willow to the students who
voluntarily wanted to use the system.
That way, we could immediately solve any
problem or doubt the students may have, and at the
same time, we could start observing how the
students interact with the system.
Moreover, given that it was the first time that we
had non-technical students using the system, we
wanted to know the students' opinion before using
Willow (to find out if they were somehow
prejudiced against automatic free-text scoring) and
thus, we asked them to fill in a questionnaire before
starting the experiment.
The questionnaire consisted of three closed-
answer items and two open-answer items. The
closed-answer items asked the students about their
degree of familiarity with computers, on-line
applications and concept maps. The open-answer
items asked the students whether they thought they
would prefer to view just their conceptual model, or
that for the class as a whole, and which
representation format they would prefer: concept
map, conceptual diagram, table, bar chart or textual
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
22 students out of the 45 students enrolled in the
Pragmatics course (i.e. 49%) volunteered to take part
in the experiment. From them, 19 students filled in
the questionnaire on a voluntary and anonymous
basis. The analysis of these questionnaires revealed
us that they are not prejudiced at all with on-line
scoring systems.
On the other hand, these students, albeit they did
not have any computer training, were quite familiar
with computers: 47% of the students claimed that
they were familiar with on-line applications and
none of the students stated that s/he did not know
how to use an on-line application.
The questionnaire also suggested that the
students' knowledge of concept maps was low with
58% of the students answering that they were little
familiarized with concept maps. Some students even
asked what concept maps are. Nevertheless, when
we explained what concept maps are, it turned out
that 37% of the students prefer this form of
representation to view conceptual models over the
other formats available in Willow. Most of the
students also stated that they would prefer just to
look at their the individual conceptual model (74%),
giving reasons such as that they are more interested
to find out which concepts they do not yet fully
understand, than in looking at the general picture for
the class as a whole.
According to the results of the questionnaire, the
first day the students use Willow in class with us, we
could observe that none of the non-technical
students had any technical difficulty in using any of
the system's features. On the contrary, all of the
students were able to answer several systems’
questions with very little explanation (just a 5-
minute Powerpoint presentation of the interface).
In fact, 123 students’ answers were recorded, and
as can be seen in Figure 2: 95% of the students
modified which lessons they wanted to be asked,
77% students modified the animated agent used to
represent them, 77% looked at the history of
questions, 27% changed their personal data, 79%
looked at the model and even 18% of the students
try to cheat the system by copying the correct
answers of the teachers as if they were their answers.
None of the students complaint about the
interface of Willow and, they thought that the owl
was a quite friendly animated agent.
Figure 3 shows a graph displaying the average
number of questions answered by each student since
November 16th 2007 (the first day the experiment
started in class) till December 15th 2007 (i.e. the
first month of experiment). And, again since
February 5th 2008 till February 7th 2008, the next
time the students started using Willow after
Christmas holidays (from the end of December till
the beginning of January) and the other exams in
January, to review before the final exam on February
8th 2008.
Figure 2: Number of non-technical students who have
used some Willow’s features.
Figure 3: Average number of questions answered by the
non-technical students.
Figure 4: Percentage of students who have looked at their
generated conceptual models.
Figure 5: Number of times the students have looked at
different representation formats.
As can be seen, the students have not regularly
used Willow, although they have valued this
possibility by using Willow again in the days
previous to the exam. Some comments that the
students have emailed us about the use of Willow
have been to thank us and their teachers for giving
them this opportunity. Additionally, and despite
students have not complaint about the interface and
have regarded it as friendly, some of them (specially
the ones who have used the system longer, even in
2-hour sessions, while the average assessment
session was half an hour) have expressed their wish
of being presented a higher variety of exercises. That
is, not only open-ended questions, but also
interactive games of choosing a solution or directly
relating concepts.
It is also interesting to highlight that one of the
student who has used more Willow has been the
woman in her fifties. Contrarily to what could be
thought giving the digital gap between young people
and adult people, she has completed 93% of the
questions of the course whereas the average
percentage of completion of the course has been
17% (22% standard deviation).
Regarding the use of the generated conceptual
models, 32% of the 19 students have looked again at
them. Even, sometimes the students have entered the
system just to look at their concept map
representation and the class concept map
representation without answering any questions.
Figure 4 shows the percentage of students who
have entered Willow to look at their particular
conceptual model (painted in green, light colour) or,
to look at the class conceptual model (painted in red,
dark colour). As can be seen, not only the students
have valued the possibility of getting more training
before the exam with Willow, but also of looking at
the generated conceptual model. In fact, the logs
revealed how, in the days previous to the final exam,
some students have also looked again at their
individual and class conceptual models.
Regarding whether they prefer the individual or
the class conceptual model, according to their
answers in the questionnaire, most students thought
they would prefer the individual conceptual model
(74%), as stated before, and the logs confirmed this
preference. Finally, concerning which form of the
representation formats available they prefer (concept
map, conceptual diagram, bar chart, table and textual
summary), it can be seen in Figure 5 how although
the students have looked at all of them, the one they
have inspected more is the concept map.
In this paper, the hypothesis that Willow can also be
applied to non-technical domains and be used by
students without Informatics training has been
proved. Willow has, in the past, been used to review
the Operating systems subject of an Informatics
degree. However, in the 2007-2008 academic year
we thought that it could also be applied to non-
technical domains. Our belief was based on the fact
that free-text scorers have been used both for
technical and non-technical domains and, that the
core idea of Willow (i.e. that the student's answer
should be similar to the teachers' answers) is
applicable to non-technical domains too, provided
that a fairly limited and non-ambiguous set of
correct answers can be written for each question.
Therefore, we carried out an experiment in the
English Studies faculty, in which 22 students
without English training have been able to interact
with the system without problem.
In the future, we would like to do a more
systematic experiment to collect more data about the
differences in using free-text scoring systems such
as Willow by non-technical or technical students.
This work has been sponsored by Spanish Ministry
of Science and Technology, project TIN2007-64718.
Ishioka, T. and Kameda, M. (2004), 'Automated Japanese
Essay Scoring System: JESS', Proceedings of the 15th
International Workshop on Database and Expert
Systems Applications, 4-8.
Mitchell, T.; Russell, T.; Broomhead, P. and Aldridge, N.
(2002), Towards Robust Computerised Marking of
Free-Text Responses, in 'Proceedings of the 6th
Computer Assisted Assessment Conference'.
Pérez-Marín, D. 2007. Adaptive Computer Assisted
Assessment of free-text students’ answers: an
approach to automatically generate students’
conceptual models, PhD thesis, Computer Science
Department, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
Sigel, I., ed. (1999), Development of mental
representations: Theories and Applications, Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, U.S.A.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education