A. Zelaia, I. Alegria, O. Arregi, A. Arruarte, A. D´ıaz de Ilarraza, J.A. Elorriaga and B. Sierra
University of the Basque Country, UPV-EHU, Spain
Document Categorization, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Computer Supported Learning Systems (CSLSs),
Domain Module.
In the process of preparing learning material for Computer Supported Learning Systems (CSLSs), one of the
first steps involves finding documents relevant to the topics and to the students. This requires documents to
be categorized according to some criteria. In this paper we analyze the behaviour of classification techniques
such as Na¨ıve Bayes, Winnow, SVMs and k-NN, together with lemmatization and noun selection, in the
categorization of documents written in Basque. In a second experiment, we study the effect of applying
the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) dimensionality reduction technique before using the mentioned
classification techniques. The results obtained show that the approach which combines SVD and k-NN for a
lemmatized corpus gives the best categorization of all with a remarkable difference. The final aim pursued in
this project is to facilitate the semiautomatic construction of the domain module of a CSLS.
In the Information Age, learning occurs in con-
texts where information and knowledgeare constantly
changing. Finding documents relevant to topics and
to the users involves one of the first steps in the pro-
cess of preparing learning material (Vereoustre and
McLean, 2003). Learning is opportunistic. It oc-
curs in dynamic environments where new informa-
tion, processes and people are appearing and disap-
pearing. Current electronic document search engines
do not provide a reasonable answer to most people’s
opportunistic learning needs. Following the guide-
lines set in (Aleven et al., 2003), the paper here pre-
sented tries to establish synergies between research
occurring in the fields of Artificial Intelligence in Ed-
ucation and Electronic Document Technologies.
In Computer Supported Learning Systems
(CSLSs) one of the main components is the domain
module, where the subject to be learnt is modelled.
The final aim of our project is to facilitate the con-
struction of the domain module in a semi-automatic
way. The process of creating it implies first the iden-
tification of learning material, i.e. the selection of
the appropriate documents. This requires documents
to be categorized according to some educational
criteria. Most researchers propose approaches based
on machine learning techniques, where automatically
built classifiers learn from a set of previously clas-
sified documents. In our experiments, we use four
classification techniques which have reported good
results for categorizing documents: Na¨ıve Bayes,
Winnow, SVMs and k-NN.
Several experiments have been made to classify
documents written in extended languages such as En-
glish. But, the reality of lesser-used languages, as
it is the case of Basque, is different. In practice,
one of the main problems we encounter is that only
a short amount of manually classified documents is
available. This fact restricts the capacity of the clas-
sifier and may, consequently, produce poorer results.
In addition, we find that for educational use, even
for extended languages such as English, there is no
educational collection of documents (Nakayama and
Shimizu, 2003). Taking this fact into account we have
decided to separate the experimental design into two
steps. In the first step, presented in this paper, we
analyze the behaviour of the classification algorithms
using documents which correspond to a Basque news-
paper and which are categorized according to a rec-
ognized standard classification. In a future second
phase, we will analyze the behaviour of the classi-
fication techniques using an educational corpus for
Basque, which will have to be previously constructed.
Zelaia A., Alegria I., Arregi O., Arruarte A., Díaz de Ilarraza A., Elorriaga J. and Sierra B. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 5-9
DOI: 10.5220/0001834300050009
There is also another reason because of which we
have to make a special effort in our classification task;
the morphosintactical features of Basque. In fact, we
must take into account that Basque is an agglutina-
tive language whose declension system has numerous
cases (Alegria et al., 1996). This makes the catego-
rization task even more difficult, because semantic in-
formation is not really contained in word-forms but
in their corresponding lemma. Thus, the categoriza-
tion of documents written in Basque turns out to be
challenging. In our experiments we analyze the ef-
fect of preprocessing the corpus in order to reduce the
dimension of the information to treat. In this way,
we analyze dimensionality reduction techniques such
as lemmatization, noun selection and Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD).
In this work we perform two experiments. In the
first one, we apply the classification techniques to
three different corpora. In the second experiment, we
apply the SVD dimensionality reduction technique by
means of Latent Semantic Indexing
(LSI) implemen-
tation, before applying the classification techniques to
the same corpora.
This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2
the research context is presented. In Section 3, we
reference the classification algorithms used in our ex-
periments, and examine the applications of LSI in
text categorization problems and for educational pur-
poses. In Section 4 the experimental setup is intro-
duced, where both training and test corpora are de-
scribed and lemmatization and noun selection pro-
cesses are introduced. In Section 5, experimental re-
sults are shown, compared and discussed. Finally,
Section 6 contains some conclusions and comments
on future work.
This work is part of a project that aims to acquire
semiautomatically the domain for CSLSs. Con-
cretely, the system that is being developed takes an
electronic document as the base for building the Do-
main Module (Larra˜naga et al., 2003). This module is
enriched with additional documents and other didac-
tic material. The process is dividedinto three different
phases: Domain Module structure acquisition, gener-
ation of didactic material and domain enrichment and
maintenance. In the Domain Module structure acqui-
sition phase, first the document table of contents is
analyzed obtaining the main topics of the domain and
the relations among them. These topics and their re-
lations constitute the first version of the domain on-
tology. Once the initial process has been finished, the
whole document is analyzed in order to look for new
topics and relations. The generation of didactic mate-
rial is an ontology-drivenanalysis which splits out the
whole document into Learning Objects (homepage,
2001) categorizing them according to some pedagog-
ical purpose.
Finally, in order to enrich the Domain Module
with more didactic material and to maintain it up to
date, new documents are analyzed and incorporated
to the domain module. The work presented in this
paper will help in this last phase. Document classifi-
cation will allow to connect the new documents to the
concepts of the domain.
Text categorization consists in assigning predefined
categories to text documents (Sebastiani, 2005).
When the bag-of-words text document representation
is used, the number of attributes in the corpus is usu-
ally considerable, and this can be problematic in in-
ductive classification. Therefore, it is usually conve-
nient to apply techniques that reduce the dimension
of the representation. This reduction can be carried
out in different ways: eliminating irrelevant features
(terms), substituting some words by others that rep-
resent them (lemmas, etc.), applying SVD technique,
The SVD technique compresses vectors represent-
ing documents into vectors of a lower-dimensional
space (Berry and Browne, 1999). This operation
is called dimensionality reduction, and the space to
which document vectors are projected is called the
reduced space. When using the reduced space, most
of the important underlying structure that associates
terms with documents is captured and consequently,
noise is reduced.
In our experiments we use LSI (Deerwester et al.,
1990) (Dumais, 2004) to calculate the SVD and the
cosine similarity measure among the document to
be categorized and all the documents in the reduced
space (training set). LSI has been successfully used
in the categorization of documents written in english
(Dolin et al., 1999) (Dumais, 1995). It has also been
used for a variety of educational applications, such
as the representation of knowledge in CSLSs (Zampa
and Lemaire, 2002), tutoring dialog (Graesser et al.,
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2001) and automatic essay grading (Miller, 2003).
We use classification algorithms which have re-
ported good results for text categorization in other
languages; in this way, we use Na¨ıve Bayes (Min-
sky, 1961), Winnow (Dagan et al., 1997), SVMs
(Joachims, 1999) and k-NN (Dasarathy, 1991).
The purpose of this section is to describe the docu-
ment collection used in our experiments and to give
an account of the lemmatization, noun selection and
feature selection techniques we have applied.
4.1 Document Collection
As we have pointed out in the introduction, we are
interested in the categorization of documents writ-
ten in Basque with educational purposes. The ideal
would be to have available an educational collection
of documents categorized according to some standard
labelling, but there is neither such educational cor-
pus nor a standard educational classification. Among
all the electronic documents available in Basque, we
have selected newspaper texts, because there are stan-
dardized categories for this domain, and we have ac-
cess to a sufficient amount of documents manually
categorized. This will allow us to analyze the be-
haviour of the selected classification techniques when
applied to Basque documents.
The documents used in this experiment corre-
spond to the Euskaldunon Egunkaria newspaper,
corresponding to the articles published during two
months of 1999. They are a total of 6.064 documents
categorized to the 17 standard first level IPTC cate-
. Each of the documents has a unique category
associated to it. It must be noted that all categories
do not have the same number of documents, as can be
seen in Table 1.
Document categorization is achieved in two steps:
during the training step an inductive generalization
of the set of documents is obtained, and during the
test step the effectiveness of the system is measured.
Therefore, the 6,064 documents have been split into
two different sets of documents: 4,548 documents for
training (75 %) and 1,516 documents for testing (25
%). This proportion stands in each one of the 17 cat-
egories, as can be observed in Table 1.
Table 1: Number of documents distributed by categories.
Category Training Test
1. Culture 600 202
2. Justice 129 42
3. Disasters 75 26
4. Economy 234 78
5. Education 82 27
6. Environmental Issues 69 22
7. Health 35 12
8. Human interests 36 11
9. Labour 132 43
10. Lifestyle 40 13
11. Politics 1.184 393
12. Religion 25 8
13. Science 35 12
14. Social Issues 464 156
15. Sport 1.283 429
16. Conflicts 100 33
17. Weather 25 9
TOTAL 4.548 1.516
4.2 Feature Selection. Lemmatization
Basque is an agglutinative and highly inflected lan-
guage. In order to face the difficulties derived from
these morphosintactical features, we have applied two
types of feature selection techniques. On the one
hand, stopword lists have been used to eliminate non-
relevant words, i.e. the most and least frequent words
in the training corpus. On the other hand, we use
linguistic methods such as lemmatization and noun
selection to reduce the number of features. Indeed,
recent experiments show that lemmatization helps in
the process of categorizing documents written in an
inflected language using LSI (Nakov et al., 2003).
Therefore, we expect that lemmatization, and noun
selection in particular, should allow us to maintain the
same semantic information, reducing the number of
attributes to be processed.
We have used the Basque lemmatizer designed by
the IXA natural language processing group (Ezeiza
et al., 1998), which obtains for each word in the doc-
ument, its correspondinglemma, as well as its part-of-
speech tag. This system reduces the different number
of features from each category by more than 50%.
In this section we show the results obtained in the
two experiments. In both of them we use the general-
purpose classifier named SNoW (Carlson et al., 1999)
for Na¨ıve Bayes and Winnow algorithms and Weka
Table 2: Accuracy rates before applying SVD.
all > 1 > 2 > 3
Na¨ıve Words 80.09 78.89 78.10 77.77
Bayes Lemmas 81.53 81.07 80.74 80.28
Nouns 79.49 79.62 79.35 79.62
Winnow Words 80.09 81.13 80.47 79.49
Lemmas 80.15 80.47 78.10 77.77
Nouns 79.35 78.83 76.78 76.45
SVMs Words 81.53 82.72 83.18 83.71
Lemmas 84.10 84.56 83.58 83.11
Nouns 81.40 82.58 81.60 81.99
k-NN Words 37.80 54.75 38.32 40.96
Lemmas 50.66 40.11 58.91 59.17
Nouns 61.08 69.53 70.84 72.16
(Witten and Frank, 2005) for SVMs. We apply the
classification algorithms to three different corpora: a
corpus of text documents (words), a second one of
lemmatized documents and a third one in which only
nouns appearing in documents have been kept.
5.1 Experiment before Applying SVD
In this experiment, elimination of irrelevant words,
lemmas and nouns has been performed based on the
word frequency in documents; terms that appear in
more than 1, 2 or 3 documents (>1, >2, etc.) are kept.
The accuracy rates using the test-corpus for each clas-
sification technique are shown in Table 2. The best
results obtained for each technique and corpus appear
printed in boldface.
As shown in Table 2, the best result has been ob-
tained by using SVMs after removing words that ap-
pear in only 1 document (>1) and using the lemma-
tized corpus (84.56 %). We want to emphasize that,
taking into account the morphosintactical features of
Basque and the reduced corpora used, the accuracy
rates obtained with this method are high for all the
three corpora. In fact, they are as good as some re-
sults reported for other similar corpora and language
features (Nakov et al., 2003).
Results obtained using Na¨ıve Bayes and Winnow
are also very good. Both have been obtained using
SNoW, and we argue that the processing it performs is
very adequate for text categorization tasks. Both work
better with more attributes, in general. Moreover, we
can see that lemmatization and noun selection help
Na¨ıve Bayes in general, but this is not the case for
However, results show that k-NN algorithm is not
suitable for text categorization using raw data, even
though noun selection gives acceptable accuracy rates
(72.16 % the best). The accuracy rates in the table
have been obtained for different k values (k=1,...,
10), and using the Euclidean distance.
Table 3: Accuracy rates for SVMs and k-NN after SVD.
LSI dim. Accuracy
SVD+SVMs Words 1000 75.00%
Lemmas 500 81.46%
Nouns 500 80.34%
SVD+k-NN Words 300 84.89%
Lemmas 400 87.33%
Nouns 200 85.36%
5.2 Experiment after Applying SVD
In this second experiment, LSI has been used to cre-
ate the three reduced spaces for the training document
collections. Different number of dimensions have
been experimented (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000).
The weighting scheme used has been logarithm for
local weighting and entropy for global one.
When using k-NN, different experiments for dif-
ferent number of neighbours(k = 1, · · · , 10) have been
made and the following criteria has been followed: re-
garding the categories of the k closest (with the high-
est cosine), the most frequent one was selected. In
case the result is a tie, the category with the highest
mean is chosen.
The best results in this experiment have been ob-
tained by using k-NN. In Table 3 the best result for
each corpus is shown, and it can be observed that, the
highest accuracy rate has been obtained for the lem-
matized corpus, which significantly improves and in-
creases up to 87.33 %. This confirms our hypothesis
that lemmatization helps improving results in agglu-
tinative languages such as Basque. Selecting nouns
also gives better results than word-forms, but they do
not give the best ones.
However, when SVMs are used after applying
SVD, results become poorer. This is because SVMs
are good enough when the number of features is high,
and consequently, the dimensionality reduction does
not benefit to them.
We have also used Na¨ıve Bayes and Winnow to
categorize the documents after applying SVD, but we
do not include the results in Table 3 because they are
fairly worse that the ones obtained before applying
SVD. The reason may be that the way SNoW treats
data makes it adequate to work with raw texts instead
of with the reduced dimensional vectors obtained af-
ter the SVD.
Finally, given that the best results have been ob-
tained by combining SVD and k-NN, we consider in-
teresting to show all the accuracy rates obtained for
different dimensions and number of neighbours. In
Table 4 the results for the best k are shown: k=10
(Words) and k=3 (Lemmas and Nouns).
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 4: SVD + k-NN accuracy rates for Words, Lemmas
and Nouns.
100 200 300 400 500
W. 82.98 84.30 84.89 84.76 84.63
L. 85.95 86.61 86.81 87.33 87.07
N. 84.37 85.36 84.83 85.03 84.76
Along this paper, we have analyzed the categorization
of documents written in Basque with the purpose of
facilitating the construction of the domain module in a
CSLS. This work constitutes an important step in the
process of semi-automatically acquiring the domain
module of CSLSs. The two experiments performed in
this study show that advancesin the field of Electronic
Document Technologies can find interesting applica-
tions in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Educa-
tion. Results demonstrate that the k-NN classifica-
tion algorithm combined with the SVD dimensional-
ity reduction technique gives very good results even
for a lesser-used and highly inflected language such
as Basque. We would like to emphasize that when
lemmatization is used, results increase up to 87.33%.
In our experiments we have confirmed that cate-
gorization results are also good when documents are
written in Basque. This will permit us to face the
Basque document categorization problem for an ed-
ucational environment in a more established way. It
will be a great advance in the process of constructing
the domain module for CSLSs in a semi-automatic
way. However, the lack of a Basque educational col-
lection of documents makes this first step of acquisi-
tion of learning material be harder. Our future work
will be conducted to construct such a corpus (Ghani
et al., 2001) and repeat the experiments in order to
confirm the good results.
Regarding the domain acquisition task, we are
currently working in the automatic extraction of the
main topics and the pedagogical relations among
them represented, explicitly or implicitly, in the ta-
ble of contents of a document. A set of heuristics
that infer such relations and the part-of-speech infor-
mation have been already defined (Larra˜naga et al.,
2004) (Larra˜naga et al., 2008).
This work is supported by the MEC (TIN2006-14968-
C02-01) and by the University of the Basque Country
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