Monique Janneck
Department of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 11, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
Keywords: Computer-mediated communication, Computer-supported cooperative learning, Computer-supported
Cooperative work.
Abstract: This paper proposes a multidimensional model to analyze problems in computer-mediated communication
(CMC), which can serve as a framework to integrate existing CMC approaches and also offers guidelines
for the selection, the design, and the social and organizational integration of CMC tools. The specific
strength of the model is its clear distinction between social and technical factors influencing computer-
mediated communication. A case study of groupware use is presented to demonstrate the usefulness of the
model to analyze difficulties in CMC settings and decide whether to address a certain problem on a design
level or a personal, social, or organizational level.
Numerous theories of computer-mediated
communication (CMC) provide explanations of
why communication processes succeed or fail.
However, there is a lack of comprehensive models
integrating different theoretical approaches.
Furthermore, CMC theories predominantly focus on
analyzing computer-mediated communication from
a (mainly) psychological perspective, and less on the
design of CMC tools from a software engineering
perspective. This paper proposes a multidimensional
model of computer-mediated communication, which
can serve as a framework to integrate existing CMC
approaches. Furthermore, implications for the
selection, the design, and the integration of CMC
tools into existing social and organizational
structures can be drawn from the model.
The following paragraphs very briefly introduce
some influential CMC theories.
For example, so-called “cues filtered out”
approaches emphasize that computer-mediated
communication is often text-based, and therefore
nonverbal communication signs as well as social
cues such as age, sex, ethnics, socioeconomic status,
appearance etc. are lost or at least difficult to
convey. While some authors (especially in early
CMC research) take a deficit-oriented view of CMC
as “impoverished” form of communication (e.g.
Herrmann 1993), others emphasize that filtering out
social cues might result in a more equal and honest
interaction which is less inhibited e.g. by prejudices
or social status (e.g. Sproull & Kiesler 1991, Hian et
al. 2004, McKenna & Bargh 2000, Whitty & Gavin
2001). However, disinhibition and anonymity might
also result in aggression, hostility and harassment
(e.g. Burnett & Burkle 2004).
Media choice theories emphasize that different
media are appropriate for different communication
tasks and needs. Therefore, successful
communication depends on an adequate media
choice. For example, the Media Richness Theory
(Daft & Lengel 1986) classifies different media
according to their capability of conveying complex
information: Richer media such as video
conferencing or telephone should be chosen for
highly complex or ambiguous communication tasks,
while less rich media such as e-mail are more
appropriate and efficient for simpler tasks.
Both cues-filtered-out approaches and media
choice theories indicate that computer-mediated
communication might be more anonymous and less
personal than face-to-face interaction. Empirical
studies often show that CMC is more task-oriented.
CMC groups perform worse on tasks involving high
levels of socio-emotional interaction, especially
Janneck M.
DOI: 10.5220/0001834905210526
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
under time pressure (e.g. Bordia 1997, Hian et al.
2004, Burnett 2000, Burnett & Burkle 2004, Birnie
& Horvath 2002).
The different approaches highlight different
aspects of CMC and possible causes for breakdowns
and problems. However, when problems arise in
computer-mediated communication situations, the
specific causes are often difficult to figure out.
Especially, it is often hard to distinguish between
social and technical problems. As a result, people
might try to solve social problems technically, and
vice versa–a phenomenon that can also be observed
in research on computer-supported communication
and cooperation.
The multidimensional model presented here
helps to analyze difficulties in computer-mediated
communication by making a clear distinction
between characteristics and behavior of the human
communication partners on the one hand, and the
media features and “behavior” on the other hand.
The model is presented in the next section, followed
by a case study illustrating its usefulness for analysis
and design.
The multidimensional model defines five factors
influencing communication (see figure 1).
Figure 1: A multi-dimensional model of factors
influencing computer-mediated communication.
A. Human Communication Problems:
Naturally, just like in face-to-face interaction,
problems and misunderstandings might occur in
computer-mediated communication, which have
social or personal reasons and have nothing to do
with the communication media used. They are of
little interest for developers of CMC tools because
they cannot be influenced or reduced by media
design. Nevertheless, the literature describes
repeated attempts to solve or avoid social problems
through technology, for example, when trying to
compensate a lack of trust among interaction
partners by sophisticated access controls (e.g. Sikkel
1997, Sohlenkamp et al. 2000). Notwithstanding,
understanding and distinguishing human
communication problems from truly CMC-related
problems is crucial to identify and address actual
design challenges and also to devise accompanying
measures to support and moderate media use.
B. Individual Characteristics:
The individual characteristics and experiences of the
people involved in the interaction will obviously
influence communication in a decisive way. As this
is also true for face-to-face interaction, CMC is
additionally influenced by the communicators’
technical skills (e.g. using browsers or e-mail),
media competencies (e.g. making appropriate media
choices), or mental models, i.e. users’ conceptions
and beliefs regarding configuration and functioning
of a software system which influence software use.
C. Technical Errors and Failures:
Data loss, e.g. due to software bugs or network
problems, is a source of problems which can be
compared to transmission errors as described by the
‘classical’ mathematical theory of communication
by Shannon & Weaver (1949). Technical errors may
result in a partial or complete message loss. Data
loss is especially problematic if it goes unnoticed by
sender and recipient of the information, e.g. if an e-
mail is lost without an error prompt. Web
applications might provide insufficient feedback
when information is displayed differently to several
recipients, e.g. because of individual customizations
or access rights: As a result, the sender might not
know if and how his message was displayed.
Technical problems also include system
incompatibilities (e.g. different operating systems,
data formats etc.). Technical failures are often hard
to understand or avoid, even for experienced users.
D. Media Characteristics:
As described by media choice theories, difficulties
may arise if CMC tools are not suitable for the
underlying communication needs: Media
characteristics influence communication success.
For example, scheduling an appointment with
several participants will likely be much more
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
complicated and time-consuming when
asynchronous technology such as e-mail is used,
compared to i.e. telephone or chat, because
immediate feedback or enquiries are not possible.
For the design of communication technology this
means that it should be appropriate for the task: All-
embracing tools catering for diverse communication
needs might have to be viewed critical. For example,
it is questionable whether technology can convey
high as well as low levels of social presence.
E. Technical Communication Problems:
Technical communication problems might arise in
situations when the technology itself assumes the
role of a communicator, or communication processes
are automated by the technology, respectively.
Maass & Oberquelle (1992) call this an “agent
perspective” in software development: The computer
assumes the role of an equal partner who is able to
interpret and react to user behavior in an adequate
way. They criticize that such system behavior is
seldom transparent for users. Furthermore, an
anthropomorphic presentation of technology might
raise unrealistic expectations among users regarding
the computer’s actual communication skills.
In computer-mediated communication there is a
broad spectrum of autonomous communication acts
reaching from simple automatisms to complex
interpretations. One example is inferring users’
emotional states by interpreting certain emotional
keywords in the texts (Perry & Donath 2004).
Another example is the e-mail recovery function
offered by some e-mail clients, allowing users to call
back (still unread) e-mails under certain
circumstances. However, recipients using different
e-mail clients usually receive a strange automatic
reply, offering neither an excuse nor request for
confidentiality etc. like one would expect from a
human sender. Still, by offering such a function the
notion of a competent communicator is evoked, who
is able to handle a possibly embarrassing or
awkward situation. The following anecdote might
illustrate this: A colleague receiving such an e-mail
reading “Mrs. X wants to call back this e-mail”
wrote back, amused: “But Mr. Y doesn’t want to
give that e-mail back!”
The following sections illustrate how the
multidimensional model can be used to analyze
CMC problems and derive design implications,
using a case study of an educational groupware
system, which was evaluated by means of an online
survey with more than 1500 users.
3.1 Software and use Context
The software CommSy is a web-based groupware
system to support communication and coordination
in working and learning groups, comparable to e.g.
BSCW (e..g. Klöckner 2002), phpBB (e.g. Stefanov
et al. 2005), or Moodle (e.g. Cole & Foster 2007). It
supports communication (for example with news
and discussion forums) and the exchange of working
materials (with e.g. file uploads and online
documents) and also offers project management
functions (e.g. a shared calendar and to-do lists).
The groupware consists of so-called workspaces:
Project Workspaces are designed for use in
closed groups of approximately 10 to 30
members (e.g. student groups). To support group
activities, the software offers groupware
functionalities, such as announcement of news or
events, discussion forums, personal homepages
for the presentation of members to the group and
materials that can be written in a cooperative
way, collected and classified by the users.
Community Workspaces incorporate project
workspaces into a larger structure supporting not
only small groups, but a community of users
(e.g. all members of a school or university) over
a longer period of time, similar to an intranet
CommSy was developed for use in educational
settings, both secondary and undergraduate
education. It has been used in a variety of teaching
fields, including history, languages, economics, and
informatics. Furthermore, the groupware is also used
in the public and private sector, for example in
public administration or business networks. CommSy
is Open Source software distributed under the GNU
General Public License. A description of the
software, the development process and its use
contexts is given e.g. by Bleek & Finck (2005),
Janneck et al. (2006), Pape et al. (2002).
3.2 Analyzing Problems in
Throughout the last five years, the use of the
groupware in secondary and post-secondary
education has been regularly evaluated by means of
an online survey with several thousand respondents
(Janneck 2007). In this paper, we specifically refer
to the latest survey, which was conducted in the
spring of 2008. 1538 users participated in the
survey, mainly university students and teachers
(63%). 32% were secondary school students or
teachers, 5% from other use contexts (e.g. business
networks). 64% were female, 36% male.
The survey covered usage preferences and
characteristics such as frequency and most-used
features, usefulness, usage problems, and usability
measures. In this study, we focus on usage
problems. Users were asked to report all problems
they had encountered while using the software. They
were able choose from a list of possible usage
problems, which were known to occur from prior
evaluations, as well as add and describe all other
problems they had encountered. A total of 1120
problems were reported (multiple answers were
possible). The responses were then categorized
according to the five dimensions described above.
Figure 2 shows the distribution.
Figure 2: Distribution of usage problems regarding the
five levels of the model.
Most frequently, users complained about a lack
of interest and active participation by other users
(22% of all mentions), problems regarding
collaborative structuring and editing content (13%),
and to a lesser extent, an insufficient introduction to
use (8%) and a lack of incentives for use (4%).
These problems can be attributed to an insufficient
moderation of use and, thus, located on the
dimension of Human Communication Problems (A)
the largest category with a total of 47% of mentions.
Technical Errors and Failures (C) constitute the
second largest category with a total of 25% of
mentions. This is made up by software
bugs/incompatibilities, especially with the browser
(14%), and long response times (11%).
Media Characteristics (D) make up a
comparable share of mentions (23%), summing up
functions not suitable for the use context (e.g. lack
of synchronous communication tools). Furthermore,
there were deficits in supporting awareness (see
section 3.3).
Problems arising from Individual Characteristics
(B) were hardly mentioned (5%), which might be
due to the self-report data. Some users mentioned
difficulties regarding the metaphors and terms used
in the software. For example, some users tried to use
the so-called “clipboard” (which is used to copy
posts within the groupware workspace) to save files
to their desktop, inferring from the usage of the
familiar Windows clipboard. Furthermore,
especially teachers reported that some participants
were reluctant to participate in computer-mediated
Technical Communication Problems (E) were
irrelevant in the case study, because the groupware
offers hardly any automatic or interpretative
This problem analysis is exemplary and shows
an individual profile, which cannot be generalized to
other software tools or even other user groups of the
same system. Nevertheless, it is an interesting result
that the bulk of usage problems that were reported
can be attributed to personal and social factors, and
cannot be tackled by the software design. Instead,
they would have to be addressed by measures to
better support and supervise software use. Second
come seemingly “trivial” technical problems.
Problems requiring conceptual changes in the
software design only come in third. Thus, a strategy
relying primarily on changes to the software design
and functionalities would presumably be rather
ineffective in this particular case.
3.3 Implications for Shaping CMC
Tools and Processes
After using the multidimensional model to analyze
problems in CMC settings, the following section
highlights how it can be used to draw conclusions
for the design of CMC tools and computer-mediated
interaction processes. The model helps to distinguish
whether to address a certain problem on a design
level or a personal, social, or organizational level.
A. Human Communication Problems:
Clarify whether the difficulties that can be observed
are actually due to the technology or rather due to
difficulties in social interaction processes, which
can’t be addressed by the software design.
Æ In the case study, the most frequent problems
could be traced back to deficits regarding the
didactical integration of the tool into the course
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
design. Those problems might be addressed by
providing better occasions for use or agreeing upon
common rules for usage (e.g. frequency of use).
B. Individual Characteristics:
The current state of knowledge and the experiences
of the (prospective) user group should be analyzed
and taken into account when selecting or designing
CMC media (e.g., simple tools might be more
appropriate for an inexperienced user group).
Training and support measures must be adapted to
users’ experience and needs.
In the case study, teachers who observe
reluctance among students to communicate online
might try to establish a playful approach to CMC,
e.g. by letting students communicate informally
before using the tool in class.
C. Technical Errors and Failures:
Of course, data loss due to technical errors must be
reduced to a minimum. Furthermore, especially with
communication technology it is important to provide
transparent error handling processes, allowing the
user to understand what problems occurred and
whether the message transmission was impaired.
Regarding the case study, users should receive
information about frequent browser or software
D. Media Characteristics:
Check whether the CMC tool/software is appropriate
for the users’ purposes and tasks and whether the
tool has a coherent overall design (rather than
integrating contradictory functions or concepts of
In the case study, the analysis revealed a lack of
awareness (e.g. Gutwin & Greenberg 1999, Dourish
& Bellotti 1992) functions (e.g. a “who is online”
display or access statistics), which can be addressed
by the software design (Janneck 2007, 2009).
E. Technical Communication Problems:
Check if and to what extent the CMC tools influence
the human communication process (e.g. by
automatic functions) and whether this is actually
necessary and appropriate in the respective context.
Make sure users get transparent feedback if (and
how) the communication content or process is
altered by the software.
In the case study there is no need for action in
this regard.
This paper presented a multidimensional model to
analyze problems in computer-mediated
communication (CMC) regarding to five levels of
potential difficulties and demonstrated its use for the
analysis of CMC situations by means of a case
study. Likewise, practical implications for the design
of CMC tools and the social and organizational
frame were exemplarily shown.
Those implications and recommendations
support and refine existing design guidelines such as
the Dialogue Principles established in the DIN EN
ISO 9241-110 (2006) or guidelines referring more
specifically to the design of communication and
cooperation software (e.g. Dieberger et al. 2000,
Erickson 2003), as well as basic psychological
principles of human-computer interaction such as
the use of metaphors in design. The specific
contribution of the model presented here is to
distinguish clearly between technical and social
factors influencing CMC.
Methodically, empirical and explorative
evaluation approaches (such as surveys, interviews,
or usability tests) should be chosen to grasp the
users’ subjective views and experiences. For that
reason, evaluations shouldn’t rely solely on expert or
inspection methods (e.g. usability walkthroughs or
heuristic evaluations).
From a research perspective the model helps to
clarify and understand the different factors
influencing CMC and the success or failure of
interaction processes. Nevertheless, it has to be
noted clearly that the model cannot be seen as a full-
flegded ‘theory’. It serves as a frame, which can
integrate existing CMC and, generally,
communication theories on the different levels.
Furthermore, it adds to those mainly psychological
analysis models the perspective of systems and
sociotechnical design.
For further refinement and substantiation of the
model, more empirical work is needed. Thus, a next
step will be to study other CMC tools, settings, and
user groups and compare them regarding the
distribution of problem dimensions to see if the
model continues to serve as a useful analytic tool or
whether new categories emerge from the empirical
material. Furthermore, potential interactions and
interdependencies between the different levels
described by the model will have to be investigated
and discussed.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies