Patterns, Detection and Resolution
Georgios K. Giannikis and Aspassia Daskalopulu
Department of Computer and Communications Engineering
University of Thessaly, Gklavani 37, 38221 Volos, Greece
Keywords: Conflict Patterns, Conflict Detection, Conflict Resolution, e-Contracts, Default Logic.
Abstract: The analysis, representation and management of normative conflicts have been the focus of much research
in recent years in commercial and business applications. In this paper we are concerned with normative
conflicts that arise for agents engaging in electronic contracting. First, we identify a set of primitive conflict
patterns and present some patterns that have not been identified in other proposals. Secondly, we use a
representation of e-contracts as Default Theories, which afford us both detection and resolution of such
conflict patterns.
In this work we are concerned with normative
conflicts that arise for agents engaging in electronic
contracting, within an electronic marketplace, and
we investigate an alternative representation in which
we use Reiter’s Default Logic (DfL) (Reiter,1980).
In (Giannikis & Daskalopulu, 2006, Giannikis &
Daskalopulu, 2007b) we proposed the representation
of contractual norms as default rules, which are
constructed dynamically from temporal
representations. The resulting default theories afford
us both temporal defeasible reasoning and conflict
management (Giannikis & Daskalopulu, 2006).
Here, we identify a set of primitive patterns for
normative conflicts and show how the conflicts
identified by other researchers may be seen as
instances of these primitives. We also identify some
patterns of normative conflict that have not been
identified in other proposals. Furthermore, we
discuss the way the representation of contractual
norms as default rules facilitates conflict detection
and resolution.
For the purposes of illustration consider an
electronic marketplace, populated by software
agents that establish and perform e-contracts on
behalf of some real world parties. Let the set
Agents={Agent1, Agent2, Agent3,…..} denote distinct
identifiers for the various agents, and the set
Roles={RA, WA, MA, CA, …} denote distinct roles that
agents may assume in the e-market (where
MA, CA denote retailer, wholesaler, mediator and
carrier respectively).
Consider a two-party business transaction.
that acts as a retailer orders some goods from the
Agent3. The terms of the agreement
between these two agents are:
Agent3 should see to it
that the goods be delivered to
Agent1 within 10 days
from commencement (e.g., the date that the order
takes place).
Agent1, in turn, should see to it that
payment be made within 21 days from the date it
receives the goods. If
Agent3 does not deliver on time,
then a fixed amount is to be deducted from the
original price of the goods for each day of delay and
it should see to it that delivery be made by a new
deadline. If
Agent1 does not perform payment on
time, then a fixed amount is to be added to the
original price of the goods for each day of delay and
it should see to it that payment be made by a new
Following (Daskalopulu, 2000), we may take an
informal, process view of the business transaction
that is regulated by the agreement. Each state offers
a (possibly partial) description of the factual and
normative propositions that hold true. A transition
between states corresponds to an event that takes
place, i.e. an action that one of the parties performs
Giannikis G. and Daskalopulu A.
NORMATIVE CONFLICTS - Patterns, Detection and Resolution.
DOI: 10.5220/0001835505270532
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
or omits to perform. Normative propositions of the
ΝN(agent1, role1, action, agent2, role2)
express that agent1 that acts as role1 is in legal relation
ΝN towards agent2 that acts as role2 to perform action,
where ΝN may be Obligation, Prohibition, Permission and
legal Power.
We use Reiter’s Default Logic (Reiter, 1980) to
represent the norms of an agreement as default rules.
A default rule has the form
P:J1,J2,…Jn/C, where P is
the prerequisite,
J={J1,J2,… Jn} is a set of justifications
and C is the derived consequent. If J coincides with
C, the default rule is called normal. The semantics of
a default rule is: If
P holds and the assumption J is
consistent with our current knowledge, then C may
be inferred.
For instance, the following default rule expresses
that if an order from
Agent1 (acting as a retailer)
towards Agent3 (acting as a wholesaler) holds, and it
is consistent to assume that
Agent1 will become a
regular client, then we may infer that Agent3 is legally
obliged towards Agent1 to perform delivery:
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Obligation(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
A Default Theory (DfT) is a pair of the form (W,
, where W is a set of closed formulae that hold, and
D is a set of defaults. Rules may be used to compute
E of the default theory. A rule is
applicable to a set of formulae WE if and only if P
and ¬J
,…, ¬J
E. We consider grounded DfTs and we
derive extensions in the manner presented in (Error!
Reference source not found.), i.e. by maintaining
consistent sets of formulae. This derivation may be
conducted in stepwise manner. Thus, an agent that
engages in a transaction governed by some
agreement, essentially reasons with a default theory.
At each time point during the business transaction
the agent attempts to compute the extensions of its
current DfT. Note that whenever multiple extensions
are computed for a Default Theory these represent
possible world views. Depending on its chosen
action an agent is committed to a particular
extension. The DfT contract representation allows us
to detect normative conflicts by examining
extensions. A normative conflict may be detected
either between multiple extensions or between some
extension and the current knowledge (
W) of the
agent. Where a conflict is detected between multiple
extensions, the latter represent alternative futures for
the agent; let us call these inter-extension conflicts.
Where a conflict is detected between an extension
and the current knowledge of the agent, it represents
a state in which some normative violation will
eventually occur; let us call these intra-extension
conflicts. The role of conflict detection is, thus, to
assist an agent to choose a course of action so that
normative violations may be predicted and avoided.
The first step of conflict management involves
the detection of conflicts. To this end, in section 2.1,
we identify primitive patterns of normative conflict
that may be spotted during the derivation of
extensions of the default theory representation of an
agreement. In section 2.2 we identify additional
cases of normative conflicts which are not discussed
already in the existing literature.
2.1 Primitive Patterns of Normative
In what follows we use Obligation, Permission, Prohibition
and Power as predicates that express normative
relations between agents. We do not employ the
axiomatization of any particular system of Deontic
logic; specifically, we do not employ the
axiomatization of Standard Deontic Logic (SDL), in
which these notions are modeled as operators that
are inter-defined. This is because in Standard
Deontic Logic (and any system where the D scheme
¬O, where O denotes obligation, is valid) it is not
possible for an agent to bear conflicting obligations
because of the D scheme. Yet, in most realistic
situations, indeed in our everyday life, agents do
find themselves in normative conflict. Moreover, if
we were to employ SDL, permission, obligation and
prohibition would be interdefined, and so all of the
patterns we present in this section (section 2.1)
would be reduced to three of all six patterns
(Giannikis & Daskalopulu, 2007a); thus the
representation would be less distinguishing.
A. Conflict between a normative notion (
NN) and
its negation. The general pattern is:
NN(agent1, role1, action, agent2, role2)
¬NN(agent1, role1, action, agent2, role2)
This is the common syntactical conflict that
arises when an agent has contradictory
knowledge. All other approaches, without any
exception, refer to this type of conflict. In
policy-based approaches, when the normative
notion is Obligation it is called positive-
negative conflict of modalities (Moffett &
Sloman, 1993). This type of conflict never
actually arises in our representation, where
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
norms are represented as defaults, because the
derivation of extensions preserves consistency.
It may, however, be identified as a potential
conflict, when multiple extensions are
B. Conflict between the prohibition to perform an
action and the simultaneous permission or
obligation to perform the same action. Once
again, all previous research approaches refer to
this type of conflict. In (Moffett & Sloman,
1993) and (Lupu & Sloman, 1999) these
conflicts are called conflicts between authority
policies (sub-pattern B1: Prohibition vs
Permission) and conflict between authority and
imperatival policies (sub-pattern B2:
Prohibition vs Obligation) respectively.
Consider, for instance, the following default
(W, D) where:
W={Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)}
and D={
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Prohibition(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Permission(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Permission(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
The first default denotes that if an order from
Agent1 (acting as retailer) towards Agent3 (acting
as wholesaler) holds, and it is consistent to
assume that
Agent1 is related to a well known
debtor then we may infer that
Agent3 is
prohibited to perform delivery. Similarly, the
second default expresses that if an order from
Agent1 towards Agent3 holds, and it is consistent to
assume that
Agent3 is permitted to perform
delivery, then we may infer that
Agent3 is
permitted to perform delivery towards
Agent3 may find itself in a conflicting state after
applying the two defaults sequentially. We
denote this type of conflict as B1. Note that
special terms, such as
BecomeRegularClient(agent) or IsRegularClient(agent)
among others, are used only for the purposes of
illustration and are not binding to the
characterization of domain-independent conflict
In the same spirit, let us replace the second
default shown above with the following:
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Obligation(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Obligation(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Once again Agent3 is in conflict. We denote this
conflict between Prohibition and Obligation as
C. Conflict between an obligation to perform
and the simultaneous obligation or permission
to perform
¬action. Here ¬action denotes a negative
action, and the issue of representing negative
actions has concerned researchers (e.g.
(Royakkers, 1998) regards them as actions that
do not lead to the successful fulfillment of a
norm). We have not developed special
semantics for the representation of negative
actions; we merely regard such expressions as
denoting either performance of some action
other than the negative one, or as idleness (non
performance of any action). This case arises,
also, in Lee (Lee, 1988) and Abrahams
(Abrahams & Bacon, 2002) who use the term
For example consider the following DfT where:
W={Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)}
and D={
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Obligation(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Obligation(Agent3, WA, ¬Delivery, Agent1, RA)
D. Conflict between the power to perform an
action and the simultaneous prohibition to
perform the same action. This type of conflict is
also noted in (Abrahams & Bacon, 2002).
For instance consider the following DfT:
W={Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)}
and D={
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Power(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Power(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Prohibition(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
NORMATIVE CONFLICTS - Patterns, Detection and Resolution
One may argue that in this case there is no
conflict and, consequently, that there is no need
for conflict resolution. Indeed, legal power to
perform an action goes hand-in-hand with
permission to exercise it, according to formal
definitions of institutional power ((Makinson,
1986, Jones & Sergot, 1996)). Hence, there is a
conflict here, albeit some may perceive it as a
conflict between permission and prohibition to
exercise a certain power.
E. Conflict between two obligatory distinct
actions, when it is impossible to do both at the
same time. This corresponds to Horty’s moral
dilemma (Horty, 1994).
For instance consider the following DfT where:
W={Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA),
Order(Agent2, RA, Agent3, WA),
no simultaneous performance of actions is possible}
and D={
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Obligation(Agent3, WA, Delivery1, Agent1, RA)
Order(Agent2, RA, Agent3, WA, T1)
Obligation(Agent3, WA, Delivery2, Agent2, RA)
Agent3 bears two obligations that cannot be
simultaneously satisfied.
F. Conflict between an obligation and the negation
of the agent’s permission or power to perform it.
The negation of an agent’s permission/power to
perform an action may be explicitly derived
from the agent’s knowledge base (sub-pattern
F1) or it may be derived from a possibly
incomplete knowledge base, through the
absence of explicit information (sub-pattern F2).
For instance consider the following default
theory where:
W={Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)}
and D={
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Obligation(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
¬Permission(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Now consider a DfT that contains the first of the
defaults above and in place of the second, the
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
¬Permission(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
¬Permission(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
If the agent’s knowledge base does not contain
an explicit permission, then the justification of
this default will be satisfied, and hence its
conclusion will be drawn.
2.2 Additional Patterns
Here are some additional cases of normative conflict
that we have identified, which are not discussed
already in the existing literature. We mention them
separately because, although they may be reduced to
the primitive patterns, there is additional information
that may be exploited to facilitate conflict resolution.
Type of action-based conflicts
. A common
feature of e-contracts is the so called Contrary-to-
Duty structures (Prakken & Sergot, 1996). An
agent’s contractual obligations may be divided in
two types. Prima facie obligations that concern the
performance of actions that are in principle
stipulated by the agreement and secondary
obligations that concern the performance of
reparatory actions; the latter apply only when
violations of prima facie obligations happen.
An agent may, thus, bear two distinct obligations
(for instance of the kind described by E), where one
is primary and the other is secondary. This
qualification may be helpful in conflict resolution.
The general pattern is:
Obligation(agent1, role1, action, agent2, role2)
Obligation(agent1, role1, reparatoryaction, agent3, role3)
Agreement-based conflicts. An agent may find
itself in a conflicting state because it is engaged in
multiple contracts. For instance a wholesaler may be
obliged to perform two distinct deliveries to two
distinct retailers as dictated by two distinct
agreements. This situation may be regarded as the
generalization of pattern E discussed earlier, because
in this case the important information is the
distinction between the contracts. The additional
information that the two norms stem from two
agreements, may be exploited for the purposes of
conflict resolution. The general pattern is:
Obligation(contract1, agent1, role1, action1, agent2, role2)
Obligation(contract2, agent1, role1, action2, agent3, role3)
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
where normative propositions of the form
agent1, role1, action, agent2, role2)
express that according
contract, agent1 that acts as role1 is in legal relation
ΝN towards agent2 that acts as role2 to perform action.
Note that this conflict pattern is different form
the one presented in (Herrestad & Krogh, 1995). The
key notion here is the different contracts an agent
has to comply with. Different contracts may be
established towards different agents or even towards
the same agent.
Conflicts between assumptions and knowledge
A conflict may arise not only as a result of an
agent’s explicit knowledge but also between its
knowledge and its current assumptions or even
between distinct assumptions.
For example, according to the following DfT the
prohibition that derives from the second default
contradicts not only with obligation that derives
from the first default, but also with the assumption
of the first default (
W={Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)}
and D={
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Permission(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Obligation(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Order(Agent1, RA, Agent3, WA)
Prohibition(Agent3, WA, Delivery, Agent1, RA)
Conflict resolution in DfL may be performed using
Brewka’s (Brewka, 1994) proposal that enables us to
define and apply priorities on default rules
Brewka defines a Preferential Default Theory
(PDfT) as a triple
(W, D, name), where name is a
function that assigns names to default rules D. The
extension of a PDfT is derived in the same way as in
a DfT.
What makes PDfTs really useful is that the
ascription of priorities to default rules may, itself, be
done dynamically. Using dynamic priorities, we
generate preferred extensions, each of which
indicates a transaction plan. Priorities amongst
ground defaults may be defined dynamically either
by making different assumptions or by specifying
domain-dependent criteria. The general pattern for
ascribing priorities dynamically takes the form of a
default rule:
Rule(d1, v1)
Rule(d2, v2)
Here d1, d2 are variables that denote names of ground
defaults; Rule(d1,v1) denotes a ground default d1 and
its set of entities of interest
v1. The intended
interpretation of this rule is: if two defaults d1 and d2
apply and some criterion is satisfied between entities
of interest, then
d1 takes priority over d2, if certain
assumptions may consistently be made.
Three general strategies for defining such
criteria have been discussed in the literature, namely
hierarchies of entities of interest, time and
specificity of norms. Thus, given a particular
normative conflict, different resolution strategies
may be applied depending on our specific criterion
of interest.
In (Giannikis & Daskalopulu, 2006) we
presented a temporal representation of normative
relations in DfL, which takes into account the
external time of a norm (i.e. the time at which it
comes into force) and the internal time of a norm
(i.e. the time stipulated for its satisfaction, its
deadline). Here, a formula of the form:
NN(agent1, role1, action, time2, agent2, role2, time1)
denotes that at time point time1 agent1 (acting as role1)
is in legal relation NN towards agent2 (acting as role2)
to perform
action by time2. For instance, consider the
case where two norms (D1 and D2) that define
conflicting obligations for Agent3 are active. The first
one is initiated at time
ET1 and it is towards retailer
Agent1 who is a regular client. It sets an obligation to
perform delivery until
IT1. The second one is towards
Agent2, it is initiated at ET2 and defines a
reparatory obligation to perform delivery until
The relation between time points is as follows:
ET1 <
ET2 < IT2 < IT1
. There is information that can be used
to determine different conflict resolution criteria.
The strategy of temporality based on external time
may give priority to
D1 as it was initiated first. On
the other hand, temporality based on internal time
may give priority to
D2 since it has a shorter
deadline. Another alternative, using the strategy of
hierarchy is to give precedence to
D1, because Agent1,
as a regular client, takes precedence over
Agent2. Or,
we may give precedence to
D2, because it concerns a
reparatory action, if we choose to assign higher
priority to secondary norms over primary ones. It
should be clear that various combinations of these
NORMATIVE CONFLICTS - Patterns, Detection and Resolution
criteria may also be defined based on the agent’s
current knowledge and the assumptions it makes.
In (Giannikis & Daskalopulu, 2007b) we proposed
the representation of e-contracts as default theories
that can be constructed dynamically from event
calculus representations. This technique affords us
the ability to perform temporal reasoning, defeasible
reasoning and conflict management. In this work, we
presented a set of normative conflict patterns that
may be encountered in e-contracts, and recorded
some conflicts that have not been identified yet in
other proposals. Our current work focuses on
developing a computational tool based on Reiter’s
DfL and its major variations, that supports temporal
defeasible reasoning as well as conflict detection and
resolution as presented in this paper and in
(Giannikis & Daskalopulu,2006).
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies