HAVi User Interface, DAVIC (Digital Audio Video
Council) APIs and DVB APIs. DVB also enclosed
a new application model, a security framework, and
a broadcast data transport system for the delivery of
MHP applications (also known as “Xlets”). A Xlet
can be either resident in the STB or downloaded from
an object carousel of a TV channel.
Two MHP specification exists: MHP 1.0.x (DVB,
2003) and MHP 1.1.x (DVB, 2005). The MHP 1.0.x
included the definition of two profiles; the first, the
Enhanced Broadcast profile is the baseline profile of
the MHP. It is intended for use in broadcast only sys-
tems where there is a unidirectional flow of data to
the receiver. The second profile is called the Interac-
tive Broadcast profile and provides support for a bi-
directional data channel using the return channel sys-
tems currently defined by DVB. The MHP 1.1 speci-
fication includes the definition of a new profile called
the Internet Access profile and a new optional content
format called DVB-HTML (Gil et al., 2002). The In-
ternet Access profile is intended to provide access to
the most common types of Internet services, as cur-
rently found on the Internet i.e. WWW and e-mail.
Today set-top-boxes on the market give support only
for MHP 1.0, so there are no boxes that support the
Internet Access Profile. A possible solution is to al-
low the user to download from the TV object carousel
a web browser as a DVB-J application.
In this paper such a solution is presented providing the
Internet access functionality on DVB-MHP platform.
We develop a DVB-J application, MHP 1.0.x compli-
ant, available for all the STBs today on the market or
already previously acquired. This application, named
WebClimb, permits to access the Internet through the
use of the return channel provided by the Interactive
Broadcast Profile. WebClimb could be embedded on
the set-top-box itself or downloaded from the broad-
cast TV carousel similarly to an usual MHP applica-
The paper is organized as it follows. After review-
ing some related works in Section 2, we present in
Section 3 the proposed system architecture. Finally
the application’s prototype is evaluated and the results
are presented in Section 4, conclusions are provided
in Section 5.
This section explores the related works concerning
web browser for digital terrestrial television.
Some DVB-MHP commercial applications exist,
named Interactive TV platforms, that manage XML
pages and act as a browser.
Example of these are: Pontegra HTML browser de-
veloped from the Nionex company, Goonie Browser
(NordCom Interactive), Ace Browser (Ortikon Inter-
active), Sofia Backstage BrowserPlatform (Sofia Dig-
ital), Evo Browser (Espial Escape) and Yambo pro-
vided by CINECA. Such platforms were born mainly
for the development of MHP services by acting as
an engine to render applications written by using
standard well-known languages such as HTML or
XHTML and avoiding to deal with Java programming
language (as explained in Section 1). Limitations to
these system are that some of them are not broadcast
application; in fact they are only embedded in STB
and the browser is not an add-on application on the
channel. Others applications don’t present a GUI in-
terface and some of them display a subset of DVB-
HTML format or non-standard XML pages.
In (Vuorimaa et al., 2002) a Java based XML browser
named X-Smiles is presented, intended both for desk-
top use and embedded network devices, like palm-
top, mobile and TV, to support multimedia services.
There is an attempt for porting a limited version of X-
Smiles on a MHP compliant digital television set-top-
boxes but the current state of this attempt is unknown.
In (Cho and Park, 2005) the authors design an inte-
grated web browser for digital home networking and
digital data broadcasting based on ACAP standard in-
stead of DVB standard. In (Ferretti et al., 2007), the
authors introduce a system to access the WWW that
requires the usage of a server-side application gate-
way, acting as a web-spider, to collect a predefined
set of web contents and reformatting them to fit the
constraints of the TV environment. This approach
is useful in the production and management of the
so called “walled garden services”, where the broad-
caster or service operator is able to control and vali-
date the contents to be accessed by the user but can
become extremely cumbersome in the access to the
open Internet.
So these issues influenced our thinking in develop-
ing WebClimb that is, as we said in Section 1, a
DVB-J application, MHP 1.0.x compliant, and can
be downloaded by the broadcast TV object carousel
or, alternatively, can be embedded in a STB, and lo-
cally executed on each STB. It permits to properly
manage web contents, without a server-side conver-
sion, and visualize them on a TV screen, by means
of a Graphic User Interface (GUI). WebClimb is a
basically XHTML browser and assures a fine visu-
alization for XHTML web page but it can also man-
age HTML pages composed by XHTML tag (W3C,
In particular during WebClimb design, specific care
has been dedicated to consider the limitations im-
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies