Tiit Elenurm
Department of Entrepreneurship, Estonian Business School, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia
Keywords: Blended learning, e-learning environment, Learning community, Entrepreneurial orientations, Knowledge
sharing, Cross-cultural communication.
Abstract: This paper reflects e-learning and blended learning experiences and challenges from the point of view of the
co-creative entrepreneurial orientation and cross-cultural knowledge sharing. The use of WebCT tools and
weblogs are compared in the blended learning context. Computer supported learning that develops co-
creative entrepreneurship should support information monitoring and business opportunity searches on the
internet, and introduce students to social and business networking sites. The applications and limitations of
some WebCT tools for developing learning communities and sharing knowledge are discussed. The blended
learning concept should take into consideration the cultural context of using explicit and tacit knowledge
and the readiness of entrepreneurs to share knowledge through online and face-to-face interactions in order
to apply students as virtual gatekeepers for small and medium-sized enterprises.
E-learning paradigms that support entrepreneurship
education have to face the fragmentation of
professional knowledge domains and missing links
between different sources of entrepreneurial
opportunities as essential problems of contemporary
society. The focus should switch from the static
knowledge of established facts to new information
monitoring skills and to interactions in small groups
and larger virtual communities for knowledge
sharing and developing practical new knowledge.
Computer supported learning can introduce students
to knowledge management practices and challenges,
and especially to the role of tacit and explicit
knowledge (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) if it as
applied in the blended learning framework
(Osguthorpe and Graham, 2003)
Applying computer supported education to
develop entrepreneurs has to find the right balance
between methods that support different
entrepreneurial activities. Identifying business
opportunities (Casson, 1982) has been a classical
focus in entrepreneurship education. Participation in
formal and informal entrepreneurial networks has
been discussed as a factor of successful
entrepreneurship in recent decades (Sweeney, 1987,
Johannisson, 1998).
The present paper presents the experience of
applying blended computer supported learning, and
analyses essential choices and challenges in e-
learning from the point of view of the co-creative
entrepreneurial orientation and cross-cultural
knowledge sharing. Entrepreneurial orientations and
the need to develop competences for business
networking in the “global village” – the
globalization metaphor already popularized by
McLuhan (1962) – are used as the departure point
for defining the priorities of applying different
computer supported education tools. Knowledge
sharing between potential and experienced
entrepreneurs is discussed both as an opportunity
and as a challenge for computer supported learning.
Involving students in cross-border projects to
monitor international business opportunities is
presented as a way of developing entrepreneurial
learning communities through computer supported
Elenurm T. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 193-198
DOI: 10.5220/0001837501930198
In order to develop computer supported
entrepreneurship education, the entrepreneurial
orientation concept is an essential departure point.
Understanding entrepreneurial orientations provides
direction for information search activities that can be
used when creating new ventures and anticipating
opportunities and barriers in the entrepreneurial
process. Lumpkin and Dess (1996) have suggested
that entrepreneurial orientation represents
entrepreneurial processes, practices and decision-
making styles that address the question of how new
ventures are established. Their concept of
entrepreneurial orientation identifies five dimensions
– autonomy, innovativeness, risk-taking, pro-
activeness and competitive aggressiveness.
Elenurm and Moisala (2008) have applied a self-
assessment tool for specifying three different
entrepreneurial orientations that influence the
application of computer supported learning – co-
creative, innovative and imitative orientations.
Learning for co-creative entrepreneurship
should build mutual understanding, and emotional
and social competence for joint actions. The learning
process is not limited to transferring existing
knowledge from the trainer or tutor to learners by
using e-learning tools. New knowledge is also
created through knowledge sharing between all
participants in the process and by re-using
knowledge that is created or combined by
participants in earlier courses that have been
supported by e-learning (Elenurm et. al., 2002).
The co-creative entrepreneurial orientation
assumes a readiness for knowledge sharing both in
face-to-face communication and online learning
communities. Imitative and innovative
entrepreneurial orientations also benefit from
computer supported monitoring of new
technological and business information, but we
cannot assume full readiness for such learners to
disclose their business ideas in a learning
community. Computer supported learning has to find
the right balance between co-creative knowledge
sharing and the right of an innovative entrepreneur
not to disclose his/her business ideas and various
types of sensitive business information to other
Blended learning has been defined as the integration
of face-to-face learning experiences with online
experiences (Garrison and Kanuka, 2004). There is
evidence that for certain subject matters, reflective
teaching practices and collaborative learning may
work better in online learning than in face-to-face
classes (Picciano, 2006). Owston et al. (2006) report
that the online component of blended learning
encourages critical thinking. Benefiting from the
advantages of information technology supported
learning while compensating for its disadvantages
through additional face-to-face sessions is an
important feature of blended learning (Rosenberg,
Estonia has experienced a rapid transition to a
market economy. Among present Estonian
entrepreneurs many started their entrepreneurial
activities after the collapse of the command
economy at the beginning of the 90s at around 20-30
years of age. These entrepreneurs actively use the
internet for daily communication and information
searches. They are however, not experienced online
course clients or systematic virtual networkers and
are not aware of online networking opportunities
that have been developed for entrepreneurs by the
European Union (Elenurm, 2004). Flexible online
access to knowledge at any time and place (Carroll,
2003) is important for busy students that are already
involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Graham (2006) has proposed space, time,
fidelity and humanness as four key dimensions of
interaction in face-to-face and distributed learning
environments. These dimensions are especially
relevant for entrepreneurship development
programmes that try to bring together full-time
students interested in understanding entrepreneurial
experience, part-time students with some
entrepreneurship experience and entrepreneurs that
are not enrolled in any academic degree
programmes. The goals and needs of organisations
have to be taken into consideration in the strategic
blending (Yoon and Lim, 2007) in order to serve
training needs that can be related to different
entrepreneurial orientations, business development
stages, as well as the domestic and international
marketing needs of small and medium-sized
Salmon (2000) has introduced a five-stage
model of e-Tutoring: access and motivation, online
socialisation, information exchange, knowledge
construction and development. These stages should
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
be taken into consideration, when involving present
and potential entrepreneurs in the blended learning
process. The role of online learning and face-to-face
learning in developing entrepreneurs should,
however, be discussed in the broader context that in
addition to e-learning and classroom activities
involves field studies and action learning.
4.1 Action Learning
Classical action learning developed by Revans
(1980) represents a problem-based approach to
learning, where co-learners cooperate as members of
small groups whose goal is to complete a task and
achieve learning through the process of problem-
solving and reflection. In the blended learning
context action learning means that the balance of
face-to-face learning and online learning is
influenced by clients and learning by doing activities
outside the classroom. Over 3 years at the Estonian
Business School we have applied international
student teams as a key feature of a course on
International business opportunities around the
Baltic Sea. The teams assist Estonian small and
medium-sized enterprises in finding international
business opportunities and learn from their
entrepreneurial experience.
This action learning process is supported by the
WebCT online course environment, where students
can access additional study materials and present
their company project progress reports. An essential
feature of the online learning is the task of uploading
overviews to the WebCT discussion forum of
websites that offer relevant information to different
stakeholders interested in international business
opportunities. The results of these assignments are
not presented through the WebCT assignment tool.
This is because the discussion forum is more
appropriate for sharing and commenting on the
contributions of peer students and re-using business
information search results found earlier by students
from other countries, in order to create new practical
knowledge for their team and for their client-SME.
Courses on Baltic business have also been conducted
in Helsinki and Budapest, and students at these
locations have posted their overviews of websites to
the same WebCT course environments. WebCT has
been invaluable for overcoming the cross-border
barrier, but the time dimension has been an obstacle
for giving cross-border feedback to students in other
countries. It has been administratively difficult to
align the time schedules of courses arranged in
different countries.
Stone (2008) has stressed the need for dynamic
learning management systems that makes the most
popular LMS products on the market like
Blackboard, WebCT and even Moodle a bad fit for
the holistic blended learning. Developing suitable
learning management system for blended learning is
not limited to comparing Blackboard and Moodle or
other LMS software. It also assumes finding the
right balance between open and closed learning
communities and encouraging students to search
additional new information from online sources that
are not incorporated in ready-made e-learning
Student teams act as gatekeepers that combine
international business information, and search
potential business contacts for small and medium-
sized enterprises mainly by using internet sources.
Regular inter-team knowledge sharing has been
useful for creating synergy between students
representing information sources from different
countries. Wenger (2002) stresses the role of
peripheral participation in order to develop
competencies that are needed in a community of
practice. At a WebCT discussion forum, motivated
students can experience peripheral participation by
offering other teams additional ideas after studying
their progress reports. Regular rating of inter-team
contributions in the WebCT e-learning environment
is one way to develop the action learning process in
the direction of a larger community of practice.
Entrepreneurs would prefer that the composition
of their student team could be aligned with the
foreign target markets of their enterprise by
involving mainly those international students that
have arrived in the Erasmus exchange framework
from those target countries. It is however, difficult
to match the entrepreneurs' project requests with the
countries represented by Erasmus exchange students
that arrive at the Estonian Business School each
semester. One solution could be to involve foreign
students that have participated in the course earlier
and have already left for their home country. They
could be motivated to continue to act as external
online experts for new cross-border project teams
after they have returned to their home university. In
order to increase the continuity of the learning
process, one option is to disseminate information
about potential company projects to future Erasmus
exchange students already before they arrive in
Estonia and are asked to join a project team. This
would assume linking the course to a broader online
Erasmus exchange student community.
A systematic and long-term approach to
developing partnerships between Erasmus exchange
students and enterprises interested in international
knowledge gatekeepers assumes the creation of a
knowledge base that will help to match the
international business information search requests of
companies and the profiles of interested students.
The profiles should describe the work experience of
the students, their possible involvement in
international projects or foreign trade, participation
in international organisations and networks,
priorities for developing international contacts with
firms in order to support future career opportunities,
their readiness to conduct information searches in
different business sectors and fields, and what
support the student is looking for from the enterprise
and the business school in order to accomplish
his/her international business opportunity and
business contact gatekeeper mission.
4.2 Collaborative Learning Challenges
Collaborative learning in the course "International
Business around the Baltic Sea" tries to balance the
application of WebCT discussion forums and the
discussion of company project outcomes in the
classroom setting.
International student teams have to analyse the
knowledge gaps of their client entrepreneurs and
present a self-reflection of their teamwork
experience. Such information is too sensitive to be
explicitly presented in WebCT. In order to bring the
learning process more fidelity and humanness of
interactions, students are involved in a face-to-face
role play, where they have to “sell” their ideas to a
“manager” that demonstrates some degree of
The role of group work exercises in the
classroom is also essential to overcome cross-
cultural co-operation barriers between students from
different countries. Problems of online
communication emerged, especially between
southern European, northern European and Asian
students that assumed different approaches to
structuring their tasks and giving feedback to other
team members by using WebCT or e-mails. Students
from Germany insisted to the tutor in the
e-learning environment that it would be good to
have pre-defined tasks for team members and much
more background information in the preliminary
company brief to serve as the departure point for the
action learning process. Demanding from enterprises
more comprehensive pre-information in a unified
format, although helpful for diminishing uncertainty
for the team, would have, however, been in conflict
with the emergent nature of action research and
diminished the learning in the process of co-defining
the worthwhile practical task through conversations
between students and entrepreneurs. In fact, training
skills for identifying and finding relevant tacit and
documented business information was an essential
part of the gatekeeper role.
Some student teams that chose to start their
interaction with the enterprise by e-mailing a long
list of questions to the entrepreneur did not receive
detailed answers to help focus their project on a
meaningful task. Efficient communication was often
hindered when the first face-to-face meeting with
entrepreneurs occurred too late, but also due to
asking the entrepreneur to answer too many
irrelevant questions as a result of insufficient
preparatory study of internet sources. Italian and
French students were often eager to discuss the
preliminary task and ideas at some length before
deciding on their input for a specific subtask. They
preferred to go to the first meeting with the
entrepreneur without sufficiently studying the
information that was available at the company
website or from other online sources. At the same
time, Estonian small entrepreneurs did not welcome
the conversation style with such student teams that
used face-to-face meetings to ask questions, where
such answers could easily be found from their
website already before the meeting. An important
contribution of the blended learning process is
helping students to reflect the impact of synchronous
and asynchronous, face-to-face and online, text-
based and richer communication tools on business
interactions. That process also reveals cultural
differences of using explicit knowledge that can be
interpreted without the personal involvement of the
knowledge provider and tacit knowledge that has to
be shared through socialization (Nonaka and
Takeuchi, 1995).
Entrepreneurs that act as clients for company
projects can also be included in online discussions in
WebCT together with student teams. We have
however, so far considered it a risky solution. The
main risk is that small entrepreneurs may not be so
ready to disclose their business development needs
to other entrepreneurs although the participating
enterprises are not competitors. That can be
interpreted as a lack of the co-creative
entrepreneurial orientation.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In order to facilitate online knowledge sharing
between students and entrepreneurs, the latter should
also be supported by e-tutoring. They should have
access to WebCT and the motivation to learn how to
use WebCT tools. Entrepreneurs could definitely
contribute a lot to the knowledge construction and
development stages in such an extended virtual
community. In the present situation, however, we
consider direct face-to-face and e-mail contact with
only one student team to be a less time-consuming
option than introducing busy entrepreneurs to the
technicalities of WebCT. We also admit the right of
the student team to decide when they want to present
their draft recommendations to their client. That is
an additional reason for not disclosing student
progress reports and related discussions to
entrepreneurs on WebCT.
4.3 Business Opportunities in Virtual
The co-creative entrepreneurial orientation is a
reflection of the emerging network economy of the
21st century. Social software enables socialization in
virtual communities, but also monitoring new
business opportunities, knowledge capture and
refinement in wikis, easy web publication in
weblogs and the sharing of links and photos (Avram,
2005). A weblog can be seen as an online learning
opportunity that does not have the quiz and
assignment tools of WebCT and other classical e-
leaning platforms, but demonstrates the logic of
social and business networking software and
opportunities. Blended learning in the course
"Business Opportunities in International Networks"
combines three face-to-face classes with
contributing to the weblog at that enables
knowledge sharing outside the classroom. Student
post their analysis of the social or business
networking site they are involved or consider to be
involved to the weblog. One aim of the course is to
assist students in understanding co-creative
entrepreneurship opportunities that are enabled by
global virtual networks.
Younger students are generally well informed
about social networking opportunities but often do
not have strategic priorities for choosing virtual
networks that could enhance their career in large
organisations or link them to entrepreneurs in other
countries in order to search for new business
opportunities for co-creative entrepreneurship.
Distant learning students that are a bit older and
already have entrepreneurial experience tend to lack
the time and experience of online social networking.
During the course, however, they discover business
opportunities in virtual networking and become
more positive about investing their time in virtual
Students are asked to develop a vision of some
virtual networking application in small teams. This
task is in fact a learning-by-doing exercise that
demonstrates the challenges of integrating
contributions from team members in the course
framework, where face-to-face interaction time
during classes is quite limited.
The applications of blended learning have
demonstrated that computer supported learning can
be used to develop learning communities for action
research that enables knowledge sharing between
present and potential entrepreneurs. In the action
learning process international student teams learn to
understand the real entrepreneurship environment,
but small entrepreneurs as clients of the student
teams are also learning to monitor new international
business opportunities and to co-operate with cross-
cultural teams. There is, however, the challenge of
involving co-creative entrepreneurs in WebCT
discussions. That assumes finding technical
solutions for arranging selective access to different
discussion forums and the systematic application of
the five stage e-tutoring model in order to increase
the added value of WebCT involvement for
Cross-border collaboration of students to search
for new business contacts and to study business
information compiled by students in other countries
is a way to add more value to computer supported
learning compared to overcoming space and time
limitations only inside one country. Advanced
applications in this field, however, assume the
knowledge base of student competence profiles and
potential company projects. The knowledge sharing
process should be supported by a learning
community that is created already before a specific
course and is ready to reuse new knowledge
constructed and developed during the course in
follow-up activities and in new projects.
Space, time, fidelity and humanness in blended
learning, where students interact in the classroom
and in the online learning environment in order to
plan and reflect upon their interactions with
entrepreneurs outside the campus, are influenced by
the logic of the action learning process. Co-creative
entrepreneurial orientations of students and
entrepreneurs support the fidelity of their
interactions and create broader opportunities for
online knowledge sharing and reusing some part of
the created knowledge in new courses
Blended learning can assist students in acquiring
knowledge management skills and involve them in
communities of practice that are not limited to the
time and space of the blended course itself.
Business and entrepreneurship students should
be encouraged to study their attitudes towards
international knowledge sharing for identifying new
business opportunities that can be implemented in
virtual communities.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education