A Distance Function Approach
Jane E. Mason, Michael Shepherd and Jack Duffy
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Information retrieval, Web genre classification, Web page genres, Web page representation, n-gram analysis.
The research reported in this paper is part of a larger project on the automatic classification of Web pages by
their genres, using a distance function classification model. In this paper, we investigate the effect of several
commonly used data preprocessing steps, explore the use of byte and word n-grams, and test our classification
model on three Web page data sets. Our approach is to represent each Web page by a profile that is composed
of fixed-length n-grams and their normalized frequencies within the document. Similarly, each of the genres
in a data set is represented by a profile that is constructed by combining the n-gram profiles for each exemplar
Web page of that genre, forming a centroid profile for each Web page genre. We use a distance function
approach to determine the similarity between two profiles, assigning each Web page the label of the genre
profile to which its profile is most similar. Our results compare very favorably to those of other researchers.
The extraordinary growth in both the size and popu-
larity of the World Wide Web has generated a growing
interest in the identification of Web page genres, and
in the use of these genres to classify Web pages. Web
page genre classification is a potentially powerful tool
for filtering the results of online searches.
The research reported in this paper is part of a
larger project on the automatic classification of Web
pages by their genres, using a distance function classi-
fication model. The goal of this phase of the research
is threefold. First, we want to investigate the effects
of typical data preprocessing steps when using an n-
gram approach to Web page representation: are pre-
processing steps beneficial or detrimental to the clas-
sification accuracy achieved by our model? Second,
we want to do an initial exploration as to whether the
strength of our classification model lies in the byte n-
gram representation of the Web pages and Web gen-
res, or in the architecture of the model itself; experi-
ments with both byte n-grams and word 1-grams pro-
vide valuable insight. Finally, we want to evaluate our
Web page genre classifier by comparing our results
to those of other researchers on the same or similar
data sets, and determine whether our approach war-
rants further investigation.
The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows.
Section 2 gives an overview of related work, and Sec-
tion 3 reviews our methodology, including a descrip-
tion of the classification model, distance function, and
data sets. Section 4 describes the experiments and dis-
cusses the results, while Section 5 presents our con-
clusions and the direction of our future work. Tables
and figures are given in the Appendix.
In order to classify Web pages by genre, it is nec-
essary to identify features that effectively character-
ize each Web page and genre. Analyzing genre in
academic and research settings, (Swales, 1990) noted
that members of a particular genre tend to exhibit
similar patterns of content, style, structure, and in-
tended audience; analyzing genre in an online set-
ting, (Shepherd and Watters, 1998) proposed a sim-
ilar characterization of cybergenres, using the prop-
erties of content, form, and functionality. (Crowston
and Kwasnik, 2004) also explore genre as a multi-
dimensional phenomenon. They suggest the use of
a facetted approach to Web page representation in
which models are built with facets representing the
Web page from many conceptual perspectives, such
as content, structure, language, and source. Many
different combinations and representations of features
E. Mason J., Shepherd M. and Duffy J.
CLASSIFYING WEB PAGES BY GENRE - A Distance Function Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0001837706460653
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
or facets have been tested by researchers. For exam-
ple, (Asirvatham and Ravi, 2001) obtained encourag-
ing results using feature sets with components based
on content, form, and functionality to classify Web
pages. (Lim et al., 2005) used five distinct feature
sets; they found that the best combination of feature
sets included the URL, HTML tags, token informa-
tion, most frequently used words and punctuation,
and chunks (multi-word expressions). (Dong et al.,
2008) also examined the use of feature sets with com-
binations of content, form, and functionality; their
results indicated that using combinations of the at-
tributes content, form, and functionality always gave
better results than using only one of the attributes.
The representations of Web pages used in the
genre classification task are typically based on those
used in text classification, although they may be aug-
mented with information unique to Web pages, such
as HTML tags. For example, (Rehm, 2002) uses
linguistic features combined with HTML meta data
and presentation related tags. (Santini, 2007) devel-
oped feature sets that include different combinations
and numbers of features, such as HTML tags, part-
of-speech tags, common word frequencies, genre-
specific facets, and other attributes. (Meyer zu Eis-
sen and Stein, 2004) combine genre-specific vocab-
ulary and closed-class word sets with text statistics,
part-of-speech information, and HTML tags, while
(Boese and Howe, 2005) use a bag of words repre-
sentation augmented with other information that in-
cludes HTML tags, and URL information. See (Stein
and Meyer zu Eissen, 2008) for a detailed chronologi-
cal overview of the document representations used for
genre classification on Web-based corpora.
In our research, we represent Web pages using
n-gram profiles. Each n-gram can be thought of as
the contents of a fixed-size sliding window as it is
moved through the text. Since the research of (Shan-
non, 1948), n-grams have been widely used in natural
language processing and statistical analysis. Closely
related to our n-gram techniques is the work on n-
gram based text classification by (Cavnar and Tren-
kle, 1994), and the work on authorship attribution
by (Ke
selj et al., 2003). In each of those cases, the
document is represented by a profile of character n-
grams, and the distance between two documents is
determined using a distance measure. We note, how-
ever, that our method of creating genre profiles is very
different, as explained in Section 3.1. (Houvardas and
Stamatatos, 2006), working on the problem of au-
thorship attribution, proposed a selection technique
for variable-length character n-grams in which each
n-gram is compared with similar n-grams in the fea-
ture set and the most important of them is kept. After
feature selection, a support vector machine (SVM) is
then trained on this reduced feature set, and then ap-
plied to the test set. (Kanaris and Stamatatos, 2007)
use this new feature selection technique for variable-
length character n-grams and apply it to the problem
of Web page genre identification. They test two mod-
els: the first uses feature sets of variable-length char-
acter n-grams from the textual content of each Web
page, whereas the second model augments the first
model with structural information about the most fre-
quent HTML tags.
3.1 Classification Model
We partition each data set into a training and test set.
Our approach is to represent each Web page in the
test set using a profile consisting of the L most fre-
quent fixed-length n-grams and their normalized fre-
quencies within the document. These n-gram profiles
are produced using the Perl package Text:Ngrams
Although our main focus is on using byte n-gram rep-
resentations of the Web pages, we also experiment
with the use of word n-grams of length 1. The byte
n-grams are raw character n-grams in which no bytes
are ignored, including the whitespace characters, thus
some of the structure of a document is captured using
byte n-grams. Character n-grams, on the other hand,
use letters only and typically ignore digits, punctu-
ation, and whitespace. Word n-grams are word se-
quences of length n.
Each genre in a data set is also represented using
a profile of n-grams and their normalized frequencies.
A genre profile is constructed by combining the n-
gram profiles for each Web page of that genre (from
the training set) to form a centroid genre profile. Each
genre profile initially consists of the L most frequent
n-grams from each of the Web pages (of that partic-
ular genre) in the training set. Because of the large
number of unique n-grams, combining the Web page
profiles to create a genre profile typically results in
genre profiles much larger than the Web page profiles.
Thus, once all of the initial genre profiles have been
created, the n-grams in each genre profile are sorted
by frequency, and the genre profiles are then truncated
to the size of the smallest of the genre profiles. Our
use of centroid genre profiles differs from the work
of (Ke
selj et al., 2003) on authorship attribution, in
which n-gram author profiles are constructed in the
same manner as n-gram document profiles.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In order to assign a genre label to a Web page
from the test set, we construct an n-gram profile for
the Web page and compare this profile to the n-gram
profile for each genre in the data set. The Web page is
assigned the label of the genre profile to which its pro-
file is closest (most similar), according to a distance
measure. For our experiments, the distance between
two n-gram profiles is computed using the formula
suggested by (Ke
selj et al., 2003). The distance (dis-
similarity) between two profiles is defined as
d (P
, P
) =
2 · ( f
(m) f
(m) + f
, (1)
where f
(m) and f
(m) are the frequencies of n-gram
m in the profiles P
and P
3.2 Data Sets
In order to evaluate our results by comparing them
with those of other researchers, we use established
data sets for which published results are available.
Note that the unit of analysis for each of the data
sets is the individual Web page, and each Web page
is labeled with one, and only one, genre label. The
7-Genre and KI-04 data sets are available online
The 7-Genre data set, constructed by and de-
scribed in (Santini, 2007), contains 1400 English Web
pages, and is evenly balanced with 200 Web pages in
each of seven genres. These genres are BLOG, ES-
The granularity of the collection is consistent, with
the exception of the LISTING genre, which can be de-
composed into the subgenres CHECKLIST, HOTLIST,
In order to compare our results with those of
(Dong et al., 2008), we also use a subset of the 7-
Genre data set, which we call the 4-Genre data set.
This data set consists of the genres used by Dong et
and PERSONAL HOME PAGE), however we note that
Dong et al. used only 170 Web pages in each genre,
and that for the PERSONAL HOME PAGE genre, they
did not use the pages from the 7-Genre collection. We
do not have access to the exact data set they used,
however by using the 4-Genre data set, we believe we
can make a fair comparison of our results.
The KI-04 corpus, constructed by (Meyer zu Eis-
sen and Stein, 2004) has eight genres suggested by
participants in a user study on the usefulness of Web
page genres. The original corpus includes some
empty Web pages, and so we follow the lead of (San-
tini, 2007) in using the 1205 non-empty pages. The
number of Web pages per genre ranges from 126 to
205; see Table 1 in the Appendix for details. The Web
pages in this data set include supplementary tagged
information, such as the title, genre, and a plain text
summary, which must be removed prior to processing.
4.1 Experiments
The experiments reported here are performed on the
4-Genre, 7-Genre, and KI-04 data sets. The experi-
ments on each data set are run using 10-fold cross val-
idation. This provides robustness against overfitting
and gives additional strength to the statistical analy-
sis. The results for all of the iterations are averaged to
give the final results. We use classification accuracy
as the evaluation metric.
The parameters varied in these experiments are the
number of n-grams used in the Web page profiles, the
type of the n-gram, the length of the n-gram, and the
preprocessing performed on the data set. The num-
ber of n-grams used in the Web page profiles ranges
from 5 to 5000, using increments of 5 from 5 to 50,
increments of 50 from 50 to 1000, and increments of
1000 from 1000 to 5000. The experiments are run
with word n-grams of length 1, and with byte n-grams
of lengths 5 to 7; the length for the byte n-grams was
chosen based on the results of our earlier work (Ma-
son et al., 2009). In each case, the n-grams in each
Web page profile are the L most frequent n-grams in
the Web page.
In order to investigate the effect of some com-
mon preprocessing steps, we experiment with differ-
ent levels of preprocessing on the data sets. These
levels are no preprocessing, removing only JavaScript
code, removing both HTML tags and JavaScript code,
and removing stopwords as well as HTML tags and
JavaScript code. The first three levels of prepro-
cessing are tested on byte n-grams; the third level is
also tested on word 1-grams. The final preprocess-
ing level, which includes the removal of stopwords,
is only tested using word 1-grams. In each case, the
supplementary tagged information has been removed
from the KI-04 data set as a pre-preprocessing step.
4.2 Classification Results
Tables 3-5 in the Appendix give summaries of the best
results for each data set for word 1-grams and byte 5-
CLASSIFYING WEB PAGES BY GENRE - A Distance Function Approach
grams, 6-grams, and 7-grams, at each level of prepro-
cessing. Tables 6-8 give confusion matrices for the
best results for each data set. The tables show the per-
centage of correctly classified Web pages on the diag-
onal and summarize the percentage of misclassified
Web pages with respect to other genres. Figures 1-3
show the accuracy for Web page profiles from size 5
to 5000 for word 1-grams and byte 6-grams at each
level of preprocessing. Results for byte 5-grams and
7-grams follow a similar pattern to those of byte 6-
4.2.1 Effect of Preprocessing Steps
As shown in Tables 3-5 in the Appendix, we did
not find a particular level of preprocessing to be su-
perior on every data set, however when using Web
page profiles composed of byte n-grams, removing
the JavaScript code gave slightly better results on the
4-Genre and 7-Genre data sets than not performing
any preprocessing, but the difference is not statisti-
cally significant on the 7-Genre data set (p = 0.68).
Aside from this case, there is a statistically signifi-
cant difference between doing no processing, remov-
ing Javascript code, and removing both HTML and
JavaScript code on each of the data sets. Figures 1-
3 show that when using Web page profiles composed
of fewer than 1000 byte n-grams, removing both the
HTML tags and JavaScript code from the data sets
clearly gives better classification accuracy than doing
no processing or removing only the JavaScript code.
Not surprisingly, there is a tradeoff between data pre-
processing and Web page profile sizes. Note that the
percentage of Web pages in the 4-Genre, 7-Genre, and
KI-04 data sets that contain JavaScript code before
preprocessing is 82%, 78%, and 53% respectively.
When using Web page profiles composed of word
1-grams, removing stopwords has a beneficial effect
on the 7-Genre and KI-04 data sets, but not on the
smaller 4-Genre data set. Statistically, there is a sig-
nificant difference between these two levels of prepro-
cessing on each data set (p < 0.02), but Figures 1-3
show that the effect on the classification accuracy is
appreciable only on the 4-Genre data set.
4.2.2 Word vs. Byte n-grams
Byte n-grams are raw character n-grams in which no
bytes are ignored, thus some of the structure of a doc-
ument is captured when byte n-grams are used to con-
struct Web page profiles. For this reason, we expected
that using byte n-grams would achieve better classi-
fication results than using word n-grams, which use
only the textual content of the Web page. This is the
case for the 7-Genre data set, however for the 4-Genre
and KI-04 data sets, the best classification accuracy
was achieved using Web page profiles built from the
150 most frequent word 1-grams in each Web page.
Whereas the best results using byte n-grams are found
using between 700 and 5000 n-grams in each Web
page profile, word 1-grams give the best results at
between 100 and 350 1-grams; using larger word 1-
gram profiles clearly degrades performance. Because
using word 1-grams allows for substantially smaller
Web page profiles than does using byte n-grams, the
use of word 1-grams warrants further investigation.
4.2.3 Comparison of Results
Table 2 in the Appendix gives a comparison of our
best results with those of other researchers, as re-
ported in the literature, using the same or similar data
sets. The other researchers have used a variety of dif-
ferent features and machine learning methods. On the
4-Genre data set, we compare our results with those
of (Dong et al., 2008), who use a Naive Bayes clas-
sifier. Their best accuracy is 97.0%, using a feature
set size of 100 that combines the attributes of content
and form. Our best accuracy on the 4-Genre data set
is 99.5%, using Web page profiles constructed of the
most frequent 150 word 1-grams. In this case the data
set had the HTML tags and JavaScript code removed
as preprocessing steps. We note that Dong et al. used
a slightly different version of the data set that included
noise pages.
On the 7-Genre data set, (Santini, 2007), who
uses an SVM classifier with feature sets that include
HTML tags, part-of-speech tags, and genre-specific
facets, achieves a best accuracy of 90.6%. (Kanaris
and Stamatatos, 2007) also use an SVM classifier, but
their feature set includes a combination of variable-
length character n-grams and structural information
from HTML tags; their best accuracy on this data set
is 96.5%. Our best accuracy on the 7-Genre data set
is 94.5%, using Web page profiles constructed of the
most frequent 4000 byte 5-grams, after removing the
JavaScript code as a preprocessing step.
Using the KI-04 data set, (Santini, 2007) achieves
an accuracy of 68.9% while (Meyer zu Eissen and
Stein, 2004) get an accuracy of 70.0%. They use
an SVM classifier on a balanced subset of 800 Web
pages from the data set. (Boese and Howe, 2005)
use WEKAs LogitBoost algorithm for classification
on a subset of the KI-04 data set, and achieve an ac-
curacy of 74.8%. (Kanaris and Stamatatos, 2007) re-
port a best accuracy of 84.1%. Our best accuracy on
the KI-04 data set is 97.6%. This was achieved using
Web page profiles constructed of the most frequent
150 word 1-grams, after removing stopwords, HTML
tags, and JavaScript code from the data set. This accu-
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
racy was also achieved using Web page profiles con-
structed of the most frequent 700 byte 5-grams; in
this case the data set had both the HTML tags and
the JavaScript code removed during preprocessing.
The research reported in this paper is on the auto-
matic classification of Web pages by their genres, us-
ing a distance function classification model. The goal
of this phase of the research was threefold. First,
we wanted to investigate the effects of typical data
preprocessing steps when using an n-gram approach
to Web page representation. As discussed in Sec-
tion 4.2.1, we did not find a particular level of prepro-
cessing to be superior on every data set. Our model is
able to achieve very high classification accuracy using
byte n-gram Web page profiles even when no prepro-
cessing of the data set is performed.
Second, we wanted to do an initial exploration of
whether the strength of our classification model lies
in the byte n-gram representation of the Web pages
and genres, or in the architecture of the model itself.
We achieved high classification accuracy on each data
set using Web page profiles constructed of the most
frequent L word 1-grams in each Web page, indicat-
ing that the strength of the model comes less from the
byte n-gram approach, and more from the model’s ar-
chitecture. Further investigation is needed.
Finally, we wanted to evaluate our Web page genre
classifier by comparing the results of our experiments
to the results of other researchers, as reported in the
literature, on the same or similar data sets. As dis-
cussed in Section 4.2.3, our classification accuracy
is either in the same range as, or higher than results
reported by other researchers who are using differ-
ent features and different machine learning methods.
These results are very encouraging, and indicate that
our model warrants further investigation.
The major contribution of this research is to show
that our distance function classification model is a vi-
able approach to the classification of Web pages by
genre, and that achieving high classification accuracy
with this model is not dependent on the use of byte
n-grams, on the level of preprocessing of the data, or
on the use of a particular data set. Future work will
include refining the model and expanding the scope of
the work by using more challenging data sets, includ-
ing highly unbalanced and multi-labeled data sets.
Asirvatham, A. and Ravi, K. (2001). Web page classifica-
tion based on document structure. IEEE Nat. Conv.
Boese, E. and Howe, A. (2005). Effects of web docu-
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ACM International Conf. on Information and Knowl-
edge Management (CIKM ’05) , pages 632–639.
Cavnar, W. and Trenkle, J. (1994). N-gram-based text cat-
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Crowston, K. and Kwasnik, B. (2004). A framework for
creating a facetted classification for genres: address-
ing issues of multidimensionality. Proc. 37th Annual
Hawaii International Conf. on System Sciences.
Dong, L., Watters, C., Duffy, J., and Shepherd, M. (2008).
An examination of genre attributes for web page clas-
sification. Proc. 41st Annual Hawaii International
Conf. on System Sciences (HICSS-41).
Houvardas, J. and Stamatatos, E. (2006). N-gram feature
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ternational Conf. on Artificial Intelligence: Method-
ology, Systems, Applications, pages 77–86.
Kanaris, I. and Stamatatos, E. (2007). Webpage genre
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selj, V., Peng, F., Cercone, N., and Thomas, T. (2003). N-
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Lim, C., Lee, K., and Kim, G. (2005). Multiple sets of fea-
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Meyer zu Eissen, S. and Stein, B. (2004). Genre classi-
fication of web pages. Proc. 27th German Conf. on
Artificial Intelligence (KI-2004), Ulm, Germany.
Rehm, G. (2002). Towards automatic web genre identifi-
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on System Sciences (HICSS-35), 04:101.
Santini, M. (2007). Automatic identification of genre in web
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Shannon, C. (1948). A mathematical theory of communi-
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Shepherd, M. and Watters, C. (1998). The evolution of cy-
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Information Systems, 20(1):93–119.
Swales, J. (1990). Genre analysis. Cambridge University
Press New York.
CLASSIFYING WEB PAGES BY GENRE - A Distance Function Approach
Table 1: Genre densities for the KI-04 corpus.
Genre Number of Web pages Genre Number of Web pages
Table 2: A comparison of the best classification accuracy results for several researchers.
Researchers 4-Genre 7-Genre KI-04
Dong et al. (2008) 97.0%
Santini (2007) 90.6% 68.9%
Meyer zu Eissen and Stein (2004) 70.0%
Boese and Howe (2005) 74.8%
Kanaris and Stamatatos (2007) 96.5% 84.1%
Mason et al. 99.5% 94.5% 97.6%
Table 3: Summary of best results for the 4-Genre data set.
Preprocessing Best Accuracy {Number of n-grams in each Web page profile}
word 1-gram byte 5-gram byte 6-gram byte 7-gram
no preprocessing 98.6% {5000} 98.7% {5000} 98.2% {5000}
removed JavaScript 98.7% {5000} 98.7% {5000} 98.2% {5000}
removed HTML, JavaScript 99.5% {150} 99.4% {1000} 99.4% {1000} 99.4% {4000}
removed stopwords, HTML, JavaScript 98.7% {150}
Table 4: Summary of best results for the 7-Genre data set.
Preprocessing Best Accuracy {Number of n-grams in each Web page profile}
word 1-gram byte 5-gram byte 6-gram byte 7-gram
no preprocessing 93.5% {4000} 93.5% {5000} 92.9% {5000}
removed JavaScript 94.5% {4000} 94.1% {5000} 93.1% {4000}
removed HTML, JavaScript 90.9% {100} 93.3% { 500} 93.3% { 750} 93.4% { 850}
removed stopwords, HTML, JavaScript 91.1% {100}
Table 5: Summary of best results for the KI-04 data set.
Preprocessing Best Accuracy {Number of n-grams in each Web page profile}
word 1-gram byte 5-gram byte 6-gram byte 7-gram
no preprocessing 97.1% {5000} 97.2% {2000} 97.2% {3000}
removed JavaScript 97.0% { 850} 97.0% {2000} 97.0% {5000}
removed HTML, JavaScript 96.3% {350} 97.6% { 500} 97.2% { 350} 97.2% { 350}
removed stopwords, HTML, JavaScript 97.6% {150}
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 6: 10-fold cross-validated confusion matrix for the best results for the 4-Genre data set,using Web page profiles of 150
word n-grams of length 1; HTML tags and JavaScript code were removed from the data set as preprocessing steps. The table
shows the percentage of correctly classified Web pages on the diagonal and summarizes the percentage of misclassified Web
pages with respect to other genres.
Actual Genre Assigned Genre
ESHOP 99.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0%
FAQ 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
FRONT PAGE 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
HOME PAGE 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% 99.0%
Table 7: 10-fold cross-validated confusion matrix for the best results for the 7-Genre data set, using Web page profiles of
4000 byte n-grams of length 5; JavaScript code was removed from the data set as a preprocessing step. The table shows the
percentage of correctly classified Web pages on the diagonal and summarizes the percentage of misclassified Web pages with
respect to other genres.
Actual Genre Assigned Genre
BLOG 99.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0%
ESHOP 0.5% 88.5% 0.0% 0.0% 6.0% 2.0% 3.0%
FAQ 0.0% 0.0% 99.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0%
FRONT PAGE 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
LISTING 1.5% 2.0% 0.0% 1.5% 87.0% 3.0% 5.0%
HOME PAGE 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 3.5% 94.5% 1.5%
SEARCH PAGE 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 1.5% 95.0%
Table 8: 10-fold cross-validated confusion matrix for the best results for the KI-04 data set, using Web page profiles of 700
byte n-grams of length 5; HTML tags and JavaScript code were removed from the data set as preprocessing steps. The table
shows the percentage of correctly classified Web pages on the diagonal and summarizes the percentage of misclassified Web
pages with respect to other genres.
Actual Genre Assigned Genre
PORTRAIT (PRIV.) 97.6% 0.8% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8%
ARTICLE 0.0% 99.2% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
DISCUSSION 0.0% 0.0% 97.0% 1.5% 0.0% 1.5% 0.0% 0.0%
HELP 0.7% 1.4% 0.0% 97.2% 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% 0.0%
DOWNLOAD 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
PORTRAIT (NON-PRIV.) 0.0% 0.6% 0.0% 0.6% 0.0% 98.2% 0.0% 0.6%
SHOP 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 1.3% 1.8% 95.7% 0.6%
LINK COLLECTION 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% 96.5%
CLASSIFYING WEB PAGES BY GENRE - A Distance Function Approach
Figure 1: Classification accuracy for the 4-Genre data set; size of Web page n-gram profiles ranges from 5 to 5000.
Figure 2: Classification accuracy for the 7-Genre data set; size of Web page n-gram profiles ranges from 5 to 5000.
Figure 3: Classification accuracy for the KI-04 data set; size of Web page n-gram profiles ranges from 5 to 5000.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies