WSA. We can outline how we can address the
implementation of this model for each specific
scenario using Web services standards. The central
point in this approach is that both service consumer
and provider have to define their respective security
policies related to WSbS*-RM. Expression of these
policies can be based on WS-Policy. On the other
hand, PSO, PSC and PSS can be transmitted in a
secure manner using WS-Security standard. In order
to define PS*-certs, XML-Dsig, XML-Encryption,
SAML and XML-Schema enable security and
mechanisms to ensure all security issues described.
Finally UDDI, could be used to get a reference for
the identity of each WSbS* actors.
The main contribution of our paper is the definition
of a conceptual framework for the assurance of
integral code and state security in SOA. It is a
framework where not only the message security is
considered, but also the security of the code that
processes it. Besides, we propose an extra level of
security in a service interaction considering both
code and state. Finally, an incremental model of
security based on certificates issued by each model
actor provides a means for ensure security and
achieve a trusted environment.
Our main lines of research are: (1) to work on
the implementation of the model in several real
world scenarios; (2) to improve security between
state and methods using secret sharing techniques
(as commented in section 3.3); (3) we have realized
that both code and state share similar actors. This
has suggested us a new line of research for the
definition of a meta-model that would describe
uniformly the structure and the behaviour of the
state and the code security models.
Partially supported by project FOMENTA 2008/01
of the Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja.
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