eresome to use the Web service while considering the
risk and the way to use the existence proof service
is too complicated. Consequently, the existence proof
service is supposed to have the mechanism that is eas-
ily available on the SNS, the weblog, and the movie
sharing site. For instance, the mechanism to acquire
the grounds of the existence of the Web page that the
service periodically checks the requestedWeb site au-
tomatically and provides the notification if there is a
change is considered.
“The existence proof service on the Web pages” was
released to the public. This service generates the
cache of the Web page and adds the time stamp to the
cache. By using the obtained data, it can be proven
that theWeb page existed in a certain URL at a certain
time and the cache has not been falsified. Moreover,
from the result of the questionnaire and the service
operation results, it is inferable that the users have
high interest about this service.
In this service, the cache includes HTML, CSS,
and image files. The cache can be preserved including
information that cannot be confirmed by the displayed
appearance on a browser, such as the link information,
meta information, and so on. Therefore, this data can
be used for the perpetuation of evidence for the mis-
representation of the link. Moreover, because the dif-
ference of the appearance can be confirmed by dis-
playing the cache on various browsers, information
that is more various than only the preservation of the
screenshot can be maintained.
In the future, the reliability securing on the Web
page, the compliance measures of the enterprise, and
the user protection are supposed to be achieved, by
developing the protocol of proof of sessions and API
of this service.
Concretely, the existence proof service can be set
up on various shopping sites, corporate sites, and so
on, by developing API of present service, and it will
be possible to contribute to the improvement of the re-
liability maintenance of the Web sites. For the enter-
prise that sells the product and service, it is expected
that using this service positively becomes an appeal
for the reliability of the site. Moreover, for users, they
can devise acountermeasure to the problem that oc-
curs while using the Web services.
In order to improve the reliability of the existence
proof service, the establishment of the standpoint as
the third-party institution by the cooperation of the
municipality and the official organnization is one of
the future tasks. And for the stability of the service,
consideration about the system performance and the
load tolerance is necessary.
This work was partially supported by the JSPS Grant-
In-Aid no.18300027.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies