paper focused on the user interface and did not come
up with a complete architectural model for the imple-
mentation of a modular user interface for Ajax-based
web applications.
A web application for geospatial information sys-
tems (GIS) requesting images shown to the user from
web services is presented in (Cha et al., 2007). As
their architecture aims not to be modular nor tool-
based requests for the web services in the backend
are just routed through the web server. Ajax is used
to prefetch images, thus resulting in an improved user
response time.
In (Mustacoglu and Fox, 2007) a system for inter-
acting with Collaborative Calendar-Server Web Ser-
vices from an AJAX-based interface is presented.
Their architecture has no intermediary web server as
the web browser directly interacts with the web ser-
vices providing calendaring and scheduling function-
ality. Opposed to our work the implementation of
awareness functionality was not a goal, thus the direct
interaction with the web services using SOAP was an
adequate solution.
This paper presented a software architecture for a
web-based user interface for the agent-based and
user-oriented digital library system DAFFODIL.
Through the implementation of a prototype we could
provide some of DAFFODIL’s basic functionality
over the web. Without the installation of further soft-
ware users are now able to access DAFFODIL’s
functionality using a modern web browser. We
thereby also transferred the user interface concepts of
the WOB model to the web, while at the same time,
allowing an easy integration and extension of further
functionality. In order to connect the web applica-
tion to the asynchronously communicating agent sys-
tem the software model had to be message driven. A
component-wise distribution of the views and tools
over web browser and server enabled the implemen-
tation of a client/server communication which bases
on the mediation of the tools’ states. Thus, the
aim to port DAFFODIL’s user interface to the web
and therewith showing the applicability of the WOB
model and enabling an easy integration of further
functionality has been achieved.
The next step is to evaluate the web interface
based on the comparison to the evaluation of the Java
Swing interface as described in (Klas, 2007). The
gained results will be used to further improve the web
interface. It is also planned to let users compare our
web interface to other user interfaces on the web in or-
der to check the concepts of the WOB model against
the concepts of the "Web 2.0".
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies