Researching and Developing New Tools for
Collaborative Design and Communication
Michael J. Murphy
Hochschule der Medien, Nobelstrasse 10, Stuttgart, 70569, Germany
Michael Dick, Michael Lawrie
Ryerson University, 350 Victoria St., Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3, Canada
Keywords: Collaboration, Engineering Design, Videoconferencing, 3D Visualization, Telework, Cross-Cultural
Communication, Translation, Access Grid.
Abstract: Through a review of literature and experimentation with enabling technologies, it was concluded that the
Access Grid (an open-source, videoconferencing platform) held significant potential to facilitate the sharing
of audiovisual material in the area of collaborative industrial design; however, it would have to be extended
to allow for high-definition visualization and remote desktop control. As a result, researchers in Canada and
Germany developed new tools to accomplish this, and utilized them to remotely manipulate industrial
designs in real-time and with very low latency. Additionally, automated captioning and translation services
were developed to better facilitate cross-cultural business-to-business collaboration. Future research
directions for this project involve the continued prototyping of these tools, leading either to their
deployment within industry or further improvement within the Access Grid Community.
This paper partially serves as a “technology
roadmap” for an international joint research
initiative of Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada
and the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial
Engineering (Fraunhofer IAO) in Stuttgart,
Germany. The overall purpose of the project was to
study the impact of emerging and convergent web
and broad-based communications technologies on
collaborative industrial design and manufacturing.
Our primary work focused on creating new tools to
better facilitate collaborative design and
engineering, and this involved extending the Access
Grid (AG), a robust, open-source videoconferencing
platform, to bridge geographic divides in the design
process. We also sought to reduce cultural barriers
to communication through automated captioning and
translation services; in doing this, we hoped to
further enhance international business-to-business
Although the focus here is on improving
distributed collaborative visualization, this project
also sought to make the collaborative process more
“intelligent” using semantic web services and a
combined technology known as the “semantic grid”.
However, due to space constraints, we are not able
to discuss this aspect of the project at length within,
but have instead relegated such material to a
separate paper (see Murphy, Dick, & Fischer, 2008).
It is also important to note that our work was
primarily focused on the impact to industrial design
and manufacturing projects to meet the immediate
needs of our industrial partners. However, we do
consider other applications outside this domain
where possible, including usage of the Access Grid
to improve visualization in healthcare, the natural
sciences, and distance education.
In section 2, we outline our inspiration for this
project, namely the current state of the Canadian
automotive sector and broader trends in
videoconferencing adoption and predicted adoption
that we can ameliorate through the development of
new technology. The Access Grid, other forms of
distributed and collaborative visualization (and
implementations thereof within and outside of the
Murphy M., Dick M. and Lawrie M.
ACCESSFABRIK - Researching and Developing New Tools for Collaborative Design and Communication.
DOI: 10.5220/0001839505330539
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
engineering domain) are the focus of section 3.
Building off this, we then detail the work researchers
on this project have completed thus far in improving
such environments in section 4, while areas for
future work are presented in section 5. General
conclusions (section 6), and a list of references will
complete the paper.
First, we consider some details on the automotive
sector in Canada (as informed by our industrial
partners, who contribute to the GDP of this
industry). We will then proceed with a brief look at
how collaborative visualization and shared-space
tools have evolved to meet new industrial trends,
most notably in the realm of videoconferencing.
2.1 The Canadian Automotive Sector
According to the Conference Board of Canada, $111
billion worth of autos and auto parts were produced
in this country in 2005, utilizing 1.5 per cent of the
total workforce. Nevertheless, anticipated risks,
particularly increases in the cost of materials by as
much as six per cent through 2010, have significant
potential to minimize the Gross Domestic Product of
key players if methods for managing the design and
manufacturing process do not evolve in the coming
years (Conference Board of Canada, 2006).
Certainly, the ever-present economic difficulties
faced by auto manufacturers and the sectors that
supply parts for them has been well-documented in
the popular press in recent years and is, in essence,
common knowledge.
The fact that trends also indicate increasing
interdependency amongst parts manufacturers,
suppliers and automotive manufacturers/assemblers
only exacerbate the financial risks described above.
More specifically, the Conference Board notes that
parts manufacturers in particular are, in some cases,
taking a leadership role in actually designing
products for their customers, rather than simply
manufacturing items to the automaker’s
specifications (2006). In other words, it is becoming
more commonplace for the auto manufacturer to
outsource the design process to the component’s
manufacturer. Logically, there are cost-savings
attached to this move, but risk presents itself in the
form of collaboration in that the automaker and parts
manufacturer must bridge geographical,
technological and even linguistic and cultural
divides in order to ensure the industrial design and
manufacturing process proceeds to each party’s
specifications and requirements. There is little room
for ineffective communication and collaboration in
the just-in-time environment that defines this sector,
since errors in design, and the time taken to correct
them, can spread through the supply chain quickly.
In essence, this changing economic model is
dependent on the collaborative process as being an
asset, rather than a liability – this is the impetus for
our work with the Access Grid.
2.2 The Impact of Videoconferencing
Technology advancing to meet the new economics
of industrial design, manufacturing, engineering and
procurement in the automotive sector is also at the
core of this research project and paper. As
mentioned, we will look at the progress made thus
far on the Access Grid as the technology is
introduced; however, it is important to consider the
state of the broader technologies upon which related
concepts and applications are derived. Specifically,
we must first consider to what extent
videoconferencing, distributed and collaborative
computing and new web services are being adopted
by our primary end-users.
In their most recent reports, the Gartner Group, a
leading corporate research firm, notes that the
concept of “ubiquitous collaboration” may have a
“transformational” impact when it reaches its
plateau of mainstream adoption in five to ten years
(2006). Videoconferencing, presence and open-
source team collaboration are also purporting
beneficial change, although the timeframe to
adoption is predicted to be less than five years. This
essentially means the time is ideal for mainstream
organizations to consider deploying collaborative
visualization tools, such as the AG, as the cost to
benefit ratio is high: investment now will position
the company ahead of competitors and give them an
edge when the technology becomes commonplace in
future. We consider this a favourable analysis and
have thus proceeded to review and refine research
agendas concerning this ICT accordingly.
The Access Grid (AG) is a robust, open-source
videoconferencing platform that is a suitable
solution for the level of distributed and collaborative
visualization required in this project; as such, we
hypothesized that it would prove to be a key
enabling technology to meet the challenges
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
described above. In this section, we will: present
background information on visualization and
presentation environments; trace the history of the
Access Grid and outline its operation; describe
similarities and differences to commercially-
available videoconferencing systems; show how the
technology has been adopted in a variety of
industries; discuss the necessity to extend the Access
Grid to enable collaborative engineering and, as
such, the requirement to consider integration with
new web and other technologies.
3.1 Visualization Environments
Tools such as the Access Grid are rooted in the
broader discipline of computer visualization
techniques. Visualization can be thought of as
“distributed” (data processing is spread over
different computers to improve performance, the
notion of “Grid computing”), “collaborative”
(audiovisual communication, shared whiteboard
applications, etc. – the notion of computer supported
cooperative work, or CSCW) or a combination of
both (Brodlie, Duce, Gallop, Walton, & Wood,
2004). Visualization can be further distinguished by
the presentation environment and viewing
experience: constrained technology and bandwidth
provides for the ever-familiar “postage stamp”
quality one often finds in streaming video, while
improving quality has made the “television
experience” more commonplace in
videoconferencing platforms; the “theatre
experience” offers greater depth and user-
engagement, while the “immersive experience” is
tantamount to all-out telepresence or even virtual
reality, in which a virtual environment envelops the
user so that he or she may grasp subtle nuances of
imagery such as texture (Mayer, 1997 as cited in
Brodlie et al., 2004). Generally speaking, the size of
the display correlates positively with the level of
quality, so long as the amount of bandwidth is
appropriate for the task at hand.
For our purposes, the Access Grid is both
“distributed” and “collaborative” as its purpose is to
allow interaction across a dispersed network
(geographically and in terms of resources) to shape
the final output. Further still, it can be classified as
providing something equivalent to a “theatre
experience”, as the present (and evolving)
technology allows for videoconferencing and shared
visualization within applications with considerable
fidelity, as will be discussed. However, it should be
noted that the AG is not a virtual
environment/“immersive experience” at present and,
with this project, we are not attempting to achieve
this (rather we are taking steps to make the
technology, as it is now, more applicable and usable
within the automotive sector and engineering
domain). Our usage of the AG here is representative
of presence, though it is admittedly not the most
appropriate example of all-out telepresence.
3.2 History, Components & Operation
The Access Grid was developed by researchers at
the Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, an
organization that continues to provide the majority
of the momentum and coordination for the project
through annual retreats and a website, Although use cases have
broadened over the years, and continue to through
our work, the AG was developed primarily as a
vehicle for researchers to share data and
videoconference over high speed, multicast
networks in ways that resemble face-to-face
collaboration, but also as an enabling technology for
remote education (Connolly, 2001).
At the heart of the Access Grid is a “node”, a
descriptor for each institution’s respective setup of
the technology that encompasses the hardware,
software and network on which it operates.
Hardware requirements for a node are neither
highly-specific nor proprietary; as such, the actual
needs of each end-user, as well as their budget, can
be taken into account in the design process. At a
minimum, the hardware must provide for two-
dimensional display space (larger screens are
preferred because they are key to the “theatre
experience” discussed previously), live video
camera transmissions and two-way audio (Conte,
2003). Generally speaking, this is best accomplished
through combinations of consumer video cameras,
microphones and projectors: for example, one node
at Ryerson University uses two table-mounted
microphones for audio pick-up, an echo cancellation
device, one to three high-definition camcorders to
provide different viewing angles and up to three
projectors controlled by computers to enable a
display screen of sufficient size. Regardless of the
specific hardware setup, software allows the node to
seek out and connect to other nodes over the AG; in
other words, the software is used to link a grid (or
network) of nodes so that each one may “access”
others as desired. The most important application
that facilitates this is referred to as the “venue
client”; it is written in Python, can be downloaded
for free from the Access Grid website and will run
on any of the major operating systems. Once logged
ACCESSFABRIK - Researching and Developing New Tools for Collaborative Design and Communication
in, the user can locate people of interest within a
specific venue (e.g. an online meeting space or
“lobby” which an institution has created) and engage
in the sharing of audio, video, text and application
data (the venue client can actually be considered a
“wrapper”, as it integrates stand-alone applications
like Jabber, Videoconferencing Tool (VIC) and
Robust Audio Tool (RAT) to enable text chat, video
and audio conferencing respectively). In spite of
generic hardware and rather simplistic software
requirements, the Access Grid does require a
specialized broadband network upon which to
operate. More specifically, the AG operates over
multicast networks (MBone) and generates at least
20 Mbps of traffic; by contrast, most Internet
Service Providers and many organizations limit their
Internet traffic to unicast (and with significantly less
speed) so as not to overwhelm routers in use today
(Hanss, 2001). The bandwidth and multicast
demands of the AG are what allow multipoint
collaboration, but also form an inherent limitation in
deploying the technology in broader settings due to
the limited availability of MBone combined with the
cost of bandwidth. An explanation for this disparity
between academia and industry may rest with the
fact that the AG, along with other experimental
digital video projects conceived under the moniker
of “Internet2”, was initially developed on the
assumption that such networks would be ubiquitous
in everyday computing in the near-future (Hanss,
2001; Simco, 2002). However, since this is not the
case within industry, we remain aware of this
limitation to the deployment of the Access Grid and
continue to look at ways deployment issues can be
overcome as they arise.
3.3 Relation to Videoconferencing
What makes the Access Grid so unique is its ability
to transform an entire room into a facility that allows
multiple people to videoconference with many
others simultaneously. It is, essentially, a software-
based solution to videoconferencing, since the venue
client leverages multicast network resources to allow
the sharing of whatever is at the other end of the
hardware components (that is, audio, video or
computer applications) with as many users as the
available bandwidth will allow. This sets the AG
apart from more well-known software-based
videoconferencing tools such as Microsoft
NetMeeting or your favourite instant messaging
client, since their focus is on point-to-point
communication (i.e. two people), albeit over a
unicast network and likely with even cheaper
hardware (while it is possible to operate an AG node
using a single webcam, it is contradictory to the goal
of using the technology for room-based
conferencing environments).
One similarity of all these software-based
methods (including the VIC application with the AG
toolkit) is that most rely on H.261 standards,
resulting in encoding and decoding that, while of
relatively high quality, is not broadcast-quality and
thus not appropriate for all applications. That said,
using the AG with sufficient bandwidth and quality
equipment does provide for a productive
videoconferencing experience and, perhaps more
importantly, in a multipoint environment. In our lab
at Ryerson, we are working to provide an alternative
to VIC, a VLC-based application that will provide
H.264 (part of MPEG-4) video transport for the AG,
thus resulting in broadcast-quality, high-definition-
capable visualization.
Before the Access Grid was introduced as a
software-based solution, multipoint conferencing
could only be achieved through proprietary, and
very expensive, hardware setups. Even now, many
companies are opting for multipoint control units
from vendors such as Polycom, VCON, Picture-Tel,
Radvision and HP, which cost $100,000 US or more,
depending on the number of simultaneous users
desired (since every participating location will
require similar conferencing equipment; Hanss,
2001). Even the AG itself has a direct commercial
counterpart, the inSORS Grid from inSORS
Integrated Communications, wherein the hardware,
software and network interface that would be
separate components of a node are combined into
one portable “magic box” that can be utilized when
needed by an organization (Brodlie et al., 2004).
While these “ready-made” solutions may seem
convenient for businesses, the time spent investing
in a customized Access Grid node is worthwhile
considering the cost savings and inherent flexibility.
For example, an engineering firm could design its
own AG node using off-the-shelf components most
appropriate for their collaborative needs with
considerably less capital investment; moreover, the
open-source nature of the AG would allow them to
modify software interfaces and add as many users as
their bandwidth allows on an as-needed basis for no
additional material cost. The initial investment in the
AG node thus provides a return on investment (ROI)
over time; moreover, since the node is largely based
on consumer and prosumer technologies, even these
initial capital costs will go down as the constituent
products become more popular and mainstream.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.4 Evolving Usage & Recent Events
The Access Grid has evolved over the past few years
to facilitate distributed collaboration and
communication in other fields. Even though it has
still not seen widespread adoption, some of the
arguments below combined with the low start-up
costs described above should prove valuable to
companies looking to make informed decisions
concerning the technology.
Limited usage of the Access Grid in healthcare
and various scientific fields demonstrates a clear
business case for adopting the technology, especially
in terms of long-term cost savings. Scientists at
Australian universities, for example, have combined
the AG with telepresence equipment to operate
equipment remotely: their first successful trials
allowed researchers in Melbourne to control an
expensive electron microscope in Sydney,
suggesting that sharing arrangements such as these
will allow the cost of expensive capital investments
to be defrayed by multiple parties (Luntz, 2005).
Usage of the AG in healthcare is also exemplary of
the technology’s ability to reduce the enduring costs
of time and opportunity by serving as an important
link in vital, time-critical situations.
While such examples do not directly involve the
automotive industry and/or the manufacturing
sector, the accessibility of the Access Grid with
respect to fulfilling urgent needs ad hoc should be
attractive to our target businesses, since the just-in-
time model permeates the entire supply chain and
mistakes can obviously be costly.
A final argument for adopting the Access Grid in
business involves an issue that is very much in
vogue – the environment. While travel, particularly
by air, will always remain a necessity for some
meetings and conferences, organizations are finding
it important to take steps to reduce their carbon
footprint by restricting such travel. However, this
need not reduce their ability to hold conferences,
since our previous discussion demonstrates that the
AG is a viable vehicle for international conferences
since it simulates in-person collaboration and
communication. Indeed, a genomics conference was
facilitated over the AG recently, and organizers
estimated that approximately 900 tonnes of travel-
related carbon dioxide emissions were averted based
on the number of participants and the distance they
would have travelled (presumably by airplane) to
reach the conference site in person (Reay, 2003).
And while this, in itself, is also a cost-savings for
any company as it reduces expensive travel, the
public relations benefit is, perhaps, greater;
therefore, the Access Grid serves both as a tool for
maximizing cost-effectiveness in the collaborative
process, as well as being an important conduit for
meeting corporate social responsibility objectives.
3.5 The Need for Future Extensions
As of this writing, 267 Access Grid nodes were in
use across 27 countries worldwide (,
2008). As discussed above, this number is likely to
grow (and span more industrial sectors) as the
reputation for the technology begins to solidify, thus
justifying the start-up expenses (however cost
effective they may already be). While the quality of
video and the availability of multicast
networks/bandwidth are some of the only general
limitations to the AG concept, its application to
industrial design, particularly in the automotive
sector, will be improved if extensions can be
developed to make the videoconferencing and
overall collaboration process more “intelligent” and
aware of the real-world impact of manipulating what
is being visualized on the manufacturing supply
chain. Semantic technologies – the semantic web
and semantic web services – are posited to be a
viable solution for meeting such a requirement to
extend the Access Grid (this is entrenched in the
concept of a “Semantic Services Broker” as
introduced in Fischer, Murphy, Tippmann, &
Ayromlou, 2006; see also Murphy & Fischer, 2006
for further explanation of the enabling technology).
As mentioned, a separate paper authored by our
lab provides a freestanding introduction to semantic
technologies, reviews attempts to merge the
semantic web with the AG, and theorizes their
applicability to our target industry (see Murphy,
Dick, & Fischer, 2008). For now, we continue with a
more detailed examination of the new audiovisual
tools developed for the Access Grid Community (as
first presented at the 2008 Access Grid Retreat; see
Murphy et al., 2008).
Most of the work on our end involved improvements
to the Access Grid that would make the process of
distributed collaborative visualization more useful,
while meeting the specific needs of our research
partners. Specifically, we will discuss in this section
our work towards enhancing the quality of video
transmitted over the AG, as well as reducing cultural
barriers to collaboration through an automated
captioning and translation service. Finally, we will
ACCESSFABRIK - Researching and Developing New Tools for Collaborative Design and Communication
proceed with an assessment of worthwhile future
research directions and concluding remarks.
4.1 Enhancing Video Quality
As discussed, the video application within the
Access Grid, VIC, utilizes a standard of video
known as H.261; unfortunately, this codec does not
provide enough resolution (352 x 288) for our
industrial partners, all of whom are transmitting
audio, video and industrial designs to each other. As
well, VIC is generally “buggy”, inflexible (does not
support plug-ins to suit the specific needs of its
users), and lacks support for current-generation
codecs that would enable streaming in higher
resolutions. To improve audiovisual transmission
over the AG, our team decided to develop a new tool
that would integrate VIC and RAT (audio) and, at
the same time, allow us to take advantage of a newer
codec, MPEG-4, which can produce high-definition-
quality imagery (in either 720p or 1080i). We have
also been exploring methods to deliver this stream
over the multicast network, outside of the existing
Access Grid Toolkit wrapper. One of the more
promising applications that facilitate this is
VideoLAN Client (VLC), a cross-platform, open-
source offering that is already well-established in the
consumer marketplace; therefore, several options for
technical support are available, and IT professionals
are welcome and encouraged to develop plug-ins
and wrappers that may be of particular use to their
The final element of our work in refining the
videoconferencing element of the AG involves
remote desktop control: such a feature was a specific
request of our partners, and we responded by
developing a Java applet that, when run alongside
the VLC stream (and encoded through FFmpeg),
affords the receiving side the ability to take control
of the host’s system and manipulate the design being
shared on screen. With this, collaborative
visualization and manipulation of industrial designs
can occur with a level of quality not available to
organizations using VIC, VNC or any remote
desktop client presently on the market. As a proof-
of-concept demonstration, researchers in Toronto
and in Stuttgart, Germany, recently used this system
to engage in the collaborative visualization and
manipulation of auto parts designs. This test session,
conducted in August of 2007, demonstrated high-
resolution video and audio with joint desktop
control, and was conducted with very low latency
(and less than 5 Mbps of bandwidth over the 100
Mbps CA*Net 4 research network was consumed).
4.2 Captioning & Translation Services
In order to increase efficiency in videoconferences
over the AG/VLC solution, our team has also begun
to experiment with voice recognition software, so as
to enable automated captioning of the audio feed.
Our trials thus far have utilized commercial
offerings, namely Dragon Naturally Speaking, to
convert speech to text and display it on the screen
through the use of a custom script written in Python.
In some trials, we have further attempted to send the
text through a web-based, machine translation
service (such as Google Translator) and have the end
result displayed on screen. Logically, our level of
success with both of these projects has depended
largely on how well-trained the voice recognition
software is relative to the present speaker;
additionally, the well-known limitations of machine
translation are still present in such a system. That
said, we feel that such a captioning and translation
system holds promise, since we were able to utilize
it to display and translate (into French and German)
general aspects of certain meetings with an
acceptable degree of accuracy for all stakeholders.
In addition to continuing our work on improving
distributed collaborative visualization techniques,
we do believe that more can be done to help
implement a level of semantic “intelligence” to the
design and procurement process. For now, we are
most concerned with further improving the basic
Access Grid extensions and enhancements we have
described above. Our main industrial partner in
Canada continues to express an interest in working
with us to improve the technology package, in
possible preparation for an eventual transfer.
However, our continued tests of the tools between
their international facilities (Canada, the United
States and China) have identified new concerns
regarding implementation across firewalled, unicast
networks. Therefore, our immediate next steps are to
work with our industrial partners to find a mutually
acceptable solution to such concerns, whilst
proceeding to condense the technology into a
compact prototype device.
Alternatively, these enhancements can remain an
integral part to the open-source Access Grid
community. In either instance, many of the tools
could also be used outside of the realm of industrial
design to facilitate other forms of media creation and
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
interaction, namely collaborative performance and
shared-space artistic installations
This paper has presented state of the art surveys of
distributed collaborative visualization environments,
as well as the technologies upon which they are
based. More specifically, we explored the Access
Grid by discussing its past, present and predicted use
within business. Finally, we compared this research
with the greater aims of our work at the
AccessFabrik Laboratory in creating new AG-based
tools for collaborative design and communication;
we outlined some of our work in reaching these
goals, and suggested areas we feel are worthy of
future exploration. Throughout this paper, we
attempted to relate our key points using non-
technical language, so as to make this document
more accessible to its readers.
We consider the major conclusions from this
research to be as follows: first, significant change is
occurring in industrial sectors that are heavily
dependent on industrial design – new methods of
conducting business in the auto industry are, for
example, resulting in the increased geographical
distribution of resources, coupled with increased
heterogeneity amongst organizations in the value
chain; and secondly, we understand that technology
needs to be improved by research communities like
ours in response to this – advanced
videoconferencing solutions like the Access Grid are
assisting a variety of organizations in collaborating
on projects at all stages in their respective life cycle.
Each organization or industrial sector will need to
analyze their own particular situation and determine
whether or not new tools like the ones we have
described within have the potential to help leverage
technological change to their benefit.
We would like to recognize the contributions of
other current and former members of the
AccessFabrik Laboratory at Ryerson University to
the success of this project, namely Many Ayromlou,
Robert King and Ron Rankine. We also wish to
thank our academic and industrial partners for their
guidance and financial support, including: the
Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart; the Rogers
Communications Centre at Ryerson University; the
Fraunhofer Institute (Fraunhofer IAO) in Stuttgart,
Germany; and OCE CCIT, the Ontario Centre of
Excellence for Communications and Information
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ACCESSFABRIK - Researching and Developing New Tools for Collaborative Design and Communication