Semantic Workflow Architecture for Petroleum Techniques
Nabil Belaid
, Yamine Ait-Ameur
and Jean-François Rainaud
Laboratory of Applied Computer Science (LISI), National Engineering School for Mechanics and Aerotechnics (ENSMA)
and University of Poitiers
1, avenue Clément Ader, BP 40109, 86961, Futuroscope, France
Technology, Informatics and Applied Mathematics Direction (DTIMA), Petroleum French Institute (IFP)
1 & 4, avenue de Bois-Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison, France
Semantic workflows and web services, Annotations, Ontology-based modeling, Petroleum engineering.
In the petroleum industry, many engineering studies are conducted to evaluate the potential of the geological
structures to be exploited as hydrocarbon reservoirs. They are realized following series of complex workflows
composed by activities realized by geologists. Nowadays these workflows are build mainly according to the
experience gained by experts along their previous realizations. It is not possible to share this experience
between geologists by reusing and composing activities if a minimum of semantics is not applied to describe
them and the workflows that use them. The focus of our work is to evaluate the benefit of using semantics
to make the geologist daily work easier. In this article, we first explain how we can operate today without
semantics. Then, we enrich such complex workflows and the data they manipulate with semantic annotations
through ontology-based characterizations (Geological Data and Activities Ontologies). As future work, we
plan to use these annotations for a full architecture that would assist geologists in building their workflows.
In the petroleum industry, several engineering studies
are conducted in order to deal with reservoir model-
ing. Indeed, seismic, geological and structural models
are set up. The geological modeling task is composed
of a series of multiple and complex processes or ac-
tivities. Workflows model these processes and their
composition. The orchestration is the action that sup-
ports the execution of these workflows.
Several work focus on automating or semi-
automating particular geological modeling activities.
However, the geologists knowhow and the com-
pounding activities are transfered into workflows
without any methodological rule. Our work focuses
on automating the activities orchestrations in the var-
ious processes of the geological modeling. The origi-
nality of our work lies on the semantics it brings in
different ways. This work suggests to use ontolo-
gies to characterize both activities, their composition
and the data they manipulate. Such a characterization
will help geologists in building their workflowsby ab-
stracting implementation details and focusing on their
The remainder of this article is structured as fol-
lows. In section 2, we show the classical workflows
approach and its limitations and describe related work
aiming at bringing semantics to workflows. In section
3, we propose a semantic workflow approach. As a
case study, we present, in section 4 one of the work-
flows of the petroleum field and in section 5 the ge-
ological data it manipulates. The workflow activities
implementation is detailed in section 6. We finally
conclude and give some outlooks for future work.
In classical workflow systems, activities manipulate
data model instances. No software vendor has imple-
mented such systems for geologists due to the fact that
depending on the objectives they establish, the geolo-
gists have to adapt their workflows.
Belaid N., Ait-Ameur Y. and Rainaud J.
SWAPT - Semantic Workflow Architecture for Petroleum Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0001840101010104
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Because the activities in geology are strongly
linked to the technical descriptions of specific propri-
etary workflows, it would be difficult to combine to-
gether atomic activities supplied by different vendors
in order to create new workflows even if we could iso-
late the atomic activities. To address this problem, we
suggest to enrich the geological data and the geologi-
cal activities with semantic annotations.
Our final objective is to propose an architecture
that would enable geologists to perform tasks with a
minimum of geological knowledge instead of a tech-
nical computing knowledge.
Bringing semantics to workflows and Web ser-
vices is in the middle of the two hottest research ar-
eas associated with the Web: on the one hand, the
dynamic part through Web services and on the other
hand, the static part aiming at providing semantics to
knowledge and data.
The final goal of Web services is to equip the Web
with distributed programs able to interact, to be re-
trieved automatically and to be composed into more
complex services. However, the interactions consen-
sus is not enough to allow unambiguous interaction
without Explicit semantics.
Ontologies have played their role in associating a
formal semantics to the Web service description. The
goal of OWL-S (Martin et al., 2004), is to enable
users and software agents to discover, invoke, com-
pose, and monitor Web resources. Another example
is SAWSDL. It is an upper layer added to WSDL and
recommended by the W3C (Farrell and Lausen, 2007)
that allows to define semantic terms used in WSDL by
referencing RDF-based ontologies. Many work focus
on the automatic discovery of Web services. For ex-
ample, (Bernstein and Klein, 2002) uses ontologies of
processes to describe the services behavior and define
a Process Query Language. Finally, many other work
focus on the automatic composition of Web services.
For example, (Hendler et al., 2003) exploit annotation
tools for services and scheduling in order to be able to
compose services to create predefined functionalities.
The main idea behind our SWA is to try to bring se-
mantics to every part that composes workflows. Cur-
rent work are concerned with interpreting the data by
annotating them with ontological concepts (see Sec-
tion 5).The first part of our proposal for a SWA uses
this enriched data as the exchanged elements of the
workflows supported by the architecture. The second
part consists in providing a semantic characterization
to the workflows themselves.
Figure 1 shows the layers of our SWA and the an-
notations that link them.
Figure 1: Semantic Workflow Architecture.
Data Models (DM)
The DM instances are the basic units manipulated
in our architecture. They can be basic types like
integers or strings, complex types or even files.
They are instances of DM concepts which repre-
sent types or formats. Classical workflows manip-
ulate instances of DM.
Data Ontology (DO)
The DO instances are instances of DO concepts.
They can interpret DM instances through annota-
tions (semantic relations) which link pairs of in-
stances (an instance of DM is semantically anno-
tated by an instance of DO).
Activities Models (AM)
Currently, activities use as input and output DM
instances. Different activities manipulate DM In-
stances which are in accordance with different and
specific formats that are interpreted as being the
same DO instance. Moreover, the same format
may have different meanings according to which
activity manipulates it. Different DO instances
can interpret different DM instances which are de-
fined in a common format.
Semantic Workflows (AO)
AO represents semantic Web services and each
Web service implements a specific geological
AM. The semantic services annotate one or more
AM. One or more implementations of Web ser-
vices may correspond to a semantic Web service.
Likewise, to a semantic workflow can correspond
one or more implementations of workflows and
Web services. AO can be semantic Web services
(atomic activities) or semantic workflows (com-
posite activities).
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The geological modeling with the view to securely
store CO2 can be seen as a high level workflow.
This workflowaims at transforming a "3D-image" ob-
tained from a seismic exploration to a flow simulation
forecast. This enables to predict how any fluid, and in
our case CO2, would propagate in a studied prospect.
The seismic interpretation is the up-stream of the
geological modeling. Its objective is to interpret a
3D-image represented by a seismic cube to create a
structural model and recognize the geological struc-
ture elements like horizons, faults or channels.
The seismic interpretation is a complex process
and can be modeled as a workflow. It manipulates
data, such as 3D-images (SEG-Y Files) represent-
ing seismic cubes or files of coordinates points (XYZ
Files) representing horizons, reflectors etc. After a se-
quence of interpretation activities, a structural model
is obtained. Figure 2 zooms on a candidate seismic
interpretation workflow.
Figure 2: Up-stream fragment of a seismic interpretation
The geological modeling workflows manipulate geo-
logical data which are instances of DM concepts. One
of the objectives of our work is to make it possible for
the activities to manipulate DO instances.
In (Mastella et al., 2008), the idea is to create an
ontology for each geological field; the seismic ontol-
ogy for instance. Then, an annotation model able to
link the data to the ontology instances is set up. Fig-
ure 3 shows the relation between the geological data
models (A), the geological data ontology (B) and the
annotations model (C).
Geological data models (GDM)
In the geology field, the geologist manipulates
GDM such as SEG-Y Files that represent seismic
cubes (see Figure 3.A).
Figure 3: Fragment of the geological data ontology, the data
models and the annotations model.
Geological Data Ontology (GDO)
In the context of the project e-Wok Hub
deals with the storage of CO2 by ontologies-based
, experts have defined a consensual and
shared geological ontology (see Figure 3.B).
Geological Data Annotation Model (GDA)
An annotation can be for example Documen-
tAnnotation when the annotation refers to GDM
which are files (see Figure 3.C).
When the geologist creates an annotation, it refer-
ences an instance of an OntologicalConcept and
an instance of a DataModelClass. As an example,
Figure 4 shows an instance of a GDM instance of
XYZ File (whose name is "reflect3D_0047.xyz")
that is annotated by a GDO instance of the con-
cept Reflector (whose URI is "r1").
Figure 4: Example of a data annotated by an ontological
We have created a model and an ontology for the ac-
tivities. We then created an annotation model to link
the model and the ontology instances. Figure 5 shows
the relation between the geological activites models
(A), the geological activites ontology (B) and the an-
notations model (C).
A semantic activity ontology is the first part to-
ward an architecture that proposes workflows and as-
sists geologists in their geological modeling tasks.
ANR project involving the following partners:
School and the CRITT Informatics.
SWAPT - Semantic Workflow Architecture for Petroleum Techniques
Figure 5: Fragment of the geological activities model, the
geological activities ontology and the annotation model.
Geological Activities Models (GAM)
In geology modeling workflows, the activities are
designed independently one from the others. As
a consequence, a set of heterogeneous activities
and models, that manupulate instances of GDM,
are created (see Figure 5.A).
Geological Activities Ontology (GAO)
As a second step, we have then created an on-
tology of semantic activities (Web services) that
would enable a semantic search over the Web ser-
vices (see Figure 5.B). Indeed, when many Web
services implement the same activities, a unique
GAO concept corresponds to the given action. It
is possible then to retrieve one or more (in the
case of multiple Web services) WSDL descrip-
tions and/or one or more workflows (e.g. BPEL).
Geological Activities Annotation (GAA)
GAM instances are annotated by GAO instances
in the same way GDM instances are annotated by
GDO instances.
For example, the semantic activity FaultsDe-
tectAct annotates both FaultsDetectAct Wf1 and
FaultsDetectAct Wf2 (see Figure 6 for the anno-
tation example).
Figure 6: Example of an activity annotation.
We have described our proposal for an approach that
intends to assist geologists in building their workflows
by adding semantic annotations to the activities and
to the data they manipulate through ontologies char-
The work presented in this article was the first part
toward a full architecture supporting semantic geolog-
ical workflows. In future work, we turn to the persis-
tence of atomic and composite activities executions.
Recently, several systems were proposed to store
in the same database the data and the ontologies de-
scribing them: ontology-based databases (OBDBs).
OntoDB is one of them (Dehainsala et al., 2007). One
of the advantages is the possiblity of querying the
databases at the ontology level (Jean et al., 2006).
Thus, we plan to store GDO, GDM and the anno-
tation instances in the same OntoDB. We intend to es-
tablish a meta-model of activities and record all GAO,
GAM and annotations instances in the same previous
OntoDB which will enable complex semantic queries.
Bernstein, A. and Klein, M. (2002). Discovering services:
Towards high precision service retrieval. In CaiSE
workshop on Web Services, e-Business, and the Se-
mantic Web: Foundations, Models, Architecture, En-
gineering and Applications. Toronto, Canada.
Dehainsala, H., Pierra, G., and Bellatreche, L. (2007).
Ontodb : An ontology-based database for data in-
tensive applications. 12th Int. Conf. on Database
Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA’07),
LNCS. Springer, p. 497-508.
Farrell, J. and Lausen, H. (2007). Semantic annotations for
wsdl and xml schema. Technical report, W3C Recom-
Hendler, J., Nau, D., Parsia, B., Sirin, E., and Wu, D.
(2003). Automating daml-s web services composition
using shop2. ISWC’03.
Jean, S., Pierra, G., and Ait-Ameur, Y.(2006). Querying on-
tology based database using ontoql (an ontology query
language). Ontologies, Databases, and Applications
of Semantics (ODBASE’06), p. 704-721.
Martin, D., Burstein, M., Hobbs, J., Lassila, O., McDer-
mott, D., McIlraith, S., Narayanan, S., Paolucci, M.,
Parsia, B., Payne, T., Sirin, E., Srinivasan, N., and
Sycara, K. (2004). Owl-s: Semantic markup for web
services. Technical Report.
Mastella, L. S., Ait-Ameur, Y., Perrin, M., and Rainaud,
J.-F. (2008). Ontology-based model annotation of
heterogeneous geological representations. in 4th Int.
Conf. on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(WEBIST). Madeira, Portugal.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies