Figure 5: Fragment of the geological activities model, the
geological activities ontology and the annotation model.
• Geological Activities Models (GAM)
In geology modeling workflows, the activities are
designed independently one from the others. As
a consequence, a set of heterogeneous activities
and models, that manupulate instances of GDM,
are created (see Figure 5.A).
• Geological Activities Ontology (GAO)
As a second step, we have then created an on-
tology of semantic activities (Web services) that
would enable a semantic search over the Web ser-
vices (see Figure 5.B). Indeed, when many Web
services implement the same activities, a unique
GAO concept corresponds to the given action. It
is possible then to retrieve one or more (in the
case of multiple Web services) WSDL descrip-
tions and/or one or more workflows (e.g. BPEL).
• Geological Activities Annotation (GAA)
GAM instances are annotated by GAO instances
in the same way GDM instances are annotated by
GDO instances.
For example, the semantic activity FaultsDe-
tectAct annotates both FaultsDetectAct Wf1 and
FaultsDetectAct Wf2 (see Figure 6 for the anno-
tation example).
Figure 6: Example of an activity annotation.
We have described our proposal for an approach that
intends to assist geologists in building their workflows
by adding semantic annotations to the activities and
to the data they manipulate through ontologies char-
The work presented in this article was the first part
toward a full architecture supporting semantic geolog-
ical workflows. In future work, we turn to the persis-
tence of atomic and composite activities executions.
Recently, several systems were proposed to store
in the same database the data and the ontologies de-
scribing them: ontology-based databases (OBDBs).
OntoDB is one of them (Dehainsala et al., 2007). One
of the advantages is the possiblity of querying the
databases at the ontology level (Jean et al., 2006).
Thus, we plan to store GDO, GDM and the anno-
tation instances in the same OntoDB. We intend to es-
tablish a meta-model of activities and record all GAO,
GAM and annotations instances in the same previous
OntoDB which will enable complex semantic queries.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies