Anastasios Savvopoulos and Maria Virvou
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Karaoli & Dimitriou St, Piraeus, Greece
Keywords: User modelling, e-Commerce, e-Shopping, Adaptivity, Clustering, Stereotypes, Animated agents.
Abstract: Today product recommending applications use many techniques in order to achieve personalization. These
techniques may prove successful but lack in portability. This means that it is very difficult to apply the same
architecture and techniques that have been used on one system to a totally different one. In this paper we
propose a generic architecture that can be used to achieve personalization to a product recommending
system. The main advantage of this architecture is that every system can use it, even if it is built on php, or a different web technology. In this paper we present a case study that we applied this architecture.
This case study proves the independency of our architecture and that it can be applied easily to any kind of
remote recommending system
E-commerce applications have become very popular
since they provide easy access to all kinds of
products. However, most of existing applications are
generic and do not address specific needs,
preferences and attributes of individual customers. A
remedy to this problem can be achieved by web
personalization techniques. As De Pessemier
(Pessemier 2008) suggests, new technologies
such as Internet, iDTV, and mobile applications
create the possibility to advertise in a different, more
attractive manner than the traditional commercial
breaks. This leads to a rise of interactive
commercials on websites, banners on the internet,
and commercials on mobile devices. Thus the
market moves towards more converged architectures
corresponding to different types of mediums such as
mobile phones, internet. Despite the fact that there
are many techniques in order to achieve
personalization, there is a lack in the effort to
produce frameworks that can be applied to any
product recommending application without
concerning the product that sells or the medium that
this application uses. Also as Veruska R. Aragao
suggests, (Aragao 2001) there is no widely-
available mechanism to allow users to personalize
their interaction with web data and services
meaning that as years pass the need for general
personalization architectures is becoming more and
more imperative. The difficulty of making such a
framework is high and it’s reinforced by the fact that
product brokering requires assisting users in finding
information in a complex multidimensional space
(Pu & Faltings, 2002). In this paper we present a
generic architecture for e-commerce applications
that incorporates a clustering algorithm in order to
create groups of similar users, concerning their
needs and interests.
There are many e-shops applications that try to make
recommendations using many techniques. These
techniques usually involve the construction of user
models that are either based on explicit user
information or on data about the user behaviour that
is collected implicitly by the system. An interesting
approach in the field of e-commerce has been made
by Choi, et al. (Choi 2006). They chose a
multi-attribute decision making method to find
similar products. The procedure of finding a similar
product is based on a weighted attribute theory that
can fill incomplete specifications of a similar
product if these specifications do not exist.
Another interesting approach in the same field
that uses clustering techniques in order to group
products is the system created by Guan et al. (Guan, 2005) . In their system they use an explicit
Savvopoulos A. and Virvou M.
DOI: 10.5220/0001840304270430
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
method of ranking to acquire generic attributes from
products and then cluster new attributes into the
different groups of generic attributes using the k-NN
algorithm. A very interesting technique also, based
on a rating system has been conducted by Q. Li and
B. M. Kim (Li & Kim, 2004). The system acquires
rates and then calculates fuzzy inferences and
extracts similarities between users. Their method
proved very successful according to the evaluation
presented. Another interesting research has been
proposed by Kazienko and Kolodziejski (Kazienko
& Kolodziejski, 2005). Their system is called
WindOwls and is a recommending system that uses
user modelling techniques to propose products to
individual users. Windowls uses association rules to
calculate weights in order to group acquired tastes
Despite the fact that all the above systems
provide users with recommendations, they are so
domain and problem depended that lose the ability
to be applied with easy in different fields or
products. In this way every time a new application is
built a new architecture must be constructed from
scratch in order to address the specific application’s
problems. The framework presented here is product
and domain independent. The main advantage is that
it can be applied on any product recommending
application without consideration of the domain or
the products used such as personal computers,
mobile phones or even cars.
The main architecture of our framework is divided
into two general sections (figure 1). The first section
contains elements that do not interact with the users
directly and the second section contains elements
that users can understand and interact with. The
elements included in the first section are: Explicit
Information User Profiles, Observing Behavior
Agent, Clustering Algorithm Process, Double
Stereotypes and User Model Server. The Explicit
Information User Profiles element contains all the
information in a database that users have provided
the system in an explicit way. Either, by answering
interest questions or rating products. The next
element is Observing Behaviour Agent. This
element plays a key role in the construction of the
User Model and contains all the information about
the user interactions with the system. Also observes
users’ actions throughout the usage of the system.
Figure 1: The General Architecture.
For example, this element contains information
about the categories a user has visited, products that
s/he visited, products that s/he moved in or out of his
cart and products that s/he bought. The Clustering
Process Algorithm element contains the clustering
algorithm that the system uses to group similar users
and extract representative users of these groups. The
clustering algorithm takes as input the statistical data
of all the explicit and implicit information that the
system measures about users. Every category and
product characteristic is a feature measured by the
algorithm. The clustering algorithm processes these
data and provides the system with groups based on
similarity. From these groups representative feature
vectors are extracted. After this procedure the
Double Stereotypes element calculates dynamic
double stereotypes from these representatives. These
stereotypes follow a general to specific hierarchy,
meaning that the system constructs a low number of
generic stereotypes at first and then continues to
construct more specific stereotypes until it reaches a
certain point of complexity. These four elements
mentioned above contribute to the construction of
the User Model Server component. The User Model
Server component contains all the information,
implicit and explicit, about a specific user, the
stereotype that s/he belongs to and his/her more
similar representatives and manages all the above
elements. The second section contains elements
interacting directly with the user. The Incremental
Initialization Process element acquires information
from the user model and tries to provide the best
recommendations to new users or users that the
system has little information about. This element
uses mostly stereotypic information from the Double
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Stereotypes element and makes assumption about
where the user should belong to according to the
moves that s/he made so far. The Recommendation
element communicates with the User Model element
and provides the users with recommendation about
products and system usage. The Recommendation
element contains all system recommendations about
products, mistakes or other recommendations in a
database. This element can use many techniques in
order to make recommendations such adaptive
hypermedia, dynamic annotations and the animated
agent. The Recommendation element also takes
feedback from the users and provides the User
Model with more useful information. The next
element is the Animated Agent. It’s a system
component that manages an animated agent that can
help users throughout the navigation of the system.
This agent can provide useful information about the
usage of the system and make recommendation
about products by acquiring information from the
user model. Next, we have the User Interface
element. We use a dynamic user interface that not
only adjusts to the medium used automatically, but
also changes according to the users’ interests. The
Recommendation and Incremental Initialization
elements can change the User Interface according to
the User Model of every user. In this way if a user
uses a mobile phone or an interactive tv the
experience would be different. We must note here
that despite the fact that user interface experience is
different for every medium, it contains its basic
characteristics in order to avoid user confusion. Last
but not least, we have the Adaptive Hypermedia
element that is used to annotate user interface
elements according to the users’ needs or
preferences. All these elements communicate with
each other using the User Model Server as passage
from one to another. The diagram below shows a
schematic representation of the proposed
architecture and how the above elements are
connected together. The main interaction between
the user and the intelligent system is made through
the dynamic user interface.
Our first case was video store application called
Vision.Com (Virvou 2007). Vision.Com is an
e-commerce video store that learns from customers’
preferences. Its aim is to provide help to customers
choosing the best movie for them.
For every user the system creates a different
record at the database. There are two types of
information saved for every user, the explicit and
implicit. The explicit information is saved on the
Explicit Information User Profiles and the implicit
are saved by the Observing Behaviour Agent. In
Vision.Com every customer can visit a large number
of movies by navigating through four movie
All navigational moves of a customer are
recorded by the system in the statistics database by
the Observing Behaviour Agent. In this way
Vision.Com saves statistics considering the visits in
the different categories of movies and movies
individually, movies that were moved to buyers’ cart
and bought movies. Each user’s action contributes to
the individual user model by implying degrees of
interest into one or another movie category or
individual movie. Apart from movie categories that
are already presented, other movie features that are
taken into consideration by Vision.Com are the
following: price range, leading actor and director.
The price of every movie belongs to one of the five
price ranges: 20 to 25 €, 26 to 30 €, 31 to 35 €, 36 to
40 € and over 41 €.
Vision.Com incorporates an AIN clustering
algorithm (Cayzer & Aickelin, 2002), (Morrison &
Aickelin, 2002). This algorithm was built by D.N
Sotiropoulos (Sotiropoulos 2006) This
algorithm takes as input feature vectors that contain
all the statistical data of all users. Then AIN
algorithm processes this information and provides
the system with representatives. This process is
being conducted by the Clustering Process Element
of our architecture. We used these representatives in
order create double stereotypes that are saved in the
Double Stereotypes element of our general
architecture. The stereotypes concern both users and
movies. In order to find similar movies to a users’
interest through the stereotypical information we use
the Euclidean distance. The hierarchy of the
stereotypes follows the complexity of the
stereotypes. Levels 1 are the more general
stereotypes and level 5 the more complex ones,
depending on the information the system has about a
user. After level 5 the system uses an individual user
model about this user. This process also helps the
Incremental Initialization Process to provide better
results about new users. Moreover, Vision.Com
uses an Animated Agent (figure 2) to inform and
help the users and provide general
Figure 2: The animated agent.
In this paper we proposed a generic architecture that
can be used to achieve personalization to a remote
recommending system. The main advantage of this
architecture is that its medium independent meaning
that every system can use it, even if it is built on a
mobile phone, a pc or a tv. We presented two case
studies that we applied this architecture that use
entirely different products, mediums and kinds of
recommendations. These two cases prove the
independency of our architecture and how easily it
can be applied to any kind of remote recommending
Travel fund support for this work was provided by
the University of Piraeus Research Center.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies