In order to assess the compass simulator efficiency
and the effectiveness of the mobile geo-browser, two
preliminary tests have been developed. We used ten
beta testers in each test: in the first experimental test
(Table1), two different sessions were developed,
using 40 and 80 accelerometer data samples per
second. In both sessions, the software recorded
computing times. In the second experimental test
(Table 2), users were asked to answer a brief
questionnaire with scores ranging from 1 (the worst)
to 5 (the best).
Table 1: Hit Percentage and computational times for the
accuracy tests. Mean times are computed in seconds.
% Hit
(40 samples)
% Hit
(80 samples)
User #1 93 0.604 97 0.837
User #2 91 0.663 98 0.903
User #3 88 0.597 98 0.881
User #4 90 0.548 95 0.688
User #5 95 0.615 97 0.753
User #6 90 0.771 98 0.899
User #7 93 0.659 97 0.932
User #8 95 0.570 99 0.775
User #9 92 0.588 94 0.874
User #10 89 0.656 97 0.829
Table 2: Results of subjective tests.
It is useful? It works? It is fast enough?
User #1 4 4 5
User #2 5 4 5
User #3 3 3 4
User #4 4 5 5
User #5 4 4 4
User #6 5 5 5
User #7 5 4 4
User #8 4 2 4
User #9 5 4 4
User #10 4 4 4
In Table 1, success hit percentages and
computing times for the first experimental test are
reported. Clearly, for all the users the hit percentage
was always greater than 94% when 80 samples were
used. Mean elaboration times increase with the
number of samples but they still remain acceptable
also for the 80 samples session.
The subjective experimental test, despite of its
preliminary characteristic, seams to show a
generalized positive assessment (Table 2).
In this paper a new mobile browser for geo-
referenced pictures has been proposed. Accuracy
results show that the accelerometers-based
simulation technology works already well and users
find very interesting and useful this type of
applications. In order to make the prototype even
more functional and effective, further developments
are under study and planning, like the increasing of
the accelerometer data rate, and the use of samples
from all the three axis sensors. Next generation
mobile terminals will be used to allow the real-time
processing of this bigger amount of data. Extra
capabilities like a map zoom-in/out function will be
embedded in order to better define the areas
interested by the selection of the images displayed
on the mobile terminal.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies