Lars Fredrik Høimyr Edvardsen
Intelligent Communication AS, Kristian Augusts Gate 14, Oslo, Norway
Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Sem Sælands vei 7-9, Trondheim, Norway
Ingeborg Torvik Sølvberg, Trond Aalberg, Hallvard Trætteberg
Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Sem Sælands vei 7-9, Trondheim, Norway
Keywords: Automatic Metadata Generation, Extraction, Metadata Quality, Word, PowerPoint, PDF, OpenXML.
Abstract: Giving search engines access to high quality document metadata is crucial for efficient document retrieval
efforts on the Internet and on corporate Intranets. Presence of such metadata is currently sparsely present.
This paper presents how the structural content of document files can be used for Automatic Metadata
Generation (AMG) efforts, basing efforts directly on the documents’ content (code) and enabling effective
usage of combinations of AMG algorithms for additional harvesting and extraction efforts. This enables
usage of AMG efforts to generate high quality metadata in terms of syntax, semantics and pragmatics, from
non-homogenous data sources in terms of visual characteristics and language of their intellectual content.
Metadata are used to describe the key properties of
documents and are normally created by individuals
based on a pre-defined metadata schema. The
process of manually creating metadata is time
consuming and can introduce inconsistencies. These
issues can be reduced or avoided by enabling
applications to generate metadata instead of or, as a
supplement to, manual metadata actions. Such
technologies are known as Automatic Metadata
Generation (AMG) (Cardinaels et al., 2005;
Greenberg, 2004; Meire et al., 2007). AMG
algorithms depend upon data consistency and correct
data to generate high quality metadata.
Current AMG efforts are closely related to
specific collections of documents with similar visual
characteristics and intellectual content based on the
same natural language: Boguraev & Neff (2000),
Giuffrida et al. (2000) and Seymore et al. (1999)
extracts metadata based on highly structured
conference-, journal or newspaper template formats.
Flynn et al. (2007) automates the document type
characteristics before performing visual
characteristic AMG efforts, though were still
dependent upon recognition of specific visual
characteristics. Commonly used document creation
applications (content creation software), such as
Microsoft (MS) Word, MS PowerPoint and Adobe
Distiller, use AMG to generate embedded document
metadata, but their quality vary extensively. These
data are stored in the document code along with
other descriptions of visual and non-visual content.
<title>Metadata challenges</title>
<body lang=EN-US><table>
<tr><td>Exciting paper on metadata
<p class=Author align=center>
Lars F. H. Edvardsen and
Ingeborg T. Sølvberg</p>
Figure 1: The “document code” of a HTML document.
Edvardsen L., SÃÿlvberg I., Aalberg T. and T˛etteberg H.
DOI: 10.5220/0001841003540363
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 2: AMG content analysis algorithms and the data sources which they use.
AMG efforts need to generate high quality
metadata regardless of visual characteristics and
from multi-linguistic documents. This is best
undertaken by using the best available algorithm(s)
for the specific document, and by using its most
desired data sources. The goal of this research was
to find methods to automatically generate metadata
from non-homogeneous document collections.
Basing AMG efforts around document code analysis
can enable detailed, structured and correct metadata
from non-homogeneous documents. To achieve the
research goal, the following questions were
answered: (1) What is the quality of automatically
generated document content (embedded metadata
and document formatting)? (2) Can AMG
approaches be combined or selectively used on a
document-by-document basis?
Chapter 2 presents AMG basics, while Chapter 3
presents the research approach. Chapters 4, 5 and 6
present the research results. Chapter 7 evaluates the
research, with conclusions presented in Chapter 8.
AMG algorithms are sets of rules that enable access
to data source(s), identification of desired content,
collection of these data and storage of them in
accordance with metadata schema(s). AMG
algorithms can use the document itself and the
context surrounding the document as data sources.
Collecting embedded metadata is known as metadata
harvesting (Greenberg, 2004; Open Archives
Initiative, 2004). The process by which AMG
algorithms create metadata that has previously not
existed is known as metadata extraction (Seymore et
al., 1999; Greenstone, 2007). AMG efforts represent
a balancing act between obtaining high quality
metadata descriptions and avoiding the generation of
metadata that does not reflect the document.
Document content analysis is currently the main
approach for generating document specific metadata.
Four different approaches are used:
Harvesting of Embedded Metadata. This
approach uses the embedded metadata created by
applications or by the user and stored as part of the
document (Greenstone, 2007; Bird and the Jorum
Team, 2006; Google, 2009; Scirus, 2009; Yahoo,
2009). This approach is vulnerable to generating
false metadata if the data sources do not contain high
quality metadata.
Extraction based on Visual Appearance. This
approach uses a special content presentation
application to generate a visual representation of the
document before executing rules to extract content
based on the visual appearance of the document
(Giuffrida et al., 2000; Kawtrakul and Yingsaeree,
2005; Flynn et al., 2007; Li et al., 2005a; Liu et al.,
2007). This approach is vulnerable to generating
false metadata if the documents do not share the
visible appearance(s) with which the algorithm has
been developed to perform. Hence, such algorithms
only perform as desired on pre-known document
Extraction of Metadata based on Natural
Language. This approach uses a content
presentation application to retrieve only the
intellectual content of the document, creating a
plain text data source upon which rules based on
natural language are executed (Boguraev and
Neff., 2000; LOMGen, 2006; Greenberg et al.,
2005; Li et al., 2005b; Liddy et al., 2002; Jenkins
and Inman, 2001). Such algorithms commonly
include collection of unique words and
comparisons of the document vocabulary against
a reference ontology for generating keywords,
descriptions and subject classification. This
approach is vulnerable to generating false
metadata if the data sources contain documents
in multiple languages or document sections in
different languages.
Extraction based on Document Code Analysis.
This approach uses the document code directly
without the need for additional content
presentation applications to interpret the
document content. This enables full and direct
access to the entire document’s content. This
includes template identification, template content
identification and formatting characteristics
regardless of visual characteristics, and the
language of the intellectual content. Current,
popular document formats are binary (e.g. PDF,
Word and PowerPoint) or non-standardized (e.g.
Word and PowerPoint). This has limited the
research based on document code analysis to
HTML documents (Jenkins and Inman, 2001).
With the emergence of new document file
formats; this research will explore the use of
document code analysis on Word and
PowerPoint documents.
This research needed to base its efforts on
documents with diverse visual and intellectual
content. These documents were analyzed in regards
to their document contents and in regards to
generation of metadata. The results of these
analysis’ were evaluated using an existing
framework for measuring “quality”.
The Learning Management System (LMS) “It’s
learning” (It’s learning, 2009), which is used by the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
has been used for this project. This LMS allows
lecturers and students to publish documents without
restrictions regarding document types and visual
characteristics, though requiring a user-specified
title for each document stored as part of the LMS,
not in the files. The LMS automatically generates
metadata regarding the publisher based on the
logged-in user’s user name and gives a timestamp
regarding publishing date. This project gained access
to 166 distinct courses covering a multitude of
subjects, including medicine, linguistics, education
and fine art. Here the users published documents
without changing any of its characteristics and
without restrictions regarding document type or
visual characteristics. Over 3500 unique, stand-alone
document files were retrieved from these courses.
This project conducted qualitative analyses in
order to fine-tune its efforts and gain experience
before a more extensive qualitative analysis. For the
qualitative analysis, random selections of documents
were conducted for in-depth analysis. Ninety-one
percent of the stand-alone documents uploaded to
the LMS were in PDF, Word or PowerPoint
document formats. The qualitative analyses are
consequently concentrated on these file formats. The
content of the MS Office documents (Word and
PowerPoint) was explored by lossless converting
them into MS Office 2007 Open XML document
formats using the MS Office 2007 application suite.
This conversion process was verified lossless by
using third-party software for document content
comparisons. The exception is the “Last saved date”
metadata elements which were changed. Selected
document types are frequently converted before
being published, e.g. from Word to PDF document
formats. This affects the document content and
hence increases the vulnerability to generation of
false metadata: (1) Content can be added, altered or
removed; non-visible formatting data is commonly
discarded. (2) The converted document can contain
metadata that reflects the converted document but
not the original. (3) Documents can be subject to
security restrictions, which prevent AMG algorithms
from accessing their content.
The research results were evaluated using a
framework for measuring “quality” presented by
Lindland et al. (1994). This framework categorizes
“quality” based on (1) Syntax, (2) Semantics and (3)
Pragmatics. Additionally, supplemental quality
terms were used based on Bruce and Hillmann
(2004) by including dedicated metadata quality
terms for completeness, accuracy and provenance,
conformance to expectations, logical consistency
and coherence, timeliness and accessibility. The
IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) (IEEE
LTSC, 2005) schema was used to generate a
common vocabulary and to define the content of
specific elements and their valid value spaces.
However, this research is not restricted to this
specific schema.
The LMS shows extensive varieties in regards to
published documents, as all documents are accepted
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
for publication. This research found 41 document
file formats, a range in content types (texts, spread-
sheets, presentations etc.), content qualities (from
informal notes to papers) and intellectual content in
a multitude of different languages. The documents
have a diverse visual appearance, ranging from
being based on predefined official administrative
templates used by university employees, to
documents without structure created by students on
private computers. The following embedded
metadata elements (and their synonyms) from these
documents have been analyzed:
The “Date” Elements. All Word and
PowerPoint documents and 91% of PDF documents
contained embedded date metadata. However, less
than a handful of documents contained visible date
content against which an evaluation could be
performed. All the embedded “Date” elements were
based on the timer (clock) of the user’s local
computer. There was no information stored as part
of the document or from the LMS that could verify
that this timer was correct when the metadata was
generated. Therefore, the correctness of these
entities cannot be determined, although a few
elements could be confirmed as being false, because
the entities indicated that they were modified before
being created or that they were published before
being created or last saved. This confirms that
“Date” elements cannot be fully trusted.
The “Creator” Element. All Word and
PowerPoint documents and 76% of PDF documents
contained a “Creator” (or “Author”) element. These
elements are commonly automatically generated by
applications using software license user names and
default values. Only 46% of PDF, 22% of Word and
30% of PowerPoint documents contained visible
author information, making validation of these
entities challenging.
The “Template” Element. Ninety-five percent
of Word documents were based on the blank default
template, which is without any visible content.
Eighty-two percent of PowerPoint documents were
based on the application’s default template
“normal.pot” which contains visible “Title” and
“Sub-title” sections. These sections are identifiable
and retrievable though analysis of the document
code. This template information is discarded when
the original documents are converted to PDF
The “Title” Element. All Word and PowerPoint
documents and 84% of PDF documents contained a
“Title” element. These elements are commonly
automatically generated by applications the first
time the document is stored. The documents’ visible
title and the embedded metadata “Title” were
identical for only 14% of the documents. This
indicates that the visible titles were changed when
the documents were resaved or that the AMG
algorithms used generated false entities.
The “Description”, “Subject” and
“Keywords” Elements. Just 0.1% of the Word and
1% of PDF documents contained a “Description”
element. Most of these entities were valid. No
PowerPoint documents contained valid
“Description” elements. One percent of PDF
documents contained a “Subject” entity, though only
one-eighth of these entities were valid. No
documents contained a valid “Keywords” entity.
The “Language” Element. No documents
contained metadata regarding the language of the
document’s intellectual content.
The quantitative analysis was used as basis for
the further efforts of the qualitative analysis. There
is no more data in the dataset to determine the
correctness of the “Date” elements. Further analysis
has therefore not been undertaken. Further analysis
is presented in Chapters 5.1 and 5.2 regarding the
“Creator” and “Title” elements. These efforts use the
“Template” entities. The uncommon, but valid use
of the “Description”, “Subject” and “Keywords
elements show the need for AMG algorithms based
on natural language. In a multi-linguistic
environment, these algorithms are dependent on
document and document section language
information. This is discussed in Chapter 5.3.
5.1 Generating “Creator” Elements
This chapter analyses embedded “Creator” entities
of common document formats and AMG approaches
for generating such entities. For this analysis, 300
PDF, Word and PowerPoint documents were
selected at random. Visual data to verify element
content were present in only a limited way, which
increased uncertainties and our ability to draw
conclusions regarding the embedded metadata and
the extracted metadata. Word and PowerPoint
documents can have embed “Author” and “Last
author” elements. PDF documents can embed a
general “Author” element and an Extensible
Metadata Platform (XMP) section with
“DC.Creator” and “XAP.Author” elements. The
entities presented in the XMP section contained a
number of character errors, with characters being
added, removed or replaced. All these entities were
also found in the general element section but without
the issues described above. These elements could
therefore be used exclusively without losing data.
The majority of documents contained author or
organization names in their embedded metadata,
though only a fraction of these entities could be
visually verified as correct. One in ten PDF
documents contained verifiable false entities, mainly
as commercial content for online converting
services. A third of Word documents contained
verifiable false entities such as “standard user” and
“test.” The larger number of PowerPoint documents
with visible creator data present made it possible to
validate more entities possible. One in five entities
could be verified as either correct or false.
Different AMG approaches to generate
“Creator” entities were taken based on visual
characteristics. Using the first visible line or the text
section with the largest font resulted in correctness
rates of between 0% and 3%, varying between the
document formats. Extraction efforts based on
collection of the content located immediately
beneath the correctly identified title resulted in
correctness rates of between 4% and 20%.
Word and PowerPoint documents can contain
style tags that present the formatting used for
specific sections in the document, typically based on
template data. No documents contained the style
tags “Author” or “Creator”. PDF documents also
support inclusion of style tags. No PDF documents
were found that included the desired tags.
Figure 3: Documents created by LMS publisher
Half of the PowerPoint documents contained
“Sub-title” style tags. Two-thirds of all visible
creator information was found in this section. These
sections were visually formatted in a variety of
ways, and contained a range of different data, such
as sub-titles, dates, course descriptions and creator
information in a multitude of different orders.
Creator information was included in 60% of the
“Sub-title” sections present. Eight percent of the
“Sub-title” sections contained only creator
information. The variety in regards to content types
and visual formatting makes extraction efforts from
this section reliant upon identification of user- and
organization names in among the text.
An alternative to generating creator metadata
could be the harvesting of context publisher data
from the LMS, which could then be used as creator
metadata. Such an approach can generate valid
entities for individual publishers, although false
entities would be generated for groups of authors.
The current research compared the LMS’ user name
against the embedded metadata and visible
characteristics. This approach was able to confirm
that three-quarters of Word documents were
published by their creators, that PowerPoint
documents were more frequently published by
others than the document creators, and that there
were extensive uncertainties regarding PDF
documents. Hence, this approach still produces a
great deal of uncertainty and false results.
5.2 Generating “Title” Elements
This chapter analyses embedded “Title” entities
from common document formats and AMG
approaches for generating such entities. This is
performed with a special focus on using document
code analysis as basis for extraction efforts. The
PDF document code showed not to include content
relevant for this analysis. These efforts were
therefore focused on Word and PowerPoint
documents; 200 Word and PowerPoint documents
were selected at random. Two corrupted PowerPoint
documents could not be analyzed. The remaining
documents were losslessly converted to their
respective Open XML document formats. The
baseline AMG results were generated based on the
efforts of related work:
File Name. Obtained from the file system (Bird
and the Jorum Team, 2006).
Embedded Metadata. Harvested from the
document (Greenstone, 2007; Google, 2009;
Scirus, 2009; Yahoo, 2009; Jenkins and Inman,
2001; Singh et al., 2004).
First Line. Extracted from the first visible line
of text (Greenstone, 2007).
Largest Font. Extracted the text section on the
first page based on the largest font size
(Giuffrida et al., 2000; Google, 2009).
The results of the baseline efforts were
categorized as correct, partly correct, no results and
false results:
Correct. The generated entity was identical or
nearly identical to the visible title. Small
variations, such as spaces that had been removed
between words, were accepted.
Partly Correct. The generated entity was either
partly correct or larger differences were present.
No Results. No content was generated by the
algorithm. This can be the result of documents
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
without embedded metadata or documents
without text-based content.
False Results. The generated entity does not
result in a representative “Title” element.
The baseline results show that using the content
with the largest font generated the most correct
entities. The embedded metadata was strongly
influenced by being automatically generated the first
time the document was stored, and hence was not
updated as the document evolved during the creation
process. The first line algorithm frequently collected
the document header section from page tops.
Table 1: Baseline “Title” results: Word documents.
Table 2: Baseline “Title” results: PowerPoint documents.
Open XML documents are zip archives
containing standardized, structured content
regardless of the document content. There are
dedicated XML files for the footer and header
sections. As a result, these sections can be avoided
entirely. By analyzing the content of the main
document XML file of Word and PowerPoint
documents, it is possible to analyze the main
document content based on facts without the need
for visual interpretations e.g. regarding font name
and size, placements and section content.
Eight of ten PowerPoint documents contained a
“Title” style tagged section. These sections
contained nothing but titles, formatted in a variety of
different ways. Three percent of Word documents
also contained such sections, though two out of three
documents used this section for data other than title
The key property that allows the document code
analysis approach to be combined with other AMG
methods is that it does not deliver a result when the
desired content is not located. This enables it to be
combined with other AMG methods. Our research
demonstrated this by testing three different
document code analysis based algorithms:
A Document Code Exclusively. Generates
“Titles” elements based exclusively on the document
Figure 4: Logical structure of algorithm C.
A) Document Code and Largest Font. Extends
algorithm A by evaluating if algorithm A
provides an entity. If not, then the content with
the largest font section is collected.
B) Document Code, Largest Font, Context Filter
and Alternative Data Sources. Extends
algorithm B by evaluating if algorithm B
provides an entity after performing context data
filtering (e.g. course codes and course
descriptions). If no entity is generated, then the
embedded metadata entity is harvested. If this
entity is empty then the file name is used as
The falsely labeled Word document appeared in
the algorithm results. As these AMG efforts were
constructed to demonstrate the possibilities of using
document code analysis, these results have been
accepted. The AMG efforts associated with
algorithm B focus on documents for which there
were no results from algorithm A. This results in a
large portion of correct records, though with faults.
The inclusion of context data filters in algorithm C
reduced the number of false records greatly. One
document was given a title based on the file name,
since neither the document body nor the embedded
metadata contained text-based content. By excluding
use of algorithm A for Word documents, the
correctness rate would increase by two percentage
points, reducing the number of false records by a
similar amount.
Algorithm A employed the “Title” style tags that
are frequently included in PowerPoint documents.
All these sections contained valid titles. The
remaining AMG efforts of algorithm B then
concentrated on documents that did not have a style
formatted title. This resulted in one document being
given a false label while three documents received a
Algorithm Correct Partly No result False
File name 40% 45% 0% 15%
Embedded 27% 29% 8% 36%
First line 38% 15% 1% 46%
Largest fon
69% 8% 1% 22%
Algorithm Correct Partly No
File name 21% 52% 0% 27%
Embedded 28% 10% 0% 62%
First line 37% 34% 2% 28%
Largest fon
76% 14% 2% 8%
correct title. Algorithm C gave titles based on the
file name to the documents without text-based
content. No filtering of content was performed.
Table 3: Basic AMG approach results: Word documents.
Table 4: Basic AMG approach results: PowerPoint
5.3 Generating “General.Language”
This chapter presents usage of the existing,
automatically generated language tags from common
document formats for AMG purposes. The
document code can contain tags reflecting the
language of the document’s intellectual content. This
allows for populating the IEEE LOM’s
“General.Language” element (IEEE LTSC, 2005)
and execution of AMG algorithms based on natural
language in multi-linguistic environments. Language
recognition is automatically performed by
applications such as MS Word and MS PowerPoint
on document text sections to enable spelling and
grammar checks. These section-wise language
descriptions are stored as language tags in the
documents. Our research documented that language
tags are discarded if the document is converted to a
PDF. This research is hence focused on Word and
PowerPoint documents. One hundred documents
were selected at random, resulting in 60 Word and
40 PowerPoint documents. These documents were
lossless converted to their native Open XML
document format. The analysis was performed on
the main document content of Word documents and
on the first slide of PowerPoint documents.
All Word documents contained US English
language tags, though less than one in ten of the
Word documents used these tags. Extraction efforts
need to be focused on the tags that are in practical
use. The extraction effort showed that all text
sections were formatted with a single language tag.
This allows for using language-specific natural
language AMG algorithms on individual sections
formatted with a specific language tag. Both single
and multi-lingual documents were found.
PowerPoint documents typically contain a
limited number of complete sentences for which
language recognition can be performed. Hence less
data is commonly available to determine the
language used in the document. This can result in
less accurate language tags than for Word
documents. Single language PowerPoint documents
were found in Norwegian, US English and British
English. One document contained false language
tags, when a few Norwegian keywords were
included on the first slide of an US English slide
show. This illustrates the difficulties of recognizing
short language sections. Thirty percent of the
PowerPoint documents were correctly labelled as
containing multi-lingual intellectual content.
The analysis of Chapters 4 and 5 revealed issues
which affect the quality of the metadata which can
be automatically generated based on these data
sources. This chapter review these issues based on
the quality terms of Lindland et al. (1994) and Bruce
and Hillmann (2004). Chapter 6.1 presents the
embedded metadata. Chapter 6.2 presents the effects
of the extraction efforts and Chapter 6.3 summons
up the effects of the document creation process.
6.1 Embedded Metadata
The documents created in the controlled user
environment did not contain embedded metadata.
This evaluation of embedded metadata is hence
concentrated on stand-alone documents. We
observed that embedded metadata was created by
applications and users, and inherited from templates
and old versions of the documents. None of the
document formats analyzed contained meta-
metadata. The provenance aspect of the metadata
quality was hence very low. The applications could,
based on reasoning, be determined to be the author
of most of the embedded metadata. Determining the
creator of semantic elements was difficult since
these elements were free for all parties to use.
Standardized entities meant that the metadata creator
could be determined in selected document-specific
Each document format has its own approach to
embedded metadata. The metadata harvesting efforts
therefore needed to be adapted to each document
format in order to access, interpret and retrieve the
metadata. This reduces the quality of the
accessibility of the metadata. It also requires
ongoing efforts to adapt the harvesting efforts to
Algorithm Correc
Partly No result False
A 0% 0% 98% 2%
B 71% 6% 1% 22%
C 91% 6% 0% 3%
Algorithm Correct Partly No result False
A 85% 0% 15% 0%
B 94% 0% 3% 3%
C 97% 0% 0% 3%
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
new document formats or new versions of the
document formats over time.
Our research did not explicitly discover content
from the main section of the document (document
content) that was syntactic false. However, a few
documents were found where the syntactic
requirements of the document format were not met.
These documents were hence corrupted. These
documents became corrupted before or as a part of
the transfer process to the LMS.
The security restriction properties of specific
PDF documents presented themselves as a hurdle for
both harvesting and extraction of metadata. For PDF
documents with security restrictions, the semantic
quality of the metadata was very low since the
metadata are unavailable. Security restrictions also
limit the possibilities to extract metadata based on
these documents.
Selected PDF documents showed false semantic
metadata formatting. This reduces the logical
consistency aspect of the metadata quality.
However, because these problems were present in a
systematic way, error correction can be
automatically performed. Semantic issues were
discovered regarding characters in the XMP
metadata section of PDF documents. This reduces
these entities’ quality based on accuracy.
This research was able to prove that some of the
“Date” related entities were false, which made their
quality in terms of accuracy less than optimal. The
vast majority of dates could not be verified as
correct. A very limited number of documents could
be confirmed to have false entities. The semantic
quality of the “Date” elements could not be fully
verified and hence remains undetermined.
Most of the semantic uncertainties we
discovered were in the “Title” element. This element
was commonly automatically generated by the
applications. The generated entities were of a low
semantic quality due to: (1) Timeliness: The
metadata could be collected from template data or
from earlier versions of the document. This affected
the quality in terms of the currency of these
elements. (2) Accuracy: The AMG algorithms used
generated entities that do not reflect upon the
metadata schema’s definition of the element content.
Some applications do not to use the document as
data source for generating semantic elements. The
quality in accuracy for the “Title” entities was low
when compared to the visually presented title. The
quality varied between document formats as
different applications use the main document’s
intellectual content in different ways to generate
these entities and due to the templates used. The
pragmatic quality of these entities from Word and
PowerPoint documents was low.
The above issues also affected the “Creator”
element. The dataset showed that user creation of
manual “Creator” elements was even more limited
than for “Title” elements. The entities that are
present are often based on applications user names
rather than the name of the user. Very few
documents had visible creator data, so there were
very few documents that could be confirmed as
having a valid “Creator” element. The semantic
quality of the “Creator” element was thus presumed
very low.
None of the document formats analyzed
contained metadata on the language of the
documents’ intellectual content. The metadata
quality in terms of completeness was hence very
6.2 Extraction Efforts
The extraction efforts confirmed that high quality
metadata can be generated based on document code
analysis, although the “Creator” data were not found
as style tags, or was visually present only to a
limited extent. There was therefore not enough data
for the extraction efforts to perform optimally. This
confirmed that extraction efforts, such as Giuffrida
et al. (2000), Kawtrakul and Yingsaeree (2005) and
Liu et al. (2007) are not able to perform on such a
diverse dataset. Using an external data source, such
as proposed by Bird and the Jorum Team (2006) and
Greenberg et al. (2005), generated higher quality
metadata, although still with a large number of
errors and much uncertainty.
The content of the style tagged “Title” sections
of PowerPoint documents were of very high
semantic quality. Such formatting was extensively
used by users because this section visually presented
in the default PowerPoint templates. We did not
observe that Word documents visually promoted
document sections. As a direct result, very few used
document formatting in accordance with the pre-
defined style types. The semantic quality of these
formatting tags from Word documents was low. In
the LMS’ controlled user environment, the “Title”
section contained consistently high semantic quality
entities, because of no alternative title presentation
and since it is mandatory to use. Our analysis
confirmed that the document code provided a more
accurate approach for extraction efforts, either based
on the document code directly, or by combining the
document code with other extraction algorithms.
The generation of “General.Language” elements
resulted in entities of very high semantic, syntactic
and completeness quality for Word and PowerPoint
documents. Some uncertainties were found when
only short text sections were available.
6.3 Effects of the Document
Creation Process
Stand-alone documents provide a user flexibility that
is not found in the controlled user environment. This
ensures that the users’ creative efforts can be used to
the fullest to express the intellectual content of the
document. The applications used can create
extensive metadata descriptions and create content
with high syntactic and semantic quality. But this
creative freedom comes at the expense of the
documents’ systematic quality properties:
Templates (or old documents) can contain
content (embedded metadata and visible
intellectual content) that is false or becomes false
when used as the basis for new documents.
The syntactic quality of the document format
cannot be assured due to diverse usage among
various applications.
The user may violate template content and its
intended usage.
Converting original documents can alter, add or
remove metadata, formatting data and
intellectual content.
Documents can have security restrictions, which
prevent AMG algorithms from accessing the
documents’ content.
Compared to the controlled user environment,
stand-alone documents subjected to AMG efforts
require different approaches in treating data sources.
The data sources from stand-alone documents can be
of a variety of qualities. This makes it essential to
learn the characteristics of each document format
and its practical usage before AMG efforts are
undertaken. Harvesting and extraction efforts based
on stand-alone documents are less systematic than
those based on documents from the controlled user
AMG algorithms base their efforts on systematic and
consistent properties of the documents at hand in
order to generate quality metadata in accordance
with pre-defined metadata schema(s). AMG
algorithms need to find common structures in which
to base their efforts, even if the dataset is not
homogenous. Recognition of the most correct and
most desirable document properties is the basis for
automatic generation of high quality metadata.
This research vastly extends the Stage-of-the-art
for using document code analysis for AMG efforts
and enabling combination of AMG algorithm types
on the same resources, validated against an
established framework for defying the resulting data
quality. This research has documented that
document code analysis can be used to automatically
generate metadata of high quality even though the
data source is not homogenous. Common, non-
visual document formatting that can be obtained
though document code analysis enables the
generation of high quality metadata. This code is
unique for each document format, although it is
shared by all documents of the same document
format version. Document code analysis allows for
the unique identification of all sub-sections of the
documents and enables extraction from each
formatted section individually, which in turn allows
for the generation of a multitude of different
metadata elements. AMG efforts based directly on
document code analysis only generate results when
the desired content is present, avoids interpretation
of the document content and can provide other AMG
algorithms document descriptions based on facts.
These properties enable efficient combinations of
AMG algorithms, allowing different harvesting and
extraction algorithms to work together in order to
generate the most desired, high quality results.
AMG efforts based on stand-alone documents
require an understanding of how the documents are
used by the document creators (users), what the user
specifies and what is automatically generated based
on templates and application specific AMG
algorithms. This research has documented that such
efforts can generate high quality metadata from
stand-alone documents from a non-homogeneous
dataset. This research has presented how AMG
efforts can be combined in order to generate high
quality metadata from a user controlled document
creation environment.
The AMG research field is still young and much
remains unexplored. At the same time the use of
digital documents is increasing dramatically, which
offers the potential for extensive research efforts in
the years to come. Future work should include (1)
Analysis of the impact of the usage environment in
which documents are created, and (2) Exploring the
possibilities for practical experiments using AMG
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