tional based models decreases accuracy at the worst
case by about 1.85% in terms of MAE and by 2.34%
in terms of HMAE. When PAM clustering is used ei-
ther an improvement or a stability is observed in terms
of accuracy.
In this paper, we presented a new Collaborative Fil-
tering approach, named PSN-CF, that exploits navi-
gational patterns. PSN-CF is structured in different
layers as described in Figure 1.
Unlike classical predictive systems based on us-
age patterns, PSN-CF is user-based and attempts to
identify behavioral correlations between users. The
originality of PSN-CF consists in the exploitation of
navigational patterns in the context of CF, thus no ex-
plicit preferences need to be provided by users. Ad-
ditionally, PSN-CF exploits the concept of Positive
Sequences so as to assess navigational correlations
based on users preferred resources with the objective
of reducing time processing required for computing
these correlations.
PSN-CF has been evaluated both in terms of MAE
and HMAE and has been compared to other CF mod-
els. The experimentation shows the high interest of
using the PAM clustering based on a similarity ma-
trix, on the accuracy of the CF system in terms of
MAE. Moreover, the use of clustering based on simi-
larities is also benefit in terms of HMAE. Experiments
also showed the relevance of using both navigational
patterns and estimated rating data for generating ac-
curate high predictions. Last, the experiments showed
the advantage of selecting Positive Sequences that is
a trade-off between the optimization of time process-
ing of navigational correlations and reduction of ac-
As a future work, we intend to first exploit addi-
tional methods that allow the reduction of dimension-
ality, second evaluate the impact of its combination
with the navigationalbased CF on the accuracy of rec-
ommendations. Additionally, we plan to extend PSN-
CF in the direction of social networks and examine
the possibilities of modeling potential links between
users in the context of behavioral networks.
We would like to thank Mr. Jean Philippe Blanchard
and acknowledge the financial support to this project
provided by the Credit Agricole Banking Group.
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