Juliana Tavares, Ramiro Gonçalves
UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Dep. Engenharias, Quinta de Prados, Apartado 1013, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal
Paulo Martins
GECAD – Grupo de Investigação em Engenharia do Conhecimento e Apoio à Decisão
Dep. Engenharias – UTAD, Quinta de Prados, Apartado 1013, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal
Keywords: Banking, Electronic Banking, Technological Solutions.
Abstract: Economic activities are part of everyday life since always. The banking sector has a large dimension that
exists for a long time, doing a major contribution to economic growth in Portugal. In this new millennium
the advent of Internet has had a significant impact on the banking service that is traditionally offered by
banks to customers. With help of the Internet, customers can access its banking services anytime, anywhere,
since Internet access is available. This service is called Electronic Banking (EB), being in explosive growth
in many countries, transforming the traditional banking practices. With this paper, we intend review,
evaluate and characterize the technological solutions of EB in Portugal.
The banking sector has a large dimension that exists
for a long time, doing a major contribution to
economic growth in Portugal. In this new
millennium the advent of Internet has had a
significant impact on the banking service that is
traditionally offered by banks (Liao and Cheung,
2003). With help of the Internet, customers can do
their banking anytime, anywhere, since Internet
access is available. This service is called Electronic
Banking (EB), being in explosive growth in many
countries, transforming the traditional banking
practices (Liao and Cheung, 2003). By offering
services with EB, the financial institutions seek to
reduce operating costs, improve banking services,
retain consumers and expand customers share
(Lichtenstein and Williamson, 2006). This article
has the main purpose of review, evaluate and
characterize the technological solutions of EB in
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
characterizes the concept of banking on the
Portuguese market. Section 3 presents the issues
related to the concept of EB. Section 4 is the main
contribution of this article, identifying a sample of
EB platforms, the parameters evaluated and assess
according to the defined criteria. Section 5
concludes the paper.
Although the concept of banking is directed to the
financial area, involving the movement of capital, its
definition can lead to several subjectivities. Many
sociologists believe that the financial and banking
market is a system of social interactions, where
banks are the key intermediaries.
2.1 Portuguese Financial System
The Portuguese financial system has been subject to
major structural reforms, which contributed to the
increasing of its efficiency, with the privatization of
existing banks, the liberalization of markets, in
deregulation and alignment of existing regulations in
Portugal to other economies, and increasing
modernization of the institutions, mainly driven by
the adoption of new technologies.
Tavares J., GonÃ
galves R. and Martins P.
DOI: 10.5220/0001842405770580
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Between 1985 and 2003, while the national GDP
has increased, in terms of market prices, more than 6
times, the assets of banks grew more than 12 times,
representing twice the growth. Although the
Portuguese economy has suffered some progress, not
all of its developments have been positive. Through
Figure 1 is possible to obtain an approach of
Portuguese economic situation in historical
perspective. Portugal has recently suffered a
slowdown in economic growth relative to richer
countries of the EU, leading the national banking
institutions development to constraints on their
growth (Blanchard, 2006).
Figure 1: Budgetary deficit between 1995 and 2007.
Adapted from: (Blanchard, 2006).
For centuries, many financial transactions required
human presence. This peculiarity has been amended
with the emancipation of ICT. Currently, a customer
can make several financial activities without
entering a bank branch. This phenomenon is known
as EB (Beck, 2001), offering a range of services and
activities by digital means, usually provided through
a bank.
3.1 Appearance of EB
It is estimated that EB via Internet began in 1995,
indicating the use of Internet as a channel for
delivery to remote banking services (Gopalakrishnan
et al., 2003), however, some banks have had
informational Web sites before using phone as EB
channel. In Portugal a first step in EB was given by
BCP, with the release of several multimedia kiosks
providing the customer with bank information
(Beck, 2001).
3.2 Factors that Influenced the
Adoption of the EB
Several converging areas of reference and theories
suggest many influences on the adoption of EB,
including theories of costumer behavior in the
choice and use of the media, diffusion of innovation,
acceptance of the technology, service and
transaction costs, among other (Lichtenstein and
Williamson, 2006).
3.3 Adoption and Use of EB
Since EB’s appearance, there have been some
constraints in its usage and adoption. In Europe,
differences between countries appeared to be largely
explained by differences in the availability of
Internet access. Recently, EB users are relatively
satisfied with the quality of banking online (as can
be seen through Figure 2, where the number of users
of EB has increased on several countries over
several years).
Figure 2: Number of EB users. Adapted from: (Perumal
and Shanmugam, 2004).
In Portugal, according to data from the study
Netpanel and Marktest in May 2008, 1072 thousand
accesses were made on the banking websites,
representing a growth of 3.2% when compared to
April 2007, and 4.3% from the same month of 2007.
4.1 Survey of Financial Institutions
For a further analysis and characterization of
platforms and consequently the EB in Portugal a
survey of financial institutions currently operating in
Portugal was conducted, having been prepared in
accordance with the data of financial institutions
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
entered the Bank of Portugal. The analysis
concluded that the number of financial institutions
with online presence is considerable big – most of
the financial institutions have a website. This
majority of EB platforms have a large percentage of
EB services.
4.2 Analysis and Presentation of
Parameters to Assess
To make the analysis and evaluation of a EB
platforms sample, it was necessary to conduct a
survey of different parameters to assess. Several
authors (Guru et al., 2003; Awamleh and Fernandes,
2005; Goi, 2006; Miranda et al., 2006; Al-
Mudimigh, 2007) consider essential the existence of
information, transactional and communicative
services, or relationship with the customer in the
platforms of EB. Based on the analysis of features to
be included in solutions of EB in the prospects of the
mentioned authors, were set the following
parameters for further evaluation:
Quality of website;
o Accessibility
o Performance
o Navigability
o Content
Informative functionalities;
Transactional functionalities;
Communicational functionalities.
4.3 Definition of Platforms Sample to
The sample defined of EB platforms consists of the
5 largest banks operating in Portugal in terms of
financial assets and market share – CGD, BCP, BES,
BPI and Banco Santander Totta (APB, 2007; BP,
2008) and the bank BEST, a bank exclusively
4.4 Evaluation of the Sample
All EB platforms analyzed consist of two parts – a
public part, available to any user, with informative
content about the institution, its products and
services available, and a private side, available only
to customers with private credentials. To evaluate
the accessibility and performance of platforms, were
used some tools such as Total Validator, ATRC,
World Wide Web Consortium, among others. In
Figure 3 we can view the results of accessibility
evaluation made with resource to the mentioned
Figure 3: Quality of platforms – accessibility.
By analyzing the Figure 3 it is possible to check
that the platform with the largest number of
accessibility issues is Banco Santander Totta (BST)
platform. To assess the navigability of platforms,
some operations were carried out in order to gain
sensitivity towards the various aspects while
browsing in them. Regarding the platform’s quality,
other parameters such as performance, navigability
and content were evaluated, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Quality of platforms – performance, navigability
and content.
To evaluate the response time, Total Validator
was executed five times. As shown in the chart, the
platform that presents a greater response time is the
BPI’s, being the BEST, BES and Banco Santander
Totta’s platforms those with a shorter response time,
followed by the BCP and CGD platforms.
In terms of navigability, it was attributed a quote
(from 1 to 20) for each platform to the problems or
constraints encountered along the navigation on the
platforms. Regarding the content, each platform has
its own layout, existing several similarities between
them in terms of designation of operations and
disposition of contents. After evaluating the quality
of the sample, their functionalities were evaluated.
Figure 5 reflects the results of these evaluations.
Most of the evaluated platforms dispose the
necessary functionalities for EB practices, respecting
the defined evaluation parameters of the present
Figure 5: Evaluation of informative, transactional and
communicative functionalities.
According to data presented during this article, we
may conclude that the usage of EB in Portugal is on
growth, following the international developments
and demystifying the adoption to these types of
services and platforms. It is clear the leadership of
EB services by CGD, with the largest number of
access. In terms of features and/or characteristics,
the majority of technological solutions studied have
the necessary features for the achievement of most
banking operations for this type of service. The final
evaluation of the various parameters is positive,
being Portugal and accomplishing the international
technological advances.
It is hoped that this work will serve as basis for the
financial institutions under study to make
improvements in their EB platforms, offering a
better service, fitting as most as possible the needs
of its customers. It can also serve as a resource for
customers who seek a robust reference of EB
platforms classification operating in Portugal, to
achieve a qualitative perspective, allowing them to
meet the major strengths and weaknesses of these
platforms, and demystify the uncertainty aspects of
EB services.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies