entered the Bank of Portugal. The analysis
concluded that the number of financial institutions
with online presence is considerable big – most of
the financial institutions have a website. This
majority of EB platforms have a large percentage of
EB services.
4.2 Analysis and Presentation of
Parameters to Assess
To make the analysis and evaluation of a EB
platforms sample, it was necessary to conduct a
survey of different parameters to assess. Several
authors (Guru et al., 2003; Awamleh and Fernandes,
2005; Goi, 2006; Miranda et al., 2006; Al-
Mudimigh, 2007) consider essential the existence of
information, transactional and communicative
services, or relationship with the customer in the
platforms of EB. Based on the analysis of features to
be included in solutions of EB in the prospects of the
mentioned authors, were set the following
parameters for further evaluation:
• Quality of website;
o Accessibility
o Performance
o Navigability
o Content
• Informative functionalities;
• Transactional functionalities;
• Communicational functionalities.
4.3 Definition of Platforms Sample to
The sample defined of EB platforms consists of the
5 largest banks operating in Portugal in terms of
financial assets and market share – CGD, BCP, BES,
BPI and Banco Santander Totta (APB, 2007; BP,
2008) and the bank BEST, a bank exclusively
4.4 Evaluation of the Sample
All EB platforms analyzed consist of two parts – a
public part, available to any user, with informative
content about the institution, its products and
services available, and a private side, available only
to customers with private credentials. To evaluate
the accessibility and performance of platforms, were
used some tools such as Total Validator, ATRC,
World Wide Web Consortium, among others. In
Figure 3 we can view the results of accessibility
evaluation made with resource to the mentioned
Figure 3: Quality of platforms – accessibility.
By analyzing the Figure 3 it is possible to check
that the platform with the largest number of
accessibility issues is Banco Santander Totta (BST)
platform. To assess the navigability of platforms,
some operations were carried out in order to gain
sensitivity towards the various aspects while
browsing in them. Regarding the platform’s quality,
other parameters such as performance, navigability
and content were evaluated, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Quality of platforms – performance, navigability
and content.
To evaluate the response time, Total Validator
was executed five times. As shown in the chart, the
platform that presents a greater response time is the
BPI’s, being the BEST, BES and Banco Santander
Totta’s platforms those with a shorter response time,
followed by the BCP and CGD platforms.
In terms of navigability, it was attributed a quote
(from 1 to 20) for each platform to the problems or
constraints encountered along the navigation on the
platforms. Regarding the content, each platform has
its own layout, existing several similarities between
them in terms of designation of operations and
disposition of contents. After evaluating the quality
of the sample, their functionalities were evaluated.
Figure 5 reflects the results of these evaluations.
Most of the evaluated platforms dispose the
necessary functionalities for EB practices, respecting
the defined evaluation parameters of the present