Table 10: Results (Count / Training Session (4000)).
Count 5th Page 7th Page 9th Page
Rank1 368 (44.0%) 308 (45.6%) 265 (46.6%)
Rank2 457 (54.7%) 377 (55.8%) 329 (57.8%)
Rank3 513 (61.4%) 424 (62.7%) 371 (65.2%)
Rank4 562 (67.2%) 457 (67.6%) 401 (70.8%)
Rank5 601 (71.9%) 497 (73.5%) 420 (73.8%)
... ... ... ...
ALL 836 (100%) 676 (100%) 569 (100%)
Table 11: Results (ANOP / Training Session (5000)).
ANOP. 5th Page 7th Page 9th Page
Rank1 115 (41.3%) 139 (45.9%) 121 (47.1%)
Rank2 194 (51.7%) 168 (55.5%) 147 (57.2%)
Rank3 225 (60.0%) 190 (62.7%) 163 (63.4%)
Rank4 236 (62.9%) 201 (66.3%) 173 (67.3%)
Rank5 251 (66.9%) 213 (70.3%) 180 (70.4%)
... ... ... ...
ALL 375 (100%) 303 (100%) 257 (100%)
Table 12: Results (Count / Training Session (5000)).
Count 5th Page 7th Page 9th Page
Rank1 183 (48.8%) 156 (51.5%) 130 (50.6%)
Rank2 242 (64.5%) 196 (64.7%) 162 (63.0%)
Rank3 272 (72.5%) 223 (73.6%) 180 (70.0%)
Rank4 298 (79.5%) 236 (77.8%) 194 (74.5%)
Rank5 313 (83.5%) 253 (83.5%) 206 (80.2%)
... ... ... ...
ALL 375 (100%) 303 (100%) 257 (100%)
Both algorithms provide relatively good results. A
larger set of training data leads, as expected, to a bet-
ter result in the verification process. But it seems that
we can better predict the next pages by following the
majority of the previous visitors.
What are the conclusions from these results? On
the one hand it seems that the algorithm is not suit-
able to predict a visitor’s next. On the other hand, in
a productive system the algorithm would be used to
suggest a number of pages that will fit in the best way
to a profile. This can be every page on a web-site and
is not limited to the next reachable pages. It could
also be that the property of the algorithm to ’forget’
information after some time is turning in this case into
a disadvantage. As mentioned above, the results de-
pend on many parameters. To examine this behaviour
in a deeper way will be part of our future work.
We have shown how the combination of the NOP and
ant-algorithm approach can help to derive individual
profiles once the topics-weights assignment and the
possibility to recognise users are taken into account.
Therefore it can be used to support the individual user.
Our current experiments are based on log files and our
subjective assignment of topics and their weights to
every page.
The most important future work will be to im-
prove the algorithm to produce normalised values for
a better comparison of the different models. It is also
important to implement feedback functionality and a
recommendation system that supports the visitor in an
active way. We would also like to automate the pro-
cess of topic assignment to make it less subjective.
This work was funded by the Fonds National de la
Recherche Luxembourg (FNR). We thank Prof. C.
Schommer (Universit
e du Luxembourg), Prof. R. Zi-
cari (Goethe-University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
and Nortel GmbH.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies