Claudio Biancalana, Fabio Gasparetti and Alessandro Micarelli
Department of Computer Science and Automation, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University Roma Tre
Via della Vasca Navale 79, 00146 Rome, Italy
Knowledge management, Retrieval, Elicitation, Information, User modeling.
Each business company collects, produces and exploits for its activities and goals large amounts of infor-
mation. Most of the times this knowledge makes the intellectual capital for creating value and innovation.
Knowledge management (KM) systems aim at manipulating knowledge by storing and redistributing corpo-
rate information that are acquired from the organizations members. In this context, Virtual Enterprises (VE)
plays a crucial role as not permanent alliances of enterprises joined together to share resources and skills in
order to better respond to business opportunities. The representation and retrieval of distributed knowledge
is an important feature that information systems must provide in order to obtain advantages from this kind of
enterprises. PVE (Personalized Virtual Enterprise) is an ongoing research project for developing a system able
to extract and let different business companies access to collective knowledge required to achieve particular
shared goals. In this paper, we report the most important features of this system, especially in the context of
distributed knowledge representation and retrieval.
Knowledge management (KM) (Alavi and Leidner,
2001) has been recognized as a fundamental asset
in the global market place. Companies know-how
and the accumulated knowledge must be collected
and made easily accessible to enhance the efficiency
and effectiveness of knowledge-intensive work pro-
cesses and competitive advantages. Improve the capi-
talization on existing knowledge assets facilitates the
creation of new knowledge, profit returns and inno-
vation. In spite of the apparent simplicity of the
term, there are not clear definitions and classifications
of knowledge management. Some experts described
the purpose of KM essentially as a document man-
agement system. Other experts prefer to focus on
the process of handling unstructured knowledge, or
more in general, technical and organizational initia-
tives to manage structured and unstructured knowl-
edge in order to store and reuse the internal com-
panys knowledge. In this context, Knowledge Man-
agement Systems (KMS) are defined as Information
Technology-based systems to support and enhance
the organizational processes of knowledge creation,
storage/retrieval, transfer, and application (Alavi and
Leidner, 2001). The process to capture and store
knowledge in ad-hoc repositories to be able to quickly
retrieve information according to the user needs and
goals plays a predominant role in KMS. Knowledge
engineers might help to extract knowledge by elicita-
tion activities. Direct elicitation methods such as sto-
rytelling, interviewing and question answering pro-
vide required information directly from domain ex-
perts interviewed by knowledge engineers that know
what knowledge will be elicited. In indirect elici-
tation methods, information is not directly obtained
from domain experts but there is a further step where
knowledge engineers are involved in the analysis of
the results of elicitation sessions. This second ap-
proach is particularly useful when the knowledge en-
gineers have not fully explored the current domain
or some knowledge has been ignored during the di-
rect elicitation sessions. In these circumstances, in-
direct methods help obtaining information that can-
not be easily expressed directly. While elicitation
methods are useful for capturing knowledge from
users or groups working on particular tasks, the large
amount of information stored in paper documents or
databases are paramount sources of rich knowledge
to exploit during companys activities. Examples of
information maintained at the work group level or be-
yond includes: reports, procedures, pictures, video
tapes, technical standards and databases. Many peo-
ple believe that semi-structured or structured infor-
mation play an important role in a companys knowl-
edge management (Gulli and Signorini, 2005). Struc-
tured information is intended to unambiguous and ex-
plicitly represents concepts in formats that describes
each necessary attribute and property, e.g., relational
database table, while unstructured information usu-
Biancalana C., Gasparetti F. and Micarelli A.
DOI: 10.5220/0001842905810584
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ally requires a human interpretation in order to ex-
tract its intended meaning, e.g., natural language doc-
uments, audio, still images, and video. Structured
information allows users to find, share and integrate
information with more precision, also with the sup-
port of software agents (Jennings and Wooldridge,
1996). Nevertheless, unstructured information cov-
ers around 80 percent of all corporate information
(Moore, 2002), and even several public available dig-
ital libraries that can be employed for business activ-
ities such as the Web, are mostly composed of un-
structured information. If we consider Virtual Enter-
prises (VE), where strategic alliances amongst non-
competing companies are settled for the accomplish-
ment of specific goals, there importance of sharing
and recovery of useful structured/unstructured infor-
mation among partners becomes even more crucial A
company may be not completely aware of the knowl-
edge stored by the partners of the VE. Bringing col-
lectively available complementary competencies and
resources is one of the major achievements of a VE.
In this paper we describe PVE (Personalized Virtuale
Enterprise), an under development KMS able to re-
trieve and share knowledge shared by different com-
panies grouped in a VE. One on the most important
features of the proposed system is the ability to man-
age different kinds of information representations and
degree of formality, i.e., structured, semi-structured
or unstructured, providing an uniform access to sev-
eral different information sources. Instead of long
and costly elicitation processes to manually extract
and annotate knowledge, PVE uses machine learn-
ing and information extraction techniques in order to
draw knowledge from the information stored in the
companies internal digital libraries and map it into
the enterprise ontology. User modeling is employed
to adapt the interaction with the information system
in order to personalize the results of humans informa-
tion seeking activities.
In recent years, knowledge management has become
a focus of attention for many organizations. Knowl-
edge is considered to be the key source for sustain-
able competitive advantage (Nonaka and Takeuchi,
1995), (Davenport and Prusak, 1997). Therefore,
Knowledge management is aimed at locating, cap-
turing, transferring, sharing and creating knowledge
within and across organizations. It will be clear that
conceptual modeling, as developed within the field of
KBS construction, provide key techniques for knowl-
edge management (Gaines et. al., 1997), (Schnei-
der, 2000). A characteristic that turns out to be an
advantage over other industries in terms of manag-
ing intellectual capital is that artifacts (documents)
are already captured in electronic form and can eas-
ily be stored and shared. In addition, software en-
gineers often have a friendly attitude towards using
new technology. This means that a software orga-
nization that implements a knowledge management
system could have a good chance to succeed with this
mission. However, this remains a challenging task be-
cause a knowledge management system is more than
just technology. There are only a few published works
about initiatives to manage knowledge in software or-
ganizations, but all of them talk about the difficulty
of achieving employees acceptance and implement-
ing the KM system in a way that maximizes the help
provided to its users (Schneider, 2000), (Schneider,
2001), (Brssler, 1999), (Johansson et. al., 1999).
Before facing the problem of knowledge retrieval, it
is essential to analyze how the system indexes the
available information, that is, which representation
has been chosen to guarantee an efficient and ef-
fective retrieval phase. In particular, the require-
ments are twofold: it is essential that knowledge is
quickly retrieved by users, and this knowledge accu-
rately satisfies the users information needs in terms
of high precision. An indexing system for busi-
ness companies must also be able to deal with dif-
ferent kinds of information representations, from un-
structured documents based on natural language to
ontology-based knowledge and relational databases.
Moreover, it should provide a comprehensive and ho-
mogenous human-computer interface for knowledge
retrieval. In order to provide the aforementioned pre-
requisite, it is necessary to consider different types of
information and the degrees of information richness.
Information based on ontological standards, for in-
stance, expresses relationships between typically non-
structured information, e.g., natural language text,
and meta-data. These meta-data usually state features
or classes related to given peaces of information. A
typical example is the association between a docu-
ment and one particular category in a predefined tax-
onomy. As for information stored in databases, we
have an underlying relational model that clearly states
the semantic meaning of each peace of informative
unit, e.g. price, address, location, etc., and therefore
facilitate the interpretation/recovery process. In or-
der to define a unique representation that deals with
the different types of available information, i.e., natu-
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ral language, ontology-based and databases, we must
define a subset of shared features that is possible to
generalize, and automatic or semi-automatic methods
and techniques for translating information from one
of these representations to the internal one. Ontol-
ogy languages capture high-quality relationships and
meta-data content that enable logic-based agents to
interpret and take decisions autonomously (Jennings
and Wooldridge, 1996). The Semantic Web extends
this vision to the Internet domain, where information
is no longer based on HTML, but on semantic stan-
dards like OWL (Web Ontology Language), or pre-
liminary standards like DAML+OIL. Nevertheless,
research on these representations is not completed,
and the logical engine able to automatically inter-
preting such information within single or multi-agent
systems with traditional computational resources is
yet to be defined. Moreover, much of the current
available information is written by humans in natu-
ral language so additional effort is required to trans-
late this information in the new ontology-based lan-
guages. Translating large amount of non-structured
information into new formalisms is not an activity that
can be accomplished manually. Research to develop
methods and techniques for this goal has not reached
completely satisfying results. As for unstructured
information based on natural language poses many
problems during the indexing, but it is also particu-
larly problematic to retrieve it efficiently. The well-
known vocabulary problem (Furnas et. al., 1987) for
instance, points out further issues in terms of syn-
onymity and polisemy of words that do not allow
users to express univocally their information needs.
3.1 Internal Representation of
As previously stated, the proposed internal repre-
sentation of knowledge defines some common fea-
tures shared among the three kinds of information
briefly described. This sort of intermediate repre-
sentation consists of traditional non-structured infor-
mation with associated meta-information related to
concepts of a taxonomy of the business domain for
the given virtual enterprise (see figure 1). In a few
words, each informative unit is classified in a sub-
set of categories from a simplified ontology. Such
meta-information can be exploited both in the re-
trieval phase, reducing possible ambiguities in the
processed information, and to re-organize the knowl-
edge in more efficient ways for further user search ac-
tivities, e.g., online hierarchical clustering (Gulli and
Signorini, 2005).
One further advantage of such a representation is
Figure 1: Each informative uint, e.g., a document or a seg-
ment of it, is associated with one or more categories in a
given taxonomy.
the chance to exploit traditional and well-known in-
dexing and retrieval techniques developed in the In-
formation Retrieval field, as search engines based on
the Vector space model (Salton and McGill, 1983).
Such systems guarantee quick response time thanks
to data structures appropriately studied for efficiently
memorizing the input documents. Additional infor-
mation can be easily indexed and retrieved together
with the original data in appropriate fields that can be
used during the recovery process. Even though the
proposed representation simplifies the stored meta-
data, i.e., there are no relationships between infor-
mative units such as IS-A or HAS-A relations in
ontology-based languages; the burden is now on pop-
ulating the internal knowledge base given the avail-
able information. In other words we have to define
techniques and methodologies to transform the infor-
mation represented in one of the three-above men-
tioned typologies, into the proposed intermediate rep-
We are currently defining the test-bed for the eval-
uation of PVE. We have assumed a 6-month lasting
period, starting from a set-up phase, where we set-
tle a configuration of the enterprise, i.e., number and
typology of the companies, and install the various dis-
tributed modules. Afterwards, the VE prototypes will
be instantiated and evaluated. Due to the nature of
the prototype, i.e., a distributed environment with dif-
ferent kinds of knowledge representations and typolo-
gies of users, we have decided to evaluate the system
in a real scenario. In this way, we are able to eval-
uate all the available features through precision and
accuracy measures, and the analysis of ad-hoc user
The goal of PVE project is studying and devising
methodologies and techniques for distributed man-
agement of knowledge in the context of a Virtual en-
terprise, favoring synergies and the interaction among
different companies. In particular, we have intro-
duced a knowledge indexing and retrieval engine used
for manage the information stored in a company. This
engine is used by the users to retrieve documents re-
lated to the current needs. The retrieval is enhanced
with semantic metadata extracted by means of in-
formation extraction techniques. Moreover, the sys-
tem employs a user modeling component to adapt the
human-computer interaction during information seek-
ing activities.
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