Mihail Bratoev and Boyan Bontchev
Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Sofia University5, James Bourchier blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: Device ontology, Service description, OWL-S, Service discovery.
Abstract: A great problem with existing service discovery middleware solutions (e.g. UPnP, Bluetooth, and Jini etc)
is that services available in one platform cannot be easily accessed from services based on another platform
which is known as “hidden service problem. One of the reasons for this incompatibility is a different
method used for service description in each of these platforms. This paper highlights the importance of
unified, platform-neutral, semantic-oriented device and service descriptions to achieve seamless integration
between different technologies and systems for advertising, discovering and invoking services. Moreover, it
presents an ontology-driven approach for describing devices and their services which will enable service-
seeking peers to reason about available services and devices, and make intelligent and informed decisions
regarding which services to use, and how. We argue that having separate descriptions (ontologies) for
device and services that this device offers aims to be more flexible, modular and therefore better design. The
proposed device ontology is to be used for description of characteristics of the device that offers a specific
service. For development of semantic models of services our analysis shows that making several
enhancements of OWL-S (using OWL subclassing) will enable its use as common language for service
description. Finally we outline some of the future work that gives a real perspective of the proposal.
The widespread deployment of inexpensive
communications technology and network-enabled
end devices poses an interesting problem for end
users: how to locate a particular network service or
device out of hundreds of thousands of accessible
services and devices. Service offers have to be
explicitly described and published, whereas service
requests need to be paraphrased and compared with
the offer descriptions. For this reason, what is
needed is a dedicated service description language.
Service oriented approach to design and
implement modular, loosely-coupled distributed
software architectures is supported by special
middleware technologies for service advertisement,
discovery and control. The main problem with the
existing service discovery technologies is that as a
whole, these technologies remain incompatible each
other. That leads to the so called isolated “islands”
of interoperability (Nakazawa J., 2006), where it is
possible one service to be available in general but
not to be discoverable by the mechanism used by its
potential clients. Since different discovery systems
use different formats for service description, we
believe that providing a mean for automated
translation between different service description
formats (languages) used by these technologies is an
important step towards seamless integration and
mutual understanding across platforms. Such a mean
should possess good abilities for semantic
expressivity required for an adequate representation
of requirements and capabilities of system services.
Interoperability at semantic level will significantly
improve service reuse and discovery and, as well,
strongly assist composition of new services and
enable business process integration. Generally
speaking, there are two possible ways for translation
of service descriptions – direct and mediated
(Nakazawa J., 2005). Mediated translation uses a
common intermediate language for protocol
independent description of services and is
considered more practical approach where a lot of
target language is available. The main disadvantage
hete – a possible loss of semantics during translation
Bratoev M. and Bontchev B.
DOI: 10.5220/0001843001050110
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
– could be overcome by using comprehensive,
semantically-rich description language.
Until the moment, there are published several
proposals for languages and systems supporting
universal service descriptions (Bandara A., 2004),
(OWL-S, 2007), (Sun, 2007). Universal frameworks
such as uMiddle (Nakazawa J., 2006) try to enable
seamless device interaction over diverse middleware
platforms. However, they fail in achieving flexible
and adequate interoperability between environments
based on different service technologies. Creation of
languages as USQL (Unified Service Query
Language) is quite prominent as this is a way to
enable service requestors to interact with
heterogeneous service registries, for the discovery of
available services (Pantazoglou, 2006).
Service descriptions can be done in various levels of
detail. They range from simple keyword-based to
highly complex ontology-based approaches and
many different languages have been proposed in the
last years. We can distinguish four clusters of
description languages: keyword-based, template-
based, object-based and ontology-based descriptions
(Klein M., 2003). As presented in figure 1, the lower
is the semantic expressiveness the higher is the
ability of such a language for automated
comparison. While keyword-based descriptions are
far from semantic context representation, template-
based approaches - such as WSDL, SLP (Bratoev
M., 2006) and UPnP (Microsoft, 2007), and object-
based representations - like these used in CORBA
and Jini (Sun, 2007), try to structure service
descriptions into templates and objects. However,
they provide means for describing non-functional
service aspects while functional semantics have to
be still derived from textual descriptions, names and
parameters. Finally, ontology-based approaches -
such as RDFS, DAML-S (Defense, 2006) and OWL-
S (OWL-S, 2007), succeed in providing higher
expressiveness by trying to define an upper
extendible ontology for all types of services where
there are proposed general service descriptions for
both non-functional and functional service attributes
such as input/output parameters and result effect.
The definition of a powerful, protocol
independent, language for service description is
vitally important for implementation of mediated
translation. In principle, this language should be
highly expressive and able to represent every
concept in a set of real service description
languages. It must allow automatic comparison of
service descriptions without any need for additional
human analysis. It also has to be flexible and
adaptable to changes in order to reflect the
evaluation of real description formats.
Figure 1: Classification of service description languages.
A good service description language has the
following important characteristics:
Semantically expressive - service descriptions
must be expressive and flexible, scaling to
future device types and providing support for
reasoning about services.
Automatically comparable – the ability for
automatic comparison of service descriptions
is essential and implies well structured
Flexible and extensible – as the information
that should be included in the service
description changes the language must be
able to accommodate the new reality
Editable – descriptions should be easily created
and modified by humans, possibly by using
special-purpose editors.
Our vision for such a language is that it should be
ontology-based. The particular format for service
description should be able to represent various
properties of the service such as its interface and
attributes as well as its dynamic behavior. When
examining requirements about semantic
expressiveness, we naturally come to the conclusion
that only ontology-based description languages can
provide enough expressiveness for an automatic
service trading. Describing services using ontology
is superior to using other forms of data structures
such as service templates etc. used in current
standards, because that method provides a structure
that makes it possible to reason about and derive
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
knowledge from the given descriptions. These
semantically rich descriptions enable automated
machine reasoning over service and domain
descriptions, thus supporting automation of service
discovery, composition, and execution, and reducing
manual configuration and programming efforts.
Some services specifically support, or are offered
by devices (i.e. hardware components), whereby the
characteristics/capabilities of the device may play an
integral role in the description and behavior of the
services it offers. When a service involves a
hardware device (for example printing service,
scanning service) some level of detail about the
device in which it is hosted will be required for
service selection purposes.
Capabilities of the device may play an integral
role to both the description and behavior of the
services it offers. Such information relating to the
device could be included along with the service
description itself (in the service ontology), but
having separate ontologies to describe devices and
services promotes ease of use, readability and
reusability and is therefore a better design (Bandara
A., 2004). By describing devices capabilities, the
device ontology may become useful in cases of
service composition where is needed to get
knowledge about the capabilities of available
devices (such as resource capability, device
proximity to individual services, etc.) in order to
determine a broker platform.
There is a great variety in the way ontologies are
created, and an ongoing discussion in the ontology
community about the best practices for ontology
development. One of the greatest challenges in
constructing an ontology is the lack of formal
standards or consensual methodology. Nevertheless,
there are some processes that should be addressed.
In practical terms, developing an ontology includes
(Noy N., 2001):
Defining classes in the ontology
Arranging the classes (concepts) in a taxonomic
(subclass/superclass) hierarchy
Defining slots (attributes of the classes) and
describing allowed values for these slots
Filling in the values for slots for instances
Table 1: Device concepts.
To create the device ontology we have tried to
enumerate all the important terms for the device –
hardware, software, service, embedded device,
serial number etc. From this list we select the terms
that describe objects having independent existence
rather than terms that describe these objects. These
terms will be classes in the ontology and will
become anchors in the class hierarchy. On the other
hand, we identified all device-related properties
(table 1) that are incorporated in service description
of the three real target languages. For illustrative
purposes and without violating the general
applicability of our approach we will take three
discovery technologies (Jini, UPnP and SLP) and
carefully examine the service and device description
concepts used by each of them. These technologies
are mutually orthogonal in respect to their service
description approach (respectively, object oriented,
template-based and keyword-based) to minimize
distortion of analysis results. For each property in
the list, we must determine which class it describes.
If we cannot find semantically relevant class to add
this property (slot) to we create a new class. To
incorporate the information from table 1 in the
device ontology we created one class named
Description. This class aggregates all the
information that can be used for device discovery
and advertisement. This class has a number of
subclasses that group a set of semantically related
properties (for example, class Vendor has properties
Vendor Name and Url).
The produced device ontology is shown on figure 2.
The Service class provides the information about the
service(s) hosted on the device concerned. The
OWL-S could be potentially used to describe these
individual services.
Figure 2: The proposed device ontology.
When starting to develop ontology, it is highly
recommended to consider existing ontologies in the
same or similar domain (Noy N., 2001). Most
prominent examples of ontology-based service
languages are OWL-S (OWL-S, 2007), i.e. OWL-
based (Ontology Web Language) web service
ontology (formerly DAML-S (Defense, 2006)), and
SAWSDL (W3C, 2007):
OWL-S markup of Web services facilitates the
automation of Web service tasks, including
automated Web service discovery, execution,
composition and interoperation (OWL-S, 2007);
SAWSDL enables semantic annotations for Web
services not only for discovering Web services
but also for invoking them (W3C, 2007).
The most prominent ontology-oriented language
intended especially for construction of web service
descriptions is OWL-S. It is on ontology of service
concepts and provides a core set of markup language
constructs for describing the properties and
capabilities of a Web service in unambiguous,
computer interpretable form. Therefore, it provides
an upper ontology for all Web services, is extremely
generic and organizes a service description into four
conceptual areas (fig. 3):
Service - what is the service itself?
Process model - what does the service provide
for prospective clients?
Profile - how is the service used?
Grounding - how does one interact with it, by
which transport protocols?
Figure 3: Top level representation of the service ontology.
An OWL-S Profile describes a service as a function
of three basic types of information: provider
description consisting of contact information about
the service provider, functional description in terms
of the transformation produced by the service
(required inputs, generated outputs, preconditions
and expected effects) and, finally, features of the
service - category, quality rating of the service, and
an unbounded list of service parameters of any type.
The service profile is used to characterize a service
for purposes such as advertisement, discovery, and
selection. Service profiles may be published in
various kinds of registries, discovered using various
tools, and selected using various kinds of
matchmaking techniques. OWL-S 1.2 defines a
Process (i.e., a perspective on how to interact with a
service) as a subclass of ServiceModel, where
outputs and effects can depend on conditions that
hold true of the world state at the time the process is
performed. An OWL-S process may be atomic or
composite, while the control constructs may be
Sequence, Split, Choice, Condition, If-Then-Else,
Iterate, etc. (OWL-S Coalition., 2007). While both
the ServiceProfile and the ServiceModel are thought
of as abstract representations, the ServiceGrounding
deals with the concrete level of specification.
There are two main tasks in the development of
OWL-S services: (1) to define the service’s domain
ontologies (in terms of OWL classes, properties, and
instances), and (2) to create an OWL-S service
description relating to the domain ontologies and
consisting of instances of OWL-S classes such as
Service, Process, Input, and Output. Unfortunately,
OWL-S is not directly applicable for services
accessible by all existing service discovery systems.
The lack of concept for service state and events
(which are available in UPnP for example) as well as
for some service properties such as type, identifier
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Service concepts.
and version in OWL-S ontology impose the need of
extending it in order to handle these specific
modeling situations. Table 2 below summarizes the
availability of a specific service description concept
in each of these discovery systems. It is clear that
OWL-S is not directly applicable for services
accessible by all existing service discovery systems.
The lack of concept for service state and events
(which are available in UPnP for example) as well as
for some service properties such as type, identifier
and version in OWL-S ontology impose the need of
extending it in order to handle these specific
modeling situations. Every service concept available
in one or more of the analyzed real description
languages but missing in OWL-S framework should
be associated and included to extended service
profile or extended service model producing the
following revised OWL-S service description
ontology. Since OWL-S provides a good starting
point for our work, by providing a set of concepts
for modeling basic aspects of services there are
some service concepts in the examined technologies
that are not covered by OWL-S in its pure (original)
form. That’s the reason it cannot play the role of
unified common description language that is able to
describe any service without loss of information.
Therefore, it is important to incorporate into OWL-S
information about missing concepts. That is the
reason making us to propose several enhancements
to OWL-S semantics.
The proposed extensions of the Profile and
Model schemes are not meant to provide canonical
and universal ontology for use on all service
discovery systems, but are meant merely to illustrate
technical features of this approach. Ultimately, these
enriched elements are intended to describe more
precisely the service and its functionalities. It is up
to service providers who create the service profiles
and models to decide whether to take advantage of
them and how. The unified ontology (figure 4)
together with a set of particular instances of its
classes represents a service description.
In this article we proposed an ontology-oriented
perspective for device and service description in a
formal, platform-independent manner. Such a
description is essential for suppressing the
integration crisis between different service discovery
systems. The presented device ontology and OWL-S
enhancements (the new Service Profile and Service
Model subclasses) contain the all information for a
service that can be found in Jini, UPnP or SLP and is
Figure 4: The unified ontology for device and service description.
important for achieving a common semantic model
of a service (device). supported by the sister project
(ec fp7-sp4 capacities agr. no. 205030), we are
creating a prototype application (employing owl-s
api) that translates a service description from jini to
upnp format using our framework. the specified
extensions and the device ontology are constructed
using protégé and its open source ontology owl
editor and demonstrate the feasibility and
effectiveness of the proposed ontology. furthermore,
we plan to investigate mechanisms that enable users
to specify discovery preferences in an unobtrusive
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