3.2 Security Consideration
Nonetheless, there is no important privacythoughtful-
ness for us to think about it. That is, it is not so privacy
for users to keep confidential from the other Internet
users, in spite of; we benefit the SQLite database to
affirm the keywords in the client side. We believe
such a utilization of SQLite might be as well satis-
factory for the majority of the Internet users.
3.3 Performance Consideration
The more hardware facilities are publicized, the
higher performance for web browsing through pro-
cess will be procured. This is a straightforward rea-
soning procedure that the web browsing operation
will not be an inconvenience in the hereafter web
browser with client-side high-speed hardware plat-
form. Considering that our branch of philosophy
only processes the text-based processing, it will use
slighter resources than the other multimedia system.
For that reason, our methodology approximately has
no coincidence to become the dealing with perfor-
mance bottleneck during the web browsing stage.
On the other hand, someone might comment that
the GWT will generate bloated codes with poor per-
formance and implicit information. However, we uti-
lize the GWT as our platform basis to fast develop
out. All of the toolkits, even programming languages,
have their own disadvantages, somehow, it is compul-
sory for us to make use of the GWT to construct our
system and avoid potential known bugs.
3.4 Dictionary Binding
It is further confident for the Internet users to bind our
scientific method with some open-sourced dictionary
gadgets. However, we did not originate such a chore
and envisage that we will embrace such a functional-
ity inside our methodology. Furthermore, some of the
popular dictionary-oriented functions will be supple-
mented with no harm.
The further intricate web resources exist, the addition-
ally professional web browsing technologies should
be initiated. This paper illustrates a concept for how
to extract a web page semantic contentedness and
automatically follow the cursor position to organize
the likely-words from a sentence for data cleverness.
Such a web browsing concept could be carried out
with a few cross-browser techniques. We conceive
this conception will be popular with any other di-
versified form in the future browsers. However, this
thought will be another important step for human-
computer interaction, particularly, for minimizing the
time expense and keeping the likely keywords for the
time of web surfing.
The author would like to acknowledge all of the at-
tending students, Chi-Heng Chung, Jun-Shen Chen,
Wen-Chen Jian, et al., for their collaborative sugges-
tions in the Software Engineering Department, Na-
tional Kaohsiung Normal University from September
2008 to January 2009.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies