button from left-to-right controls the saving of
boundary maps. This button changes according to
boundary status. If the user is creating a new
boundary or is importing a new boundary to the
database, this button takes the action of saving the
boundary and displays the keyword “Save
Boundary”. If the user is editing an existing
boundary, the button takes the action of saving the
changes made to the boundary and displays the
keyword “Save Changes”.
The second button clears all the changes made to
the active boundary on the image display area. The
third button is use to delete the active boundary,
only if it is actually stored on the database. The
fourth button, the Import button, brings a boundary
map into the image display window. If it is not
already in the database the user has the option to
save it. The fifth button (Export) has the function to
convert the active boundary into a KML file and
provides the user the option to save it locally.
Following the Export button are two fields (Deg. Lat
and Deg. Long) that display the coordinates of the
position of the cursor in decimal degrees.
At the bottom of the user interface there is a
window that displays data about each point of the
active boundary. Each point is identified with a
number. These are organized in ascending order,
following the connection sequence. The relative X-Y
pixel position on the boundary display window as
well as the georeferenced position in decimal
degrees (Latitude-Longitude) is displayed for each
point. By clicking on a point entry the point is
selected. The user can edit the coordinates of the
selected point, delete the point or add a new point.
This feature allows for the development of very
precise georeferenced boundary maps.
The main tool used in the development of the
boundary maps tool was AJAX. This technology
made possible to merge the dynamic content
obtained from dynamic HTML and CSS, with the
coding support of PHP 5 and manage the user
interface’s dynamic information display with the use
of JavaScript. SAJAX (Simple AJAX Toolkit) was
used as the AJAX tool to handle the
communications between the JavaScript and PHP 5.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) was used to
handle the variable data to/from JavaScript that is
sent over to PHP 5 to be displayed in the user
interface. These technologies allowed the creation of
dynamic content on a web browser in a similar way
as it can be accomplished in a desktop application
(Paulson, 2005).
The boundary maps tool application was
developed for Mozilla Firefox version 3 because of
its stability, standard compliance, and performance
of JavaScript at the time of the development.
Programming for only one browser makes the
process of developing a web application a lot faster.
However, the application performs correctly with
Safari’s, Apple’s Internet browser.
Boundary maps are stored on a local database
and made accessible through a local website to avoid
the use of proprietary APIs that could limit future
development of the tool. The tool’s database server
was implemented with Apache, MySQL and PHP 5.
The latter was used to manage queries, image files,
and store information inside the database. Since the
information generated from the user’s work needed
to be stored in an open format available to anyone,
KML was used as the storage format. The
availability of these database server development
tools on the Internet facilitated the implementation
of the application in a very inexpensive way.
4.1 Methodology
A usability study (Nielsen, 1993) was performed to
determine the ease or difficulty of use of the
boundaries tool application by potential real users as
well as their satisfaction with the application. The
study was performed using a local web server to
prevent any network related variability in the results
of the study. The computer used to run the test was a
PC with an Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.16 GHz processor,
2 GB RAM and 7200 RPM HardDisk. The software
used to run the application was Apache 2.2, PHP
5.2.6, MySQL Server 5.0. The browser used for the
test was FireFox version 3.0.1.
The users selected for the usability test were ten
civil engineering and surveying students with
experience in the creation of polygons and/or
boundaries with GIS tools. Prior to the test they
were given a short tutorial on how to use the
application. After the tutorial the users were asked to
perform 20 tasks using the boundary tool. The tasks
involved handling, creating, editing, saving,
importing, exporting, and deleting boundary maps.