Naoki Isogai, Ryo Nishimura, Yasuhiko Watanabe and Yoshihiro Okada
Department of Media Informatics, Ryukoku University, Otsu, Shiga, Japan
Learning support system, Question making support, Q&A site, Information extraction, Support vector ma-
Asking a question is an essential method of learning. Especially, when problems in learner’s question are
pointed out, the learner has a chance to recognize what he/she did not understand. As a result, we intend to
develop a learning support system which points problems in learner’s questions and give the learner a chance
to recognize what he/she did not understand. In this study, we propose a method of extarcting information
from questions and their answers posted to Q&A sites for supporting a learner.
Asking a question is an essential method of learn-
ing. Especially, when problems in learner’s question
are pointed out, the learner has a chance to recognize
what he/she did not understand. For example,
(Qst 1) kinou yometa webpage ni access dekimasen.
dou shitara ii deshouka? (I cannot access a web-
page which I could read yesterday. What should I
(Ans 1) URL wo misetekudasai. (Show URL.)
In this case, the questioner could not obtain an solu-
tion, however, he/she had a chance to understand the
relation between webpage and URL. In this way, it
is important for a learner to ask a question and re-
ceive indications of problems in the quesiton. As a
result, we intend to develop a learning support system
which points problems in learner’s questions and give
the learner a chance to recognize what he/she did not
understand. In order to develop this learning support
system, it is necessary to investigate
a method of analyzing learner’s question and
pointing out problems what the learner did not un-
derstand, and
a method of extarcting information from ques-
tions and their answers posted to Q&A sites
supporting a learner.
Q&A sites is websites where users answer to each
other’s questions.
In this study, we are concerned with information ex-
traction from questions and answers posted to Q&A
The point is that our approach differs from ques-
tion answer (Dumais 02), (Kiyota 02), query expan-
sion, (Matsuike 05), (Xu 96) and writing support sys-
tems (Hayashi 91), (Yamazaki 99).
By using the following examples, we discuss in-
formation for supporting learner to recognize what
he/she did not understand and make better questions.
(Qst 2) PC wo kidou deki masen. dou shitara ii
deshouka? (I cannot start my PC. What should
I do?)
(Ans 2–1) OS ha nan desu ka? chanto shitsumon shi-
nai to, kotae raremasen. (Which OS? I cannot
make an answer unless you ask a question prop-
(Ans 2–2) kidou disk wo tsukaeba, saikidou deki-
masu. (You can start your PC by using boot disk.)
In (Ans 2–1), the answerer pointed out that the ques-
tioner did not describe important information (OS
type). The questioner had a chance to recognize that
information about OS type should be add to his/her
question. By the way, the questioner probably knew
such OS matters. If the questioner had got a clue as
to which information should be described in his/her
question, he/she would have made such a question:
(Qst 2–a) windows XP no PC wo kidou dekimasen.
dou shitara ii deshouka? (I cannot start my win-
Isogai N., Nishimura R., Watanabe Y. and Okada Y. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 371-374
DOI: 10.5220/0001845203710374
dows XP PC. What should I do?)
By the way, information which a questioner did not
know might be also important to give a learning
chance to the questioner when it is easy to confirm.
For example, even a questioner who did not know the
utilization of a booting disk can find that there is a
way of dealing with his/her problem by using it when
he read (Ans 2–2). However, if he/she had no booting
disk, the solution described in (Ans 2–2) was useless.
It is not difficult to confirm whether he/she have a
booting disk, and if he/she had no booting disk, he/she
would have made such a question:
(Qst 2–b) PC wo kidou deki masen. dou shitara ii
deshouka? kidou disk ha motte imasen. (I cannot
start my windows Vista PC. What should I do? I
have no booting disk.)
As shown, information easy to confirm is also impor-
tant to recognize what he/she did not understand. In-
formation easy to confirm could be instruments, envi-
ronments, conditions, or solutions themselves.
In this study, we propose a method of extracting
informationfor supportinga learner to recognize what
he/she did not understand, in other wards,
clues as to which information should be described
in his/her question, and
information which a questioner does not know but
is easy to confirm
from questions and answers posted on Q&A sites
by using support vector machine (SVM) (Kudoh
00). The point is that information extracted by our
method differs from information extracted for devel-
oping knowledge of Q&A systems, (Watanabe 08),
(Lin 02). In this study, we used questions and answers
posted on Yahoo! chiebukurowhich was published by
Yahoo! Japan via National Institute of Informatics.
In this study, we propose a method of extracting in-
formation for supporting a learner to recognize what
he/she did not understand from questions and their an-
swers posted on the Q&A site. Specifically, we use
support vector machine (SVM) and extract the follow-
ing kinds of sentences:
important sentences from questions, and
sentences which include information for support-
ing a learner to recognize what he/she did not un-
derstand from answers.
We used the data of Yahoo! chiebukuro for develop-
ing experimental data and investigating features for
SVM. The data of Yahoo! chiebukuro was published
by Yahoo! Japan via National Institute of Informat-
ics in 2007
. This data consists of about 3.11 mil-
lion questions and 13.47 million answers which were
posted on Yahoo! chiebukuro from April/2004 to
October/2005. The answers were classified into two
types: best answer and normal answer. In this study,
from about 470 thousand answers which were posted
on “PC and peripheral equipments” category, we ex-
tracted 2251 answers (1058 best and 1193 normal
answers) which consists of less than four sentences.
This is because, we think, it is easier to extract in-
formation for supporting a learner to recognize what
he/she did not understand from these short answers
than longer answers.
Table 1 shows the results of this investigation. We
show below some examples of questions and their an-
swers which consist of less than four sentences.
(Qst 3) gazou no tokoro ga zenbu (aka,
midori, ao) no kigou ni natte shimaun desu kedo,
virus deshouka ? (Is it virus?: Symbols
(red, green, blue) were displayed instead of an
mata dou shitara naose masuka? (And, what
should I do?)
(Ans 3) net jyou no gazou to iu koto deshouka? (An
image on the network?)
kono te no shitsumon wo suru toki ha saiteigen OS
no jyouhou kurai ha irenaito kotaere masen. (You
must describe at least OS information when you
make such a kind of question, or I cannot make an
(Ans 3), was a normal answer of (Qst 3). In this
case, we determined that the important sentence of
(Qst 3) is the first sentence (Is it virus?: Symbols
(red, green, blue) were displayed instead of
an image). Also, we determined that the first sentence
(An image on the network?) and the second sentence
(You must describe at least OS information when you
make such a kind of question, or I cannot make an an-
swer.) include clues as to which information should
be described in the question. In (Ans 3), the answerer
pointed out that the questioner did not describe im-
portant information (OS type), and made no solution.
(Qst 4) kinkyu nanode, oshiete kudasai. (It is urgent,
help me.)
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Results of the investigation of questions and their answers posted on Yahoo! chiebukuro (category: PC and peripheral
equipments). A target sentence (type I) means a sentence including clues as to which information should be described in
his/her question. On the other hand, a target sentence (type II) means a sentence including information which a questioner
does not know but is easy to confirm.
# of # of target # of target
# of # of important sentence sentence
text type text sentence sentence (type I) (type II)
question 2219 6216 2893
answer (best) 1058 2116 214 649
answer (normal) 1193 2160 232 332
ima sugu print shinakya ikenai mono ga arimasu.
(A matter should be printed as soon as possible.)
2ji made desu. (by two o’clock.)
demo, color ink 2 shoku ga nakute koukan su-
ruyou message ga demasu. (However, I received
a message: due to out of ink, change the two
colors of ink)
mou sukoshi motsudarouto omotte itanode kaioki
ha shite imasen. (I have no spare ink because I
thought ink was enough.)
insatsu ha shirokuro desu. (I want to print the
matter in monochrome.)
nantoka color ink 2 shoku wo koukan sezuni in-
satsu suru urawaza wo shitteiru kata imasenka?
(Do any of you know how to print it without
exchanging the two colors of ink?)
printer no kishu ha epson no PM-A850 desu. (My
printer is epson PM-A850.)
ink ha kuro to, color ink 5 shoku ni cartridge ga
wakareteimasu. (There are black and ve color
ink cartridges.)
(Ans 4) printer no property ni “monochrome
insatsu” tte naidesuka? (Do you have
“monochrome print” in the property of the
areba, sore wo shiji suru toka. (If you have, turn
it on.)
(Ans 4) was the best answer of (Qst 4). In this case,
we determined that the important sentence of (Qst 4)
is the seventh sentence (Do any of you know how to
print it without exchanging the two colors of ink?).
Also, we determined that the first sentence of (Ans 4)
(Do you have “monochrome print” in the property of
the printer?) includes information which a questioner
does not know but is easy to confirm.
In this study, we made experiments on questions and
their answers posted on Yahoo! chiebukuro to extract
by using support vector machine (SVM).
important sentences from questions, and
sentences including information for supporting a
learner to recognize what he/she did not under-
stand from answers.
Figure 1 shows feature S1 S16 used in machine
learning (SVM) on Yahoo! chiebukuro. S1 S4
were extracted from the target sentence of the ex-
tracting process based on SVM. On the other hand,
S6 S8 were extracted from sentences other than
the target sentence. S1 S8 were used in extracting
sentences from questions and answers. On the other
hand, S9 S16 were only used in extracting sentences
from answers. S9 S11 were extracted from ques-
tions, S12 S14 were extracted from the important
sentences in questions, and S15 and S16 were ex-
tracted from questions and their answers. These fea-
tures were based on the results of the investigation in
section 2. In the experiments, we used JUMAN for
the morphological analysis (JUMAN 05).
In this section, we show the results of the following
experiments by using SVM and effective features in
extracting information for supporting a learner to rec-
ognize what he/she did not understand.
Table 2: Results and effective features in Exp. 1, 2 and 3.
Exp. effective features accuracy F-measure
Exp. 1 S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 86.04% 0.8443
Exp. 2 S1, S4, S5, S9, S12, S15, S16 91.65% 0.4773
Exp. 3 S1, S4, S5, S9, S12, S16 86.04% 0.6503
S1 word unigrams of the target sentence
S2 word bigrams of the target sentence
S3 word trigrams of the target sentence
S4 number of sentence of the question/answer and
sentence number of the target sentence
S5 number of words of the question/answer
S6 word unigrams of the non-target sentences and
relative position to the target sentence (be-
S7 word bigrams of the non-target sentences and rel-
ative position to the target sentence (before/after)
S8 word trigrams of the non-target sentences and rel-
ative position to the target sentence (before/after)
S9 word unigrams of the question
S10 word bigrams of the question
S11 word trigrams of the question
S12 word unigrams of the important sentence in the
S13 word bigrams of the important sentence in the
S14 word trigrams of the important sentence in the
S15 nouns which are found both in the question and
its answer
S16 number of nouns which are found both in the
question and its answer
Figure 1: The features used in machine learning (SVM) on
Yahoo! chiebukuro.
Exp. 1 extract important sentences from questions
posted on a Q&A site
Exp. 2 extract sentences including clues as to which
information should be described in a question
from answers posted on a Q&A site
Exp. 3 extract sentence including information which
a questioner does not know but is easy to confirm
from answers posted on a Q&A site
We conducted Exp. 1, 2, and 3 using TinySVM (Ku-
doh 00) with polynomial kernel (d = 2, c = 1). In this
experiments, we used 2219 questions and their 2251
answer in Table 1 as the experimental data.
All experimental results were obtained with 10-
fold cross-validation. To calculate the accuracyand F-
measure, the experimental data was manually tagged
in the preparation of the experiments.
Table 2 shows the results and effective features in
Exp. 1, 2, and 3.
Finally, we discuss the features which were not
designated as effective features in Exp. 2 and 3. Both
in Exp. 2 and 3, S6, S7, and S8 were not designated
as effective features. These features were based on
word n-grams in the non-target sentences of SVM ex-
traction process. It shows that sentences including in-
formation for supporting a learner to recognize what
he/she did not understand can be extracted, not by us-
ing non-target sentences of SVM extraction process.
Furthermore, it may show that although the user only
read sentences which include information for support-
ing a learner to recognize and never read other sen-
tences, he/she can understand and use it.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education