The cdmf:of part contains the reference to the
1 :G2 :auteur ’Christophe Cruz’.
2 :G2 :date ’08/24/08’.
The updates of the integrated information are
stored in the graph. In this example, it is possible to
go back to a former version of the integrated system.
cdmf:InterGraph carries out the intersection on
the sets of triplets of each graph. It has two
cdmf:arg1 and cdmf:arg2, which
represent the two graphs on which the
intersection must be calculated
cdmf:CompInterGraph makes it possible to
determine which part of the triplet is concerned
by the calculation of the intersection.
cdmf:MapGraph defines a graph of
correspondence. This graph is a transformation
of a graph into another graph using rules of
correspondences. It has two properties
cdmf:map indicating the graph source and the
graph where the rules of transformation are
cdmf:RemoveGraph makes it possible to remove a
part of a graph. It has two properties
cdmf:rem. The second property constitutes
the set of the triplets to be withdrawn from the
graph indicated by the first argument.
We tested several combinations of operators in order
preserve the history of the integrated information
adapt the model of integrated data according to
the new source models which are added during
the lifecycle of the system.
ensure the migration of the data according to the
evolution of the integrated data model.
build interfaces adapted to the profile of the user.
An interface is a sub-graph which connects the data,
the process and a graphic charter according to the
rights and the context of the user.
This paper made an attempt at presenting a state-of-
the-art related to the integration of information in the
field of information systems. The authors tried to
underline the difference between the academic
proposals and the actual industrial realities. The
paper showed that integration is not a final process.
The integration of information in the industrial
world requires a perpetual update of the integrated
system while taking into account the lifecycle of
information and the user context. To meet these
needs, this paper presented an integration method
based on adaptive semantic graphs. These graphs
make it possible to facilitate the process of
integration while proposing mechanisms to update
the integrated information and its context
Our proposal was implemented into a Web
collaborative platform dedicated to facility
management. In this field, the lifecycle of the
building is made up of four steps: design,
construction, exploitation and maintenance. In this
platform, the local users preserve the use of their
local systems. Each local user can obtain an
integrated sight of the building in the form of a 3D
mock-up generated from the operators of CDMF.
Currently, more than 6 million m
of building
surface are being integrated.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies