advanced technologies and educational
methodologies. Specifically, LSU has employed a
range of real time video qualities including the use
of uncompressed high definition for low latency
over long distances in real time. It has combined this
with an active web site for a multitude of material
dissemination techniques including on-demand
video download to provide a viable and effective
educational experience that rivals that of local
classroom teaching. To exercise these technologies
and methods in a real world distance learning
setting, LSU has developed a new first-year graduate
course: “High Performance Computing: Models,
Methods, and Means” which is intended as an
introductory treatment of the multi-subdisciplinary
area of high performance computing for the largest
diversity of student interests. This course was also
opened to advanced undergraduates as the
prerequisites were minimized for maximum
participation. This course was received in real time
by four other campuses for each of two cycles in the
Spring of 2007 and 2008.
The purpose of this paper is to present the
methods employed, the resulting experiences, and
the advances still required to fully achieve the dream
of the promise of distance learning as a mainstream
strategy. The next section of this paper discusses the
details of this promise that provides the long-term
motivation of our work and its importance to the
future of college education in the US. Section 3
provides an overview of CSC-7600, the computer
science course developed in part to develop the
methods used in conjunction with the advanced
distance learning technologies. Section 4 provides a
comprehensive description of the array of
technologies and their synthesis used for this
experiment. Section 5 then describes the strengths
and weaknesses experiences from the perspective of
the educational process. Finally, Section 6 briefly
discusses additional extensions to the techniques
employed that are being pursued to improve the
overall educational experience in response to our
initial results. This work has been funded in part by
the National Science Foundation (NSF) and by the
LSU Center for Computation and Technology (LSU-
The role of distance learning combined with the
advanced technologies and methodologies that
enable it will have a transformative impact on how
higher education is accomplished in the 21
Century. In the US diversity in demographics,
geographical economics, and the effects of world
competition is challenging effective delivery of
quality education, especially in rapidly changing
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
disciplines, including computer science and
engineering. Such fields demand expertise and
experience in a diversity of sub disciplines for
effective education at the college level. These areas
are in constant change and require faculty who are
actively participating in related research to remain
current. Unfortunately, these specialties are under-
represented or entirely absent at many or even a
majority of US universities and smaller colleges. As
a consequence, students at these otherwise fine
institutions are deprived the opportunity to benefit
intellectually in these areas. While many such
students may not ultimately undertake such studies
in any case, they are deprived the fundamental
opportunity of choice. At a time when many young
students are still in a stage of personal development,
being deprived of such choice predetermines that
outcome of their potential evolution and overly
constrains the promise of their professional
A second critical factor is the cost of education.
This cost includes the development of new courses
as well as those advanced courses which must be
constantly updated. In recent years, the cost of a
student-seat-hour has skyrocketed in the US only
partially offset by increased student tuition raises.
Even these increased tuitions can prove a severe
inhibitor to economically challenged students in
their choice of college or even whether or not they
undertake higher education at all. While many
factors contributed to these escalating costs, one
major factor is the significant increase in the salaries
of faculty in fields for which there is a strong
industrial competition. High technology and applied
science fields are among these.
The application of advanced digital multimedia,
communication, and computer technologies may
alleviate and even transform higher education
through distance learning. When combined with
innovative methodologies of teaching, these
emerging technologies may deliver:
• Higher quality education by making courses
available from national experts in specialized
fields, and investing more resources in to the
development of each such course,
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education