An Electronic Implementation of the CDIO Syllabus
Ricardo Camarero, Cl´ement Fortin, Gregory Huet
D´epartement de G´enie m´ecanique, Ecole Polytechnique de Montr´eal, Montr´eal, Canada
Jacques Raynauld, Olivier Gerb´e
Chair for Teaching and Learning in Management Education, HEC, Montr´eal, Canada
XML, Syllabus, CDIO, Open courseware, LMS, Learning objectives.
A syllabus forms the structure of a course (or program) offering and is used to assemble its constituents.
Course websites and LMS’s, also contain similar information, and in some sense, are quite similar to course
outlines or syllabi, and replicate some of the information that can also be found in administrative websites
of universities. From a system perspective, this duplication and dispersion of information can be a source of
confusion and hinder the set-up of an integrated workflow approach to manage all the course information for
visualisation or reporting purposes.
Course outlines or syllabi, whatever the support used for distribution, are essentially ”paper” documents that
are most often created using word processors or limited web forms in course management systems. Currently,
there is no accepted standard format for representing syllabi that could facilitate automatic production or
processing of their contents.
In this paper, we present a model for a specialized tool to create, edit and publish course syllabi that can
be used alongside LMS’s and other administrative environments. The proposed prototype is based on XML
to semantically tag the set of detailed elements of the CDIO Syllabus towards a complete and consistent
implementation of an electronic syllabus. The objective is to cast the programs and course outlines into a
schema, including both contents and learning outcomes, that allows the incorporation of the formulation and
mechanisms for verification that the goals are fulfilled.
Syllabi are a key element of university teaching. In
most cases, syllabi take the form of a paper or elec-
tronic document where the key aspects of the course
are described: instructor information,course material,
assessment and grading, course calendar, etc. In other
cases, syllabi are embedded in a course web site and
can include numerous electronic resources. For stu-
dents, syllabi are the most important source of course
information. For university faculty and administra-
tors, syllabi are at the center of pedagological course
design and program offering.
Although universities usually provide course de-
scriptions in online catalogs, detailed syllabi are usu-
ally not available in a centralized location (MIT
OpenCourseWare is a nice exception): depending
on the university, they can be found in departmen-
tal or faculty personal web pages or inside protected
Learning Management Systems (LMS). When syllabi
are posted in different locations, nothing guarantees
that the content will be the same everywhere. When
course syllabi are embedded in a course web site,
the same information is often available in the HTML
pages as well as in a PDF file, leading to unnecessary
work for the instructor or the administrativestaff. Fur-
thermore, updates are often not synchronized and can
mislead the students.
Within a department or a faculty, the course web
site interfaces can be very different, adding unneces-
sary browsing difficulties for users in search of a very
specific piece of information. The course web sites
are most often designed and maintained using differ-
ent software tools, adding difficulties when staff or
instructors are assigned to different courses or depart-
ments. Finally, in many cases, no procedure insures
Camarero R., Fortin C., Huet G., Raynauld J. and Gerbé O. (2009).
XML-BASED COURSE SYLLABI - An Electronic Implementation of the CDIO Syllabus.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 160-165
DOI: 10.5220/0001848401600165
that all the course web sites are properly archived.
Either in plain web pages or embedded in a CMS,
course syllabi of a faculty or a department are struc-
tured quite differently, which unnecessarily compli-
cates the reading tasks of students. Although uni-
versities provide templates for paper course syllabi,
these guidelines are not applied for the design of web
based syllabi which are quite different and probably
need specific interfaces more appropriate for elec-
tronic browsing. As a result, users are exposed to
quite different web interfaces and some key elements
like assignments due dates are displayed in differ-
ent locations, not necessarily optimal from a usability
Finally, the information contained in a LMS or in
a course website is often duplicated in parallel admin-
istrative systems. For reporting or administrative pur-
poses, many universities seek specific course infor-
mation like the objectives of the course, the evaluation
method (assignments, exams, etc) and broad descrip-
tions of topics covered. This is particularly the case
for professional accreditation purposes, which require
the formulation of learning outcomes and specifica-
tion of mechanisms for verification that these goals
are fulfilled. As these parallel administrative systems,
when they exist, are not generally linked to course
syllabi, special reports seeking precise elements of
teaching and learning are not possible.
In this paper, we present a framework designed to
provide a solution to these important questions, com-
bining Open Syllabus (Gerb´e and Raynauld, 2005)
and the CDIO Syllabus (Crawley E.F., 2007). Open
Syllabus is an electronic environment using a XML
model-based approach, which aims to replace both
simple traditional syllabi and more elaborate web syl-
labi by providing a structured approach using tem-
plates, reserved vocabulary, unified web user inter-
face, centralized location and integration with admin-
istrative systems. The CDIO Syllabus is a compre-
hensivecodification of knowledge, skills and attitudes
which constitutes a requirements document for con-
temporary engineering education.
Building on the work carried out at HEC
Montr´eal on
Zone Cours
and at
Ecole Polytchnique on the CDIO implemen-
tation, a methodology to structure and assemble the
various elements required in an electronic syllabus or
course web site is investigated.
2.1 Organization of a Course Outline
Due to their importance as the cornerstone of teaching
and learning, universities provide guidelines, sugges-
tions and even templates on the proper use of course
syllabi. Numerous researchers have confirmed the
central role played by syllabi. For (Parkes and Har-
ris, 2002), syllabi serve three major roles: the syl-
labus as a contract, the syllabus as a permanent record
and the syllabus as a learning tool, and provide a very
detailed example of a course syllabus with 12 spe-
cific elements or sections. In a recent paper, (Mar-
cis and Carr, 2004) report on a student survey about
the relative importance of 23 distinct elements usu-
ally present in a course outline. Table 1 illustrates a
simple mapping of the purposes of a syllabus and its
associated elements.
Table 1: Mapping of the various syllabus elements into its
1. The syllabus as a learning tool
1.1. Title and authors of textbooks and readings
1.2. Course goals and objectives
1.3. Course format (for example, lecture, discussion, videos,
classroom activities)
1.4. Attendance policy
1.5. Late assignment policy
1.6. Academic dishonesty policy
1.7. Class participation requirements
1.8. Examination and quiz dates
1.9. Schedule of topics to be covered
1.10. Holidays observed
1.11. Amount of work (for example, amount of reading, number
and length of other assignments)
2. The syllabus as a contract
2.1. Grading procedure and policies
2.2. Number of examinations and quizzes
2.3. Kind of assignments (for example, readings, papers,
presentations, projects)
2.4. Reading material covered by each examination or quiz
2.5. Type of examinations and quizzes (for example, multiple
choice, essay)
3. The syllabus as an administrative record
3.1. Instructor information (for example, name, title, office,
location, phone number, e-mail address)
3.2. Instructors office hours
3.3. Course information (for example, course number and title,
section number, credit hours)
3.4. Course description
3.5. Days, hours, and location of class meetings
3.6. Required prerequisite coursework necessary to enroll in the
These papers as well as the analysis of numerous
course outlines (including those of the MIT Open-
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
CourseWare initiative) show that it is quite feasible
to propose a model or a template that would incorpo-
rate most if not all the basic constituents of a course
syllabus. The wording of the different elements could
change across universities but, as the tables make it
clear, the meaning of the different elements can be
made quite precise. One can imagine the construction
of a set of automatic rules that could help to translate
syllabi of different universities.
3.1 The Syllabus
Four leading engineering universities
have proposed
a new engineering education model, named CDIO
(D. R. Brodeur and Ostlund, 2002). The CDIO Ini-
tiative seeks to re-emphasized the role of actual engi-
neering practice in balance with the current engineer-
ing science model. This aims at training expert engi-
neers who master the technical fundamentals of their
field while acquiring the skills required to function
in industrial enterprises, developing complex value-
added engineering systems in modern team-based,
multidisciplinary environments.
The learning activities are tightly integrated
with the engineering process of product develop-
ment around four phases: Conceiving-Designing-
In previous papers, Ed Crawley and his colleages
have developed and codified a comprehensive under-
standing of abilities needed by the contemporary en-
gineer (Crawley, 2001). Known as the CDIO Syl-
labus, this codification is the set of knowledge, skills
and attitudes expected from a graduating engineer.
Initially designed as a requirements document for de-
signing and implementing undergraduate engineering
programs, it turned out to closely correlate with the
criteria for accrediting engineering programs (ABET,
2000). It is consists in four high level requirements,
which can be further detailled into second, third etc...
levels objectives. This hierarchical breakdown makes
the transition from the high level goals, to the level of
course units or lectures. The depth or degree of gran-
ularity is the matter of specific curriculum for each
For conciseness and to maintain a generic presen-
tation, a condensed form of the CDIO Syllabus with
Chalmers University of Technology, Link¨oping Uni-
versity, and the Royal Institute of Technology, in Sweden,
and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA,
and which have been joined by several other engineering
schools throughout the world.
2. Personal and professional 3. Interpersonal skills:
Teamwork and communication
1. Technical knowledge
and reasoning
skills and attributes
Figure 1: Structure of the CDIO Syllabus.
the 1st and 2nd levels is shown in Table 2. (Bankel J.,
Table 2: Condensed Presentation of First Two Levels of the
CDIO Syllabus.
3.2 Specification of Learning Outcomes
In addition to the Syllabus, where the contents are
outlined, the CDIO initiative introduces the goals
or learning outcomes for knowledge and skills in
a systematic way. To deal with these aspects,
(Bankel J., 2005) have proposed the Introduce-Teach-
Utilize (ITU) concept.
Introduce(I) : topics that are introduced in the course,
but not subject to examination.
Teach(T) : knowledge and skills that are taught in the
course and also subject to examination.
Utilize(U) : knowledge and skills that have been ac-
quired in previous courses and are considered to
be prerequisites.
Table 3 illustrates a generic application of this concept
for a course. A more thorough presentation is given
XML-BASED COURSE SYLLABI - An Electronic Implementation of the CDIO Syllabus
Table 3: Example of a Course Level ITU-matrix.
COURSE 1 2 3 4
CONTENT 1.x.x 2.x.x 3.x.x 4.x.x
Topic 1 T I U
Topic 2 T U
Topic 3 I
Topic .... T U
in (Gunnarsson S., 2007) including courses as well as
entire curriculum applications.
In the spirit of (Tungare and al, 2006), who advocate
the use of standardized representations, (Gerb´e and
Raynauld, 2009) have proposed a model, illustrated
in Figure 2, that could accommodate numerous types
of syllabi. The nodes are defined as follows:
CourseOutline corresponds to the syllabus or the
course outline.
CourseStructure organizes CourseUnits.
CourseUnit is a section of a course outline. In-
structor information, Lectures calendar and Gen-
eral course information are examples of CourseU-
nit elements.
CourseUnitStructure is a sub-section of a section.
CourseUnitStructure organizes the information of
a CourseUnit. For example, the lecture could be
devided in two parts.
CourseUnitContent is the key pedagogical con-
tainer of all the learning resources. CourseUnit-
Content includes the readings, the files and the as-
signments typically found in a lecture.
CourseProxyResource is a proxy that serves to
qualify the use of a particular resource in a
CourseUnitContent. For example, a reading could
be mandatory in a course but optional in another.
Ressource is a very low level element that corre-
sponds to some specific learning material; for ex-
ample PowerPoint files, citations, urls, text files,
assignment guidelines.....
Lect. 3 lect. 4
Part IIPart I
Exam 1 Exam 2 Lect. 1 Lect. 2
Figure 2: Structure of the Proposed Course Outline Model,
adapted from (Gerb´e and Raynauld, 2009).
Figure 3: Page for Lecture 1.
Figure 3 illustrates the model in the context of
a simple course outline created with OpenSyllabus
Sakai 2.5 tool based on GoogleWebToolKit(GWT).
The tree on the left displays the CoStructure elements
(Introduction, Contact information, Learning mate-
rial, Assignment and Exams and Lectures). There are
CourseUnit elements represented by 12 different lec-
tures. The resources in the Lecture 1 page on the right
hand side panel are part of a CoUnitContent. The de-
scription is a text resource with the rubric Description
put on the CoproxyResource. The objectives are also
a text resource with the rubric Objectives put on the
CoproxyResource. The last resource is a Power Point
file with the title Presentation slides and the rubric Re-
sources used in class put in the CoproxyResource.
The XML file corresponding to the course outline
of Figure 3 is given in Figure 4. As explained be-
fore, the CoUnitContent contains a text Resource with
associated CoProxyResource set to CoContentRubric
Rubric=Description and some other useful properties
like the security which is set to public. CDATA con-
tains the text. This XML description is the building
block for the OpenSyllabus GWT editor and can lead
to very sophisticated operations for reused or display.
5.1 LMS-XML Integration
To our knowledge, most Learning management Sys-
tems such as Moodle, do not currently offer tools or
plug-ins to create and edit XML-based course out-
lines. Although, it quite easy to construct and display
a course website that will mimic the vocabulary, the
presentation and the content of Figure 3, the under-
lying structure cannot be manipulated since it is not
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
<COUnitContent type=lecture scrty=public>
<COResourceProxy type=text scrty=public>
<COContentRubric type=description/>
<COResource type=text scrty=public>
[ <P>In the first class, we will cover the
course outline and evaluation. We will discuss the
role of business processes and information systems
within the company using the Zara case. The BIAIT
technique will be presented to help us identify
some of the firms business processes.
Figure 4: XML code fragment for the production of the
Page of Figure 3.
model-based. LMS’s cannot recognize that the con-
tent underneath the title:
in that figure are
indeed the learning objectives of Lecture 1.
In some preliminary work, we have explored the
possibility of linking XML-based syllabi to Moodle.
Figure 5 illustrates the results of a plug-in that can
read an OpenSyllabus XML file similar to the one
presented here. The XML file imported for that ex-
ample included the description and the objectives of
the course as well as the title of the different lectures
and their content.
With the current prototype, the instructor can edit
the resulting content but the changes will not be added
to the underlying XML file. Further work is necessary
to enable both import and edit/export XML capabil-
ities in Moodle. However, the prototype opens in-
teresting avenues concerning the integration of stan-
dardized course related content in LMS’s. For ex-
ample, one can imagine that official description of
courses, learning objectives and university policies
can be pushed to course websites in a similar fashion.
It is also possible to develop and use simple XML ed-
itors (for example the GWT OpenSyllabus editor) to
generate the XML file to be imported in th LMS for
final use by the instructor and the students.
5.2 Reporting: Accreditation
For professional accreditation purposes, an essential
fonction is to measure the program outcomes which
Figure 5: Moodle screen capture resulting from the import
of a Open Syllabus XML file.
is based on the capability to compare and assess the
quality of the training given at different universities.
Besides gathering specific and precise information
such as the number of hours given to some particu-
lar subject matter, the ability to extract the formula-
tion of learning objectives and outcomes of individ-
ual courses as well as of entire education programs is
now becoming increasingly important. In addition,
this would assist instructors in mapping course de-
sign to measurable outcomes, thus helping the pro-
cess of institutional program offering. This requires
to complete work on reporting standards currently in
progress (Course Description Metada).
5.3 A Course Information System
A syllabus can be viewed as a collection of metadata
for a course, which leads to an integrated workflow
approach to manage all the course information. The
development of Open Syllabus as a specialized Syl-
labus Editor to help create and edit syllabi will en-
courage adoption of such schema as the CDIO or sim-
ilar codifications adapted to other fields.
Of strategic importance is the integration of a syl-
labus editor into course management systems so that
the use of such specialized tools will be seamless from
the instructors point of view. Furthermore, linking
these parallel administrative systems to course syllabi
as shown in Figure 6, could aleviate repetitive work
XML-BASED COURSE SYLLABI - An Electronic Implementation of the CDIO Syllabus
Accreditation bodies
Government agencies
Figure 6: Overall System Architecture.
for both faculty and administrative staff, as well as
avoiding many sources of errors resulting from the
lack of synchronization of updates.
This integration of administrative and pedagogical
systems will result in:
faster and more accurate content search;
enhanced sharing of syllabi and learning re-
sources by providing export/import possibilities;
provide a completely open gateway to the public
content of all course syllabi in the spirit of the
MIT OpenCourseWare project.
The lack of standardization of a semantic descrip-
tion of syllabi has resulted in a wide variety of for-
mats with serious drawbacks. This paper has sketched
the development of an electronic syllabus based on
a XML model which semantically tags the set of
detailed elements of the CDIO Syllabus. This ap-
proach is quite flexible and each university could eas-
ily parametrize the various elements of the model as
well as the vocabulary used, while keeping a semantic
suitable for sharing.
The authors believethat, for OpenSyllabus to have
its intended impact, it needs to be integrated into the
current pedagogical practices of educators and ad-
ministrators. In particular, the adoption of a model-
based course outline approach requires some integra-
tion with the course management systems used in dif-
ferent universities. In some cases, a generic GWT
OpenSyllabus tool or some kind of advanced XML
editor can be used directly by instructors and support
staff to create, edit and publish structured syllabi. In
other cases, taking advantage of its light or minimal
web services architecture, the GWT OpenSyllabus
client can be linked much more closely to a course
management system as it is the case for an alpha pro-
totype version of OpenSyllabus/Sakai. In other cases,
the course management system itself could provide
XML editing capabilities or could be modified to han-
dle XML tagging. Whichever path chosen, an XML
based approach to course outline like Open Syllabus
could foster a much better integration of pedagogical
information with administrative systems, providing a
cost effective solution to the increasing reporting re-
quirements from international agreements or accredi-
tation agencies.
It can be envisionned that the availability of elec-
tronic syllabi, using an XML-based approach will
make the content of a course much more reusable and
open up possibilities for publication in a wide range
of formats.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education