(excused or unexcused, frequency), disciplinary
infraction, teacher’s remark. The evaluation of
theses values individually and jointly will determine
the degree of failure and activate the helping pattern.
In this paper we have studied the functionalities of a
non pedagogical intelligent assistant to support
students during their school learning though the
taxonomy of educational agents and different types
of the student support. This assistant can be
considered as a coach or a companion that gives
psychological helps and advices when student
encounters difficulties. Our aim is to reduce the
dropout through the use of Artificial Intelligent
The limitations of our system reside in:
The monitoring of the current student’s state:
school performance, physiological and
psychological state. The performance level of
our system depends on the quality of the
analysis of these states.
The construction of expert knowledge to
support student.
The relation between the assistant and the
student: relevant and acceptance of advices
from the intelligent assistant.
To solve these difficulties we need to combine
Artificial Intelligence techniques with psychology,
cognitive and learning theories.
Until now we have conceived the architecture
and lead some experimental development of each
module separately:
The conversation module is build with a
pattern-design model based on xml,
The diagnosis of dropout is based on fuzzy rule,
The user’s profile is designed with web
semantic standard; OWL is used to maintain
user’s characteristics.
Our next step is to make these modules work
together to build a prototype of our non pedagogical
agent, test and validate it in real-world applications.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education