Participation in a Group Audio Conferencing and Textual Chat as Affected by
Communicator's Personality Characteristics and Discussion Topics
Ina Blau
and Azy Barak
Department of Learning, Instruction & Teacher Education, University of Haifa, Israel
Chais Research Center for Integration of Technology in Education, The Open University, Ra'anana, Israel
Department of Counseling & Human Development
Department of Learning, Instruction & Teacher Education, University of Haifa, Israel
Keywords: Online discussion, Participation, Synchronous e-learning, e-Communication, Extroversion-introversion,
Discussion topic, Audio conferencing, Textual chat.
Abstract: The development of instructional technology increases the use of synchronous e-learning procedures which
enable real-time interactions. The study explores whether the willingness to participate as well as actual
participation in synchronous group discussions is affected by participant personality (extroversion-
introversion), medium characteristics and discussion topic sensitivity. The research is composed of two
sequenced sub-studies. The first one investigates the willingness to participate while the second study
explores the degree of actual participation in discussions. An online self-report questionnaire was
completed by 405 adult Internet users. Following that, 120 volunteers extracted from this sample were
randomly assigned to face-to-face, audio conferencing, or textual chat gender-mixed experimental
conditions and conducted two short discussions (having low and high degrees of topic sensitivity). The
relation between estimated and actual participation was explored, as well as the equalization effect of online
interactions. The first study findings show that, in general, participants prefer conventional over sensitive
discussion topic; they also prefer face-to-face discussion rather than online communication. As
hypothesized, participant personality affects the willingness to partake in discussions: extroverts prefer
taking part via a more revealing communication medium; introverts express greater readiness for discussion
via textual chat. The results of the study expand the understanding of student behaviour in synchronous e-
The quick development of Internet technologies
increases the use of synchronous communication
which enables real-time interpersonal interactions in
cyberspace. Participation in online group discussions
is affected, among other factors, by medium
characteristics, discussion topics, and participant
personality. The present study investigates the level
of participation in face-to-face communication
versus synchronous interaction through audio
conferencing and textual chat. Specifically, the study
explores whether the willingness to participate, as
well as actual participation in group discussions, is
affected by participant personality (i.e., extroversion-
introversion), medium characteristics, and the
sensitivity of discussion topic. At this point in time,
the research of the willingness to participate in group
discussions (the first study of two-study series) is
finished, and the exploration of actual participation
(the second study) is work-in-progress. The results
expand the understanding of behaviour in
synchronous e-learning, and group e-communication
within social and organizational contexts.
There are several theories that differentiate media by
their inherent features in order to predict efficient
communication. One of the leading theoretical
approaches is the Media Richness Theory (Daft &
Blau I. and Barak A. (2009).
SYNCHRONOUS ONLINE DISCUSSIONS - Participation in a Group Audio Conferencing and Textual Chat as Affected by Communicator’s Personality
Characteristics and Discussion Topics.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 18-23
Lengel, 1984). According to this theory, face-to-face
communication is considered the most efficient way
to convey complex messages. Empirical research
regarding the influence of media richness on
communication provides mixed results: some studies
found evidence supporting it (for recent review see
Donabedian, 2006), while other findings pointed to
the fact that a rich medium provides distracters that
may negatively affect communication (Blau &
Caspi, 2008; Caspi & Levin, 2008; Setlock,
Quinones & Fussell, 2007). Some researchers even
claimed that a "lean" communication medium (such
as e-mail or textual chat) may provide rich
interpersonal communication. Walther's (1996;
2007) findings on the "hyperpersonal effect" of e-
communication showed that text-based interaction
can possibly equal or even exceed relational effects
derived from comparable face-to-face interactions.
This approach received extensive theoretical and
empirical support in studying online communication
(e.g., Joinson, 2003; 2007; Suler, 2004) and e-
learning (e.g., O’Sullivan, Hunt, & Lippert, 2004).
The claim that online video, audio, or textual chat
may be as efficient as face-to-face communication
(Walther, Loh & Granka, 2005) has been studied
mostly in a textual environment. The increasing use
of online audio and video conferencing (Ng, 2007;
Wang, 2006) requires studying the impact of these
media' characteristics on online behaviour. Voice
provides meta-communication features of human
messages through loudness, intonation, pitch, and
breaks (Pickett, 1998). Thus, audio conferencing
may have a different effect on interpersonal
interaction than chat (Barak, 2007), and result in
different group behaviour (Blau & Caspi, 2007).
Studies comparing synchronous online and face-
to-face communication showed controversial results:
while some of them found decreased participation in
audio conferencing and textual chat (Berge & Fjuk,
2006), others claimed that textual chat (Hudson &
Bruckman, 2002; Lobel et al., 2002) and audio
conferencing (Blau & Caspi, 2008) increase
participation compared to offline interaction.
Personality characteristics of users may impact
interpersonal and group online behaviour; the trait of
extroversion-introversion is considered of particular
relevance to Internet use (Amichai-Hamburger,
2005; 2007). An extrovert is a friendly person who
seeks company, desires excitement, takes risks, and
acts on impulse, whereas an introvert is a quiet,
reflective person who prefers his or her own
company, does not enjoy large social events, and
does not crave excitement (Eysenck & Eysenck,
1975). Discussing the role of the Internet as a
compensatory psychological tool, Kraut et al. (2002)
claimed that people who easily befriend offline
would also have more online friends ("the rich get
richer" phenomenon). Other researchers hold that
the protected Internet environment may assist
introverts in expressing themselves more freely in an
online than in an offline relationship ("poor to get
rich"; Amichai-Hamburger, 2007; Maldonado, et
al., 2001; McKenna, Green & Gleason, 2002). It has
been noted that while extroverts feel comfortable
both offline and online, introverts express
themselves significantly more freely on the net
(McKenna, Seidman, Buffardi & Green, 2007).
Interacting online, introverts adopt offline behaviour
patterns of extroverts (Amichai-Hamburger,
Wainapel & Fox, 2002; Maldonado et al., 2001;
McKenna & Seidman, 2005), among others active
participation in discussions (McKenna et al., 2007).
It should be taken into consideration that the
relation between personality characteristics and
online behaviour may be mediated by participant
demographics (Hamburger & Ben-Artzi, 2000;
Maldonado et al., 2001), type and amount of Internet
use (Anolli,
Villani & Riva, 2005; Peris et al., 2002),
and discussion topic sensitivity (Hertel, Schroer,
Batinic & Naumann, 2008).
The present study aims to explore some
psychological aspects of synchronous group
communication using the Internet. Group behaviour
in face-to-face communication versus online
interactions through audio conferencing and textual
chat are compared. Specifically, the study
investigates whether medium characteristics,
participant personality (i.e., extroversion –
introversion), and discussion topic sensitivity affect
the willingness to participate and the actual degree
of participation using the different media. The
research is composed of two sequenced sub-studies.
3.1 Study 1
The first study investigates the willingness to
participate in discussion as related to medium
characteristics, participant personality, and
discussion topic sensitivity. The hypotheses were
that extroversion-introversion would correlate with
willingness to participate in face-to-face
communication mode compared to audio
conferencing or textual chat discussion (because of
the differences in the degree of perceived
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
anonymity) and that the sensitivity of discussion
topic would augment this tendency.
3.1.1 Participants
An online viral sampling of 405 Israeli adult Internet
users, 118 of them men (29.1%), was composed.
Figure 1 shows the distribution of participants' age
(Range: 18-76, Median: 29, Mean: 31.89, SD: 10.97,
Skewness: 1.08).
Figure 1: Participant age distribution.
Table 1 shows the percentage of the participants'
Internet usage in general and online synchronous
communication tools in particular.
Table 1: Percentage of the Internet and communication
applications usage.
Usage level
Each day 85.7 24.4 0.2 0.7
2-3 times at
10.6 14.6 0.7 6.2
Ones at week-
ones at month
3.7 13.8 3.2 9.4
Less then
ones at month
0 15.1 6.9 18
Not using 0 31.9 87.2 62.7
3.1.2 Instruments and Procedure
The participants completed an online self-report
questionnaire sent by email. To measure the trait of
extraversion-introversion we used a scale composed
of 12 items from Hebrew short version of the NEO-
PI-R questionnaire based on the Big Five model
(Costa & McCrae, 1992). Scale internal consistency
was high (α=.80). The score of extroversion-
introversion (Range: 21-69, Medium: 51, Mean:
51.26, SD: 8.08) was computed by summing up
participant answers to the items (scale 1-6). For the
statistical analysis the participants were divided into
two groups (extroverts and introverts) using the
median scale score (the participants who received
the median score were defined as introverts).
In addition, the participants were asked to
imagine group discussions and report (on a scale of
1-8) about their willingness to discuss conventional
and sensitive topics using different communication
media: face-to-face, audio conferencing and textual
chat (following Hertel et al., 2008).
3.2 Study 2
The second study explores the degree of actual
participation in a group discussion as influenced by
medium characteristics, participant personality, and
discussion topic sensitivity. In addition, the second
study investigates the relationship between estimated
and actual participation, as well as the equalization
effect of online communication (i.e., more equal
online participation compared to offline one,
because of the diminished status differences between
communicators). The hypotheses were that
extroversion-introversion would correlate with
actual participation in face-to-face versus audio
conferencing or textual chat discussions, and that the
sensitivity of discussion topic would augment this
tendency. In addition, it was hypothesized that the
willingness to participate positively correlates with
actual participation, and participant personality
characteristics moderate this correlation. Concerning
the equalization effect, it was hypothesized that
online participation would be more equal compared
to offline one, and the participation using textual
chat would be more equal in comparison to
participation through audio conferencing.
The participants of the second study consisted of
120 volunteers derived from Study 1. The
participants were randomly assigned to three (i.e.,
face-to-face, audio conferencing and textual chat)
gender-mixed experimental conditions and two short
non moderated discussions (i.e., having low and
high degree of topic sensitivity) were conducted.
The discussions were recorded and the willingness
to participate was compared to actual behaviour in
each communication mode.
SYNCHRONOUS ONLINE DISCUSSIONS - Participation in a Group Audio Conferencing and Textual Chat as Affected
by Communicator's Personality Characteristics and Discussion Topics
4.1 Effects of Media and Discussion
Table 2 shows the means (1 = "not at all", 8 = "very
much") and SDs of the participants' willingness to
discuss the conventional and sensitive topics through
audio conference, chat, and face-to-face.
Table 2: Means and SDs of the willingness to discuss
different topics through communication media.
Topic Sensitivity
F2F Audio Chat Average
Conventional M
Sensitive M
Average M
A 2x3 repeated measures ANOVA showed main
effects for communication medium, the sensitivity of
the discussion topic, and their interaction (see Table
Table 3: Effects of medium and discussion topic
sensitivity on the willingness to participate: Repeated
measures ANOVA.
Effect F df p
Medium 483.1 2, 403 <.001
Topic 62.02 1, 404 <.001
Interaction 3.45 2, 403 <.05
Generally, participants preferred the
conventional (M=4.33) over the sensitive discussion
topic (M=3.93, p<.001); they also preferred face-to-
face discussion (M=6.33) rather than audio
conferencing (M=2.90) and chat communication
(M=3.14, p<.001). For online interactions,
participants preferred using chat rather than audio
conferencing (p<.05). Discussing a conventional
topic, there were no statistically significant
differences between audio (M=3.15) and textual
communication (M=3.23), but offline interaction
(M=6.60) was preferable than both online
communication modes (p<.001). Discussing a
sensitive topic, the participants also preferred offline
(M=6.06) than online communication, but chat
(M=3.06) was preferable than the interaction
through audio conferencing (M=2.66, p<.001). Is
seems that participants felt more comfortable
discussing the sensitive topic via a "lean"
communication medium. The use of personal textual
chat mediated the media effect on the willingness to
participate in discussions; using audio conferencing
mediated the effects of medium, discussion topic
and their interaction. Thus, participants' media
preferences seem to be affected by their past
experiences in using audio conferencing and chat
4.2 Effects of
Extroversion -Introversion Trait
Table 4 shows the means and SDs of extroverts' and
introverts' willingness to discuss different topics
using different communication media. As
hypothesized, participant personality affected the
willingness to partake in discussions (see Table 5).
In general, extroverts (M=4.29) were more
inclined to participate in discussions than introverts
(M=3.98). Participant personality interacted with
type of medium. There was no statistically
significant difference in willingness of extroverts
(3.11) and introverts (3.18) to discuss through
textual chat. However, using audio conferencing
(p<.01) and face-to-face (p<.001) extroverts (audio
conferencing M=3.12, face-to-face M=6.63) were
more inclined to partake compared to introverts
(audio conferencing M=2.70, face-to-face M=6.05).
Table 4: Means and SDs of the willingness to discuss by extroversion-introversion, type of medium, and topic sensitivity.
Extroverts Introverts
Topic Sensitivity
F2F Audio Chat Average F2F Audio Chat Average
Conventional M
Sensitive M
Average M
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Through online discussions, extroverts did not
show preferences for a particular communication
medium, while introverts preferred chat (M=3.18)
than audio conferencing interactions (M=2.70,
Thus, introverts expressed greater readiness for
discussions via medium low in transmitting social
communication cues than did extroverts. The use of
personal textual chat mediated the extroversion-
introversion trait effect on willingness to participate
in discussions.
Table 5: Effects of extroversion-introversion, medium, and
discussion topic sensitivity on the willingness to
participate: Repeated measures ANOVA.
Effect F df p
Extroversion 12.14 1, 404 <.001
Type of medium 484.26 2, 403 <.001
Topic sensitivity 62.01 1, 404 <.001
Medium x
3.81 2, 403 <.05
Topic x
.14 1, 404 n.s.
Medium x Topic 3.46 2, 403 <.05
Medium x Topic
x Extroversion
.54 2, 403 n.s.
The current study contributes to cyberspace and
media communication research. On the theoretical
level, the study explores the effect of
communication media as well as psychological
factors on online behaviour. The impact of
personality characteristics and their interaction with
media features are analyzed. Online interaction is
investigated through communication media having
different degrees of anonymity (visual anonymity vs.
both visual and auditory anonymity).
Methodologically, the study combines
quantitative (measurement by a questionnaire) and
qualitative (a content analysis) research methods.
Such a mixed design allows the exploration of both
universal and unique aspects of human online
behaviour. A methodological weakness of previous
studies was overcome through random assignment
of participants into different experimental
conditions. However, the study did not rely on a
laboratory experiment; conducting the research in a
natural habitat of actual Internet environment
improves the ecological validity of the study and
enlarges the generalization of its findings (Riva,
Teruzzi & Anolli, 2003). In addition, the study
crosschecked the willingness to communicate
through different media with actual online
behaviour, and explored whether participant
personality characteristics moderate the relationship
between the declared and actual participation.
The present study proposes some implications
concerning the use of synchronous online
communication, and especially audio conferencing
which – despite its growing use in social, learning,
and organizational context – has rarely been studied.
In addition, the study explores both social and
performance aspects of communication – a
combination especially relevant to e-learning and
group e-communication in organizations. The results
of the study broaden the understanding of human
behaviour in synchronous online communication.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education