Table 2: Assignment points for Tirana master students.
Nr of
Assgn 1
Assgn 2
Assgn 5
Assgn 7
Tirana 2007 17 78,24% 80,59% 80,00% 98,24% 84,26%
Tirana 2008 15 69,30% 74,00% 76,70% 95,30% 78,83%
Tirana 2008 II 15 66,00% 78,70% 80,70% 92,70% 79,53%
Average 71,18% 77,76% 79,13% 95,41% 80,87%
– Assignment number 6 (review of a solution of
another teams’ assignment) has the highest aver-
age percentage of points, which is expected,
since it represents mostly the ability of a team to
defend their own opinion.
– The best results and the highest number of points
are gained for the assignment 7 (measuring of
the quality of software). First, it is straightfor-
ward and relatively simple task. Second, this is
the last assignment, when students are experi-
enced of what they have to do to solve their task.
– The assignment 4 (creation of use-case and class
diagrams), asking for the highest level of “crea-
tive” work, has the second worst results. The
main point here is the lack of experience with the
real-life work, no practical abilities and skills.
– Average total points achieved by students are
sufficient for them to approach the rest of the
exam. Even more, it is close to 80% of points.
At the Polytechnic University of Tirana, in
spring of 2007, a 7-day crash-course for the students
of master studies was conducted by professor from
Berlin and assistant from Novi Sad. Again in 2008,
course was conducted again, this time with 15 stu-
dents from the first year, and 15 students from the
final year of master studies.
These students had to solve 4 assignments: 1
(review of requirements specifications), 2 (function-
point method), 5 (definition of formal specification),
and 7 (measuring of the quality of software). The
first one they solved before the course started, to be
introduced to the requirements specification. Other
three had to be solved after the course, 2 weeks per
each assignment. Results are presented in Table 2.
Results are quite comparable to the results of
Novi Sad students. If we disregard the first year,
percentages for the same assignments in Novi Sad
are 77.76%, 75.31%, 79.88% and 94.04%. The dif-
ference is not high, since students from Tirana were
studying in non-mother tongue, preventing them to
achieve better results as master students.
How does all this compare to Berlin students?
For Berlin, statistics is given in Table 3. One thing
that influenced those results is the fact that during
2007, assistant was changed in Berlin. Notice that in
Novi Sad, Tirana, and Berlin (during the first two
years) average percentage of points is around 80-
82%, yet, inexperienced assistants had different re-
sults: 74% in Novi Sad, or 87% in Berlin.
The second part of the exam was tests with theory.
The particular structure is different, but general form
is the same. A repository of around 400 questions is
created. There were 2 tests in Albania, or 3-4 in Ser-
bia, yet in total they sum up to 60 points for tests,
added to 40 points for assignments. For students
from Germany, the second part of the exam is per-
formed orally. Table 4. presents Serbian students’
results achieved in tests.
Students from Tirana had only two tests, both
were performed “on the distance” by a local profes-
sor, and at the same time. This is different than in
Novi Sad, where tests are scheduled throughout the
school year. Test results are presented in Table 5.
Number of points is much lower than for Novi Sad
students. The only reasonable explanation is a usage
of English, non-mother language. Additional prob-
lem was the fact that the test was performed on the
distance. So, problems with questions, even the lin-
gual ones, could not be solved.
Table 3: Assignment points for Berlin students.
Nr of
Assgn 1
Assgn 2
Assgn 3
Assgn 4
Assgn 5
Assgn 7
2003 52
88,57% 78,41% 75,00% 72,27% 65,00% 86,73% 77,14%
2005 85
86,88% 80,63% 86,25% 74,67% 75,63% 78,00% 80,34%
2007 64
87,14% 87,62% 87,62% 87,62% 81,00% 91,90% 87,15%
87,53% 82,22% 82,96% 78,19% 73,88% 85,54% 81,54%
COMMON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING COURSE - Experiences from Different Countries