A Perspective in the Introduction of ICT in Elementary Schools
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, José Del Carmen Barrios and Ernesto Sánchez Schultz
Conéctate al Conocimiento Project, Clayton, Panama
Keywords: Collaboration, Knowledge, Aula de Innovación, Innovation, Classroom, Concept Maps, CmapTools,
Abstract: In Panama, ICT's (Information and Communication Technologies) are implemented in elementary schools
through the Conéctate al Conocimiento project (Tarté, 2006). This project has reached up to more than 700
schools across the country, providing them with the tools to create a national knowledge network. All this
effort is towards the promotion on knowledge construction and collaboration in such construction. The
aforementioned requires constant practice and feedback if what one pretends to achieve is that the individual
can express through the tool without being limited by it, that the tool becomes a springboard to build,
express and share his/her knowledge. This paper will show an approach to the introduction of ICT's in
schools through a new model called Aula de Innovación (Innovation Classroom). We also show examples
that support the validity of the model, it is not a recipe book that can be applied in any context, but a
concrete experience that allows us to guide and point out some key issues in school activities regarding the
use of ICT's. The objective of this paper is to share an approach in the use ICT as a tool to collaborate in the
building, sharing and publishing knowledge.
The introduction of ICT in education, to be more
precise, in educational tasks, has always been a topic
for debate. Nowadays, no one rejects the importance
that the presence of ITC’s has in the integral
education of our students, regardless of the
educational level; however, the topic takes relevance
when we think in which is the best manner to carry
out such a task. The traditional instructional models
are starting to yield terrain to learning environments
that are better self-regulated, in which the spatial and
temporal symmetries are starting to be modified by
the people and the educational institutions are
becoming organizations that learn in community.
This last item is not a generality, much less in Latin
America, where much of the educational models
lack on ICT integration, sometimes for budgetary
deficiencies and in other cases because of
pedagogical model driven and centered solely on
Conéctate al Conocimiento project is introducing
progressively ICT’s in elementary schools in the
Republic of Panama, this is done in an environment
which allows the students and teachers to construct,
publish and share knowledge, which is Conéctate al
Conocimiento main objective, in order to have a
future society with individuals that had the
opportunity and developed the abilities that allow
them to be competitive. It is then, when we see
technology performing a role of mean and support
for a network of people (students, teachers,
community in general), so the ICT’s potentiate the
capacity to perform meaningful educational
transformations. The bet for the incorporation of
ICT’s has been the model of the Aula de Innovación
(AI, its English literal translation is Innovation
Classroom) which is the place where all the
computational equipment is placed. The physical
design of the as well as the functional design were
conceived to avoid “techno centrism” and made the
AI a place for the construction of knowledge,
leaving aside the traditional “computer lab” where
the students go to learn about software and
computers and where the machine has a leading role.
The pedagogical model behind the AI implies the
use of computers with the final goal of learning
sciences, mathematics, language, etc. and to allow
the student to develop the higher thinking abilities
during the learning process. In order for the
ıguez M., Barrios J. and S
anchez Schultz E. (2009).
THE USE OF AN INNOVATION CLASSROOM - A Perspective in the Introduction of ICT in Elementary Schools.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 172-179
aforementioned isn’t just already spoken and heard
poetry, Conéctate al Conocimiento is trying to
abruptly land all the epistemological ideas about
ICT’s and education, in a model that possesses four
important components: a) Equipment, b) Permanent
training, support and follow-up c) Empowering the
schools by giving them an active role in the process
and d) Creating support networks among the peers to
make it a self-sustainable process.
Encompassing all of the above, the AI becomes a
space that affords that processes such as
collaboration, knowledge construction and
meaningful learning can take place. This article
describes what is an AI? Which pedagogical model
it implements? The role of the AI coordinator (CAI)
and which are Conéctate al Conocimiento
projections to include other models according to the
necessity and always looking for educational equity.
An Innovation Classroom AI is physical space
designed specifically for knowledge building and
meaningful learning. This space is equipped with
technological tools that promote communication and
knowledge sharing and publishing among the
schools. The main objective for an Innovation
Classroom is to serve as a platform to a great
national school network promoted by the Conéctate
al Conocimiento Project (Tarté, 2006). This network
is propeled by students, teachers, parents and the
community in general.
The whole concept of an Innovation Classroom
is oriented towards promoting the use of technology
as an excellent tool to obtain better results in the
learning process. But the role that technology plays
is secondary because it is just a tool and not the final
goal, which sets us apart from the common techno-
centered approach. Conéctate al Conocimiento
Project is formed with the goal of developing a
Panamanian society which is able to take advantage,
with equity, of connectivity, and at the same times
enhances innovation
The AI concept is being implemented in
government elementary schools across all the
country. There are around eight hundred AI's built
and equiped which are distributed in all the country's
provinces and reservations. Each AI is equiqued by
the project with computers, printers, digital cameras,
projectors, scanners, a server with a public IP and
Internet access. Through the IC the community gain
access to the Internet, the schools can network and
access services such as e-mail, a meeting space
called "Punto de Encuentro" (meeting point),
discussion thread, chat service, content publishing
and distance learning system. The project provides
every service needed in the AI, such as equipment,
structural fittingouts, furniture, services and support.
The AI includes tables, chairs and computer
equipment. The computer equipment will be
organized accordingly to the description in the
Diagram No. 1 (See figure 1).
The equipment is assigned to the AI in
accordance to the number of students of the
classroom with the most population, divided into
two which will yield the number of computers, the
computers are assigned one for every two students in
order to promote sharing and collaboration, and
teamwork. To these computers it is added a printer, a
scanner, a server, a digital camera and a projection
screen. Besides all this, the AI has Internet access.
The server is prepared in the project with the
corresponding information for the school; the
technician in charge of the installation should verify
its configuration.
The computers in the AI are connected to a
Local Area Network with Internet access, the LAN
could be via structured wire lying or wireless access.
The AI counts with one computer which is assigned
to the CAI teacher.
The computers that the students, the teachers and
the CAI use were originally programmed with a
group of software that will allow them to carry out
their learning activities. These computers come with
the following configuration: Windows XP
Profesional Operating System, Microsoft Office,
CmapTools (A knowledge modeling kit to build
concept maps), Scanner management software,
Printer management software.
Recently, the program Spark has been added in
the newer installations and maintenance roll-outs
due to the necessity of intercommunication and
The server that contains the students work: Linux
Operating System, CmapServer Program (software
for the concept map application), Printer
Management Software.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Students’ computers
Work tables
Figure 1: Diagram of the AI.
The AI was thought of as a different conception
from the traditional computer lab. The differences
between these two approaches include physical and
spatial distribution, its purpose and the manner in
which the users interact within.
4.1 How is a Traditional Computer
Figure 2(top) shows a spatial distribution for a
typical “computer lab” of and educational institution
in Panamá. This model presents some limitations
such as that the teachers can move in the lines to
help students, but, once they are in a row, they are
no able to observe the following rows and quickly
grasp what the students are doing in order to offer
help. The teacher’s role consists of “explaining”
how the applications and equipment operate so the
students start learning about the machine itself and
not about the topics covered in the educational
curriculum or develop abilities with the help of the
Computers are spatially distributed in exactly the
same manner of rows and columns that the chairs in
a traditional classroom (Figure 2 bottom). The
interaction among the individuals is limited by the
presence of the computers that block any exchange
of ideas or opinions among the students that are not
physically close.
Figure 2: Comparison between a computer lab (Top) and
Innovation Classroom (Bottom).
THE USE OF AN INNOVATION CLASSROOM - A Perspective in the Introduction of ICT in Elementary Schools
4.2 What is the Approach of ICT in the
Accordingly to the constructivist model of Conéctate
al Conocimiento (Tarte, 2006), it is necessary to
have a twist in the approach of the use of technology
in education. Traditionally the incursion of
computers into schools, by itself, does not solve the
educational problem, because introducing
technologies without a pedagogical model behind
will make us stay in the first wave (Scardamalia &
Bereiter, 1994). In this wave the introduction of the
tool becomes the objective itself. To move on to the
second wave, technology has an objective, which is
the use of technology regardless of the pedagogical
objective, as Papert said it is a techno-centered
model (Papert, 1993).
For instance, offimatics courses and seminars
where the teacher learns how to use different tools
(word processor, spreadsheets, etc.) without taking
into consideration its pedagogical applications
within the classroom, in other words, how does the
teacher use it to promote learning among the
students? In the third wave, technology becomes an
affordance, it is used as means to achieve a goal, in
the educational case, the goal is the developing of
skills that allows the people to learn how to learn
(Novak and Gowin, 1984). Conéctate al
Conocimiento aims to surf the third wave, this aim is
materialized through different complementary ways,
such as: Teachers' training, Support and Follow-up
visits to the schools, and the supply of all the
necessary technological tools needed for such a task.
The teachers' training is based in theoretical
fundaments from the Meaningful Learning Theory
of Ausubel and the Constructivism Approach from
Vigotsky theory, using tools like concept maps
(Novak, 1984) powered by CmapTools (Cañas et al.,
2006) as a tool for sharing and collaboration. All the
tools are the means for the students could develop
different collaborative projects, that are a learning
strategy that integrates the approaches of
collaborative learning and projects based learning, in
which the students develop the necessary skills to
learn how to learn.
4.3 Who is a CAI?
A CAI (Spanish acronym for Innovation Classroom
Coordinator) is a teacher in charge of the physical
space of the AI. The CAI has different roles, among
them pedagogical and technological advise. The CAI
does not substitute the grade teacher during the time
in the AI, because the CAI works co-ordinately with
the grade teacher, in this model the grade teacher
provides the topics to be addressed within the AI and
the CAI provides the technical know-how to better
take advantage of the tools offered by the AI in
order to promote meaningful learning. The CAI also
complements the teachers’ role as a coach for the
students. The ideal CAI should fulfil a profile
defined by the following aspects:
CAI takes part in the design and implementation
of Collaborative Projects within his/her school and
with other schools, nationally and internationally.
Promotes the use of all the technologies provided
by the AI and search for additional technologies to
make them available to teachers and students.
Plans and takes part in the activities of the AI
jointly with the grade teacher. Empowers the
teacher to the point where he/she can perform with
confidence in the AI without needing the CAI's
The CAI's effort towards training and formation
for his/her peers are extended beyond the teachers
of his/her own schools (for instance: educational
community, other schools, institutions, etc.)
The CAI implements a flexible system for the use
of the AI which allows for its the optimal usage
(for instance: through reservations made via e-
mail, electronic agenda or other means). The use
of the AI is extended beyond the normal school
schedule, to include users that do not belong to the
school itself.
The CAI makes records regularly and draw
conclusions from them. Besides, he/she shares the
conclusion with the school teachers (for instance:
the CAI organizes disclosure meetings that help in
the training of the school teachers).
As we have already mentioned, each school that
joins Conéctate al Conocimiento Project has its own
server, where the CmapServer (Cañas et al., 2004)
software is installed, this is the complementary
software of the CmapTools client software and it
allows the school to have a place in the Directory of
Places (list of concept map servers and Internet
resources) (Cañas et al., 2004) de CmapServer.
Currently when the CmapTools client software is
started and the user goes to “Shared Cmap in
Places”, selecting “All Places” it can be observed the
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
large quantity of places that starts the name
“Conéctate Escuela… (Panamá)” (figure 4), which
are all the places that belongs to Panamanian
elementary schools where the students and teachers
are saving their contents (concept maps, images,
presentations, videos, etc.) with the huge possibility
of sharing them with others (Figure 3). Besides all
these, every resource that is stored in a CmapServer
can be accessed through any Internet browser and
Google indexes all the contents in the school server
thus one simple search in Google of any topic from
common to the elementary school curriculum (for
instance: Hidroelectricas de Panamá [Hidroelectrics
fo Panama]) could yield results that point to concept
maps or resources from students in Panamanian
elementary schools.
Currently, the IHMC team is implementing and
improving an Internet concept map search engine: which makes it easier to
look for concept maps related to a specific topic and
also offers the opportunity to share them.
Figure 3: View of the CmapTools software that shows a
little part of all the places (servers) that belong to
elementary Panamanian schools.
6.1 School Network Creation (Case de
Bocas del Toro Province)
Students and teachers from the Bocas del Toro
province are part of a mutual support network that is
growing up as we speak. Blogs, Knowledge Models
(Cañas et al., 2003) digital magazines are some of
the contents resulting form the interaction of the
network members. Project facilitators initially
promoted and favored the birth of the network,
however, step by step, the network took on a life of
its own having students and teacher thinking and
finding new manners to collaborate. Thus the
network became an item to be described rather than
be driven. Here are some of the spaces that teachers
have created to collaborate and publish
(, this is a
blog that contains the links to the others schools
blogs of the network).
6.2 Collaborate to Learn
The Republica de Nicaragua school, located in
Colón Island, Bocas del Toro province, have carried
out several collaborative activities with other
educational centers in the country through the use of
the tools in the AI. This has allowed the students to
live experiences through collaborative projects.
Among these projects there is “La Estadistica”
(Statistics) (2007) where teachers and children from
the Finca 41 school in Changuinola. Most recently,
they participated in the “Solo Buenas Noticias” (Just
Good News) (2008) with students from the El Perú
elementary school in the Coclé province. Besides,
the school is part of the “Bocas del Toro School
Collaboration Network.” Additionally, this school
participates a research, jointly with other
Panamanian school that takes part in Conéctate al
Conocimiento project. The idea is to compare the
learning that takes place when students collaborate
versus those where there was no collaboration, using
concept maps to watch and record the changes in the
students’ learning. Being collaboration one of the
main strategies of Conéctate al Conocimiento, it is
important that teachers and students learn to
collaborate in order to take advantage of the variety
of topics, contents and information that can be built
and share through collaboration.
Figure 4: Sixth grade students from the República de
Nicaragua school using MSOffice to create graphics in the
statistics project.
THE USE OF AN INNOVATION CLASSROOM - A Perspective in the Introduction of ICT in Elementary Schools
Figure 5: A screenshot of the El Peru server where all the
resources made by the students are located
6.3 The Students are the Protagonists
Students from the El Perú elementary school in the
Coclé Province, Panamá, have developed a series of
experiences through the Collaborative Projects. One
of these experiences is titled “Solo Buenas Noticias”
(Just Good News). This project was designed and
implemented by teachers and students, with the
support from Conéctate al Conocimiento facilitators.
The students learned to teamwork, how to take
advantage of the Internet as a space not just to look
for more information regarding the topic of interests
but also as a place where they can make public their
knowledge about the social topic of interest in their
“Map of the Month” using CmapTools. They have
created videos where the students wrote the scripts
(using word processing tools) as well as editing
them using video editing software. The videos
allowed the students to present their opinions and to
contribute to the publications of topics related to the
community where the school is located. The teacher
Yessenia Fuentes, the school CAI, assures that the
students have become more independent, the make
better judgments when exchanging opinions about
the topics they are addressing, the on-line interaction
with students that are not physically close-by using
communication tools (such as Skype or Windows
Messenger) has had a positive impact, because the
students worry about such things as their
orthography, diction and idea coherence,
additionally it helps the introvert students to be more
communicative and open. All the students’
productions are available in the school server via
CmapTools or via web browser at
6.4 Jaqué “A Conected Community”
Technology Access in Remote
Jaqué is a remote community in the South Pacific of
Panamá, bordering with the republic of Colombia, it
has an approximate population of 2,600 which 1,200
of them are Colombian displaced people, the rest are
national Panamanians from several different ethnic
groups such as Emberas, Wounaan and African
American. Because of the remote location of this
community, it lacks efficient communication means,
just to public telephone that rely on satellite antenna
(most of the time they are out of order and when
they are in working conditions the settlers has to
stand in long lines waiting to use them); one local
radio station which belong to the church and the
telegraph are the only means the inhabitants count
with to communicate with family in the rest of the
Panamanian republic, there are no signal from
television channels, radio stations and of course
there’s no Internet access. National or international
news arrive weeks later in form of newspaper
clippings stapled to a bulletin board next to public
telephone (Figure 6).
Figure 6: (Top)Bulletin board where the member of the
community received the news. (Bottom)Teachers, students
and members of the community taking advantage of the
AI resources.
Wishing to fulfill with the goal of equity and
quality in Education, Conéctate al Conocimiento, is
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
reaching out to many remote and “disconnected ”
communities such as Jaqué, transforming the life of
its inhabitants. The Marcos Medina Ambulo
elementary school in Jaqué was furbished with an
AI, the Conéctate al Conocimiento facilitators lived
and shared with the community for three consecutive
week, with the community and help the inhabitants
including teachers, students, and representatives
from several community sectors to use e-mail to
communicate with their family in other parts of the
country. This has improved the communication
opportunities through the use of Internet as a mean
to be informed and communicated. The teachers
learned to successfully use concept map in their
classes with and without the use of CmapTools.
Using concept maps, teachers and community
members are carrying out knowledge capture some
of the processes of the activities that native group
within the community carry out. For instance the
Red de Mujeres de Jaqué (Jaqué’s Women Network)
a group of women that manufacture papers using
manual processes and organic elements.
6.5 Use of the Forums during the
Encuentro de Niños Innovadores
(Innovating Children Summit)
The Encuentro de Niños Innovadores (ENI) was a
great event, organized by children for children
organized conceived to provide the students, it was
conceived as an opportunity for the students to share
their learning. The schools that organized the event
were 22, and they presented 11 different projects,
that is two schools worked collaboratively in one
project. Comparing these numbers to the large scale
in which Conéctate al Conocimiento operates they
are not a significant sample of the students covered
by the project. Because of the above, an on-line
version of ENI was organized by Conéctate al
Conocimiento, called “ENI Virtual”. The objective
of this version was to allow the children that could
not be present physically, to access the event on-line
in schools that have an AI with Internet access. The
web site that was created for such task
( consisted of a Web page that
described the event, a live broadcast room for each
project and the Forums room. A forum room was
enable for each one of the topics presented during
the event, both had the same name for a easy
recognition. The users could access any of the forum
rooms and write their comments, there was no limit
to the number of comments a user could make, or
the times he/she could access a given room. Every
school received a generic user to grant the students
access. The students’ comments are being processed
and analyzed to grasp in which manner they
interacted in these forums.
The implementation of ICT in Panamanian
elementary schools through the use of the AI is
being carried out in a fashion that has no precedent
in the country. The approach that is maintained is
one of taking advantage of the ICT’s to build, share
and publish knowledge, integrating knowledge tools
such as concept maps and technological tools such
as CmapTools. It can be appreciated the growth of a
network of schools that increasingly need support
and follow-up, at this point where connectivity in the
AI takes an additional relevance because of projects
that are taking shape and could be considered as our
next steps:
The creation of a distance-learning platform that
would allow the training of teachers, students and
community members in a national scale, with an
autodidact character, using a non-lineal structure and
free access to the constructivism-based resources.
At this moment, Conéctate al Conocimiento is
developing the website Punto de Encuentro is
conceived as an on-line space in which an member
of the Conéctate’s community can share and create
new Experiences and participates in collaborative
projects. It is understood as an experience
everything that is within the context of CaC
(learning experiences, educational activities,
educational events, news…). Sharing these
experiences implies that the user can report his/her
experiences and know other users’ experiences; this
is to interact with other users (There is an integration
of tools to communicate the users each other like
chat, e-mail.)
The user should meet, literally, with other users
in the moment that he/she accesses the PE. That is
why the initial interface is fundamentally a global
panoramic that allows to see who is connected at
that moment. The manner in which the users can be
seen is through a geopolitical distribution of the
educational regions. Using a map of the regions, it
could be seen, in real time who is connected and
where he/she is. The idea of this background is to
create the visual sensation of a human network.
The experiences are reported using resources.
The resources can be text, concept maps, videos,
images, url addresses, file attachment, and others.
THE USE OF AN INNOVATION CLASSROOM - A Perspective in the Introduction of ICT in Elementary Schools
The experiences as well as the resources should
allow annotations (comments) from other users, in a
manner that “discussions” are generated around the
experiences (in resemblance to forums.) besides
establishing a experience and resource ranking
(What do you think about my experience? To be
graded with stars, from 1 to 4 stars. An experience
can be an isolated event, or it could be part of some
project activity or a course that is being taken by the
This platform intends to become the online
extension of Conéctate al Conocimiento, creating
innovation by becoming the first platform for the
integration and communication among different
schools, teachers and students (lately), overcoming
geographical, cultural and social barriers and
allowing them to share in a common space where
they can exchange experiences, contributions and
The massive installation and use of the Nicho
environment. Nicho is a software environment that
provides teachers and students in a school, or group
of schools, with their own unique user id, an email
address, chat, and a personal space for storing
documents; this same environment configures
CmapTools and a CmapServer for storage of
knowledge models. In Nicho, students and teachers
are able to access their “space” and their
communication tools from any computer in the
school, and from outside the school, e.g. at home or
an Internet café. Nicho was designed for Conéctate
al Conocimiento, and is being deployed and used to
provide a collaborative environment to public
schools throughout the whole country.” (Lott et al,
The implementation of a model 2 in the school
(taking the AI as model 1), it is based on portable
computers (laptops) instead of desktops computers.
This model has already been put to practice in
several schools (especially in schools that are hard to
reach), however, it is still in the development stage.
It will be implemented in a larger scale across the
country later.
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