The experiences as well as the resources should
allow annotations (comments) from other users, in a
manner that “discussions” are generated around the
experiences (in resemblance to forums.) besides
establishing a experience and resource ranking
(What do you think about my experience? To be
graded with stars, from 1 to 4 stars. An experience
can be an isolated event, or it could be part of some
project activity or a course that is being taken by the
This platform intends to become the online
extension of Conéctate al Conocimiento, creating
innovation by becoming the first platform for the
integration and communication among different
schools, teachers and students (lately), overcoming
geographical, cultural and social barriers and
allowing them to share in a common space where
they can exchange experiences, contributions and
The massive installation and use of the Nicho
environment. Nicho is a software environment that
provides teachers and students in a school, or group
of schools, with their own unique user id, an email
address, chat, and a personal space for storing
documents; this same environment configures
CmapTools and a CmapServer for storage of
knowledge models. In Nicho, students and teachers
are able to access their “space” and their
communication tools from any computer in the
school, and from outside the school, e.g. at home or
an Internet café. Nicho was designed for Conéctate
al Conocimiento, and is being deployed and used to
provide a collaborative environment to public
schools throughout the whole country.” (Lott et al,
The implementation of a model 2 in the school
(taking the AI as model 1), it is based on portable
computers (laptops) instead of desktops computers.
This model has already been put to practice in
several schools (especially in schools that are hard to
reach), however, it is still in the development stage.
It will be implemented in a larger scale across the
country later.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education