economy of scope. The vertical flow-shops are
replaced by adaptive job-shops, incorporating non
proprietary facilities and technologies, with resort to
out-sourcing and productive break-up. The firms’
functions (strategic positioning, market assessment,
risk management, resource planning, quality
deployment, engineering trimming, work-flow
scheduling, factory management, shop running,
throughput monitoring, performance evaluation,
finance/cost managing, etc.) become interlaced, with
commitment and liability distributed among the
associated partners. The suited set-up is forcedly
achieved dynamically, through co-operative efforts,
and after facility updating.
The business competitiveness turns from the
capability of offering products (fit-for-purpose to the
individual necessities), to the ability of providing
added services, granting functions to the buyers’
satisfaction and better tangibles efficiency (fit-for-
purpose to general guard). The emerging knowledge
management aids, now, are:
■ the presetting of product lifecycle management,
PLM, tools, offered as standard design out-fit;
■ the provision of service engineering, SE, aids, as
diagnosis, decision and maintenance support;
■ the execution of reverse logistics, RL, duties,
when requested at the items’ end-of-life.
The business lifelong widening is sought with
resort to enhanced PLM tools, having federated
architecture, assuring unified access to the value
chain issues. The integration of the lifecycle view
(structure layout, making process, quality guarantee,
up-keeping policy, disposal duties, etc.) into a super-
model is competitive advantage, to upgrade the
manufacture activity. These PLM tools are
attractive, to fix the divide, favouring value added
deliveries of high technology countries.
The paper directly deals with the eco-design
knowledge management tools, in view to develop
right lifestyle information surroundings. Indirectly,
the underling entrepreneurial settings are appraised,
based on assembly the needed facilities/functions,
timely adapted to the current product-service
provision. The net-concern help is the winning
knowledge management support, distinguishing
dissimilar infra-organisational options, from the
virtual enterprise lay-out, where independent
partners collaborate to the common project, to the
extended enterprise set-up, where the leader
manufacturer establishes and co-ordinates the actual
supply contract. The co-operating structures are
motivated by the extended producers’ responsibility.
The former situation is apt answer, when the eco-
regulations are ruled on voluntary base. When
compulsory eco-targets are required, the latter
allows reaching better performance, when the
design-for-service or the design-for-recovery is
standard manufacturer’s option, ruled by the
resource manager, as current internal duty. In
general, however, the two virtual either extended
organisations, today, depend on how the single
enterprise is aware of the changes, and is capable to
incorporate the externalities, as necessary
completion of the traditional internalities.
The market of manufactured goods aims at
knowledge-intensive deliveries, with large intangible
value added. Companies’ fight begins at the
ideation/development stage, to conceive buyers’
tailored offers with comparatively effective
performance, reached along the lifelong operation
and call-back stages. The business profitability
requires lifestyle knowledge orientation:
■ off-process decision support instruments, assuring
the design and development of the deliveries;
■ on-process monitoring and managing aids, assuring
the lifecycle and recovery prescribed charges.
Organisations, based on co-operative networked
infrastructures, are the chief instrumental aids to rule
and manage the business to manufacture and to trade
products-services, at on-duty and end-of-life
coverage. Suitable modelling and simulation tools
need to be available, backing the on-process
information flow, to provide the assessment means
for the operation testing, accomplished on virtual
prototypes. Addressing the product conception and
acknowledgement tools as off-process decision
support, we distinguish four domains, Fig. 1, in
progress tackled by the integration steps.
The eco-driven innovation requires lifestyle
knowledge orientation, grounded on design supports
allowing the supply chain transparency, through
considerably up-dated business paradigms. The
engineering paradigms do not establish as self-
• product specification, leading to proper performance,
selecting, by CAD, CAM, etc. tools, the producibility figures,
operation constraints, disposal requirements, etc., of the
forecast product-service delivery;
• process specification, leading to improve the manufacturing
effectiveness by the simultaneous engineering practice of the
product-and-process mutual betterment, through pace-wise
• eco-consistency specification, leading to establish regulation,
maintenance, restoring, etc. plans, for on-duty conformance-
to-use, and to call-back and recovery plans in keeping with
the enacted rules;
• enterprise specification, leading to adapt the productive
infrastructure, which support the supply chain with resort to
the facility/function integration, matching the in-progress
requested externalities.
Figure 1: Knowledge manager: basic integration steps.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems