a community of Web services. Our approach based on
communities for the high availability of Web services
is detailed in Section 4. Section 5 presents some ex-
perimental details on the feasibility of our approach.
Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
Our literature review identified a good number of re-
search projects, but a few promote the idea of using
semantically-equivalent Web services to achieve this
high-availability. In (Abraham et al., 2005), Abra-
ham et al. report that little work on availability of
Web services exists. As a result, Web services are au-
tomatically excluded from the technologies reserved
for the development of mission-critical applications.
Furthermore, Abraham et al. note that current spec-
ifications such as WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-
Transaction do not support the availability of Web
services. Abraham et al.’s approach suggests an en-
terprise level gateway and a Web service hub. The
former operates at the enterprise level and has a moni-
toring role, while the latter operates across enterprises
and has a selection role.
In (Juszczyk et al., 2006), Web services discovery,
replication, and synchronization in ad-hoc networks
are considered. This type of networks poses chal-
lenges to those who are in charge of supporting Web
services high-availability due to dynamic topologies
and unpredictable moves of hosts. As a result, when
a Web service ceases to exist or changes its loca-
tion, appropriate information need to be broadcasted
to different recipients for instance UDDI registries.
Juszczyk et al.’s solution consists of a discovery and
registry system that feeds distributed UDDI registries
with up-to-date information on available Web ser-
vices, and a replication and synchronization mecha-
nism that improves Web services reliability.
In (Laranjeiro and Vieira, 2007), the authors ex-
amine Web services availability from a fault-tolerance
perspective. Their solution promotes the use of alter-
native Web services that are grouped by functional-
ity. Each group is headed by an adapter (or proxy)
that assesses the status of each member Web service
in the group using metrics (response time, response
correctness, etc.) before either simultaneously or se-
quentially invoking the alternative Web services. One
of the issues that Laranjeiro and Vieira plan to address
in the future is the lack of state consistency between
alternative Web services in a group. We show in our
approach how this lack of state consistency restricts
the type of replication strategy to use.
In (Ribeiro et al., 2007), Ribeiro Jr. et al. propose
smart proxies as a solution to access replicated Web
services. These Web services are semantically equiv-
alent and might be located in different and compet-
ing organizations or in the same organization. The
smart proxies are adopted to encapsulate a variety
of server-selection policies for selecting independent,
autonomous Web services and to deploy adapters that
bridge potential interface incompatibilities between
Web services and clients.
A communitycan be defined through the functionality
of a representative abstract Web service (called mas-
ter), i.e., without explicitly referring to any concrete
Web service that will implement this functionality at
run-time (Maamar et al., 2007). A community is es-
tablished and dismantled with respect to some ded-
icated protocols. Moreover, a community has a dy-
namic nature; Web services enter and depart at their
convenience. All this happens with respect to other
protocols as well (Maamar et al., 2007).
In a community, a special Web service acting as
a master Web service leads the community of slave
Web services. Interactions between master and slave
Web services and the designation of a master Web ser-
vice outside this paper’s scope. Some responsibilities
of the master Web service include attracting Web ser-
vices to the community it leads using rewards, con-
vincing Web services to stay longer in the commu-
nity, and identifying the Web services to participate
in composition scenarios and to
the function-
ing of their peers if needed. Extensive details about
communities of Web services and their functioning
are given in (Bentahar et al., 2007).
Replication is the de facto option to tackle the high
availability challenge of applications. Simply put,
replication means (i) distribute copies of a software
application over a network and (ii) make these copies
back up the functioning of this application when prob-
lems arise. The way the original copy of the ap-
plication and its replicas function relies on strate-
gies known as active, passive, and hybrid (Wiesmann
et al., 2000). For applications built around Web ser-
vices, we propose in this paper substituting repli-
cas with Web services extracted out of a commu-
nity. We show that maintaining state-consistency be-
tween replicas and reflecting code changes over repli-
cas are to a certain extent no longer needed in our
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems