An Agent based Model
Marco Remondino, Marco Pironti
e-business L@B, University of Turin, Cso Svizzera 185, Torino, Italy
Roberto Schiesari
Faculty of Economics, University of Turin, Cso Unione Sovietica, Torino, Itay
Keywords: Innovation diffusion, Simulation, Agents, Data mining, Management, Strategic planning, Perception.
Abstract: The decision to adopt innovations has been investigated using both international patterns and behavioural
theories. In this work, an agent-based (AB) model is created to study the spreading of innovation in
enterprises (namely, the adoption of Information Technology outsourcing). The paradigm of AB simulation
makes it possible to capture human factors, along with technical ones. This makes it possible to study the
influence of perception, and the resulting bias. This work is focused on small and medium enterprises
(SME), in which a restricted managing pool (sometimes just one person) decides whether to adopt a new
technology or not, and bases the decision mainly on perception.
A technological development often does not seem to
be matched by a parallel movement towards
adopting and exploiting the opportunities it offers,
through economic organizations, especially for
SMEs. Therefore, an important goal is to outline the
methods through which firm decision makers choose
to start innovative investments and identify, at the
same time, the criteria with which this choice is
made. This was first discussed in the studies carried
on by Rogers (1983). The author outlined five
features of innovation (relative advantage,
compatibility, complexity, observability and
triability), which influence its adoption, and
consequently affect its circulation rate. Besides, the
spreading of IT innovations cannot be modelled
simply by taking into account pure technical issues;
sometimes the forecasts made with a statistical - or
process-based model, which considers just the
engineering or financial aspects (i.e.: production
process, activity decomposition, scale economies,
product life cycle and so on), prove to be inaccurate
or even wrong. This was the case with cellular
telephones, air-cooling systems, personal computers
and other fields in which some external influences
have led to results which are very different from the
initial pre-dictions obtained through prevision tools.
The purpose of this work is to examine the
circulation of an emerging technical innovation:
using IT services in Application Service Provider
(ASP) mode. The spreading of this technology
should not be affected by phenomena like fashion, as
with cellular phones, and its adoption is not
considered as a status symbol, although, there are
some other influences which can-not be taken into
account by a process-based or statistical model, i.e.:
the effects of individual perception about savings,
strategic impacts and so on. Therefore, a very
important bias seems to be individual perception,
and, in turn, the social links that exist in the network
connecting the enterprises, from which the
perception mainly originates and spreads.
Proper perception of the benefits granted by the
adoption of an innovation is a crucial element in
Remondino M., Pironti M. and Schiesari R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 155-158
DOI: 10.5220/0001856701550158
order to understand the circulation potential and the
growth rate for that innovation.
By following a strictly rational approach, it often
proves difficult to understand the reasons for
development difficulties and also for the delays in
the circulations of innovative goods and services.
It may therefore prove useful to analyse the
reasons that may distort perception of the advantages
resulting from the outsourcing of IT services in the
ASP mode by SMEs, which are on the other hand
the parties which are likely to benefit from the
greatest advantages provided by the broadening in
the offer of such services.
The reduction in initial investments, the easier
and less onerous opportunity to benefit from the
improvement of technology, as well as the greater
certainty about costs and their manifestation in time
should be strong motivations for the spreading of
such services among smaller enterprises, once the
infrastructure prerequisites related to the
performance and reliability of data transmission
networks and to the existence of an offer market
capable of creating competition have been
However, we should take into account the fact
that Italian SMEs are late in IT-related expenses and
Indeed, a recent research published in Italy
(Confcommercio, 2007) stresses how 53% of IT-
related expenses and investments come from
enterprises with over 500 employees, or even 76%,
if we also take into account enterprises with over
100 employees.
IT-related expenses and investments are
therefore restricted to a limited number of larger
enterprises than the over 5 million Italian enterprises
with a lower number of employees which have
invested little or no money, whereas it is known that
the ICT-productivity growth ratio is extremely high.
This ratio is obvious, not only in industry but also in
trade and services. The European committee itself
has requested that, at a micro-enterprise level, the
element represented by shared organisations be
SMEs’ requirement to benefit from IT services
that are fit to face existing competition challenges is
therefore a priority for their very existence.
However, the growth rate in resorting to
outsourcing by SMEs has proved lower than
expectations up to very little time ago.
In order to try and understand the reasons that
might distort the perception of outsourcing
advantages, it may be helpful to mention the fear
experienced by smaller enterprises of ending up
depending from opportunistic behaviours that might
be adopted by the suppliers of such services, and
which smaller enterprises fear they may be more
vulnerable to, owing to their lower bargaining power
and more limited understanding of the alternatives
offered by the markets (information asymmetries).
Indeed, opportunistic behaviours represent one
of the reasons for market failure that cause
enterprises to internalize the activity, in order to gain
some kind of insurance. The existence of such
behaviours causes transaction costs to increase and,
in the event of a high level of asset specificity,
encourages enterprises to maintain such activities
within the company or to internalise them.
This issue is related to the problem of accurately
assessing switching costs to be borne in the event
that the outsourcing IT services supplier is changed,
which are even more difficult to evaluate by an
enterprise that lacks specific competence.
Another problem which significantly hinders
outsourcing is related to the confidentiality of
information and data contained in the enterprise
information system and hence depends on the
reliability of the supplier of the service involved in
safeguarding the data themselves, both during the
course of the cooperation agreement and in the event
of termination of services, also if this is related to
controversies that may have arisen between the
enterprise and the supplier.
A SME may perceive this risk both because it
lacks the resources and skills required to asses the
reliability of the systems and process implemented
by the privacy supplier and because of the belief,
especially strong in Italy, as to the non-existence of
a prompt and efficient legal protection in the event
that one’s privacy rights are infringed.
The bounded rationality characterising the above
mentioned processes is amplified by formalised, but
above all informal, relations among the parties
involved, within an enterprise, but also among
parties belonging to different organisations.
The “confidence” and “trust” problems
characterising many SMEs’ approach to IT
outsourcing represent a restraint to horizontal
communication between enterprises, which on the
other hand could represent a major innovation
propagation factor.
A computational model is built, by using Java
coding. It consists of a user interface, in which the
initial simulation values are set. According to
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
defined rules, the model computes these data, in
order to give final aggregate results.
The main purpose is to analyze how individual
perception can bias real and objective evidences. A
number n of macro-agents is built, representing the
SMEs; each of those is composed of a random
number of agents (with a min/max range),
representing the managing pool.
The agents belonging to the same enterprise are
connected by a social network; the links feature a
random weight, with a modifiable threshold. The
network has the purpose of transmitting the
information about the technology. Some of the
agents can be connected to others, belonging to
different enterprises, thus spreading their opinion
over the network. The perception is derived from
real savings allowed by the new technology, but not
only that; there could be a bias (non-perfect
perception), representing other factors, like
trustfulness towards the company supplying the IT
outsourcing facilities, personal inclination towards
IT and so on. The agents spread their own
perception to the others connected to them and this
will be modified ac-cording to the weight of the
specific individual link. Only agents are directly
connected, not the enterprises; agents represent
persons, which can be connected some-how (e.g.:
friendship), while enterprises are considered
“connected” among them if and only if the people
belonging to them know each other. Since the focus
is how social relations and individual perception
influence the spreading of IT outsourcing in SMEs,
the model, through repeated execution, shows the
diffusion over time, when changing one parameter at
a time, while leaving the others unchanged (coeteris
3.1 Parameters and Iterations
Here follows a list of the main parameters in the
a. Total number of enter-prises
b. Average number of agents per enterprise
[managing pool]
c. Percentage of SMEs that already adopted
d. Costs for the innovation (una tantum and
variable cost)
e. Average saving allowed by the new technology
f. Perception BIAS [double, perfect, inverse,
random perception]
g. Satisfaction Threshold (ST) for adoption
[range: 0 to 1]
h. Requested majority to adopt the IT outsourcing
in the enterprise.
These parameters can be changed at the
beginning of each simulation, in order to create a
scenario. Here follows the sequence of steps
performed by the simulation:
1) The first step is the adoption of the new
technology by a number of enterprises
2) This has installation costs, and brings a
positive or negative saving
3) These will be perceived by the agents in the
enterprise, filtered by a personal BIAS
4) Each agent randomly spreads her own
perception, and the agents linked with her will form
their own opinion, according to the average of the
received opinions
5) According to the ST, the agents will
individually decide whether to adopt or not
6) Once all the agents in an enterprise form their
own opinion, according to the re-quested majority,
the SME will adopt the new technology or not. Loop
from 2).
There is not a metaphorical correspondence
between the steps and time units. It’s possible to
realistically think about each step as one month time.
Several experiments have been done on the model,
by changing the parameters in order to mimic
different scenarios. Two are the core parameters
studied in this work that affect the diffusion over
time: a different connection level and a different
perception level. In particular, since we compare the
results with empirical data coming from a localized
market (namely, Italian one), sooner or later there
will be a saturation level, that’s a threshold beyond
which it’s not possible to go (i.e.: a limited number
of agents can be reached by an innovation, since a
limited number of enter-prises exist in a market). So
we aspect an highly connected network to generally
increase the diffusion speed over time. We think to
horizontal connections (e.g.: clubs of managers). In
those situations, people spread their opinion among
others working in the same field or, at least, with the
same job and position, making their message more
effective. The saturation threshold is represented by
the parameter called “Total number of enterprises”
that multiplied per “Average number of agents per
enterprise” gives a good approximation of the total
number of agents in the simulation (not exact, due
statistical distributions and consequently to sampling
effects). On the graphs, the total adoptions versus
time step are shown. A total of 500.000 macro
agents (enterprises) are set in the model and an
average of 5 is the managing pool hypnotized. In
order to simulate a realistic situation, 20% of
enterprises are considered as already reached by the
new technology at time zero. The costs for the
innovation and the average savings allowed by the
new technology are deduced by interviews made
with a sample of Italian SMEs. The requested
majority is set at 51%, since we imagine all the
members of the managing pool having the same
decisional power. With a low perception index and a
loosely connected network, after one simulated year,
from the initial 100.000 enterprises that already
adopted IT outsourcing, we have that 1.399 moved
to the new technology, that’s a tiny 1,4% increase.
Same poor figure for the following years: 1,1% for
the second, 1,2% for the third, 1,6% for the forth and
finally a slightly better 2,5% for the fifth. The slow
increase, even with the high savings allowed by
adopting the new technology, are to be explained
taking into account the low perception index. The
bias that the perception introduces in the model is
enough to make a very good deal to look like an
average or poor one for many agents in the model.
Besides, the loosely connected network prevents the
agents to spread the good news about their savings
to many others and so, after 5 simulated years, less
than 10% new enterprises stepped to the new
technology, from the original 100.000.
The same values were for the 2nd experiment,
but for the level of connection for the network, now
an highly connected one. This is an unrealistic
scenario, since it would mean that every manager
knows almost all the other ones. The perception in
this experiment is still very low, meaning that even a
big advantage is not perceived as such.
The results are now quite different. The first year
brings an increase of 21%, the following simulated
years also have a very good trend: in fact, the second
year brings an increase of 15%, the third of 12%, the
forth of 8% and the last one of 10%.
The 3rd experiment is about a loosely connected
network, as that in the 1st experiment, but with
almost perfect perception, i.e.: the few managers
reached by the word of mouth given by others,
perceive the advantage deriving from the new
technology. Thanks to the high perception, we have
the following increase rates: 11%, and then 12-14%
circa per year, for the following periods. After 5
simulated years, a total of 169.129 enterprises have
moved to the new technology, even if the network is
loosely connected, meaning that a lot of agents are
never reached by the news about technology. The
trend is again an increasing one, meaning that when
more agents are reached, there is in turn an higher
probability to reach other ones, and so on. The last
experiment is carried on with high perception and
highly connected network; now the spreading is
pervasive; after one year, we have an unrealistic
60% increase compared to the time zero, and the
trend continues in the following simulated years, so
that, after 60 months, 418.274 out of 500.000
enterprises are reached by the new technology.
The role of perception is investigated by studying
innovation diffusion. In particular, IT outsourcing is
a crucial innovation for enterprises and is used to
empirically vali-date the presented framework. An
agent based model is implemented, since it allows to
explore the human factor behind social phenomena.
Different experiments were carried on, by varying
the level of perception and of connection along the
social net-work. Validation for the results is carried
on by using tools coming from data-mining
(Remondino and Correndo, 2005). The results
obtained are straightforward: an high perception of
the advantages given by an innovation is crucial in
the spreading mechanism, and so is a good
connection level among the agents. By comparing
the real figures (coming from AITech-
Assinform/NetConsulting) about Italian market, we
see that they look like the ones obtained in the 1st
experiment. In fact, the delta in IT outsourcing
adoption from 2003 to 2004 is about 1%, stepping to
1.6% for 2004 to 2005, and to over 2% from 2005 to
2006. We conclude that the Italian SME market is
one in which there is a low perception of the benefits
and a loosely connected net-work.
We wish to acknowledge and thank prof. Anna
Maria Bruno (Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale,
University of Turin) for her precious and ongoing
support, as long as prof. Gianpiero Bussolin, our
unforgivable mentor.
Remondino M., Correndo G., 2006. MABS Validation
Through Repeated Execution and Data Mining
Analisys. International Journal of Simulation. vol. 7,
pp. 10-21 ISSN: 1473-8031.
Rogers, E.M., 1983 Circulation of innovations. Int. J. Free
Press, New York
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems