flow named Rate of Change Request, and an
example of a variable named work remaining in
function points.
Senge (Senge, 1990) suggests that influence
diagrams should be constructed in early stages of a
modeling process in order to better understand
relations between variables. In an influence diagram,
a "+" on a link means that linked variables vary in
the same direction (when a variable
increases/decreases the other variable
increases/decreases). On the other hand, a "-" on a
link indicates that linked variables vary in opposite
Examples of studies that have addressed the use
of system dynamics for modeling aspects of
software project management are (Abdel-Hamid &
Madnick, 1991), (Abdel-Hamid, 1996), (Lin, Abdel-
Hamid & Sherif, 1997), (Collofello et al., 1998),
(Abdel-Hamid, Sengupta, & Swett, 1999),
(Sengupta, Abdel-Hamid & Bosley, 1999) and
(Madachy, 2008). (Pfahl & Lebsanft, 2000) is an
example of study that addresses the requirements
extraction and specification but that is limited in its
scope once it focus only on the impacts of
requirements volatility.
The system dynamics model discussed in this paper
addresses key variables related to workforce
management while extracting requirements. In
following, we will explain the relationships between
variables on the basis of information taken from
previous works. We used a free academic version of
Vensim (http://www.vensim.com) that is the
software used to construct and run our system
dynamics simulations. Due to space constraint, this
paper presents parts of our model and looks only at
requirements volatility and workforce turnover
In Figure 1, the flow Rate of Change Request
denotes the rate at which requirements changes are
requested and conveys information about the
requirements stored in the stock Specified
Requirements to the stock Requirements Waiting
Change. It causes an increase in the variables work
remaining in function points and man-days needed
to finish specification (Madachy, 2008).
Figure 1: The impact of high requirements volatility on the
amount of effort needed to achieve changes.
Managerial decisions determine the total amount
of effort allocated to work (variables man-days
available daily and man-days allocated for
requirements change). This effort determines the
value of flow Rate of Requirements Change.
In order to handle an increase in the amount of
effort needed, avoiding delays in schedule plan, it
may be necessary: (i) to increase team size and/or
(ii) to contract extra effort from workers by
encouraging them to work harder and for more hours
(Abdel-Hamid, 1996). Both alternatives contribute
to an increase in the rate of specification errors.
Team workers are classified into beginners and
experienced, as shown in Figure 2. Beginners are
less productive and cause more errors than
experienced workers (Lin, Abdel-Hamid & Sherif,
1997). The need for increased team size increases
the amount of beginners in the team. This fact
contributes to increase the number of specification
errors (Lin, Abdel-Hamid & Sherif, 1997).
When there is risk of schedule overrun, team
members are encouraged to work harder (Abdel-
Hamid, 1996) to provide extra effort. It may cause
team stress and exhaustion, increasing the number of
errors made (Collofello et al., 1998). Increased
schedule pressure also implies a reduction in effort
allocated to quality assurance activities (Abdel-
Hamid, Sengupta & Swett, 1999).
The model uses a stock called Man-days Spent to
measure the cost of finishing requirements
specification. The increase in the amount of effort
needed due to higher requirements volatility leads to
cost increases.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems